
Defines functions occurrences

Documented in occurrences

#' Get occurrence data
#' Retrieve ALA occurrence data via the "occurrence download" web service.
#' At least one of \code{taxon}, \code{wkt}, or \code{fq} must be supplied for
#' a valid query.
#' @references \itemize{
#' \item Associated ALA web service for record counts:
#' \url{https://api.ala.org.au/#ws3}
#' \item Associated ALA web service for occurence downloads:
#' \url{https://api.ala.org.au/#ws4}
#' \item Field definitions:
#' \url{https://biocache-ws.ala.org.au/ws/index/fields}
#' \item WKT reference
#' \url{http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org/opengis/referencing/doc-files/WKT.html}
#' }
#' @param taxon string: (optional) query of the form field:value
#' (e.g. "genus:Heleioporus") or a free text search (e.g. "macropodidae").
#' Note that a free-text search is equivalent to specifying the "text" field
#' (i.e. \code{taxon = "Alaba"} is equivalent to \code{taxon = "text:Alaba"}.
#' The text field is populated with the taxon name along with a handful of
#' other commonly-used fields, and so just specifying your target
#' taxon (e.g. taxon = "Alaba vibex") will probably work.
#' However, for reliable results it is recommended to use a specific field
#' where possible (see \code{ala_fields("occurrence")}
#' for valid fields). It is also good practice to quote the taxon name if it
#' contains multiple words, for example
#' \code{taxon = "taxon_name:\"Alaba vibex\""}
#' @param wkt string: (optional) a WKT (well-known text) string providing a
#' spatial polygon within which to search, e.g. "POLYGON((140 -37,151 -37,151 ]
#' -26,140.131 -26,140 -37))"
#' @param fq string: (optional) character string or vector of strings,
#' specifying filters to be applied to the original query. These are of the
#' form "INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE" e.g. "kingdom:Fungi".
#' See \code{ala_fields("occurrence",as_is = TRUE)} for all the fields
#' that are queryable.
#' NOTE that fq matches are case-sensitive, but sometimes the entries in the
#' fields are not consistent in terms of case (e.g. kingdom names "Fungi" and
#' "Plantae" but "ANIMALIA").
#' fq matches are ANDed by default (e.g. c("field1:abc","field2:def") will
#' match records that have
#' field1 value "abc" and field2 value "def"). To obtain OR behaviour, use the
#' form c("field1:abc OR field2:def"). See e.g.
#' \url{https://solr.apache.org/guide/6_6/common-query-parameters.html}
#' for more information about filter queries
#' @param fields string vector: (optional) a vector of field names to return.
#' Note that the columns of the returned data frame are not guaranteed to
#' retain the ordering of the field names given here. If not specified, a
#' default list of fields will be returned. See
#' \code{ala_fields("occurrence")} for valid field names. Field names can be
#' passed as full names (e.g. "Radiation - lowest period (Bio22)") rather than
#' id ("el871").
#' Use \code{fields = "all"} to include all available fields, but note that
#' \code{"all"} will probably cause an error because the request URL will
#' exceed the maximum allowable length
#' @param extra string vector: (optional) a vector of field names to include
#' in addition to those specified in \code{fields}. This is useful if you would
#'  like the default list of fields (i.e. when \code{fields} parameter is not
#'  specified) plus some additional extras. See
#'  \code{ala_fields("occurrence_stored",as_is = TRUE)} for valid field names.
#'  Field names can be passed as full names
#'  (e.g. "Radiation - lowest period (Bio22)") rather than id ("el871").
#'  Use \code{extra = "all"} to include all available fields, but note that
#'  \code{"all"} will probably cause an error with \code{method = "offline"}
#'  because the request URL will exceed the maximum allowable length
#' @param qa string vector: (optional) list of record issues to include in
#' the download. Use \code{qa = "all"} to include all available issues, or
#' \code{qa = "none"} to include none. Otherwise see
#' \code{ala_fields("assertions",as_is = TRUE)} for valid values
#' @param method string: This parameter is deprecated. Now all queries use
#' offline method unless \code{record_count_only = TRUE}
#'  more fields are available and larger datasets can be returned
