
#' Adhesive Bonded Power Element Test
#' @docType data
#' @name adhesivebondc
#' @family data-notdone
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 336 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'  [, 1] \tab celsius  \tab Temperature applied to the bond \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'  [, 2] \tab rh       \tab Relative humidity applied to the bond \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'  [, 3] \tab days     \tab Time the bond was under load \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'  [, 4] \tab pounds   \tab Load at which the bond failed \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'  }
#' @source ####
#' @description How do pounds and days work together? Two responses? Constant strain?

#' Accelerated Adhesive Creep Test
#' @docType data
#' @name adhesivestrength
#' @family data-notdone
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 89 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab pounds \tab Load at which the adhesive failed \tab \bold{Numeric} \cr
#'   [, 2] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied to the bond \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab days \tab Time the bond was under load \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab group \tab Type of adhesive\tab \bold{Categoric}
#'   }
#' @source Beckwith, J. P. (1980), 
#'         An estimator and design techinque for the estimation of a rate parameter in accelerated testing.  
#'         Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.
#' @description ####

#' Metallic Alloy Fatigue Crack Growth Test
#' @docType data
#' @name alloya
#' @family data-done
#' @format  A \code{data.frame} with 262 rows and 3 variables
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab inches \tab Crack length observed at \code{megacycles} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab specimen \tab Test specimen designator \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr 
#'   [, 3] \tab megacycles \tab Number of fatigue cycles (in millions) when \code{length} was inspected  \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'   }
#' @source Hudak, S. J., Saxena, A., Bucci, R. J., and Malcom, R .C. (1978), 
#'         Development of standard methods of testing and analyzing fatigure crack growth rate data, 
#'         Technical Report AFML-TR-78-40, Westinghouse R & D Center, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA.
#' @source Bogdanoff, J. L. and Kozin, F. (1985), 
#'         Probablistic Models of Cumulative Damage, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons. 
#' @description Twenty-one specimens of an unknown alloy were subjected 
#'              to the same cyclic load profile.  Prior to testing, an initial crack 
#'              (length = 0.9 in) was cut into each specimen to serve as a crack 
#'              nucleation site.  After each increment of 10,000 fatigue cycles the length
#'              of the crack was recorded.  A specimen was considered to have failed when
#'              the crack length exceeded 1.6 inches, otherwise the test concluded after 1.2 million 
#'              cycles.

#' Metal Alloy Tensile Strength Test 
#' @docType data
#' @name alloyc
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 9 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab ksil   \tab Lower limit of the stress interval \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab ksiu   \tab Upper limit of the stress interval \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event  \tab Event observed in the interval (interval-censored)\tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count  \tab Number of events observed in the interval\tab \bold{Numeric}
#'   }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A., (1998),
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, pg. 276, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description These data resulted from a test that was conducted to obtain information on the strength of an alloy produced by 
#'              an alternate process.  The designation for the alloy was not provided and is only referred to as "Alloy C".  Specimens
#'              of the alloy were subjected to various levels of constant stress, measured in ksi (1 ksi = 1000 psi).  The dataset 
#'              includes the number of failed specimens observed in each interval of applied stress. 

#' AMSAA Reliability Growth Test
#' @rdname AMSAA
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name amsaaexactfail
#' @name amsaawindow1
#' @name amsaawindow2  
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 725 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab vehicle \tab Vehicle type \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab miles   \tab Accumulated distance at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr 
#'   [, 3] \tab event   \tab Event observed at \code{miles} (Start/Fail/End) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'   }
#' @rdname AMSAA
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' Appliance Cord Failures
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name appliancea 
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 36 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours  \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event  \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (failed/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr 
#'   [, 3] \tab type   \tab Appliance type \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'   }
#' @source Nelson, W. (1982), 
#'         Applied Life Data Analysis pg. 121, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' Appliance-B Failures Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name applianceb
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 398 rows and 5 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab source \tab Information source (test environment) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{days} (failure/right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{time} \tab \bold{Numeric} \cr
#'   [, 4] \tab days \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr 
#'   [, 5] \tab mode \tab Failure mode observed at \code{days} \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'   }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' Herbicide Concentration Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name atrazinejune 
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 24 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab percent \tab Atrazine concentration \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{percent} (failed/left-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'   }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name aprel72
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 25 rows and 5 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hoursl \tab Start of observation interval \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab hoursu  \tab End of observation interval   \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr 
#'   [, 3] \tab event  \tab Event observed in the interval (right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric} \cr
#'   [, 5] \tab celsius  \tab Temperature applied \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'   }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A., (1998),
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons. 
#' @description ####

#' Aluminum Alloy T7987 Fatigue Life Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name at7987
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 68 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{kilocycles} (failed/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr 
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{kilocycles} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'   }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998),
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description A test was conducted to assess the fatigue life of an alloy, 
#'              designated as T-7987. In this test, 72 specimens were subjected 
#'              to an unreported load spectrum. The number of cycles at which a 
#'              specimen failed was recorded (rounded to the nearest thousand cycles).
#'              Of the 72 units tested, 67 failures were observed and 5 units were right 
#'              censored at 300 kilocycles.

#' Americurium-241 \eqn{\alpha}-Particle Emissions
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name berkson20
#' @name berkson200
#' @name berkson2000
#' @name berkson10220
#' @rdname berkson    
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 8 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower \tab Start of an observation interval (in 1/5000 seconds) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper \tab End of an observation interval (in 1/5000 seconds) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Berkson, J. (1966), 
#'         Examination of randomness of alpha-particle emissions, in Festschrift for J. Neyman, Research Papers in Statistics, 
#'         David, F. N., Editor, 
#'         New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description Berkson investigated the randomness of \eqn{\alpha}-particle 
#'              emissions of Americium-241 (which has a half-life of about 458 years). 
#'              Physical theory suggests that, over a short period of time, the 
#'              interarrival times of observed particles would be independent and come 
#'              from an exponential distribution where the rate parameter is the mean 
#'              time between arrivals. The corresponding homogeneous Poisson process that 
#'              counts the number of emissions on the real-time line has arrival rate or 
#'              the intensity \eqn{\lambda}=1/\eqn{theta}. The data consist of 10,220 observed interarrival 
#'              times of \eqn{\alpha}-particles (time unit equal to 1/5,000 second). The observed 
#'              interarrival times were put into intervals (or bins) running from 0 to 4,000 
#'              time units with interval lengths ranging from 25 to 100 time units, with one 
#'              additional interval for observed times exceeding 4,000 time units.  To save space, 
#'              this example uses a smaller number of larger bins; reducing the number of bins in 
#'              this way will not seriously affect the precision of ML estimates.

