
A model to investigate the evolution of resistance to two insecticides used sequentially or in a mixture. Described in this Malaria Journal article.

Warning! This is a research tool and not for making operational decisions.

Andy South (@southmapr) and Ian Hastings [2018]

To use Select 'UI' Modify inputs using the sliders for each scenario and insecticide * Press the 'Run ...' buttons to replot either scenario

The curves on the plots show the change in frequency of the allele giving resistance to insecticide1 (red) and insecticide2 (blue). A dashed line indicates use in a sequence and a solid line use in a mixture. If the allele frequencies are identical the curve appears purple.

The inputs that can be changed are :

Model Input | Description ------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Start Freq. | starting frequency of this resistance allele in the population 2. Exposure | proportion of insects exposed to insecticide 3. Effectiveness | proportion of susceptible (SS) insects killed by exposure to insecticide 4. R. restoration | Resistance restoration, ability of resistance (RR) to restore fitness of insects exposed to insecticide 5. Dominance of r. | Dominance of resistance, sets fitness of heterozygous (SR) insects between that of SS & RR in presence of insecticide 6. Cost | reduction in fitness of resistant (RR) insects in absence of insecticide 7. Dominance of cost | sets fitness of heterozygous (SR) insects between that of SS & RR in absence of insecticide


South, A., & Hastings, I. M. (2018). Insecticide resistance evolution with mixtures and sequences : a model-based explanation. Malaria Journal.

Levick, B., South, A., & Hastings, I. M. (2017). A two-locus model of the evolution of insecticide resistance to inform and optimise public health insecticide deployment strategies. PLoS Computational Biology, 13, e1005327.

Code repository UI paper

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