
Defines functions track.history.start track.history.status track.history.stop track.history.canload track.history.load track.history.writer

Documented in track.history.load track.history.start track.history.status track.history.stop track.history.writer

track.history.start <- function(file=NULL, width=NULL, style=NULL, times=NULL, load=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, message="Session start") {
    if (!track.history.canload()) {
        # only option is 'fast' style
        if (missing(load))
            load <- FALSE
        if (is.null(style))
            style <- 'fast'
    if (!is.null(file))
    if (!is.null(width))
    if (!is.null(style))
    if (!is.null(times))
    while (is.element("track.history.writer", getTaskCallbackNames()))
    res <- addTaskCallback(track.history.writer, name="track.history.writer")
    file <- getOption("incr.hist.file")
    if (is.null(file) || nchar(file)==0)
        file <- Sys.getenv("R_INCR_HIST_FILE")
    if (is.null(file) || nchar(file)==0)
        file <- ".Rincr_history"
    if (load) {
        ## Load an existing history?
        if (!track.history.canload()) {
            cat('Cannot laod history file on', .Platform$OS.type, .Platform$GUI, 'platform\n')
        } else if (file.exists(file)) {
            if (verbose)
                cat("Loading incremental history file", file, "\n")
            ## Specify namespace utils to make this function work
            ## when called from .Rprofile
            ## Don't load time stamps (if you want to load time stamps, use track.history.load())
            file2 <- tempfile(file)
            writeLines(grep("^##------ .* ------##$",
                            readLines(file, -1), invert=TRUE, value=TRUE), con=file2)
        } else {
            if (verbose)
                cat("Incremental history file", file, "does not exist\n")
    ## write a startup comment to the file
    cat("##------*", message, "at", date(), "*------##\n", file=file, append=TRUE)

track.history.status <- function() {
    return(if (is.element("track.history.writer", getTaskCallbackNames())) "on" else "off")

track.history.stop <- function() {
    if (is.element("track.history.writer", getTaskCallbackNames()))

track.history.canload <- function() interactive() && (substring(casefold(.Platform$GUI), 1, 4) %in% c('rgui', 'rterm'))

track.history.load <- function(times=FALSE) {
    file <- getOption("incr.hist.file")
    if (is.null(file) || nchar(file)==0)
        file <- Sys.getenv("R_INCR_HIST_FILE")
    if (is.null(file) || nchar(file)==0)
        file <- ".Rincr_history"
    if (!track.history.canload()) {
        cat('Cannot laod history file on', .Platform$OS.type, .Platform$GUI, 'platform\n')
    } else if (file.exists(file)) {
                 cat("Loading incremental history file", file, "\n")
            ## Specify namespace utils to make this function work
            ## when called from .Rprofile
            if (times) {
            } else {
                file2 <- tempfile(file)
                writeLines(grep("^##------ .* ------##$",
                                readLines(file, -1), invert=TRUE, value=TRUE), con=file2)
    } else {
        cat("Incremental history file", file, "does not exist\n")