#' @param generate_doi logical: by default no DOI will be generated. Set to
#' true if you intend to use the data in a publication or similar
#' @param email string: the email address of the user performing the download
#' (required unless \code{record_count_only = TRUE}
#' @param email_notify logical: by default an email with the download
#' information will be sent to the `email` specified. Set to `FALSE` if you are
#' doing a large number of downloads
#' @param download_reason_id numeric or string: (required unless
#' record_count_only is TRUE) a reason code for the download, either as a
#' numeric ID (currently 0--11) or a string (see \code{\link{ala_reasons}} for
#'  a list of valid ID codes and names). The download_reason_id can be passed
#'  directly to this function, or alternatively set using
#'  \code{ala_config(download_reason_id = ...)}
#' @param reason string: (optional) user-supplied description of the reason for
#' the download. Providing this information is optional but will help the ALA
#' to better support users by building a better understanding of user
#' communities and their data requests
#' @param verbose logical: show additional progress information?
#' [default is set by ala_config()]
#' @param record_count_only logical: if TRUE, return just the count of records
#' that would be downloaded, but don't download them. Note that the record
#' count is always re-retrieved from the ALA, regardless of the caching
#' settings. If a cached copy of this query exists on the local machine, the
#' actual data set size may therefore differ from this record count.
#' \code{record_count_only = TRUE} can only be used with
#' \code{method = "indexed"}
#' @param use_layer_names logical: if TRUE, layer names will be used as layer
#' column names in the returned data frame (e.g. "radiationLowestPeriodBio22").
#'  Otherwise, layer id value will be used for layer column names
#'  (e.g. "el871")
#' @param use_data_table logical: if TRUE, attempt to read the data.csv file
#' using the fread function from the data.table package. If this fails with an
#' error or warning, or if use_data_table is FALSE, then read.table will be
#' used (which may be slower)
#' @return Data frame of occurrence results, with one row per occurrence
#' record. The columns of the dataframe will depend on the requested fields
#' @seealso \code{\link{ala_reasons}} for download reasons;
#' \code{\link{ala_config}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## count of records from this data provider
#' x <- occurrences(taxon = "data_resource_uid:dr356",record_count_only = TRUE)
#' ## download records, with standard fields
#' x <- occurrences(taxon = "data_resource_uid:dr356", download_reason_id = 10,
#' email = 'your_email_here')
#' ## download records, with all fields
#' x <- occurrences(taxon = "data_resource_uid:dr356",download_reason_id = 10,
#'   fields = ala_fields("occurrence_stored",as_is = TRUE)$name)
#' ## download records, with specified fields
#' x <- occurrences(taxon = "genus:Heleioporus",
#' fields = c("longitude","latitude",
#'   "common_name","taxon_name","el807"),download_reason_id = 10)
#' ## download records in polygon, with no quality assertion information
#' x <- occurrences(taxon = "genus:Heleioporus",
#'   wkt = "POLYGON((145 -37,150 -37,150 -30,145 -30,145 -37))",
#'   download_reason_id = 10,qa = "none")
#' y <- occurrences(taxon = "taxon_name:\"Alaba vibex\"",fields = c("latitude",
#' "longitude","el874"),
#'   download_reason_id = 10)
#' str(y)
#' # equivalent direct webservice call
#' # [see this by setting ala_config(verbose = TRUE)]:
#' # https://biocache-ws.ala.org.au/ws/occurrences/index/download?q=taxon_name%3A%22Alaba%20vibex%22&
#' # fields=latitude,longitude,el874&reasonTypeId=10&sourceTypeId=2001&esc=%5C&sep=%09&file=data
#' occurrences(taxon="taxon_name:\"Eucalyptus gunnii\"",
#' fields=c("latitude","longitude"),
#'   qa="none",fq="basis_of_record:LivingSpecimen",
#'   download_reason_id=10)
#' # equivalent direct webservice call
#' # [see this by setting ala_config(verbose=TRUE)]:
#' # https://biocache-ws.ala.org.au/ws/occurrences/index/download?q=taxon_name%3A%22
#' # Eucalyptus%20gunnii%22&fq=basis_of_record%3ALivingSpecimen&fields=latitude,longitude&qa=none&
#' # reasonTypeId=10&sourceTypeId=2001&esc=%5C&sep=%09&file=data
#' }
#' @export occurrences

