
Defines functions extractImagePatchCoordinates extractImagePatches

Documented in extractImagePatchCoordinates extractImagePatches

#' Extract 2-D or 3-D image patches.
#' @param image Input ANTs image with one or more components.
#' @param patchSize Width, height, and depth (if 3-D) of patches.
#' @param maxNumberOfPatches Maximum number of patches returned.  If
#' "all" is specified, then all patches in sequence (defined by the
#' \code{strideLength} are extracted.
#' @param strideLength Defines the sequential patch overlap for
#' \code{maxNumberOfPatches = "all"}.  Can be a image-dimensional vector or a scalar.
#' @param maskImage optional image specifying the sampling region for
#' the patches when \code{maximumNumberOfPatches} does not equal "all".
#' The way we constrain patch selection using a mask is by forcing
#' each returned patch to have a masked voxel at its center.
#' @param randomSeed integer seed that allows reproducible patch extraction
#' across runs.
#' @param returnAsArray specifies the return type of the function.  If
#' \code{FALSE} (default) the return type is a list where each element is
#' a single patch.  Otherwise the return type is an array of size
#' \code{dim( numberOfPatches, patchSize )}.
#' @param randomize boolean controlling whether we randomize indices when masking.
#' @return a list (or array) of image patches.
#' @author Tustison NJ
#' @examples
#' library( ANTsR )
#' image <- antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "r16" ) )
#' maskImage <- getMask( image, 1, 1000 )
#' patchSet1 <- extractImagePatches( image, c( 32, 32 ), 10, c( 32, 32 ), randomSeed = 0 )
#' patchSet2 <- extractImagePatches( image, c( 32, 32 ), 10, c( 32, 32 ), randomSeed = 1 )
#' patchSet3 <- extractImagePatches( image, c( 32, 32 ), 10, c( 32, 32 ), maskImage, randomSeed = 0 )
#' @export
extractImagePatches <- function( image, patchSize, maxNumberOfPatches = 'all',
  strideLength = 1, maskImage = NULL, randomSeed, returnAsArray = FALSE, randomize=TRUE )
  if ( ! missing( randomSeed ) )
    set.seed( randomSeed )
  imageSize <- dim( image )
  dimensionality <- length( imageSize )

  if( dimensionality != 2 && dimensionality != 3 )
    stop( "Unsupported dimensionality." )

  numberOfImageComponents <- image@components

  if( length( imageSize ) != length( patchSize ) )
    stop( "Mismatch between the image size and the specified patch size." )
  if( any( patchSize > imageSize ) )
    stop( "Patch size is greater than the image size.")

  imageArray <- as.array( image )
  if( numberOfImageComponents > 1 )
    if( dimensionality == 2 )
      imageArray <- aperm( imageArray, c( 2, 3, 1 ) )
      } else {
      imageArray <- aperm( imageArray, c( 2, 3, 4, 1 ) )

  patchList <- list()
  patchArray <- array( data = NA )
  midPatchIndex <- round( patchSize / 2 )

  numberOfExtractedPatches <- maxNumberOfPatches

  if( tolower( maxNumberOfPatches ) == 'all' )
    strideLengthVector <- strideLength
    if( length( strideLength ) == 1 )
      strideLengthVector <- rep.int( strideLength, dimensionality )
      } else if( length( strideLength ) != dimensionality ) {
      stop( paste0( "strideLength is not a scalar or vector of
        length dimensionality." ) )
      } else if( any( strideLength < 1 ) ) {
      stop( paste0( "strideLength elements must be positive integers." ) )

    numberOfExtractedPatches <- 1

    indices <- list()
    for( d in seq_len( dimensionality ) )
      indices[[d]] <- seq.int( from = 1, to = imageSize[d] - patchSize[d] + 1,
        by = strideLengthVector[d] )
      numberOfExtractedPatches <-
        numberOfExtractedPatches * length( indices[[d]] )

    if( returnAsArray )
      if( numberOfImageComponents == 1 )
        patchArray <- array( data = NA,
          dim = c( numberOfExtractedPatches, patchSize ) )
        } else {
        patchArray <- array( data = NA, dim =
          c( numberOfExtractedPatches, patchSize, numberOfImageComponents ) )

