
#' run oldest simulation of population and resistance change
#' initially accepts single arg values next get it to accept vectors by time
#' @param num_tsteps number of timesteps to run simulation
#' @param pop_start start vector population
#' @param resist_freq_start frequency of resistance at start, 0 to 1
#' @param rate_growth population growth rate
#' @param carry_cap carrying capacity (K) in the logistic model
#' @param insecticide_kill kill rate due to insecticide
#' @param resistance_modifier modifies effect of resistance
# @param insecticide_on whether insecticide is applied 0=no, 1=yes
# @param resistance_on whether there is resistance to the applied insecticide 0=no, 1=yes
#' @param resist_incr increase in resistance when correct insecticide present
#' @param resist_decr decrease in resistance when correct insecticide absent
#' @param use_pyr use pyrethroids NA for no, 1 for yes, or a vector e.g. c(NA,1) to give alternate use
#' @param use_ddt use ddt see use_pyr
#' @param use_ops use organophosphates see use_pyr
#' @param use_car use carbamates see use_pyr
#' @param randomness 0-1 0=none, 1=maximum
#' @examples
#' dF <- run_sim_oldest(pop_start=0.5, resist_freq_start=0.2, rate_growth=0.4, carry_cap=1, insecticide_kill=0.4, resistance_modifier=1)
#' #plot default run
#' plot_sim_oldest( run_sim_oldest())
#' #modify params
#' plot_sim_oldest( run_sim_oldest( insecticide_kill = 0.3, resist_incr = 0.05 ))
#' #alternate use of pyr
#' plot_sim_oldest( run_sim_oldest(use_pyr=c(NA,1)))
#' @return dataframe of simulation results
#' @export

run_sim_oldest <- function(num_tsteps=20,
                           resist_incr = 0.2,
                           resist_decr = 0.1,
                           use_pyr = rep(1,num_tsteps),
                           use_ddt = NA,
                           use_ops = NA,
                           use_car = NA,
                           randomness = 0
  dF <- init_sim_oldest(num_tsteps)
  dF$pop[1] <- pop_start
  dF$resist_pyr[1] <- resist_freq_start
  dF$use_pyr <- use_pyr
  dF$use_ddt <- use_ddt
  dF$use_ops <- use_ops
  dF$use_car <- use_car
  #tstep loop
  for( tstep in 1:(num_tsteps-1) )
    insecticide_on <- dF$use_pyr[tstep] | dF$use_ddt[tstep] | dF$use_ops[tstep] | dF$use_car[tstep]
    resistance_on <-  dF$use_pyr[tstep] | dF$use_ddt[tstep]
    #cat("insecticide & resistance on ",insecticide_on, resistance_on,"\n")
    # change population
    dF$pop[tstep+1] <- change_pop_oldcc( pop = dF$pop[tstep],
                                         resist_freq = dF$resist_pyr[tstep],
                                         rate_growth = rate_growth,
                                         carry_cap = carry_cap,
                                         insecticide_kill = insecticide_kill,
                                         resistance_modifier = resistance_modifier,
                                         #initially just test whether any insecticide
                                         insecticide_on = insecticide_on,
                                         #initially just test whether pyr or ddt
                                         resistance_on = resistance_on,
                                         randomness = randomness )
    # change resistance
    dF$resist_pyr[tstep+1] <- change_resistance( resistance = dF$resist_pyr[tstep],
                                                 resist_incr = resist_incr,
                                                 resist_decr = resist_decr,
                                                 #initially just test whether pyr or ddt
                                                 resistance_on = resistance_on )

