
Defines functions search_layers

Documented in search_layers

#' Search for environmental and contextual data layers
#' @references Associated ALA web services:
#' \url{https://api.ala.org.au/#ws11} \url{https://api.ala.org.au/#ws12}
#' \url{https://api.ala.org.au/#ws13}
#' @references Descriptions of the spatial layers:
#' \url{https://spatial.ala.org.au/ws/layers/index/})
#' @param query text string: optional search term against layer metadata.
#' Only layers that include this term in their metadata will be returned.
#' @param type string: either "all" (all possible layers; default), "grids"
#' (gridded environmental layers), or "shapes" (contextual shapefile layers)
#' @param output_format string: controls the print method for the
#' returned object. Either "complete" (the complete data structure is
#' displayed), or "simple" (a simplified version is displayed). Note that the
#' complete data structure exists in both cases: this option only controls
#' what is displayed when the object is printed to the console. The default
#' output format is "simple"
#' @return A data frame of results. The contents (column names) of the data
#' frame will vary depending on the details of the search and the results
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' search_layers(type = "all")
#' search_layers(type = "grids", query = "income")
#' search_layers(type = "shapes", query = "coral", output_format = "simple")
#' }
#' @export
search_layers <- function(query, type = "all", output_format = "simple") {
    type <- match.arg(tolower(type), c("all", "grids", "shapes"))
    if (!missing(query)) {
    output_format <- match.arg(tolower(output_format), c("simple", "complete"))

    mypath <- ifelse(type %in% c("grids", "shapes"), c("layers", type),
    this_url <- build_url_from_parts(
        getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$base_url_spatial, mypath)
    out <- cached_get(url = this_url, type = "json") ## download all data
    if (!missing(query)) {
        out <- out[grepl(query, out$name, ignore.case = TRUE) |
                       grepl(query, out$description, ignore.case = TRUE), ]
    ## change id from numeric to "elxxx" or "clxxx" as appropriate for
    ## environmental/contextual
    if (!empty(out)) {
        out$id <- paste(substr(tolower(out$type), 1, 1), "l", out$id, sep = "")
    ## change variable names for consistency
    names(out) <- rename_variables(names(out), type = "layers")
    ## change "name" to "shortName", "displayname" to "name" so as to match
    ## ala_fields("layers")
    names(out)[names(out) == "name"] <- "shortName"
    names(out)[names(out) == "displayname"] <- "name"
    ## remove some columns that are unlikely to be of value here
    xcols <- setdiff(names(out), unwanted_columns("layers"))
    out <- subset(out, select = xcols)
    ## reorder columns, for minor convenience
    xcols <- names(out)
    firstcols <- intersect(c("name", "id", "type", "description"), xcols)
    xcols <- c(firstcols, setdiff(xcols, firstcols))
    out <- subset(out, select = xcols)
    attr(out, "output_format") <- output_format
    class(out) <- c("search_layers", class(out)) ## add the search_names class
    if (empty(out) && ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
        warning("no matching records were returned")

#' @method print search_layers
#' @export
"print.search_layers" <- function(x, ...) {
    cols <- names(x)
    if (identical(attr(x, "output_format"), "simple")) {
        cols <- intersect(c("name", "id", "description", "type", "notes",
                            "environmentalValueUnits", "licenceNotes",
                            "licenceLink", "notes"), cols)
    m <- as.matrix(format.data.frame(x[, cols], na.encode = FALSE))
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ALA4R documentation built on Sept. 16, 2021, 4:33 a.m.