    count <- 1
    if( dimensionality == 2 )
      for( i in indices[[1]] )
        for( j in indices[[2]] )
          startIndex <- c( i, j )
          endIndex <- startIndex + patchSize - 1

          if( numberOfImageComponents == 1 )
            patch <- imageArray[startIndex[1]:endIndex[1],
            } else {
            patch <- imageArray[startIndex[1]:endIndex[1],

          if( returnAsArray )
            if( numberOfImageComponents == 1 )
              patchArray[count,,] <- patch
              } else {
              patchArray[count,,,] <- patch
            } else {
            patchList[[count]] <- patch

          count <- count + 1
      } else {
      for( i in indices[[1]] )
        for( j in indices[[2]] )
          for( k in indices[[3]] )
            startIndex <- c( i, j, k )
            endIndex <- startIndex + patchSize - 1

            if( numberOfImageComponents == 1 )
              patch <- imageArray[startIndex[1]:endIndex[1],
                startIndex[2]:endIndex[2], startIndex[3]:endIndex[3]]
              } else {
              patch <- imageArray[startIndex[1]:endIndex[1],
                startIndex[2]:endIndex[2], startIndex[3]:endIndex[3],]

            if( returnAsArray )
              if( numberOfImageComponents == 1 )
                patchArray[count,,,] <- patch
                } else {
                patchArray[count,,,,] <- patch
              } else {
              patchList[[count]] <- patch

            count <- count + 1
    } else {

    randomIndices <-
      array( data = NA, dim = c( maxNumberOfPatches, dimensionality ) )

    if( !is.null( maskImage ) )
      maskArray <- as.array( maskImage )
      maskArray[which( maskArray != 0 )] <- 1

      # The way we constrain patch selection using a mask is by assuming that
      # each patch must have a masked voxel at its midPatchIndex.

      maskIndices <- which( maskArray != 0, arr.ind = TRUE )

      shiftedMaskIndices <- maskIndices
      removeIndices <- c()
      for( d in seq_len( dimensionality ) )
        shiftedMaskIndices[, d] <- maskIndices[, d] - midPatchIndex[d]
        removeIndices <- append( removeIndices, which( shiftedMaskIndices[, d] <= 0 ) )
        shiftedMaskIndices[, d] <- maskIndices[, d] + midPatchIndex[d]
        removeIndices <- append( removeIndices, which( shiftedMaskIndices[, d] > imageSize[d] ) )

      removeIndices <- unique( removeIndices )
      if( length( removeIndices ) > 0 )
        maskIndices <- maskIndices[-removeIndices,]

      # After pruning the mask indices, which were originally defined in terms of the
      # midPatchIndex, we subtract the midPatchIndex so that it's now defined at the
      # corner for patch selection.

      for( d in seq_len( dimensionality ) )
        maskIndices[, d] <- maskIndices[, d] - midPatchIndex[d]

      numberOfExtractedPatches <- min( maxNumberOfPatches, nrow( maskIndices ) )
      if( randomize )
        randomIndices <- maskIndices[
          sample.int( nrow( maskIndices ), numberOfExtractedPatches ),]
        } else {
        randomIndices <- maskIndices
      } else {
      for( d in seq_len( dimensionality ) )
        randomIndices[, d] <- sample.int(
          imageSize[d] - patchSize[d] + 1, maxNumberOfPatches, replace = TRUE )

    if( returnAsArray )
      if( numberOfImageComponents == 1 )
        patchArray <- array( data = NA,
          dim = c( numberOfExtractedPatches, patchSize ) )
        } else {
        patchArray <- array( data = NA, dim =
          c( numberOfExtractedPatches, patchSize, numberOfImageComponents ) )

    startIndex <- rep( 1, dimensionality )
    for( i in seq_len( numberOfExtractedPatches ) )
      startIndex <- randomIndices[i,]
      endIndex <- startIndex + patchSize - 1