#' run flexible simulation of population and resistance change driven by config file
#' some params driven by config file, others by function args
#' @param num_tsteps number of timesteps to run simulation
#' @param pop_start start vector population
#' @param resist_freq_start effect of resistance on insecticide kill rate
#' @param rate_growth population growth rate
#' @param carry_cap carrying capacity (K) in the logistic model
#' @param insecticide_kill kill rate due to insecticide
#' @param resistance_modifier modifies effect of resistance
#' @param resist_incr increase in resistance when correct insecticide present
#' @param resist_decr decrease in resistance when correct insecticide absent
#' @param l_config list of config parameters
#' @param randomness 0-1 0=none, 1=maximum
#' @param never_go_below restock at this level if pop goes below it
#' @examples
#' l_time <- run_sim_oldcc(pop_start=0.5, resist_freq_start=0.2, rate_growth=0.4, carry_cap=1, insecticide_kill=0.4, resistance_modifier=1)
#' #plot default run
#' plot_sim_oldcc( run_sim_oldcc())
#' #modify params
#' plot_sim_oldcc( run_sim_oldcc( insecticide_kill = 0.3, resist_incr = 0.05 ))
#' #modify config file
#' l_config <- read_config()
#' l_config2 <- config_plan(l_config, t_strt=c(1,11), t_stop=c(10,20), control_id=c('irs_pyr','irs_ddt'))
#' plot_sim_oldcc( run_sim_oldcc(l_config=l_config2, resist_incr=0.1))
#' @return list of simulation results
#' @export

run_sim_oldcc <- function(num_tsteps=20,
                          resist_incr = 0.2,
                          resist_decr = 0.1,
                          l_config=NULL, #list got from configuration files
                          randomness = 0,
                          never_go_below = 0.01
  #read default config if none specified
  if (is.null(l_config))
    #read config files into a list, this is the old carrying capacity driven one
    l_config <- read_config(in_folder=system.file("extdata","config_oldcc_no_control", package="resistanceGame"))
  #initialise the list storing time data including what controls used
  l_time <- init_sim(num_tsteps=num_tsteps, l_config=l_config)
  l_time[[1]]$pop <- pop_start
  l_time[[1]]$resist <- resist_freq_start
  #can I allow emergence to be passed as a vector ?
  #be careful that later emergence may need to be specific to each vector
  #OR can I get it from l_config$places$emergence
  #[1] "0.1:0.1:0.1:0.1:0.1:0.1:0.9:0.9:0.9:0.9:0.9:0.9"
  #sneaky bit of code to replicate carry_cap as many times as needed to fill all tsteps
  #this allows some flexibility in creating seasonal patterns
  if (length(carry_cap) < num_tsteps)
    carry_cap <- rep_len(carry_cap, num_tsteps)
  for( tstep in 1:(num_tsteps) )
    l_time[[tstep]]$emergence <- carry_cap[tstep]
  #tstep loop
  for( tstep in 1:(num_tsteps-1) )
    #initially insecticide on is just if a control measure is present
    #todo later this will need to get the kill_rate from somewhere
    #or even assess whether this control measure works on this vectorl_time
    #insecticide_on <- l_time$use_pyr[tstep] | l_time$use_ddt[tstep] | l_time$use_ops[tstep] | l_time$use_car[tstep]
    #this sums all control measures
    #todo be careful with whether this should add to > 1 and what happens
    insecticide_on <- sum(l_time[[tstep]]$controls_used, na.rm=TRUE)
    #resistance_on <-  l_time$use_pyr[tstep] | l_time$use_ddt[tstep]
    #resistance_on is whether there is an appropriate combination
    #of resistance mechanism and control method
    #initially assume just one resistance mechanism at a time
    #it will need to test both l_time and list_config
    resistance_on <- is_control_incr_resist( controls_used = l_time[[tstep]]$controls_used,
                                             l_config = l_config )
    #cat("insecticide & resistance on ",insecticide_on, resistance_on,"\n")
    # change population
    l_time[[tstep+1]]$pop <- change_pop_oldcc( pop = l_time[[tstep]]$pop,
                                               resist_freq = l_time[[tstep]]$resist,
                                               rate_growth = rate_growth,
                                               #carry_cap = carry_cap,
                                               carry_cap = l_time[[tstep]]$emergence,
                                               insecticide_kill = insecticide_kill,
                                               resistance_modifier = resistance_modifier,
                                               #initially just test whether any insecticide
                                               insecticide_on = insecticide_on,
                                               #initially just test whether pyr or ddt
                                               resistance_on = resistance_on,
                                               randomness = randomness,
                                               never_go_below = never_go_below )
    # change resistance
    l_time[[tstep+1]]$resist <- change_resistance( resistance = l_time[[tstep]]$resist,
                                                   resist_incr = resist_incr,
                                                   resist_decr = resist_decr,
                                                   #initially just test whether pyr or ddt
                                                   resistance_on = resistance_on )
AndySouth/resistanceGame documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6:01 a.m.