#' Carbon Steel Fatigue-Fracture Test
#' @docType data
#' @name bkfatigue10   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 63 rows and 1 variable:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at failure (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Bogdanoff, J. L. and Kozin, F. (1985),
#'         Probablistic Models of Cumulative Damage, 224-225, 
#'         New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @source Yokobori, T. (1951),
#'         Fatigue fracture in steel, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, \bold{6}, 81-86.
#' @description Yokobori describes a fatigue-fracture test on 0.41\% carbon steel cylindrical specimens, tested at 
#'              \eqn{\pm 37.1 kg/mm^2} stress amplitude.

#' Bleed System Reliability Test 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name bleed
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 60 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (failure/right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{hours} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab base  \tab Base where observation was made \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Abernethy, R. B., Breneman, J. E., Medlin, C. H., and Reinman, G. L., (1983), 
#'         Weibull Analysis Handbook, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Technical Report AFWAL-TR-83-2079.
#' @description Abernethy, Breneman, Medlin, and Reinman give failure and 
#'              running time for 2256 bleed systems operating at several 
#'              geographically separated bases. They observed a change in 
#'              the probability plot before and after 600 of operation.  
#'              Further examination showed that 9 of the 19 failures occurred 
#'              at Base 'D'.  Separate analyses of the Base D data and the data 
#'              from the other bases indicated different life distributions. 
#'              The large slope for Base D indicated strong wearout behavior. 
#'              The relatively small slope for the other bases suggested infant 
#'              mortality or accidental failures. After investigation it was 
#'              determined that the early-failure problem at base D was caused by 
#'              salt air (Base D was near the ocean). A change in maintenance 
#'              procedures there solved the dominant bleed system reliability problem.

#' Light Bulb Failure Test 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone-source-desc
#' @name bulb
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 417 rows and 1 variable:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at failure \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Davis, D. J. (1952), 
#'         An analysis of some failure data, 
#'         Journal of the American Statistical Association, \bold{47}, 113-150.
#' @description ####

#' Bearing Cage Fracture Test 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name bearingcage
#' @description Ball bearing assembly failure data   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 25 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (failure/right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{hours} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Abernethy, R. B., Breneman, J. E., Medlin, C. H., and Reinman, G. L. (1983), 
#'         Weibull Analysis Handbook, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories Technical Report AFWAL-TR-83-2079
#' @description The service life requirement for a ball bearing assembly was specified 
#'          such that \eqn{t_{0.1}}{t[0.1]} (aka the B10 life) be greater that 8000 hours. 
#'          Analysts were concerned that the design of the bearing cage in this assembly 
#'          was inadequate and could lead to premature failures during service.
#'          Service times were collected for 1703 assemblies that were introduced into 
#'          service over time.  The analysts wanted to use the service life data to 
#'          determine if a redesign was needed to ensure that the units could meet the 
#'          service life requirement.  Management was also interested in determining the 
#'          number of additional failures that could be expected over the next year
#'          for the population of assemblies already in service.
#' @details Bearing cages are used in ball bearing assemblies to ensure that the 
#'          ball bearings do not drift out of position relative to the other ball 
#'          bearings during use.

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name bearinga
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 5 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event      \tab Event observed at \code{kilocycles} (failure/right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count      \tab Number of events observed at \code{kilocycles} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name censortruncationtest   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 16 rows and 6 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower   \tab Start of an observation interval in hours \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper  \tab End of an observation interval in hours \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (failure/right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab trun_lower  \tab Start of a truncation interval in hours \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab trun_upper \tab End of a truncation interval in hours \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 6] \tab trun_event  \tab Truncation type observed (right/left/interval/exact) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' Ceramic Ball Bearing Rolling Contact Fatigue Test 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name ceramicbearing   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 69 rows and 5 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab mode \tab Failure mode observed at \code{kilocycles} \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{kilocycles} (failure/right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{kilocycles} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab kilonewtons \tab Applied stress (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source McCool, J. I. (1980), 
#'         Confidence limits for Weibull regression with censored data, 
#'         IEEE Transactions on Reliability, \bold{R-29}, 145-150.
#' @description McCool gives the results of a life test 
#'              on rolling contact fatigue of ceramic 
#'              ball bearings. Ten specimens were tested
#'              at each of 4 levels of stress. 

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name chemicalprocess   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 100 rows and 1 variable:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab percent \tab Chemical concentration observed \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name cirpack4   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 38 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower  \tab Start of an inspection interval in days \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper  \tab End of an inspection interval in days \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (failure/right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count  \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' Circuit Pack Vendor Comparison 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name cirpack5
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 41 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab days   \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{days} (failure/right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{days} \tab \bold{Numeric} \cr
#'   [, 4] \tab vendor \tab Producing vendor \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'    }
#' @source Hooper, J. H. and Amster, S. J. (1990), 
#'         Analysis and presentation of reliability data in Handbook of Statistical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, 
#'         Harrison M. Wadsworth, editor. New York, NY; McGraw-Hill 
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name componentd   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 24 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab months \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{months} (failure/right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{months} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' Computer Program Execution Time 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name comptime   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 17 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab users \tab Number of users \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab load \tab System load \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab seconds \tab Execution time observed at \code{load} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description Dataset containing the amount of time required to execute a 
#'              particular computer program on a multiuser computer system.
#'              The response (execution) times are a function of the total
#'              system load, which was obtained using the Unix \code{uptime}
#'              command. 