track.history.writer <- function(expr, value, ok, visible) {
    ## If we are called from a prompt in a browser, don't do anything
    if (length(sys.calls()) > 1)
    method <- "last" # set the internal algorithm
    ## Always write time stamps to the incremental history file -- but
    ## do it in a way that prevents the time stamps from appearing in
    ## the interactive history.
    trace <- getOption("track.callbacks.trace", FALSE)
    if (trace==1) {
        cat("track.history.writer: entered at ", date(), "\n", sep="")
        stime <- proc.time()
    } else if (trace==2) {
    file <- getOption("incr.hist.file")
    if (is.null(file) || nchar(file)==0)
        file <- Sys.getenv("R_INCR_HIST_FILE")
    if (is.null(file) || nchar(file)==0)
        file <- ".Rincr_history"
    style <- getOption("incr.hist.style")
    if (is.null(style) || nchar(style)==0)
        style <- Sys.getenv("R_INCR_HIST_STYLE")
    if (is.null(style) || nchar(style)==0)
        style <- if (track.history.canload()) 'full' else 'fast'
    times <- getOption("incr.hist.times")
    if (is.null(times) || nchar(times)==0)
        times <- Sys.getenv("R_INCR_HIST_TIMES")
    if (is.null(times) || nchar(times)==0)
        times <- TRUE
    times <- as.logical(times)
    ## cat("Writing history to file", file, "using style=", style, "\n")
    ## "full" style is nicer because it gets the commands
    ## as typed (incl formatting & comments), while "fast" style gets
    ## the deparsed form of the parse expression.
    ## There is a bug in R-2.11.1 that makes R crash
    ## if this function uses 'expr' when it called back after sourcing an empty
    ## file (because it leaves expr=0x0 in the C-code.)
    ## This bug has been fixed in R-2.12.0.
    ## But for safety, turn the default back to "full"
    if (style=="fast") {
        if (trace==2) {cat("f"); flush.console()}
        ## Fast style deparse last expr.
        ## This will cause R-2.11.1 to crash after sourcing an empty file!!
        width <- getOption("incr.hist.width")
        if (is.null(width) || nchar(width)==0)
            width <- Sys.getenv("R_INCR_HIST_WIDTH")
        if (is.null(width) || nchar(width)==0)
            width <- 120
        cat(c(if (times) paste("##------", date(), "------##"),
              deparse(expr, width)), sep="\n", file=file, append=TRUE)
    } else {
        if (trace==2) {cat("s"); flush.console()}
        ## Slow style -- write raw history out to a file, then read it
        ## back in and identify the last command, which can be multi-line.
        file1 <- tempfile("Rrawhist")
        ## There are multiple ways of doing this:
        ## (1) use timestamps - makes things easy.  However what's not nice
        ## about timestamp() is that the time stamps appear within the
        ## interactive history in the R session, which is just annoying.
        ## (2) remember the previous command, and look for that.
        ## (3) look for the last complete R expression in the file.
        ## (4) look for the last expression in the file that matches
        ## the value of the expr arg to this function.
        if (method=="timestamps")
        ## cat(c(if (times) paste("##------", date(), "------##"),
        ##      deparse(expr, width)), sep="\n", file=file, append=TRUE)
        rawhist <- readLines(file1)
        if (method=="timestamps") {
            if (trace==2) {cat("t"); flush.console()}
            posns <- grep("^##------.*------##$", rawhist)
            stamp.lines <- NA
            if (length(posns))
                stamp.lines <- max(posns)
            if (is.na(stamp.lines))
                stamp.lines <- 1
            else if (!times)
                stamp.lines <- stamp.lines + 1
            if (stamp.lines <= length(rawhist))
                cat(rawhist[seq(stamp.lines, length(rawhist))], sep="\n", file=file, append=TRUE)
        } else {
            if (trace==2) {cat("l"); flush.console()}
            ## Use the last lines to limit the possible starts
            ## The tricky thing about searching for the prior command is
            ## that commands can be multi-line.  For example, suppose we have
            ## the following lines typed at the prompt:
            ## 1> x
            ## 2> (
            ## 3+ 4 *
            ## 4+ x
            ## 5+ )
            ## Now, after seeing the multiline command, we want to find the command
            ## came after "x" (typed at the "1>" prompt here).  If we just search
            ## for the most recent occurrence of the line "x" in the file, and
            ## take what comes after it, we get just the line containing ")".  That's
            ## why we need to try to group the file into full expressions.
            last <- history.last.lines$get()
            lines <- find.expr.lines.following(rawhist, last)
            if (length(lines)) {
                cat(c(if (times) paste("##------", date(), "------##"),
                      lines), sep="\n", file=file, append=TRUE)
    if (trace==1) {
        cat("track.history.writer: exited at ", date(),
             " (", paste(round(1000*(proc.time()-stime)[1:3]), c("u", "s", "e"), sep="", collapse=" "), ")\n", sep="")
    } else if (trace==2) {
        ## don't need a newline if track.auto is after us in the list of task callbacks
        ii <- match(c("track.history.writer", "track.auto"), getTaskCallbackNames())
        if (any(is.na(ii)) || diff(ii) < 0)

find.expr.lines.following <- function (rawhist, last) {
   pstarts <- integer(0)
   if (length(last)) {
       last.starts <- which(last[1] == rawhist)
       pstarts <- rep(NA, length(last.starts))
       if (length(last) > 1) {
           for (i in seq(along = last.starts)) {
               if (last.starts[i] + length(last) < length(rawhist) &&
                 all(last == rawhist[seq(last.starts[i], len = length(last))]))
                 pstarts[i] <- last.starts[i] + length(last)
       else {
           pstarts <- last.starts + 1
           pstarts[pstarts > length(rawhist)] <- NA
       pstarts <- pstarts[!is.na(pstarts)]
   for (i in rev(pstarts)) {
       lines <- rawhist[seq(from = i, to = length(rawhist))]
       if (!inherits(try(parse(text = lines), silent = TRUE), "try-error"))
   if (length(pstarts))
       return(rawhist[seq(from=max(pstarts), to=length(rawhist))])
   # There was no match - look for the most recent full expression in the last 20 lines
   pstarts <- seq(to = length(rawhist), len = min(20, length(rawhist)))
   for (i in rev(pstarts)) {
       lines <- rawhist[seq(from = i, to = length(rawhist))]
       if (!inherits(try(parse(text = lines), silent = TRUE), "try-error"))
   # If we can't find any parsable expression in a tail of the history file,
   # and out last history entry written doesn't match the history file,
   # then just return the last line of the history file.
   # A condition under which we would get here is that there was a single
   # command longer than the current history length, so that none of the
   # previous command is in the history, and the history is not parsable.
   # This would only happen under cutting-and-pasting large chunks of code,
   # in which case the user probably wouldn't care about the history
   # anyway (and in any case, the ordinary history mechanism is not keeping
   # it.)

## Set up a function closure to remember the last history lines,
## along the lines of demo("closure").
## Use it like this:
## > history.last.lines$set("foo")
## > history.last.lines$get()
## [1] "foo"
history.last.lines <- (function(last=NULL, n=0) list(set=function(lines) {last <<- lines; n <<- n+1},
                                                     get=function() last,
                                                     getn=function() n))()

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track documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:22 a.m.