
Defines functions search_names

Documented in search_names

#' Lookup of taxonomic names
#' Provides GUID, taxonomic classification, and other information for a list
#' of names.
#' Case-insensitive but otherwise exact matches are used.
#' @references The associated ALA web service:
#' \url{https://api.ala.org.au/#ws87}
#' @param taxa string: a single name or vector of names
#' @param vernacular logical: if TRUE, match on common names as well as
#' scientific names, otherwise match only on scientific names
#' @param guids_only logical: if TRUE, a named list of GUIDs will be returned.
#' Otherwise, a data frame with more comprehensive information for each name
#' will be returned.
#' @param occurrence_count logical: if TRUE (and if \code{guids_only} is FALSE)
#' then also return the number of occurrences of each matched name.
#' Note that this requires one extra web call for each name, and so may be
#' slow. Only applicable if \code{guids_only} is FALSE.
#' @param output_format string: controls the print method for the returned
#' object (only has an effect when \code{guids_only} is FALSE). Either
#' "complete" (the complete data structure is displayed), or "simple" (a
#' simplified version is displayed). Note that the complete data structure
#' exists in both cases: this option only controls what is displayed when the
#' object is printed to the console. The default output format is "simple"
#' @return A data frame of results, or named list of GUIDs if
#' \code{guids_only} is TRUE. The results should include one entry (i.e. one
#' data.frame row or one list element) per input name. The columns in the
#' data.frame output may vary depending on the results returned by the ALA
#' server, but should include searchTerm, name, rank, and guid.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' search_names(c("Grevillea humilis", "Grevillea humilis subsp. maritima",
#'   "Heleioporus", "Thisisnot aname"))
#' search_names(c("Grevillea humilis", "Grevillea humilis subsp. maritima",
#'   "Heleioporus", "Thisisnot aname"), guids_only = TRUE)
#' search_names("kookaburra", vernacular = FALSE)
#' search_names("kookaburra", vernacular = TRUE)
#' ## occurrence counts for matched names
#' search_names(c("Grevillea humilis", "Grevillea humilis subsp. maritima",
#'   "Heleioporus", "Thisisnot aname"), occurrence_count = TRUE)
#' ## no occurrence counts because guids_only is TRUE
#' search_names(c("Grevillea humilis", "Grevillea humilis subsp. maritima",
#'   "Heleioporus", "Thisisnot aname"), occurrence_count = TRUE,
#'   guids_only = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export search_names

search_names <- function(taxa = c(), vernacular = FALSE, guids_only = FALSE,
                         occurrence_count = FALSE, output_format = "simple") {
    ## input argument checks
    if (is.list(taxa)) {
        taxa <- unlist(taxa)
    if (is.factor(taxa)) {
        taxa <- as.character(taxa)
    if (any(nchar(taxa) < 1)) {
        stop("input contains empty string")
    if (length(taxa) < 1) {
        stop("empty input")
    output_format <- match.arg(tolower(output_format), c("simple", "complete"))
    taxa_original <- taxa
    ## clean up the taxon name
    taxa <- vapply(taxa, clean_string, FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    ## re-check names, since clean_string may have changed them
    if (any(nchar(taxa) < 1)) {
        stop("input contains empty string after cleaning (did the input name
             contain only non-alphabetic characters?)")
    this_url <- build_url_from_parts(
        c("species", "lookup", "bulk"))
    temp <- jsonlite::toJSON(list(names = taxa, vernacular = vernacular))
    ## toJSON puts vernacular as a single-element array, which causes failures.
    ## Need to convert to scalar logical
    temp <- str_replace(temp, "\\[[ ]*false[ ]*\\]", "false")
    temp <- str_replace(temp, "\\[[ ]*true[ ]*\\]", "true")
    x <- cached_post(url = this_url, body = temp, type = "json",
                     content_type = "application/json")
    if (identical(x, NA) || identical(x, as.character(NA))) {
        ## if a single non-matched name is supplied, we get NA back
        x <- NULL
    if (guids_only) {
        if (! is.data.frame(x)) {
            ## if we pass multiple names and none of them match, we get a
            ## vector of NAs back
            if (!is.null(x) && all(is.na(x))) {
                x <- data.frame()
        if (empty(x)) {
            if (ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
                warning("no records found");
            x <- as.list(rep(NA, length(taxa_original)))
        } else {
            x <- as.list(x$guid)
        names(x) <- make.names(taxa_original)
    } else {
        if (! is.data.frame(x)) {
            ## if we pass multiple names and none of them match, we get a
            ## vector of NAs back
            if (!is.null(x) && all(is.na(x))) {
                x <- data.frame()
        if (! empty(x)) {
            ## column names within the data matrix are returned as camelCase
            ## add searchTerm, so user can more easily see what each original
            ## query was
            x$searchTerm <- taxa_original
            ## rename some columns
            names(x)[names(x) == "classs"] <- "class"
            ## remove some columns that are unlikely to be of value here
            xcols <- setdiff(names(x), unwanted_columns("general"))
            ## also remove hasChildren, since it always seems to be false
            xcols <- setdiff(xcols, c("hasChildren"))
            ## reorder columns, for minor convenience
            firstcols <- intersect(c("searchTerm", "name", "commonName",
                                     "guid", "rank"), xcols)
            xcols <- c(firstcols, setdiff(xcols, firstcols))
            x <- subset(x, select = xcols)
            attr(x, "output_format") <- output_format
        } else {
            if (ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
                warning("no records found");
            x <- data.frame(searchTerm = taxa_original, name = NA,
                            commonName = NA, rank = NA, guid = NA)
            attr(x, "output_format") <- output_format
        ## some names have non-breaking spaces
        for (n in intersect(names(x), c("name", "nameComplete",
            x[, n] <- replace_nonbreaking_spaces(x[, n])
    names(x) <- rename_variables(names(x), type = "general")
    if (occurrence_count & !guids_only) {
        ## do this after renaming variables, so that column name guid is
        ## predictable
        x$occurrenceCount <- NA
        non_na <- !is.na(x$guid)
        if (any(non_na)) {
            x$occurrenceCount[non_na] <-
                vapply(x$guid[non_na], function(z) {
                    occurrences(taxon = paste0("lsid:", z),
                                record_count_only = TRUE)
                    FUN.VALUE = 1, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    class(x) <- c("search_names", class(x)) ## add the search_names class

#' @method print search_names
#' @export
"print.search_names" <- function(x, ...) {
    if (inherits(x, "list")) {
        ## from guids_only seach
    } else {
        cols <- names(x)
        if (identical(attr(x, "output_format"), "simple")) {
            if ("commonNameSingle" %in% cols) {
                cnn <- "commonNameSingle"
                } else {
                    cnn <- "commonName"
            cols <- intersect(c("searchTerm", "name", cnn, "rank", "guid",
                                "occurrenceCount"), cols)
        print(format.data.frame(x[, cols], na.encode = FALSE))
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ALA4R documentation built on Sept. 16, 2021, 4:33 a.m.