#' Computer Lab Reliability 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name computerlab   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 101 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab computer \tab Designation code for the computer \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab days     \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event    \tab Event observed at \code{days} (Repair/End) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998),
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description A small un-monitored computer laboratory contains 10 networked
#'              microcomputers. Users who notice a hardware or software problem with
#'              a computer are supposed to report the problem to a technician who
#'              will fix the problem.  This dataset includes the days in which trouble 
#'              calls were received, for each computer. Most of the trouble
#'              reports were easy to address (replace a defective mouse, reboot
#'              the computer, remake the computer's file system from the server, remove
#'              stuck floppy disk, tighten loose connector, etc.). All of the computers 
#'              were in operation for the entire semester (day 1 through 105).

#' Concrete Fatigue Life Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name concrete
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 75 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab ratio \tab Stress ratio \code{max(tensile stress)/max(compressive stress)} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Castillo, E. and Hadi, A. S., (1995),
#'         Modeling lifetime data with application to fatigue models, 
#'         Journal of the American Statistical Association, \bold{90}, 1041-1054
#' @description ####

#' Circuit Pack Field Tracking Study 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name cirpack6   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 27 rows and 7 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower    \tab Start of an observation interval \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper    \tab End of an observation interval  \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event    \tab Event observed in the interval (failure/right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab truntype \tab Truncation type (left-truncated/right-truncated/interval-truncated) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab truntime \tab Truncation time \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 6] \tab count    \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 7] \tab vendor   \tab Producing vendor \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'   }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons
#' @description Circuit packs were manufactured to the same design 
#'              specification, but by two different vendors. The 
#'              trial ran for 10,000 hours to determine which vendor's
#'              circuit packs were more reliable.  The 4993 circuit packs 
#'              from Vendor 1 came straight from production.  
#'              The 4993 circuit packs from Vendor 2 had already seen 1000 
#'              hours of burn-in testing at the manufacturing plant under 
#'              operating conditions similar to those in the field trial. 
#'              The circuit packs manufactured by Vendor 2 were sold at a 
#'              higher price because field reliability was supposed to have 
#'              been improved by the burn-in screening of circuit packs 
#'              containing defective components. Failures during the first 
#'              1000 hours of burn-in were not recorded. This is the reason 
#'              for the unknown entries in the table and for having information 
#'              out to 11,000 hours for Vendor 2.  These data are for the first 
#'              failure in a position; information on circuit packs replaced 
#'              after initial failure in a position was not part of the study.

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name connectionstrength   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 14 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab strength \tab Strength (in ???) of the connection \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab mode \tab Failure mode observed at \code{strength} \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of failures observed at \code{strength}\tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Nelson, W. (1984), 
#'         Applied Life Data Analysis, pg. 111, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name customerlife   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 117 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab days \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{days} (failure/right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' Diesel Engine Cylinder Replacements 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name cylinder   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 276 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab engine \tab Type of engine used \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab days   \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count  \tab Number of events observed at \code{days} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab event  \tab Event observed at \code{days} (Replacement/End) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'   }
#' @source Nelson, W. and Doganaksoy, N. (1989),
#'         A computer program for an estimate and confidence limits for the mean cumulative function for cost or number of repairs of repairable products,
#'         TIS report 89CRD239, General Electric Company Research and Development, Schenectady, NY 
#' @description Nelson and Doganaksoy present data on cylinder replacement times for 120 diesel engines.  
#'              We take these engines to be a sample from a larger population of engines. Each engine has 16 cylinders. 
#' @details Cylinders in a type of diesel engine can develop leaks or have low compression. 
#'          Cylinders are inspected at times of convenience, along with other usual engine maintenance operations. 
#'          Faulty cylinders are replaced by a rebuilt cylinder.  More than one cylinder could be replaced at an inspection.  
#'          Management needed to know if the company should perform preventive replacement of cylinders before they develop 
#'          low compression.

#' Temperature-Accelerated Life Test 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name devicea   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 37 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours   \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event   \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (failure/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count   \tab Number of events observed at \code{hours} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied to the device during testing \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Hoopers, J. H. and Amster, S. J. (1990), 
#'         Analysis and presentation of reliability data, in Handbook of Statistical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, 
#'         McGraw-Hill, New York. Harrison M. Wadsworth, Editor.
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998),
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.         
#' @description Hooper and Amster analyze the temperature-accelerated life test data on an unidentified device. Meeker
#'              and Escobar refer to this device as "Device A". The purpose of the experiment was to determine if "Device A" 
#'              would meet a failure rate objective through 10,000 hours and 30,000 hours at an operating ambient temperature of 
#'              10 degrees celsius.  Device samples were tested for up to 5000 hours at four separate temperatures.

#' Integrated Circuit Device Power Output Degradation 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name deviceb   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 570 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab powerdrop \tab Degradation (measured in decibels dB) of a device under test \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab device    \tab Label for the device under test \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab hours     \tab Time at which the degradation measure was observed \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab celsius   \tab Temperature applied \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998),
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description Samples of integrated circuit devices called "Device B" were tested at each of three levels of junction temperature. 
#'              The purpose of the test was to provide design engineers with an assessment of the proportion of these devices that 
#'              would "fail" before 15 years (about 130 thousand hours) of operation at 80 degrees celsius. Failure for an individual 
#'              device was defined as when the measured power output dropped more than 0.5 decibels (dB) below initial output. At 
#'              standard the operating temperature (80 degrees celsius), the devices will degrade too slowly to provide useful 
#'              information in 6 months.  Because units at low temperature degrade more slowly, they had to be run for longer periods 
#'              of time to accumulate appreciable degradation.  Because of severe limitations in the number of test positions, fewer 
#'              units were run at lower temperatures. 
#'              Note: The original data from this experiment are proprietary. The observations in this dataset were actually simulated 
#'              from a model suggested by physical theory and limited real data that was available at the time when the more complete 
#'              experiment was being planned. 

#' Integrated Circuit Accelerated Life Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name devicec   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 26 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab celsius   \tab Temperature to which a device was exposed during the test \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab kilohours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event     \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (failure/right-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count     \tab Number of events observed at \code{hours} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description Observations from an accelerated life test performed on an integrated circuit device called "Device C". Failures 
#'              were caused by a chemical reaction inside the circuit package. Reliability engineers tested 10 circuits at five
#'              different temperatures over a period of 3000 hours. The purpose of the experiment was to estimate the activation 
#'              energy of the failure-causing reaction and to obtain an estimate of the integrated circuit life distribution at 
#'              an 80 degrees celsius junction temperature.