      if( dimensionality == 2 )
        if( numberOfImageComponents == 1 )
          patch <- imageArray[startIndex[1]:endIndex[1],
          } else {
          patch <- imageArray[startIndex[1]:endIndex[1],
        } else {
        if( numberOfImageComponents == 1 )
          patch <- imageArray[startIndex[1]:endIndex[1],
            startIndex[2]:endIndex[2], startIndex[3]:endIndex[3]]
          } else {
          patch <- imageArray[startIndex[1]:endIndex[1],
            startIndex[2]:endIndex[2], startIndex[3]:endIndex[3],]

      if( returnAsArray )
        if( dimensionality == 2 )
          if( numberOfImageComponents == 1 )
            patchArray[i,,] <- patch
            } else {
            patchArray[i,,,] <- patch
          } else {
          if( numberOfImageComponents == 1 )
            patchArray[i,,,] <- patch
            } else {
            patchArray[i,,,,] <- patch
        } else {
        patchList[[i]] <- patch

  if( returnAsArray )
    return( patchArray )
    } else {
    return( patchList )

#' Extract 2-D or 3-D image patch coordinates.
#' @param image Input ANTs image with one or more components.
#' @param patchSize Width, height, and depth (if 3-D) of patches.
#' @param maxNumberOfPatches Maximum number of patches returned.  If
#' "all" is specified, then all patches in sequence (defined by the
#' \code{strideLength} are extracted.
#' @param strideLength Defines the sequential patch overlap for
#' \code{maxNumberOfPatches = "all"}.  Can be a image-dimensional vector or a scalar.
#' @param maskImage optional image specifying the sampling region for
#' the patches when \code{maximumNumberOfPatches} does not equal "all".
#' The way we constrain patch selection using a mask is by forcing
#' each returned patch to have a masked voxel at its center.
#' @param physicalCoordinates boolean to determine whether indices or spatial
#' coordinates are returned.
#' @param cornerCoordinates boolean to determine whether indices or spatial
#' coordinates of the corner or the center are returned.
#' @param randomSeed integer seed that allows reproducible patch extraction
#' across runs.
#' @param randomize boolean controlling whether we randomize indices when masking.
#' @return a matrix of image patch spatial or index coordinates.
#' @author Tustison NJ, Avants B
#' @examples
#' library( ANTsR )
#' image <- antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "r16" ) )
#' maskImage <- getMask( image, 1, 1000 )
#' patchCoordsP <- extractImagePatchCoordinates( image, c( 32, 32 ), 10, c( 32, 32 ),
#'   maskImage, randomSeed = 0, physicalCoordinates = TRUE )
#' patchCoordsI <- extractImagePatchCoordinates( image, c( 32, 32 ), 10, c( 32, 32 ),
#'   maskImage, randomSeed = 0, physicalCoordinates = FALSE )
#' @export extractImagePatchCoordinates
extractImagePatchCoordinates <- function( image, patchSize, maxNumberOfPatches = 'all',
  strideLength = 1, maskImage = NULL, physicalCoordinates = TRUE,
  cornerCoordinates = TRUE, randomSeed, randomize=TRUE  )

  indexList = list()
  toPhysical <- function( inds, physical ) {
    offsetter = rep( 1, image@dimension )
    if ( is.list( inds ) ) {
      ptmat = matrix( nrow = length( inds ), ncol = image@dimension )
      for ( k in 1:length( inds ) ) {
        ptmat[k,] = inds[[k]] + offsetter
      if ( physical ) return( antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( image, ptmat ) )
      if ( !physical ) return( ptmat )
    if ( is.array( inds ) ) {
      ptmat = matrix( nrow = length( inds ), ncol = image@dimension )
      for ( k in 1:nrow( inds ) ) {
        ptmat[k,] = inds[k,] + offsetter
      ptmat=ptmat[ !is.na( ptmat[,1] ),]
      if ( physical ) return( antsTransformIndexToPhysicalPoint( image, ptmat ) )
      if ( !physical ) return( ptmat )
    stop( "Index class unknown" )

  if ( ! missing( randomSeed ) )
    set.seed( randomSeed )
  imageSize <- dim( image )
  dimensionality <- length( imageSize )

  if( dimensionality != 2 && dimensionality != 3 )
    stop( "Unsupported dimensionality." )

  numberOfImageComponents <- image@components

  if( length( imageSize ) != length( patchSize ) )
    stop( "Mismatch between the image size and the specified patch size." )
  if( any( patchSize > imageSize ) )
    stop( "Patch size is greater than the image size.")

