
# #############################################################################
# ## Sequential & parallel robust forward greedy search REDDA
# #############################################################################
# # In this case the trimming units are the same for both grouping and no grouping models,
# # i.e., those units trimmed for the grouping model

# redda_varsel_gr_fwd_trimming_full_model <- function(Xtrain,
#                                                cltrain,
#                                                emModels1 = c("E","V"),
#                                                emModels2 = mclust.options("emModelNames"),
#                                                alpha_Xtrain,
#                                                forcetwo = TRUE,
#                                                BIC.diff = 0,
#                                                itermax = 100,
#                                                nsamp= 100,
#                                                parallel = FALSE,
#                                                fit= TRUE,
#                                                verbose = interactive())
# {
#   Xtrain <- data.matrix(Xtrain)
#   Ntrain <- nrow(Xtrain) # number of rows = number of observations
#   observations_vec <- 1:Ntrain
#   Ntrain_trim <- if(alpha_Xtrain!=0) {Ntrain - ceiling(Ntrain * alpha_Xtrain)} else {NULL}
#   d <- ncol(Xtrain) # number of columns = number of variables
#   if(is.null(colnames(Xtrain))){
#     colnames(Xtrain) <- paste("X", 1:d, sep = "")
#   }
#   G <- length(unique(cltrain))
#   # Start "parallel backend" if needed
#   if(is.logical(parallel)) {
#     if (parallel) {
#       parallel <- clustvarsel::startParallel(parallel)
#       stopCluster <-
#         TRUE
#     } else {
#       parallel <- stopCluster <- FALSE
#     }
#   } else {
#     stopCluster <- if (inherits(parallel, "cluster"))
#       FALSE
#     else
#       TRUE
#     parallel <- clustvarsel::startParallel(parallel)
#   }
#   on.exit(if (parallel & stopCluster)
#     parallel::stopCluster(attr(parallel, "cluster")))
#   # define operator to use depending on parallel being TRUE or FALSE
#   `%DO%` <- if(parallel) `%dopar%` else `%do%`
#   i <- NULL # dummy to trick R CMD check
#   # First Step - selecting single variable
#   if(verbose) cat(paste("iter 1\n+ adding step\n"))
#   out <- foreach(i = 1:d) %DO% {
#     xBIC <- NULL
#     # Fit the single variable grouping models
#     try(fit_grouping <- redda_varsel(
#       X_p = NULL,
#       X_c = Xtrain[, i],
#       cltrain = cltrain,
#       alpha_Xtrain = alpha_Xtrain,
#       modelNames = emModels1,
#       nsamp = nsamp,
#       model = "GR"
#     )$Best,
#     silent = TRUE)
#     # Fit and get BIC for a single component no-group normal model
#     if (alpha_Xtrain != 0) {
#       best_subset <-
#         MASS::cov.mcd(x = Xtrain[, i], quantile.used = floor((1 - alpha_Xtrain) * Ntrain))$best
#       worst_subset <- setdiff(observations_vec, best_subset)
#       # I recover the best subset on which the mean and the variance are computed.