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @rdname deviced
#' @name devicedconnected   
#' @name devicednotconnected
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 986 rows and 9 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab weeks \tab Failure time \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab cycles \tab Total accumulated cycles at failure \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab causeoffailure.fm1 \tab Type of event observed (failure, right-censored, left-censored, or interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab causeoffailure.fm2 \tab Start time (in hours) of an inspection interval \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab causeoffailure.fm3 \tab Time (in hours) at which an interval ends \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 6] \tab causeoffailure.fmother \tab Type of event observed (failure, right-censored, left-censored, or interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 7] \tab perweek \tab Average number of cycles (across all users) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 8] \tab weeksinserted \tab Time inserted into service \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 9] \tab weeksreturned \tab Time return to manufacturer \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' Field Tracking Study with Multiple Failure Modes
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name deviceg
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 30 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at failure (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab mode \tab Failure mode observed at \code{kcycles} (Wearout/Surge/Suspension) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description Thirty (30) samples of a device that was part of a power generation system were tested as part of a field tracking study 
#'              for up to 300 thousand cycles. The devices under test were installed in typical service environments and at the occurence 
#'              of a failure, the observed number of cycles and the type of failure were recorded. 
#'              Surge failures, which predominated early in the device life-cycle, were caused by an accumulation of randomly occurring 
#'              damage from power-line voltage spikes during electric storms resulting in failure of a particular unprotected electronic 
#'              component. Wearout failures resulted from normal product wear and began to appear after 100 thousand cycles of use.

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name deviceh
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 38 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{kcycles} (failed/survived)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{kcycles} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Doganaksoy, N., Hahn, G. J., and Meeker, W. Q. (2000), 
#'         Product life analysis: a case study, Quality Progress, June 2000.
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name devicen   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 24 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab months \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{months} (right-censored/left-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab counts \tab Number of events observed at \code{months} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name diskber   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 80 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab rate \tab Observed error rate of \code{disk}  \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab disk \tab Disk type (1 - 16) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab hours \tab Event time \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied to \code{disk} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Murray, W. P. (1993), 
#'         Archival life expectancy of 3M-magneto-optic media, 
#'         Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan \bold{17}, Supplement S1, 309-314.
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name doatrun
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 48 rows and 6 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower \tab Start of an inspection interval \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper \tab End of an inspection interval \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab censor \tab Event observed in the interval (right-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric} \cr
#'   [, 5] \tab truntime \tab Truncation time \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 6] \tab truntype \tab Truncation type  \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description data	truncated	because	of	burn-in	and	removal	of	an	unknown	number of	DOAs

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name electromech   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 9 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower \tab Start of an inspection interval (in months) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper \tab End of an inspection interval (in months) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Hahn, G. J., and Meeker, W. Q. (1982), 
#'         Pitfalls and practical considerations in product life analysis, 
#'         part 1: basic concepts and dangers of extrapolation,  
#'         Journal of Quality Technology, \bold{14}, 144-152.
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name engineemissions   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 16 rows and 1 variable:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab emissions \tab ##### \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q., Escobar, L. A., and Lu, C. J. (1998), 
#'         Accelerated degradation tests: modeling and analysis,  
#'         Technometrics, \bold{40}.
#' @description ####

#' NIST Epoxy Weathering Test 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name epoxyweathering   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 209 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab spec \tab Type of epoxy tested \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab dosage \tab ##### \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab damage \tab #####  \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' Diesel Generator Fan Failures 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name fan  
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 37 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (failure/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{hours} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'   }
#' @source Nelson, W. (1982), 
#'         Applied Life Data Analysis, pg 133, 
#'         New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description  Failures in 12 of 70 generator fans were reported at times ranging between 450 hours and 8,750 hours. 
#'               Of the 58 units that did not fail, the reported running times (i.e., censoring times) ranged between 
#'               460 and 11,500 hours. Different fans had different running times because units were introduced into 
#'               service at different times and because their use-rates differed.

#' Wire Filament Design Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name filament    
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 6 rows and 7 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab volts \tab Electrical power applied \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab weeks1 \tab Number of units tested for one week \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab weeks2 \tab Number of units tested for two weeks \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab weeks5 \tab Number of units tested for five weeks \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 6] \tab weeks10 \tab Number of units tested for ten weeks \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 7] \tab weeks20 \tab Number of units tested for twenty week \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' Gallium-Arsenic Laser Degradation Test 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name gaaslaser
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 255 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab increase \tab Percent increase in observed operating current \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab unit \tab Unit designator code \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time when \code{increase} was measured \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description Over the life of some lasers devices, degradation causes
#'              a decrease in light output.  In this test, a feedback mechanism was used 
#'              to maintain a constant light output by increasing the operating current.
#'              Fifteen GaAs laser devices were tested at an elevated temperature of 
#'              80^{o} C to accelerate the degradation process.  The operating current
#'              was measured in 250-hour intervals and the data were recorded as the
#'              percent increase in current compared to the initial operating current
#'              measured when the test began.  A device was considered to have failed
#'              if the percent increase reached 10\%.

#' U.S.S. Grampus Unscheduled Maintenance Actions  
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name grampus   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 57 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab unit   \tab Unit type \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab kilohours \tab Accumulated hours at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{khours} (Repair/End)  \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Lee, L. (1980),
#'         Testing adequacy of the Weibull and loglinear rate models for a Poisson Process,
#'         Technometrics, \bold{22}, 195-199.  
#' @source Ascher, H. and Feingold, H. (1984), 
#'         Repairable Systems Reliability, New York, NY; Marcel Dekker.
#' @description Lee presents a dataset containing the times (in thousands of operating hours) of unscheduled maintenance actions on the 
#'              number 4 diesel engine of the U.S.S. Grampus. The dataset contains observations for the first 16,000 hours of operation.  
#'              The observations in this dataset should be treated as is they were observed from a single system, since information as 
#'              to which component in the engine failed was not included. The unscheduled maintenance actions were caused by either system 
#'              failures or by events that indicated that a system failure was imminent. Such maintenance actions are inconvenient and 
#'              expensive.