  patchList <- list()
  midPatchIndex <- round( patchSize / 2 )

  numberOfExtractedPatches <- maxNumberOfPatches

  if( tolower( maxNumberOfPatches ) == 'all' )
    strideLengthVector <- strideLength
    if( length( strideLength ) == 1 )
      strideLengthVector <- rep.int( strideLength, dimensionality )
      } else if( length( strideLength ) != dimensionality ) {
      stop( paste0( "strideLength is not a scalar or vector of
        length dimensionality." ) )
      } else if( any( strideLength < 1 ) ) {
      stop( paste0( "strideLength elements must be positive integers." ) )

    numberOfExtractedPatches <- 1

    indices <- list()
    for( d in seq_len( dimensionality ) )
      indices[[d]] <- seq.int( from = 1, to = imageSize[d] - patchSize[d] + 1,
        by = strideLengthVector[d] )
      numberOfExtractedPatches <-
        numberOfExtractedPatches * length( indices[[d]] )
    count <- 1
    if( dimensionality == 2 )
      for( i in indices[[1]] )
        for( j in indices[[2]] )
          startIndex <- c( i, j )
          endIndex <- startIndex + patchSize - 1
          indexList[[ count ]] = c( i, j )
          if ( ! cornerCoordinates )
            indexList[[ count ]] = indexList[[ count ]] + midPatchIndex
      } else {
      for( i in indices[[1]] )
        for( j in indices[[2]] )
          for( k in indices[[3]] )
            startIndex <- c( i, j, k )
            endIndex <- startIndex + patchSize - 1
            indexList[[ count ]] = c( i, j, k )
            if ( ! cornerCoordinates )
              indexList[[ count ]] = indexList[[ count ]] + midPatchIndex
            count <- count + 1
      return( toPhysical( indexList, physicalCoordinates ) )
    } else {

    randomIndices <-
      array( data = NA, dim = c( maxNumberOfPatches, dimensionality ) )

    if( !is.null( maskImage ) )
      maskArray <- as.array( maskImage )
      maskArray[which( maskArray != 0 )] <- 1

      # The way we constrain patch selection using a mask is by assuming that
      # each patch must have a masked voxel at its midPatchIndex.

      maskIndices <- which( maskArray != 0, arr.ind = TRUE )

      shiftedMaskIndices <- maskIndices
      removeIndices <- c()
      for( d in seq_len( dimensionality ) )
        shiftedMaskIndices[, d] <- maskIndices[, d] - midPatchIndex[d]
        removeIndices <- append( removeIndices, which( shiftedMaskIndices[, d] <= 0 ) )
        shiftedMaskIndices[, d] <- maskIndices[, d] + midPatchIndex[d]
        removeIndices <- append( removeIndices, which( shiftedMaskIndices[, d] > imageSize[d] ) )

      removeIndices <- unique( removeIndices )
      if( length( removeIndices ) > 0 )
        maskIndices <- maskIndices[-removeIndices,]

      # After pruning the mask indices, which were originally defined in terms of the
      # midPatchIndex, we subtract the midPatchIndex so that it's now defined at the
      # corner for patch selection.

      for( d in seq_len( dimensionality ) )
        maskIndices[, d] <- maskIndices[, d] - midPatchIndex[d]

      numberOfExtractedPatches <- min( maxNumberOfPatches, nrow( maskIndices ) )

      if ( randomize ) {
        randomIndices <- maskIndices[
          sample.int( nrow( maskIndices ), numberOfExtractedPatches ),]
        } else randomIndices <- maskIndices
      } else {
      for( d in seq_len( dimensionality ) )
        randomIndices[, d] <- sample.int(
          imageSize[d] - patchSize[d] + 1, maxNumberOfPatches, replace = TRUE )

      if ( ! cornerCoordinates ) {
        for( d in seq_len( dimensionality ) )
          randomIndices[, d] <- randomIndices[, d] + midPatchIndex[d]
      return( toPhysical( randomIndices, physicalCoordinates ) )
ANTsX/ANTsRNet documentation built on April 23, 2024, 1:24 p.m.