pass_all_arguments <- function(x) {
mycall <-,
mycall[[1]] <- as.symbol(x) # use inner 1
data_preparation <- function(dataset, start_date, end_date, replace_missing_end_date) {
dataset[!lubridate::is.Date(get("start_date")), (start_date) := lubridate::ymd(get(..start_date))]
dataset[!lubridate::is.Date(get("end_date")), (end_date) := lubridate::ymd(get(..end_date))]
if (any([[end_date]]))) {
message("Some end dates are missing")
if (is.null(replace_missing_end_date)){
warning("Since parameter 'replace_missing_end_date' has not been specified,
those periods have been removed from computation of spells (Warning 01)")
dataset <- dataset[!"end_date")), ]
# nrow_before <- nrow(dataset)
# dataset <- dataset[get(start_date) <= get(end_date)]
# nrow_after <- nrow(dataset)
# if(nrow_before != nrow_after) {
# warning("Some start dates are after their respective end dates.
# Those periods have been removed from computation of spells")
# }
} else {
replace_missing_end_date <- lubridate::ymd(replace_missing_end_date)
message(paste("Replacing missing end date/s with", replace_missing_end_date))
dataset["end_date")), (end_date) := replace_missing_end_date]
dataset <- dataset[get("start_date") <= get("end_date")]
# dataset_missing <- dataset[][, (end_date) := replace_missing_end_date]
# dataset <- dataset[!]
# nrow_before <- nrow(dataset)
# dataset <- dataset[get(start_date) <= get(end_date)]
# nrow_after <- nrow(dataset)
# if(nrow_before != nrow_after) {
# warning("Some start dates are after their respective end dates.
# Those periods have been removed from computation of spells")
# }
# dataset_missing <- dataset_missing[get(start_date) <= get(end_date)]
# dataset <- rbindlist(list(dataset_missing, dataset))
data_preparation_2 <- function(dataset, category) {
#add level overall if category is given as input and has more than 1 category
if (!is.null(category) && length(unique(dataset[[category]])) >= 2){
dataset <- data.table::rbindlist(list(dataset, data.table::copy(dataset)[, (category) := "_overall"]))
message("The level 'overall' is added as the is more than one category")
overlap.internal <- function(dataset, id, start_date, end_date, category, gap_allowed) {
dataset <- dataset[get("category") != "_overall",]
# Create list of unique not missing categories
unique_cat <- as.list(unique(dataset[[category]]))
unique_cat <- unique_cat[!]
# Create the combinations of pairs of categories
permut <- t(utils::combn(unique_cat, 2))
export_df <- list()
# Cycle for each pair
for (i in seq_len(nrow(permut))) {
p_1 <- permut[i, 1]
p_2 <- permut[i, 2]
ens_1 <- paste0("entry_spell_category_", p_1)
exs_1 <- paste0("exit_spell_category_", p_1)
ens_2 <- paste0("entry_spell_category_", p_2)
exs_2 <- paste0("exit_spell_category_", p_2)
# For each pair of values A and B, create two temporary datasets
to_drop <- c(category)
if ("num_spell" %in% colnames(dataset)) to_drop <- c("num_spell", to_drop)
outputA <- dataset[get("category") == p_1, ][, (to_drop) := NULL]
data.table::setnames(outputA, c(start_date, end_date), c(ens_1, exs_1))
outputB <- dataset[get("category") == p_2, ][, (to_drop) := NULL]
data.table::setnames(outputB, c(start_date, end_date), c(ens_2, exs_2))
# Perform a join multi-to-multi of the two datasets
CAT <- merge(outputA, outputB, by = c(id), all = T, allow.cartesian = T)
CAT <- CAT[(get(ens_1) <= get(exs_2) + gap_allowed & get(exs_1) + gap_allowed >= get(ens_2)) | (get(ens_2) <= get(exs_1) + gap_allowed & get(exs_2) + gap_allowed >= get(ens_1)), ]
# If no overlap go to next pair
if (nrow(CAT) == 0) next
# Calculate overlapping spells between categories
CAT <- CAT[, .(id, entry_spell_category = pmax(get(ens_1), get(ens_2)),
exit_spell_category = pmin(get(exs_1), get(exs_2)))]
CAT <- CAT[, (category) := paste(p_1, p_2, sep = "_")]
select_col <- c(id, "entry_spell_category", "exit_spell_category", category)
data.table::setorderv(CAT, c(get(id), "entry_spell_category", "exit_spell_category"))
CAT <- CAT[, select_col, with = FALSE]
CAT <- CAT[, num_spell := data.table::rowid(get(]
export_df <- append(export_df, list(CAT))
export_df <- data.table::rbindlist(export_df)
CreateSpells.internal <- function(dataset, id, start_date, end_date, category, gap_allowed) {
order_vec <- c(id, start_date, end_date)
grouping_vars <- id
} else {
order_vec <- c(id, category, start_date, end_date)
grouping_vars <- c(id, category)
#group by and arrange the dataset
data.table::setorderv(dataset, order_vec)
#row id by group
dataset[, row_id := seq_len(.N), by = grouping_vars]
#lagged end_date
dataset[, lag_end_date := data.table::fifelse(row_id > 1, data.table::shift(get(..end_date)), get(..end_date))]
# cumulative max for dates
dataset[, lag_end_date := as.integer(lag_end_date)]
dataset[, lag_end_date := cummax(lag_end_date), by = grouping_vars]
dataset[, lag_end_date := as.Date(lag_end_date, "1970-01-01")]
#compute the number of spell
dataset[, num_spell := data.table::fifelse(row_id > 1 & get(..start_date) <= lag_end_date + gap_allowed, 0, 1)]
dataset[, num_spell := cumsum(num_spell), by = grouping_vars]
dataset[, num_spell := as.integer(num_spell)]
#group by num spell and compute min and max date for each one
keep_col <- c(grouping_vars, "num_spell", "entry_spell_category", "exit_spell_category")
grouping_vars <- c(grouping_vars, "num_spell")
dataset <- dataset[, .(entry_spell_category = min(get(..start_date)),
exit_spell_category = max(get(..end_date))), by = grouping_vars]
dataset <- dataset[, keep_col, with = FALSE]
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