#' Locomotive Braking Grid Replacements 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @rdname grids
#' @name grids1
#' @name grids2
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 39 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab unit \tab Unit designator code \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab days \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{days} (Replacement/End)  \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Doganaksoy, N., and Nelson, W. (1991), 
#'         A method and computer program MCFDIFF to compare two samples of repair data,
#'         TIS Report 91CRD172, General Electric Company Research and Development, Schenectady, NY.
#' @description Age of locomotives when either their braking grids were replaced or the largest age observed for each locomotive
#' @details Two batches \code{grids1} & \code{grids2}

#' U.S.S. Halfbeak Unscheduled Maintenance Actions  
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name halfbeak   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 73 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab unit \tab Unit designator code \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (Start/Report/End)  \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Ascher, H. and Feingold, H. (1984), 
#'         Repairable Systems Reliability, New York, NY; Marcel Dekker.
#' @description Ascher and Feingold present a dataset containing unscheduled maintenance actions for the U.S.S. Halfbeak number 4 main 
#'              propulsion diesel engine over 25,518 operating hours. For each observation, an event was recorded as either \code{start} 
#'              (denotes the start of the observational period), \code{end} (denotes the end of the observational period), or \code{report}
#'              (denoting that an unscheduled maintenance action was reported). The data were analyzed to determine if the system was 
#'              deteriorating (unscheduled maintenance actions were being reported more frequently as the system ages)

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name hcfdata   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 83 rows and 9 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab specimen \tab Specimen type \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab step \tab Was step-up loading used? \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab hertz \tab Load frequency \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab ratio \tab Stress ratio \code{max(tensile stress)/max(compressive stress)} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab cycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 6] \tab range \tab Stress range \code{max(tensile stress) - max(compressive stress)} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 7] \tab tensile \tab Maximum tensile stress \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 8] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{cycles} (failed/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 9] \tab swt \tab Smith-Watson-Topper parameter \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q., Escobar, L. A., and Lu, C. J. (1998), 
#'         Accelerated degradation tests: modeling and analysis,  
#'         Technometrics, \bold{40}.
#' @details \deqn{swt = 0.5 x \sigma\Delta\epsilon}
#' @description ####

#' Sheathed Tubular Heater Failures 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name heater   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 24 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours      \tab Accumulated time at failure \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab fahrenheit \tab Temperature applied \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Nelson, W. (1990),
#' @description ####

#' Nuclear Power-Plant Heat Exchanger Tube Cracks 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name heatexchanger
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 9 rows and 5 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower \tab Start of an inspection interval (in years) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper \tab End of an inspection interval (in years) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (left-censored/right-censored/interval-censored)\tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab plant  \tab Plant where the tube was installed \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'  }   
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description Inspection data for heat exchanger tubes across three different nuclear power plants.  The data were recorded in 1983,
#'              at this point in time, Plant 1 had been in operation for 3 years, Plant 2 for 2 years, and Plant 3 for only 1 year. 
#'              Because all of the heat exchangers were manufactured according to the same design specifications and because the heat 
#'              exchangers were operated in generating plants run under similar tightly controlled conditions, the data from the 
#'              different plants was combined for the sake of making inferences and predictions about the time-to-crack distribution 
#'              of the heat exchanger tubes.
#' @details Nuclear power plants use heat exchangers to transfer energy from the reactor to steam turbines.  A typical heat exchanger 
#'          contains thousands of tubes through which steam flows continuously when the heat exchanger is in service.  With age, 
#'          heat exchanger tubes develop cracks, usually due to some combination of stress-corrosion and fatigue. A heat exchanger 
#'          can continue to operate safely when the cracks are small.  If cracks get large enough, however, leaks can develop, and 
#'          these could lead to serious safety problems and expensive, unplanned plant shut-down time. To protect against having leaks, 
#'          heat exchangers are taken out of service periodically so that its tubes (and other components) can be inspected with 
#'          nondestructive evaluation techniques.  At the end of each inspection period, tubes with detected cracks are plugged so that 
#'          water will no longer pass through them.  This reduces plant efficiency, but extends the life of the expensive heat exchangers. 
#'          With this in mind, heat exchangers are built with extra capacity and can remain in operation up until the point where a certain 
#'          percentage (e.g., 5\%) of the tubes have been plugged.

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name hpcrepairs   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 8 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab system \tab System type \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab months \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{months} (Repair/End) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Shimokawa, T., and Hamaguchi, Y. (1987), 
#'         Statistical Evaluation of Fatigue Life and Fatigue Strength in Circular-Holed Notched Specimens of a Carbon Eight-Harness-Satin/Epoxy Laminate, 
#'         in Statistical Research on Fatigue and Fracture (Current Japanese Materials Research, Vol. 2), 
#'         eds. Tanaka, T, Nishijima, S., and Ichikawa, M.,
#'         London, Elsevier, pp. 159-176.
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name icdevice1
#' @name icdevice2
#' @name icdevice2_w300
#' @rdname icdevice   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 8 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower \tab Start of an inspection interval (in hours) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper \tab End of an inspection interval (in hours) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (right-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name insulation
#' @name insulation_dadtplan
#' @rdname insulation   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 128 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab weeks \tab Event time \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab volts \tab Electrical power applied  \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab units \tab Number of events observed at \code{weeks} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name inconel   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 246 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab strain \tab Amount of strain observed \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab cycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{cycles} (Failed/right-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Shen, C. L. (1994), 
#'         Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data, 
#'         unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arizona, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name laminatepanel
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 125 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab mpa \tab Stress applied (in millions of pascals) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{kilocycles} (failed/right-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\
#'    }
#' @source Shimokawa, T., and Hamaguchi, Y. (1987), 
#'         Statistical Evaluation of Fatigue Life and Fatigue Strength in Circular-Holed Notched Specimens of a Carbon Eight-Harness-Satin/Epoxy Laminate,
#'         in Statistical Research on Fatigue and Fracture (Current Japanese Materials Research, Vol. 2), 
#'         eds. Tanaka, T, Nishijima, S., and Ichikawa, M., 
#'         London: Elsevier, pp. 159-176.
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name largeball
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 13 rows and 5 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower \tab Start of an inspection interval (in hours) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper \tab End of an inspection interval (in hours) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval\tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q., Escobar, L. A., and Lu, C. J. (1998), 
#'         Accelerated degradation tests: modeling and analysis,  
#'         Technometrics, \bold{40}.
#' @description ####