## TODO: more extensive testing, particularly of the csv-conversion process
## TODO LATER: add params: lat, lon, radius (for specifying a search circle)

occurrences <- function(taxon, wkt, fq, fields, extra, qa, method,
                        generate_doi = FALSE, email, email_notify=FALSE,
                        download_reason_id = ala_config()$download_reason_id,
                        reason, verbose = ala_config()$verbose,
                        record_count_only = FALSE, use_layer_names = TRUE,
                        use_data_table = TRUE) {

    ## check input params are sensible
    if (!missing(method)) {
        warning("Method is a deprecated field. All queries use offline method,
                unless record_count_only == TRUE, when indexed method is used")
    if (record_count_only) {
        valid_fields_type <- "occurrence_stored"
    else {
        valid_fields_type <- "occurrence"
    this_query <- list()
    ## have we specified a taxon?
    if (!missing(taxon)) {
        if (is.factor(taxon)) {
            taxon <- as.character(taxon)
        this_query$q <- taxon
    ## wkt string
    if (!missing(wkt)) {
        this_query$wkt <- wkt
    if (!missing(fq)) {
        ## can have multiple fq parameters, need to specify in url as
        ## fq=a:b&fq=c:d&fq=...
        check_fq(fq, type = "occurrence") ## check that fq fields are valid
        fq <- as.list(fq)
        names(fq) <- rep("fq", length(fq))
        this_query <- c(this_query, fq)
    if (length(this_query) == 0) {
        ## not a valid request!
        stop("invalid request: need at least one of taxon, fq, or wkt to
             be specified")

    ## check the number of records
    if (record_count_only) {
        temp_query <- this_query
        temp_query$pageSize <- 0
        temp_query$facet <- "off"
        this_url <- build_url_from_parts(
            c("occurrences", "search"), query = temp_query)
        return(cached_get(url = this_url, type = "json", caching = "off",
                          verbose = verbose)$totalRecords)
    else {
        if (missing(email) || !is.string(email) || nchar(email) < 1) {
            stop("email is required")
        this_query$email <- email
    if (!email_notify) {
        this_query$emailNotify <- "false"
    reason_ok <- !is.na(download_reason_id)
    if (reason_ok) {
        valid_reasons <- ala_reasons()
        ## convert from string to numeric if needed
        download_reason_id <- convert_reason(download_reason_id)
        reason_ok <- download_reason_id %in% valid_reasons$id
    if (! reason_ok) {
        stop("download_reason_id must be a valid reason_id. See ",
             getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$reasons_function, "()")
    if (!missing(fields)) {
        ## user has specified some fields
        valid_fields <- ala_fields(fields_type = valid_fields_type,
                                   as_is = TRUE)
        if (identical(tolower(fields), "all")) fields <- valid_fields$name
        # # replace long names with ids
        fields <- fields_name_to_id(fields = fields, fields_type = "occurrence")
        unknown <- setdiff(fields, valid_fields$name)
        if (length(unknown) > 0) {
            stop("invalid fields requested: ", str_c(unknown, collapse = ", "),
                 ". See ", getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$fields_function,
                 "(\"", valid_fields_type, "\",as_is=TRUE)")
        this_query$fields <- str_c(fields, collapse = ",")

    if (generate_doi) {
      this_query$mintDoi <- "true"