#       # Afterwards, I perform a robust single component no-grouping normal model using Mclust,
#       # this is done because cov.mcd (as well as covMcd in robustbase)
#       # use consistency correction that I do not want to include
#       try(fit_no_grouping <-
#             mclust::Mclust(
#               Xtrain[best_subset, i],
#               G = 1,
#               modelNames = emModels1,
#               verbose = FALSE
#             ),
#           silent = TRUE)
#     } else {
#       try(fit_no_grouping <- mclust::Mclust(
#         Xtrain[, i],
#         G = 1,
#         modelNames = emModels1,
#         verbose = FALSE
#       ),
#       silent = TRUE)
#       worst_subset <- NULL
#     }
#     trimmed_units_grouping_model <- fit_grouping$train$obs_trimmed
#     untrimmed_units <-
#       setdiff(1:fit_grouping$Ntrain, trimmed_units_grouping_model)
#     xBIC <- TBIC_computation(
#       X_p = NULL,
#       X_c = Xtrain[, i],
#       cltrain = cltrain,
#       union_trimmed_units = trimmed_units_grouping_model,
#       fitted_model = fit_grouping,
#       model_type = "GR"
#     )
#     # maxBIC is the maximum BIC over all grouping models fit
#     maxBIC <- if(is.null(xBIC)) NA else xBIC
#     oneBIC <- 2*sum(
#       dnorm(
#         x = Xtrain[untrimmed_units, i],
#         mean = fit_no_grouping$parameters$mean,
#         sd = sqrt(fit_no_grouping$parameters$variance$sigmasq),
#         log = TRUE
#       )
#     ) - 2*log(length(Xtrain[untrimmed_units, i]))
#     return(list(maxBIC, oneBIC, fit_grouping$modelName, fit_grouping$G, fit_grouping))
#   }
#   maxBIC <- sapply(out, "[[", 1)
#   oneBIC <- sapply(out, "[[", 2)
#   # Difference between maximum BIC for grouping and BIC for no grouping
#   maxdiff <- maxBIC - oneBIC
#   # Find the single variable with the biggest difference between
#   # grouping and no grouping
#   m <- max(maxdiff[is.finite(maxdiff)])
#   arg <- which(maxdiff==m,arr.ind=TRUE)[1]
#   # This is our first selected variable/S is the matrix of currently selected
#   # grouping variables
#   S <- Xtrain[,arg,drop=FALSE]
#   fit_grouping_current <- out[[arg]][[5]] # I retain the estimates for the model fitted on the selected variables: will need it for the removal step
#   # BICS is the BIC value for the grouping model with the variable(s) in S
#   BICS <- maxBIC[arg]
#   # NS is the matrix of currently not selected variables
#   NS <- Xtrain[,-arg,drop=FALSE]
#   # info records the proposed variable, BIC for the S matrix and difference
#   # in BIC for grouping versus no grouping on S, whether it was an
#   # addition step and if it was accepted
#   info <- data.frame(Var = colnames(S),
#                      BIC = BICS, BICdiff = maxdiff[arg],
#                      Step = "Add", Decision = "Accepted",
#                      Model = out[[arg]][[3]],
#                      G = out[[arg]][[4]],
#                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#   if(verbose)
#   { print(info[,c(1,3:5),drop=FALSE])
#     cat("iter 2\n+ adding step\n") }
#   # Second Step - selecting second variable
#   out <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(NS)) %DO%
#     {
#       try(fit_no_grouping <- redda_varsel(
#         X_p = NS[,i],
#         X_c = S,
#         cltrain = cltrain,
#         alpha_Xtrain = alpha_Xtrain,
#         modelNames = emModels1,
#         nsamp = nsamp,
#         model = "NG"
#       )$Best,
#       silent = TRUE)
#       # Fit the cluster model on the two variables
#       try(fit_grouping <- redda_varsel(
#         X_p = NS[,i],
#         X_c = S,
#         cltrain = cltrain,
#         alpha_Xtrain = alpha_Xtrain,
#         modelNames = emModels2,
#         nsamp = nsamp,
#         model = "GR"
#       )$Best,
#       silent = TRUE)
#       # Get the trimmed units for the grouping model and compute TBIC on the same set of obs
#       trimmed_units_grouping_model <- fit_no_grouping$train$obs_trimmed
#       # cindepBIC is the