

#' Count frequency of a word or punctuation mark in a text
#' Matches a vector of target words/punctuation marks to a larger vector 
#' of words/punctuation marks and counts how many times that particular word or 
#' punctuation marks occurs in the larger string. Returns a data table with the 
#' matched words or punctuation marks with their number the occurrances 
#' in the larger string.
#' @param characters Large vector of words/punctuation marks to be matched with 
#'        a smaller list of desired words/characters.
#' @param char.list Vector of target words/punctuation marks to be matched with the larger
#'        vector of words/characters
#' @param punctuation Boolean that determines whether to convert
#'        punctuation marks into words in final output table
#' @note the accepted punctuation marks are commas, periods, semicolons, question marks
#'        exclamation points, quotation marks (forward and backward), ellipses and em-dashes.
#' @note to match quotation marks, use Unicode characters for right (u201D) and left (u201C) 
#'       quotation marks.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' char <- extract_token(gardenParty)
#' charfreq(char, c("she", "he", "them"), punctuation = FALSE)
#' char <- extract_punct(gardenParty)
#' charfreq(char, c(".", "...", "?"), punctuation = TRUE)

charfreq <- function(characters, char.list, punctuation = FALSE){
  freq <- c()
  char.list[which(char.list=="?")] <- "\\?"
  char.list[which(char.list==".")] <- "~"
  if(punctuation == FALSE){
    char.list <- paste("^", char.list, sep = "")
    characters[which(characters == ".")] <- "~"
  for(i in 1:length(char.list)){
    x <- length(grep(char.list[i], characters))
    freq <- c(freq, x)
    if(punctuation == TRUE){
      if (char.list[i] == ","){
        char.list[i] <- "comma"
      if (char.list[i] == "\u2014"){
        char.list[i] <- "em_dash"
      if (char.list[i] == "~"){
        char.list[i] <- "period"
      if (char.list[i] == "\\?"){
        char.list[i] <- "question_mark"
      if (char.list[i] == "!"){
        char.list[i] <- "exclaim_point"
      if (char.list[i] == "..."){
        char.list[i] <- "ellipsis"
      if (char.list[i] == ";"){
        char.list[i] <- "semicolon"
      if (char.list[i] == "\u201C"){
        char.list[i] <- "left_quote"
      if (char.list[i] == "\u201D"){
        char.list[i] <- "right_quote"
  char.list[which(char.list=="~")] <- "\\."
  if(punctuation == FALSE){
    char.list = substring(char.list, 2)
  output <- data.frame(char.list, freq)
  colnames(output) <- c("character", "freq")

#' Get frequency of words per line
#' Returns a data table returning the number of times a series of desired
#' words appears in a given line of text and the index number of that line.
#' @param text Any text or document as a character vector
#' @param freqwords Vector of target words 
#'        to be matched with the text/document of interest
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @export
#' @examples
#' freq_word_line(text = gardenParty, freqwords = c("she", "they", "he"))

freq_word_line <- function(text, freqwords){
  line_index <- c()
  frequency <- NA
  for(i in 1:length(text)){
    words <- extract_token(text[i])
    WordsFreq <- charfreq(words, freqwords)
    line_index <- c(line_index, paste(i))
    WordsFreq <- tidyr::spread(WordsFreq, character, freq)
    if(i == 1){
      frequency <- WordsFreq
      frequency <- rbind(frequency, WordsFreq)
  line_index <- as.numeric(line_index)
  output <- cbind(line_index, frequency)

#' Get frequency of punctuation marks per line
#' Returns a data table returning the number of times a series of 
#' desired punctuation marks appear in a given line and the index 
#' number of that line.
#' @param text Vector of strings representing lines of a text
#' @param punctlist Vector of target punctuation marks to be matched 
#'        with the text/document of interest
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @export
#' @examples
#' freq_punct_line(text = gardenParty, punctlist = c(".", "?", "..."))

freq_punct_line <- function(text, punctlist){
  line_index <- c()
  frequency <- NA
  for(i in 1:length(text)){
    words <- extract_punct(text[i])
    WordsFreq <- charfreq(words, punctlist, punctuation = TRUE)
    line_index <- c(line_index, paste(i))
    WordsFreq <- tidyr::spread(WordsFreq, character, freq)
    if(i == 1){
      frequency <- WordsFreq
      frequency <- rbind(frequency, WordsFreq)
  line_index <- as.numeric(line_index)
  output <- cbind(line_index, frequency)
Amherst-Statistics/katherinemansfieldr documentation built on May 5, 2019, 4:55 a.m.