    if (!missing(extra)) {
        valid_fields <- ala_fields(fields_type = valid_fields_type,
                                   as_is = TRUE)
        if (identical(tolower(extra), "all")) extra <- valid_fields$name
        ## replace long names with ids
        extra <- fields_name_to_id(fields = extra, fields_type = "occurrence")
        unknown <- setdiff(extra, valid_fields$name)
        if (length(unknown) > 0) {
            stop("invalid extra fields requested: ",
                 str_c(unknown, collapse = ", "),
                 ". See ", getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$fields_function,
                 "(\"", valid_fields_type, "\",as_is=TRUE)")
        this_query$extra <- str_c(extra, collapse = ",")
    if (!missing(qa)) {
        if (identical(tolower(qa), "all")) {
            qa <- ala_fields("assertions", as_is = TRUE)$name
        ## valid entries for qa
        valid_fields <- c("none", ala_fields(fields_type = "assertions",
                                            as_is = TRUE)$name)
        unknown <- setdiff(qa, valid_fields)
        if (length(unknown) > 0) {
            stop("invalid qa fields requested: ",
                 str_c(unknown, collapse = ", "),
                 ". See ", getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$fields_function,
        this_query$qa <- str_c(qa, collapse = ",")
    if (!missing(reason)) {
        this_query$reason <- reason

    this_query$reasonTypeId <- download_reason_id

    if (getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$biocache_version > "1.8.1") {
        ## only for more recent biocache versions
        this_query$sourceTypeId <- ala_sourcetypeid()

    ## force backslash-escaping of quotes rather than double-quote escaping
    this_query$esc <- "\\"
    this_query$sep <- "\t" ## tab-delimited
    ## to ensure that file is named "data.csv" within the zip file
    this_query$file <- "data"
    ## possibly use this to be more consistent with field names
    ##this_query$dwcHeaders <- "true"

    this_url <- build_url_from_parts(
        c("occurrences", "offline", "download"), query = this_query)
    ## the file that will ultimately hold the results (even if we are not
    ## caching, it still gets saved to file)
    thisfile <- ala_cache_filename(this_url)
    if ((ala_config()$caching %in% c("off", "refresh")) ||
        (! file.exists(thisfile))) {
        status <- cached_get(url = this_url, caching = "off", type = "json",
                             verbose = verbose)
        if (!"statusUrl" %in% names(status)) {
            stop("reply from server was missing statusUrl. ",
        this_status_url <- status$statusUrl
        status <- cached_get(this_status_url, caching = "off", type = "json",
                             verbose = verbose)
        while (tolower(status$status) %in% c("inqueue", "running")) {
            status <- cached_get(this_status_url, caching = "off",
                                 type = "json", verbose = verbose)

        if (status$status != "finished") {
            stop("unexpected response from server. ",
                 ". The server response was: ", status$status)
        } else {
            ## finally we have the URL to the data file itself
            download_to_file(status$downloadUrl, outfile = thisfile,
                             binary_file = TRUE, verbose = verbose)