#' Integrated Circuit Life Test 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name lfp1370  
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 22 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (failure/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{hours} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'   }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. (1987), 
#'         Limited failure population life tests: application to integrated circuit reliability, 
#'         Technometrics, \bold{29}, 51-65.
#' @description The primary purpose of this experiment was to estimate the proportion of defective units being manufactured in the current production process and to estimate the amount of 'burn-in' time that would be required to remove most of the defective units from the product population.  The reliability engineers were also interested in whether it might be possible to get the needed information about the state of the production process, in the future, using much shorter tests (say 200 or 300 hours).\\  The event column indicates that these data are singly right censored at 1370 hours.  However, the presence of ties indicates that the data are inspection times, and are thus interval censored observations.
#' @seealso \code{\link{lfptrun100}}

#' Integrated Circuit Life Test (Truncated) 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name lfptrun100
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 28 rows and 34variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab count \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (failure/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab truntime \tab Truncation time \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab truntype \tab Truncation type \code{hours} \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'   }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. (1987), 
#'         Limited failure population life tests: application to integrated circuit reliability, 
#'         Technometrics, \bold{29}, 51-65.
#' @description The primary purpose of this experiment was to estimate the proportion of defective units being manufactured in the current production process and to estimate the amount of 'burn-in' time that would be required to remove most of the defective units from the product population.  The reliability engineers were also interested in whether it might be possible to get the needed information about the state of the production process, in the future, using much shorter tests (say 200 or 300 hours).\\  The event column indicates that these data are singly right censored at 1370 hours.  However, the presence of ties indicates that the data are inspection times, and are thus interval censored observations.
#' @seealso \code{\link{lfp1370}}

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name locomotivecontrol   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 38 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilomiles \tab Accumulated distance at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{kilomiles} (failed/right-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{kilomiles} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Nelson, W. (1982), 
#'         Applied Life Data Analysis, pg. 33, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name luminosity
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 2175 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time when \code{luminosity} was measured \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab unit \tab Unit type \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab luminosity \tab Luminosity of something \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' Ball Bearing Fatigue Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name lzbearing  
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 23 rows and 1 variable:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab megacycles \tab Accumulated cycles at failure (in millions) \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'  }
#' @source Lawless, J. F. (1982), 
#'         Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data, 
#'         New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description The ball bearings came from four different major bearing companies. There was disagreement in the industry on the appropriate parameter values to use to describe the relationship between fatigue life and stress loading. The main objective of the study was to estimate values of the parameters in the equation relating bearing life to load.

#' Earth-Moving Machine Maintenance  
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name machineh   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 573 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab unit \tab Unit type \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab cost \tab Price of test \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (Action/End)  \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'  }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name mechanicalswitch
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 37 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours\tab Accumulated time at failure \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab mode \tab Failure mode observed at \code{hours} \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Nair, V. N. (1984), 
#'         Confidence bands for survival functions with censored data: a comparative study, 
#'         Technometrics, \bold{26}, 265-275.
#' @description ####

#' Metal Alloy Sliding Wear Resistance Test 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name metalwear
#' @family data-done   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 96 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab microns \tab Specimen thickness \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab unit \tab Unit designator \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab cycles \tab Accumulated cycles at an observation \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab grams \tab Weight applied to the test specimen \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description An experiment was conducted to test the sliding wear resistance of a particular metal alloy. 
#'              The data show changes in specimen thickness after being subjected to metal-to-metal sliding friction.
#'              Adding weight can increase the sliding frictional forces and cause the specimen to wear more quickly.
#'              A range of different weights were applied to (1) study the relationship between applied weight and wear 
#'              resistance and (2) gain a better understanding of the wear mechanism.

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name multiplefail   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 40 rows and 7 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab turn_hours \tab Time of an observed turn event \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab turn_event \tab Type of turn event at \code{turn_hours} (failed/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab phase_hours \tab Time of an observed phase event \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab phase_event \tab Type of phase event at \code{phase_hours} (failed/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 6] \tab ground_hours \tab Time of an observed ground event \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 7] \tab ground_event \tab Type of ground event at \code{ground_hours} (failed/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Nelson, W. (1990), 
#'         Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models, Test Plans, and Data Analyses, 
#'         New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' Mylar-Polyurethane Insulating Structure Accelerated Life Test  
#' @rdname mylarpoly
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name mylarsub
#' @name mylarpoly   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 46 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab minutes \tab Time to dielectric breakdown \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab ratio   \tab Electromagnetic field strength (in kV/mm) \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Kalkanis, G., and Rosso, E. (1989),
#'         The inverse power law model for the lifetime of a mylar-polyurethane laminated DC HV insulating structure, 
#'         Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, \bold{A281}, 489-496.
#' @description Kalkanis and Rosso present data generated from an accelerated life test performed on a 
#'              special type of mylar-polyurethane insulation used in high-performance electro-magnets.
#'              The data give the time to dielectric breakdown of units tested at 100.3, 122.4, 157.1, 
#'              219.0, and 361.4 kV/mm.  The purpose of the experiment was to evaluate the reliability 
#'              of the insulating structure and to estimate the life distribution at system design voltages.

