
### R code from vignette source 'tileHMM.Rnw'
### Encoding: ISO8859-1

### code chunk number 1: tileHMM.Rnw:38-41

### code chunk number 2: tileHMM.Rnw:60-62
################################################### <- as.matrix(simChIP[ , 7:14])

### code chunk number 3: tileHMM.Rnw:67-71
################################################### <- log(, 2)
h3k27.norm <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles(

### code chunk number 4: tileHMM.Rnw:78-88
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
smoothScatter(h3k27.norm[ , 1], h3k27.norm[ , 5], xlab = "H3 sample 1", 
    ylab = "H3K27me3 sample 1")
smoothScatter(h3k27.norm[ , 2], h3k27.norm[ , 6], xlab = "H3 sample 2", 
    ylab = "H3K27me3 sample 2")
smoothScatter(h3k27.norm[ , 3], h3k27.norm[ , 7], xlab = "H3 sample 3", 
    ylab = "H3K27me3 sample 3")
smoothScatter(h3k27.norm[ , 4], h3k27.norm[ , 8], xlab = "H3 sample 4", 
    ylab = "H3K27me3 sample 4")

### code chunk number 5: tileHMM.Rnw:103-105
h3k27.stat <-, c(rep(2, 4), rep(1, 4)), verbose = 0)

### code chunk number 6: tileHMM.Rnw:113-124
def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

h <- hist(h3k27.stat, breaks = 100, plot=FALSE)
layout(matrix(c(1,2), 1, 2), width=c(3,1))
smoothScatter(simChIP[,2], h3k27.stat, xlab = 'genomic position', 
    ylab='probe statistic',nrpoints=500) 
barplot(h$counts, horiz=TRUE, axes=FALSE)


### code chunk number 7: tileHMM.Rnw:146-149
hmm.init <- hmm.setup(h3k27.stat, 
    state = c("non-enriched","enriched"), pos.state = 2)

### code chunk number 8: tileHMM.Rnw:155-158

### code chunk number 9: tileHMM.Rnw:162-163

### code chunk number 10: tileHMM.Rnw:180-184
################################################### <- 999 <- diff(simChIP[['position']]) >
gap.idx <- which(

### code chunk number 11: tileHMM.Rnw:191-196
start <- c(1, gap.idx + 1)
end <- c(gap.idx, length(h3k27.stat))
h3k27.lst <- mapply(function(s, e, data) data[s:e], start, end, 
    MoreArgs = list(h3k27.stat)) 

### code chunk number 12: tileHMM.Rnw:204-206
hmm.opt <- viterbiEM(hmm.init, h3k27.lst, df = 9)

### code chunk number 13: tileHMM.Rnw:245-248

### code chunk number 14: tileHMM.Rnw:252-253

### code chunk number 15: tileHMM.Rnw:264-268
post <- lapply(h3k27.lst, posterior, hmm.opt)
state.seq <- lapply(post, apply, 2, which.max)
state.seq <- states(hmm.opt)[c(state.seq, recursive=TRUE)]

### code chunk number 16: densOverlay (eval = FALSE)
## ratio <- sum(state.seq == 'enriched') / length(state.seq)
## hist(h3k27.stat, breaks=100, probability=TRUE, main='', 
##     xlab = 'probe statistic')
## plot(hmm.opt@emission$enriched, new.plot = FALSE, 
##     lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = 4, weight = ratio)
## plot(hmm.opt@emission$'non-enriched', new.plot = FALSE, 
##     lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = 2, weight = 1 - ratio)
## legend('topright', legend = c('enriched', 'non-enriched'), 
##     lty = 1:2, lwd = 2, col = c(4,2))

### code chunk number 17: tileHMM.Rnw:298-299
ratio <- sum(state.seq == 'enriched') / length(state.seq)

hist(h3k27.stat, breaks=100, probability=TRUE, main='', 
    xlab = 'probe statistic')
plot(hmm.opt@emission$enriched, new.plot = FALSE, 
    lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = 4, weight = ratio)

plot(hmm.opt@emission$'non-enriched', new.plot = FALSE, 
    lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = 2, weight = 1 - ratio)

legend('topright', legend = c('enriched', 'non-enriched'), 
    lty = 1:2, lwd = 2, col = c(4,2))

### code chunk number 18: tileHMM.Rnw:312-314
regions.idx <- region.position(state.seq, region = 'enriched')

### code chunk number 19: tileHMM.Rnw:324-327
regions.pos <- matrix(simChIP[regions.idx, 2], 
    nrow = 2, ncol = dim(regions.idx)[2])

### code chunk number 20: tileHMM.Rnw:348-353
post.enriched <- lapply(post,"[",2,)
post.enriched <- exp(c(post.enriched, recursive = TRUE))
region.score <- apply(regions.idx, 2, 
    function(reg, post) mean(post[reg[1]:reg[2]]), post.enriched)

### code chunk number 21: tileHMM.Rnw:357-359
region.len <- apply(regions.pos, 2, diff)

### code chunk number 22: tileHMM.Rnw:369-375
plot(region.len, region.score, xlab = 'region length',
    ylab = 'score', pch = '')
plot.idx <- region.len < 400 & region.score < 0.8
points(region.len[plot.idx], region.score[plot.idx], col = 2, pch = 4)
points(region.len[!plot.idx], region.score[!plot.idx], col = 4)

### code chunk number 23: tileHMM.Rnw:383-386
regions.clean <- remove.short(regions.idx, post.enriched, 
    simChIP[ , 1:2], min.length = 400, min.score = 0.8)

### code chunk number 24: tileHMM.Rnw:399-400
gff <- reg2gff(regions.clean, post.enriched, simChIP[ , 1:2])

### code chunk number 25: tileHMM.Rnw:402-404 (eval = FALSE)
## gff <- reg2gff(regions.clean, post.enriched, simChIP[ , 1:2],
##     file = 'simRegions.gff')

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tileHMM documentation built on May 30, 2017, 3:41 a.m.