BIC for the grouping model on S and the
#       # regression model of the new variable on S
#       cindepBIC <- TBIC_computation(
#         X_p = NS[,i],
#         X_c = S,
#         cltrain = cltrain,
#         union_trimmed_units = trimmed_units_grouping_model,
#         fitted_model = fit_no_grouping,
#         model_type = "NG"
#       )
#       cindepBIC <- if(is.null(cindepBIC)) NA else cindepBIC
#       # depBIC is the BIC for the grouping model with both variables
#       sBIC <- TBIC_computation(
#         X_p = NS[,i],
#         X_c = S,
#         cltrain = cltrain,
#         union_trimmed_units = trimmed_units_grouping_model,
#         fitted_model = fit_grouping,
#         model_type = "GR"
#       )
#       depBIC <- if(is.null(sBIC)) NA else sBIC
#       return(list(cindepBIC, depBIC, fit_grouping$modelName, fit_grouping$G, fit_grouping))
#     }
#   cindepBIC <- sapply(out, "[[", 1)
#   depBIC <- sapply(out, "[[", 2)
#   # cdiff is the difference between BIC for the models with variables' being
#   # grouping variables versus them being conditionally independent of
#   # the grouping
#   cdiff <- depBIC - cindepBIC
#   # Choose the variable with the largest difference
#   m <- max(cdiff[is.finite(cdiff)])
#   arg <- which(cdiff==m,arr.ind=TRUE)[1]
#   # if forcetwo is true automatically add the best second variable,
#   # otherwise only add it if its difference is large than BIC.diff
#   if(forcetwo || cdiff[arg] > BIC.diff) {
#     k <- c(colnames(S), colnames(NS)[arg])
#     nks <- c(colnames(NS)[-arg])
#     BICS <- depBIC[arg]
#     info <- rbind(info, c(colnames(NS)[arg], BICS, cdiff[arg],
#                           "Add", "Accepted",
#                           out[[arg]][3:4]))
#     S <- cbind(S, NS[, arg])
#     fit_grouping_current <- out[[arg]][[5]] # I retain the estimates for the model fitted on the selected variables: will need it for the removal step
#     NS <- as.matrix(NS[, -arg])
#     colnames(S) <- k
#     colnames(NS) <- nks
#   } else {
#     info <- rbind(info, c(colnames(NS)[arg], BICS, cdiff[arg],
#                           "Add", "Rejected",
#                           out[[arg]][3:4]))
#   }
#   info$BIC <- as.numeric(info$BIC)
#   info$BICdiff <- as.numeric(info$BICdiff)
#   if (verbose){
#     print(info[2, c(1, 3:5), drop = FALSE])
#   }
#   criterion <- 1
#   iter <- 2
#   while((criterion == 1) & (iter < itermax))
#   {
#     iter <- iter+1
#     check1 <- colnames(S)
#     if(verbose) cat(paste("iter", iter, "\n"))
#     # Adding step
#     if(verbose) cat("+ adding step\n")
#     # For the special case where we have removed all the grouping
#     # variables/S is empty
#     if(ncol(S)==0 || is.null(ncol(S))){
#       # We simply choose the same variable as in the first step and check
#       # whether the difference between the BIC for grouping versus not
#       # grouping is positive or not
#       m <- max(maxdiff[is.finite(maxdiff)])
#       arg <- which(maxdiff==m,arr.ind=TRUE)[1]
#       if(maxdiff[arg] > BIC.diff)
#       {
#         # if the difference is positive this variable is selected
#         # as a grouping variable
#         S <- matrix(c(Xtrain[,arg]), Ntrain, 1)
#         fit_grouping_current <- out[[arg]][[5]] # I retain the estimates for the model fitted on the selected variables: will need it for the removal step
#         BICS <- maxBIC[arg]
#         colnames(S) <- colnames(Xtrain)[arg]
#         NS <- as.matrix(Xtrain[,-arg])
#         colnames(NS) <- colnames(Xtrain)[-arg]
#         info <- rbind(info, c(colnames(S), BICS, maxdiff[arg],
#                               "Add","Accepted", NA, NA))
#       } else { # if the difference is not > BIC.diff no grouping variables exist
#         BICS <- NA
#         info <- rbind(info,
#                       c(colnames(Xtrain)[arg], BICS, maxdiff[arg],
#                         "Add", "Rejected", NA, NA))
#       }
#     } else { # Addition Step in general (for all cases except when S is empty)
#       if(ncol(NS) != 0 & !is.null(ncol(NS))) {
#         out <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(NS)) %DO%
#           {
#             # regression model of the new variable on S
#             try(fit_no_grouping <- redda_varsel(
#               X_p = NS[,i],
#               X_c = S,
#               cltrain = cltrain,
#               alpha_Xtrain = alpha_Xtrain,
#               modelNames = emModels2,
#               nsamp = nsamp,
#               model = "NG"
#             )$Best,
#             silent = TRUE)
#             # Fit the cluster model on the two variables
#             try(fit_grouping <- redda_varsel(
#               X_p = NS[,i],
#               X_c = S,
#               cltrain = cltrain,
#               alpha_Xtrain = alpha_Xtrain,
#               modelNames = emModels2,
#               nsamp = nsamp,
#               model = "GR"
#             )$Best,
#             silent = TRUE)
#             trimmed_units_grouping_model <- fit_no_grouping$train$obs_trimmed
#             # cindepBIC is the BIC for the grouping model on S and the
#             cindepBIC <- TBIC_computation(
#               X_p = NS[,i],
#               X_c = S,
#               cltrain = cltrain,
#               union_trimmed_units = trimmed_units_grouping_model,
#               fitted_model = fit_no_grouping,
#               model_type = "NG"
#             )
#             cindepBIC <- if(is.null(cindepBIC)) NA else cindepBIC
#             sBIC <- TBIC_computation(
#               X_p = NS[,i],
#               X_c = S,
#               cltrain = cltrain,
#               union_trimmed_units = trimmed_units_grouping_model,
#               fitted_model = fit_grouping,
#               model_type = "GR"
#             )
#             # depBIC is the BIC for the grouping model with both variables
#             depBIC <- if(is.null(sBIC)) NA else sBIC
#             return(list(cindepBIC, depBIC, fit_grouping$modelName, fit_grouping$G, fit_grouping))
#           }
#         cindepBIC <- sapply(out, "[[", 1)
#         depBIC <- sapply(out, "[[", 2)
#         # cdiff is the difference between BIC for the models with
#         # variables' being grouping variables versus them being
#         # conditionally independent of the grouping
#         cdiff <- depBIC - cindepBIC
#         # Choose the variable with the largest difference
#         m <- max(cdiff[is.finite(cdiff)])
#         arg <- which(cdiff==m,arr.ind=TRUE)[1]
#         if(cdiff[arg] > BIC.diff)
#         { # if this difference is positive add this variable to S
#           # and update the grouping model's BICS
#           BICS <- depBIC[arg]
#           k <- c(colnames(S),colnames(NS)[arg])
#           nks <- c(colnames(NS)[-arg])
#           info <- rbind(info,
#                         c(colnames(NS)[arg], BICS, cdiff[arg],
#                           "Add", "Accepted", out[[arg]][3:4]))
#           S <- cbind(S,NS[,arg])
#           fit_grouping_current <- out[[arg]][[5]] # I retain the estimates for the model fitted on the selected variables: will need it for the removal step