        } else {
            ## we are using the existing cached file
            if (verbose) message(sprintf("Using cached file %s for %s",
                                         thisfile, this_url))
    ## these downloads can potentially be large, so we want to download
    ## directly to file and then read the file
    if (!(file.info(thisfile)$size > 0)) {
        ## empty file
        x <- NULL
        ## actually this isn't a sufficient check, since even with empty
        ## data.csv file inside, the outer zip file will be > 0 bytes.
        ## Check again below on the actual data.csv file
    } else {
        read_ok <- FALSE
        if (use_data_table) {
                ## first need to extract data.csv from the zip file
                ## this may end up making fread() slower than direct
                ## read.table() ... needs testing
                tempsubdir <- tempfile(pattern = "dir")
                if (verbose) {
                    message(sprintf("Unzipping downloaded occurrences data.csv
                                    file into %s", tempsubdir))
                unzip(thisfile, files = c("data.csv"), junkpaths = TRUE,
                      exdir = tempsubdir)
                ## first check if file is empty
                if (file.info(file.path(tempsubdir, "data.csv"))$size > 0) {
                    x <- data.table::fread(file.path(tempsubdir, "data.csv"),
                                           data.table = FALSE,
                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                                           header = TRUE, verbose = verbose,
                                           sep = "\t", na.strings = "NA",
                                           logical01 = FALSE)
                    names(x) <- make.names(names(x))
                    if (!empty(x)) {
                        ## convert column data types
                        ## ALA supplies *all* values as quoted text, even
                        ## numeric, and they appear here as character type
                        ## we will convert whatever looks like numeric or
                        ## logical to those classes
                        for (cl in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
                            x[, cl] <- convert_dt(x[, cl])
                    read_ok <- TRUE
                } else {
                    x <- data.frame() ## empty result set
                    read_ok <- TRUE
            }, warning = function(e) {
                if (verbose) {
                    warning("reading of csv as data.table failed, will fall
                            back to read.table (may be slow). The warning
                            message was: ", e)
                read_ok <- FALSE
             , error = function(e) {
                if (verbose) {
                    warning("reading of csv as data.table failed, will fall
                            back to read.table (may be slow). The error message
                            was: ", e)
                read_ok <- FALSE
        if (!read_ok) {
            x <- read.table(unz(thisfile, filename = "data.csv"), header = TRUE,
                            comment.char = "", as.is = TRUE)
            if (!empty(x)) {
                ## convert column data types
                ## read.table handles quoted numerics but not quoted logicals
                for (cl in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
                    x[, cl] <- convert_dt(x[, cl], test_numeric = FALSE)

        if (!empty(x)) {
            ## change e.g. el.xxx to elxxx
            names(x) <- str_replace_all(names(x),
                                        "^(el|cl)\\.([0-9]+)", "\\1\\2")
            ## TODO what is "cl.1050.b" etc?
            if (use_layer_names) {
                names(x) <- make.names(fields_id_to_name(names(x),
                                                         fields_type =
            } else {
                ## use make_names because names here have dots instead of
                ## spaces (not tested)
                names(x) <- make.names(fields_name_to_id(names(x),
                                                         fields_type = "layers",
                                                         make_names = TRUE))
            names(x) <- rename_variables(names(x), type = "assertions")
            names(x) <- rename_variables(names(x), type = "occurrence")
            ## remove unwanted columns
            xcols <- setdiff(names(x), unwanted_columns("occurrence"))
            x <- subset(x, select = xcols)
            ## also read the citation info
            ## this file won't exist if there are no rows in the data.csv file,
            ## so only do it if nrow(x)>0
            ## also wrap it in a try(...), so that it won't cause the function
            ## to fail if the citation.csv file isn't present
            xc <- "No citation information was returned, try again later"
            found_citation <- FALSE
              xc <- read.table(unz(thisfile, "citation.csv"),
                                                header = TRUE,
                                                comment.char = "",
                                                as.is = TRUE)
              found_citation <- TRUE},
              silent = TRUE)

            if (!found_citation & nrow(x) > 0) {
                warning("citation file not found within downloaded zip file")
            # look for doi if one was requested
            doi <- NA
            if (generate_doi) {
                doi_file <- read.table(unz(thisfile, "doi.txt"))
                doi <- as.character(doi_file$V1)
                found_doi <- TRUE},
                silent = TRUE)
            if (generate_doi & is.na(doi)) {
              warning("No DOI was generated for download. The DOI server may
                        be down. Please try again later")
        } else {
            if (ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
                warning("no matching records were returned")
            if (!missing(wkt) && !isTRUE(check_wkt(wkt))) {
                warning("WKT string may not be valid: ", wkt)
            xc <- NULL
            doi <- NULL
        meta <- list(citation = xc, doi = doi)
        x <- list(data = x, meta = meta)

    class(x) <- c("occurrences", class(x)) #add the occurrences class
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ALA4R documentation built on Sept. 16, 2021, 4:33 a.m.