#' High-Temp Gas Spring Accelerated Life Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name newspring   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 80 rows and 6 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab centimeters \tab Spring stroke length \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab fahrenheit \tab Temperature applied to the spring \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab method \tab Manufacturing method (New/Old) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{kcycles} (Suspended/Failed) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 6] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{kcycles} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'   }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. (1999),
#'         A factorial experiment to compare the lifetimes of springs as a function of a processing temperature and amount of displacement in the spring test,
#'         (Unpublished)
#' @description ####

#' Spacecraft Battery Cell Accelerated Life Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name nicdbattery
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 87 rows and 10 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied to the battery \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab discharge_depth \tab Depth of discharge (as percent) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab discharge_time \tab Discharge time (in hours) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab charge \tab Charge time (in hours) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab recharge \tab Level of recharge \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 6] \tab koh_percent \tab Concentration of Potassium Hydroxide (as percent) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 7] \tab koh_volume \tab Volume of Potassium Hydroxide (in cubic-centimeters) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 8] \tab precharge \tab Precharge time (in hours) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 9] \tab cycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [,10] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{cycles} (failure/right-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Brown, H. M., and Mains, D. E (1979),
#'         Accelerated Test Program for Sealed Nickel--Cadmium Spacecraft Batteries/Cells,
#'         Technical Report WQEC/C 79-145. Available from the Department of the Navy, 
#'         Naval Weapons Support Center, Weapons Quality Engineering Center, Crane, IN 47522.
#' @description Brown and Mains present the results of an extensive experiment to evaluate 
#'              the long-term performance of rechargable nickel-cadmium battery cells that 
#'              were to be used in spacecraft. The study used 8 experimental factors. The 
#'              first five factors are environmental or accelerating factors (set to higher 
#'              than usual levels to obtain failure information more quickly).  The other 
#'              three factors were product-design factors that could be adjusted in the product
#'              design to optimize performance and reliability of the batteries to be manufactured.  
#'              The experiment ran 82 batteries, each containing 5 individual cells.  Each battery 
#'              was tested at a combination of factor levels determined according to a central 
#'              composite experimental plan.

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name parta   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 60 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at failure (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab operator \tab Test operator \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. (1999), 
#'         An experiment to compare the life times of units assembled by three different	operators (unpublished)
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @name photodetector   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 7 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower \tab Time (in hours) at which an inspection interval began \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper \tab Time (in hours) at which an inspection interval ended \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (right-censored/interval-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Weis	et al. (1986),
#' @description ####

#' Polyester/Viscose Yarn Tensile Fatigue Test  
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @rdname piccioto
#' @name piccioto
#' @name piccioto2
#' @name piccioto3   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 797 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab inches \tab Length of the test specimen \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{kilocycles} (failed/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Picciotto R., (1970),
#'         Tensile Fatigue Characteristics of a Sized Polyester/Viscose Yarn and Their Effect on Weaving Performance. 
#'         A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of North Carolina State University at Raleigh in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science. 
#'         Department of Textile Technology.
#' @description Picciotto includes the \code{length} and \code{kcycles} columns.  picciotto2 is a subset of the picciotto data set, including only the units for which \code{length = 30,60, or 90}.  picciotto3 mirrors picciotto2 but assumes that the test conlcuded at 100 kilocycles

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name pipelinethickness   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 200 rows and 1 variable:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab inches \tab Observed pipe thickness \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name pmax   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 170 rows and 9 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab penid \tab Identification designator \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab batch \tab Batch indicator \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab days \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab sample \tab Type of sample tested \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 6] \tab wafer \tab Type of wafer \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 7] \tab pmax \tab Maximum value of p observed \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 8] \tab locus \tab Type of locus \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 9] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{days} (failure/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @name primarybattery   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 7 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower \tab Start of an inspection interval (in days) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper \tab End of an inspection interval (in days) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (right-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source louis	hart	(1987),	IEEE	Rel	5-10
#' @description ####

#' Printed Circuit Board Accelerated Life Test 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name printedcircuitboard   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 140 rows and 5 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower \tab Start of an inspection interval (in hours) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper \tab End of an inspection interval (in hours) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (right-censored/interval-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab rh    \tab Relative humidity applied \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q., and LuValle, M. J. (1995), 
#'         An accelerated life test model based on reliability kinetics, 
#'         Technometrics, \bold{37}, 133-146.
#' @description Meeker and LuValle give data from an accelerated life test on failure of 
#'              printed circuit boards. The purpose of the experiment was to study the 
#'              effect of the stresses on the failure-time distribution and to predict 
#'              reliability under normal operating conditions. More specifically, the 
#'              experiment was designed to study a particular failure mode - the formation 
#'              and growth of conductive anodic filaments between copper-plated through-holes 
#'              in the printed circuit boards.  Actual growth of the filaments could not be 
#'              monitored, only failure time (defined as a short circuit) could be observed 
#'              directly.  Special test boards were constructed for the experiment. 
#'              The data provided here are the number of failures observed in each of a series of 
#'              4-hour and 12-hour long intervals over the life-test period.  This experiment resulted 
#'              in interval-censored data because only the interval in which each failure occurred was 
#'              known.  Further, the data are part of the results of a much larger experiment aimed at 
#'              determining the effects of temperature, relative humidity, and electric field 
#'              on the reliability of printed circuit boards.

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name prob3_5   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 25 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{kcycles} (failure/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @name pulse   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 20 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{pulse} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab pulse \tab Pulse level observed \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' Automotive Door Lock Transmitter Replacements 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-almost
#' @name r4490   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 47 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab vin \tab Vehicle identifcation number \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab days \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{days} (R4490/End/MEnd) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab costcount \tab What is cost count? \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description R4490 is the code used by General Motors denoting Remote Control Door Lock Transmitter Replacement

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-almost
#' @name repairtimes   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 119 rows and 1 variable:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Time required to complete a repair \tab \bold{Numeric}\
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q., (1997),
#'         Recorded times to repair a particular kind of electronic system, without regard to failure	mode (unpublished)
#' @description ####

#' Carbon-Film Resistor Accelerated Degradation Test 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name resistor   
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 116 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab percent \tab Observed increase in resistance \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab resistor \tab Resistor type \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied to \code{resistor} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab hours \tab Accumulated hours (in thousands) when \code{percent} was measured\tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Shiomi, H., and Yanagisawa, T. (1979), 
#'         On distribution parameter during accelerated life test for a carbon film resistor, 
#'         Bulletin of the Electrotechnical Laboratory, \bold{43}, 330-345 (in Japanese).
#' @source Suzuki, K., Maki, K., and Yokogawa, S. (1993), 
#'         An analysis of degradation data of a carbon film and properties of the estimators, 
#'         in Statistical Sciences and Data Analysis, 501-511. Matusita, K., Puri, M., and Hayakawa T., Editors.
#'         Utrecht, Netherlands: VSP.
#' @description Samples of carbon-film resistors were tested at each of three levels of temperature. At the standard 
#'              operating temperature of 50^{o} C, carbon-film resistors will slowly degrade. Changes in resistance 
#'              can cause reduced product performance or even cause system failures.  The test was run at high levels 
#'              of temperature to accelerate the chemical degradation process and obtain degradation data more quickly.
#'              The \code{resistor} dataset presents the percent change in resistance measured throughout the test, 
#'              while the \code{resistor2} dataset presents the absolute value of resistance measure during the test.