#           NS <- as.matrix(NS[,-arg])
#           colnames(S) <- k
#           colnames(NS) <- nks
#         } else {
#           info <- rbind(info,
#                         c(colnames(NS)[arg], depBIC[arg], cdiff[arg],
#                           "Add", "Rejected", out[[arg]][3:4]))
#         }
#       }
#     }
#     if(verbose) cat("- removing step\n")
#     # Removal Step for the special case where S contains only a single variable
#     if(ncol(S) == 1){
#       cdiff <- 0
#       if (alpha_Xtrain != 0) {
#         best_subset <-
#           MASS::cov.mcd(x = S, quantile.used = floor((1 - alpha_Xtrain) * Ntrain))$best
#         worst_subset <- setdiff(observations_vec, best_subset)
#         # I recover the best subset on which the mean and the variance are computed.
#         # Afterwards, I perform a robust single component no-grouping normal model using Mclust,
#         # this is done because cov.mcd (as well as covMcd in robustbase)
#         # use consistency correction that I do not want to include
#         try(fit_no_grouping <-
#               mclust::Mclust(
#                 S[best_subset,,drop=F],
#                 G = 1,
#                 modelNames = emModels1,
#                 verbose = FALSE
#               ),
#             silent = TRUE)
#       } else {
#         try(fit_no_grouping <- mclust::Mclust(
#           as.matrix(S),
#           G = 1,
#           modelNames = emModels1,
#           verbose = FALSE
#         ),
#         silent = TRUE)
#       }
#       trimmed_units_grouping_model <- fit_grouping_current$train$obs_trimmed
#       oneBIC <- 2*sum(
#         dnorm(
#           x = S[-trimmed_units_grouping_model, ,drop=FALSE],
#           mean = fit_no_grouping$parameters$mean,
#           sd = sqrt(fit_no_grouping$parameters$variance$sigmasq),
#           log = TRUE
#         )
#       ) - 2*log(length(S[-trimmed_units_grouping_model, ,drop=FALSE]))
#       BICS <- TBIC_computation(
#         X_p = NULL,
#         X_c = S,
#         cltrain = cltrain,
#         union_trimmed_units = trimmed_units_grouping_model,
#         fitted_model = fit_grouping,
#         model_type = "GR"
#       )
#       # Difference between maximum BIC for grouping and BIC
#       # for no grouping
#       cdiff <- c(BICS - oneBIC)
#       if(is.na(cdiff)) cdiff <- 0
#       # Check if difference is less than BIC.diff
#       if(cdiff <= BIC.diff){ # if negative remove the variable from S and set the BIC
#         # for the model to NA
#         BICS <- NA
#         info <- rbind(info, c(colnames(S), BICS, cdiff,
#                               "Remove", "Accepted", NA, NA))
#         k <- c(colnames(NS),colnames(S))
#         NS <- cbind(NS,S)
#         S <- NULL
#         colnames(NS) <- k
#       } else { # Otherwise leave S and BICS alone
#         info <- rbind(info, c(colnames(S),
#                               info[nrow(info),2], cdiff,
#                               "Remove", "Rejected",
#                               unlist(info[nrow(info),c(6,7)])))
#       }
#     } else { # Removal step in general (for all cases except when S is a single
#       # variable or empty)
#       if(ncol(S) >= 2) {
#         # Check if the data is at least 3 dimensional
#         name <- if(ncol(S) > 2) emModels2 else emModels1
#         out <- foreach(i = 1:ncol(S)) %DO%
#           {
#             try(fit_no_grouping <- redda_varsel(
#               X_p = S[,i],
#               X_c = S[,-i, drop=FALSE],
#               cltrain = cltrain,
#               alpha_Xtrain = alpha_Xtrain,
#               modelNames = name,
#               nsamp = nsamp,
#               model = "NG"
#             )$Best,
#             silent = TRUE)
#             trimmed_units_grouping_model <- fit_no_grouping$train$obs_trimmed
#             cindepBIC <- TBIC_computation(
#               X_p = S[,i],
#               X_c = S[,-i, drop=FALSE],
#               cltrain = cltrain,
#               union_trimmed_units = trimmed_units_grouping_model,
#               fitted_model = fit_no_grouping,
#               model_type = "NG"
#             )
#             BICS <- TBIC_computation(
#               X_p = NULL,
#               X_c = S,
#               cltrain = cltrain,
#               union_trimmed_units = trimmed_units_grouping_model,
#               fitted_model = fit_grouping_current,
#               model_type = "GR"
#             )
#             # cindepBIC is the BIC for the clustering model on the other
#             # variables in S and the regression model of the proposed
#             #  variable on the other variables in S
#             cindepBIC <- if(is.null(cindepBIC)) NA else cindepBIC
#             return(list(cindepBIC, BICS, fit_no_grouping$modelName, fit_no_grouping$G))
#           }
#         cindepBIC <- sapply(out, "[[", 1)
#         rdep <- sapply(out, "[[", 2)
#         # depBIC is the BIC for the grouping model with all
#         # variables in S
#         depBIC <- BICS
#         # cdiff is the difference between BIC for the models with
#         # variables' being grouping variables versus them being
#         # conditionally independent of the grouping
#         cdiff <- depBIC - cindepBIC
#         # Choose the variable with the smallest difference
#         m <- min(cdiff[is.finite(cdiff)])
#         arg <- which(cdiff==m,arr.ind=TRUE)[1]
#         if(cdiff[arg] <= BIC.diff)
#         { # if this difference is less than BIC.diff remove this
#           # variable from S and update the grouping model's BICS
#           BICS <- rdep[arg]
#           k <- c(colnames(NS),colnames(S)[arg])
#           nks <- c(colnames(S)[-arg])
#           info <- rbind(info,
#                         c(colnames(S)[arg], BICS, cdiff[arg],
#                           "Remove", "Accepted", out[[arg]][3:4]))
#           NS <- cbind(NS,S[,arg])
#           S <- as.matrix(S[,-arg])
#           # I fit here a model on S, so that I can compute the union_trimmed_units considering the grouping model in the case I do not accept the adding step
#           try(fit_grouping_current <- redda_varsel(
#             X_p = NULL,
#             X_c = S,
#             cltrain = cltrain,
#             alpha_Xtrain = alpha_Xtrain,
#             modelNames = emModels2,
#             nsamp = nsamp,
#             model = "GR"
#           )$Best,
#           silent = TRUE)
#           colnames(S) <- nks
#           colnames(NS) <- k
#         } else { info <- rbind(info,
#                                c(colnames(S)[arg], rdep[arg], cdiff[arg],
#                                  "Remove", "Rejected", out[[arg]][3:4]))
#         }
#       }
#     }
#     info$BIC <- as.numeric(info$BIC)
#     info$BICdiff <- as.numeric(info$BICdiff)
#     if(verbose)
#       print(info[seq(nrow(info)-1,nrow(info)),c(1,3:5),drop=FALSE])
#     # Check if the variables in S have changed or not
#     check2 <- colnames(S)
#     if(is.null(check2)) # all variables have been removed
#     { criterion <- 0 }
#     else
#       # if they have changed (either added one or removed one or changed one)
#       # then continue the algorithm (criterion is 1) otherwise stop
#       # (criterion is 0)
#     { if(length(check2) != length(check1))
#     { criterion <- 1 }
#       else
#       { criterion <- if(sum(check1==check2) != length(check1)) 1 else 0 }
#     }
#   }
#   if(iter >= itermax)
#     warning("Algorithm stopped because maximum number of iterations was reached")
#   # List the selected variables and the matrix of steps' information
#   info$BIC <- as.numeric(info$BIC)
#   info$BICdiff <- as.numeric(info$BICdiff)
#   # reorder steps.info
#   info <- info[,c(1,4,2,6,7,3,5),drop=FALSE]
#   colnames(info) <- c("Variable proposed", "Type of step",
#                       "BICclust", "Model", "G", "BICdiff", "Decision")
#   varnames <- colnames(Xtrain)
#   subset <- if(is.null(S)) NULL
#   else sapply(colnames(S), function(x) which(x == varnames))
#   out <- list(variables = varnames,
#               subset = subset,
#               steps.info = info,
#               search = "greedy",
#               direction = "forward")
#   class(out) <- "clustvarsel"
#   return(out)
# }
AndreaCappozzo/varselTBIC documentation built on July 23, 2021, 3:03 a.m.