
#andy south 8/7/15


shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  output$plotDefault <- renderPlot({
    #isolate reactivity of other objects
      runcurtis_f2( addCombinedStrategy = input$addCombinedStrategy )
    }) #end isolate 
  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    #add dependency on the button
    if ( input$aButtonRun > 0 ) 
      #isolate reactivity of other objects
        #cat("running resistSimple with these inputs:", input$P_1, input$P_2*input$P_1, input$h.RS1_00, input$h.RS2_00,"\n")
        runcurtis_f2( max_gen = 500,
                      P_1 = input$P_1, 
                      P_2 = input$P_2,
                      #P_2 = input$P_2*input$P_1, #if doing 2 as a proportion of 1, i need to put a limit of 1 on this
                      h.RS1_A0 = input$h.RS1_A0, 
                      h.RS2_0B = input$h.RS2_0B,
                      exposure = input$exposure,
                      phi.SS1_A0 = input$phi.SS1_A0,
                      phi.SS2_0B = input$phi.SS2_0B,
                      s.RR1_A0 = input$s.RR1_A0,
                      s.RR2_0B = input$s.RR2_0B,
                      correct_mix_deploy = input$correct_mix_deploy,
                      addCombinedStrategy = input$addCombinedStrategy )
        #a hack to output the inputs
        cat("runcurtis_f2( max_gen=500", 
                      "P_1 =",input$P_1,",", 
                      "P_2 =",input$P_2,",", 
                      "h.RS1_A0 =",input$h.RS1_A0,",", 
                      "h.RS2_0B =",input$h.RS2_0B,",",
                      "exposure =",input$exposure,",",
                      "phi.SS1_A0 =",input$phi.SS1_A0,",",
                      "phi.SS2_0B =",input$phi.SS2_0B,",",
                      "s.RR1_A0 =",input$s.RR1_A0,",",
                      "s.RR2_0B =",input$s.RR2_0B,",",
                      "correct_mix_deploy =",input$correct_mix_deploy,",",
                      "addCombinedStrategy =",input$addCombinedStrategy,
                      ")\n" )
      }) #end isolate  
    } #end if ( input$aButtonRun > 0 ) 
AndySouth/resistance documentation built on Nov. 12, 2020, 3:39 a.m.