step1measures: Compute 24 Measures Describing the Features of the...

step1measuresR Documentation

Compute 24 Measures Describing the Features of the Trajectories


Compute 24 measures for each of the Trajectories. See details for the list of measures.


step1measures(Data, ID = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



A n by m matrix or data frame containing the values of each individual trajectory. Each row corresponds to one of the n trajectories, while the m columns correspond to the ordered values of a given trajectory. See details.


Logical. Set to TRUE if the first column of Data corresponds to an ID variable. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. Set to TRUE to print information on screen. Defaults to TRUE.


There must be a minimum of 4 observations for each trajectory or the trajectory will be omitted from the analysis. The trajectories do not need to have the same number of observations, nor the same values of Time.

When ID is set to FALSE, a generic ID variable is created and appended as the first colunm of both the Data and Time data.frames. The 24 measures are:

  1. Range

  2. Mean-over-time*

  3. Standard deviation (SD)

  4. Coefficient of variation (CV)

  5. Change

  6. Mean change per unit time

  7. Change relative to the first score

  8. Change relative to the mean over time

  9. Slope of the linear model*

  10. R^2: Proportion of variance explained by the linear model

  11. Maximum of the first differences

  12. SD of the first differences

  13. SD of the first differences per time unit

  14. Mean of the absolute first differences*

  15. Maximum of the absolute first differences

  16. Ratio of the maximum absolute difference to the mean-over-time

  17. Ratio of the maximum absolute first difference to the slope

  18. Ratio of the SD of the first differences to the slope

  19. Mean of the second differences

  20. Mean of the absolute second differences

  21. Maximum of the absolute second differences

  22. Ration of the maximum absolute second difference to the mean-over-time

  23. Ratio of the maximum absolute second difference to mean absolute first difference

  24. Ratio of the mean absolute second difference to the mean absolute first difference

  • If a measure is equal to zero, it will be set to the smallest, non-zero value of the same measure across the sample during further calculations. If Y_1, the first observation of the trajectory of an individual, is equal to zero, it will aslo be replaced.

For the exact equations of the measures, please go to "User guides, package vignettes and other documentation" section of the "traj" package.


trajMeasures, object containing the data used for the calculations and the 24 measures.


Marie-Pierre Sylvestre, Dan Vatnik


## Not run: 
# Setup data
data =$data

# Run step1measures
s1 = step1measures(data, ID=TRUE)

# Display measures

# Plot mean trajectory of all individuals
plot(s1$measurments$ID, s1$measurments$m5)

# The next step would be to run "step2factors"

## End(Not run)

traj documentation built on April 14, 2023, 12:39 a.m.