#' Carbon-Film Resistor Accelerated Degradation Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name resistor2
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 145 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab resistor \tab Resistor type \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied to the resistor  \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time when \code{resistance} was measured \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab resistance \tab Resistance (ohms) observed \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Shiomi, H., and Yanagisawa, T. (1979), 
#'         On distribution parameter during accelerated life test for a carbon film resistor, 
#'         Bulletin of the Electrotechnical Laboratory, \bold{43}, 330-345 (in Japanese).
#' @source Suzuki, K., Maki, K., and Yokogawa, S. (1993), 
#'         An analysis of degradation data of a carbon film and properties of the estimators, 
#'         in Statistical Sciences and Data Analysis, 501-511. Matusita, K., Puri, M., and Hayakawa, T., Editors.
#'         Utrecht, Netherlands: VSP.
#' @description Samples of carbon-film resistors were tested at each of three levels of temperature. At the standard 
#'              operating temperature of 50^{o} C, carbon-film resistors will slowly degrade. Changes in resistance 
#'              can cause reduced product performance or even cause system failures.  The test was run at high levels 
#'              of temperature to accelerate the chemical degradation process and obtain degradation data more quickly.
#'              The \code{resistor} dataset presents the percent change in resistance measured throughout the test, 
#'              while the \code{resistor2} dataset presents the absolute value of resistance measure during the test.

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name riverchem
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 8 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab obs \tab Observation number \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab qtr \tab Quarter when observation was made (Q1-Q4) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab day \tab Day when observation was made (Monday-Friday) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab ppm \tab Observed chemical concentration (in parts-per-million) \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998),
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-almost
#' @name rocketmotor
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 19 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab years \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{years} (right-censored/left-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{years} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Olwell, D. H. and Sorell, A. A. (2001), 
#'         Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Reliability and Maintanability Symposium.
#' @description ####

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name shelflifea
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 112 rows and 5 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab percent \tab Initial concentration level \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab days \tab Accumulated time when \code{percent} measured \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab truntime \tab Truncation time (in days) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab truntype \tab Truncation type (right-truncated) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' Vehicle Shock Absorber Failures
#' @docType data
#' @family data-almost
#' @name shockabsorber
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 38 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilometers \tab Accumulated distance at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab mode       \tab Failure mode observed at \code{miles} \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event      \tab Event observed at \code{miles} (failure/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source O'Connor, P. D. T. (1985), 
#'         Practical Reliability Engineering (Second Edition), New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description O'Connor gives the failure times (in number of kilometers of use) of vehicle shock absorbers. 
#'              The data shows two different failure modes occurring, denoted by M1 and M2. Engineers responsible 
#'              for shock absorber manufacturing and reliability were interested in the distribution of kilometers 
#'              to failure for the individual failure modes. Engineers responsible for higher-level automobile system 
#'              reliability and choosing among alternative vendors were interested in the overall failure distribution 
#'              for the shock absorbers.

#' Snubber Design Life Test Comparison 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-almost
#' @name snubber
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 51 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab cycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{cycles} (failure/right-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{cycles} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab design \tab Design type (Old/New) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'   }
#' @source Nelson, W. (1982), 
#'         Applied Life Data Analysis, pg. 529, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description A snubber is a component in an electric toaster. Nelson presents data from a life 
#'              test comparing two different snubber designs.

#' Nickel-based Superalloy Fatigue Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name superalloy
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 23 rows and 6 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{kcycles} (failure/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{kcycles} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab pstress \tab Pseudo-stress applied derated \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab lpstress \tab Log[pseudo-stress] (\code{ln[pstress]})The log base e transformation of the Pseudo-Stress \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 6] \tab lpstress2 \tab Square of log[pseudo-stress] (\code{ln[pstress]^2}) \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'   }
#' @source Nelson, W. (1990), 
#'         Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models, Test Plans, and Data Analyses, 
#'         New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description Nelson presents and analyzes life data from a strain-controlled, low-cycle fatigue test performed on 26 cylindrical 
#'              specimens of a nickel-base superalloy. Four of the specimens were removed from the test before failure.
#'              In addition to recording the number of cycles to failure, the level of pseudostress (Young's modulus 
#'              times strain) was also measured.  The initial purpose of Nelson's analysis was to estimate the curve 
#'              giving the number of cycles at which .1\% of the population of such specimens would fail, as a function 
#'              of pseudostress.

#' Electrolytic Capacitor Accelerated Life Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name tantalum
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 48 rows and 5 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (failure/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{hours} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab volts \tab Voltage applied to the unit \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied to the unit \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Singpurwalla, N. D., Castellino, V. C., and Goldschen, D. Y. (1975),
#'         Inference from accelerated life tests using Eyring type re-parameterizations,  
#'         Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, \bold{22}, 289-296.
#' @description Singpurwalla, Castellino, and Goldschen present temperature/voltage accelerated life test data on tantalum 
#'              electrolytic capacitors. The tests were conducted at temperature/voltage combinations that were nonrectangular 
#'              and with unequal allocations of units.

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name testdadtplan
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 9 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied to the unit \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab days \tab Event time \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of units tested \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Shimokawa, T., and Hamaguchi, Y. (1987), 
#'         Statistical Evaluation of Fatigue Life and Fatigue Strength in Circular-Holed Notched Specimens of a Carbon Eight-Harness-Satin/Epoxy Laminate,
#'         in Statistical Research on Fatigue and Fracture (Current Japanese Materials Research, Vol. 2), 
#'         eds. T. Tanaka, S. Nishijima, and M. Ichikawa, 
#'         London: Elsevier, pp. 159-176.
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name titanium
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 96 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} (in thousands) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab strain \tab Strain measured at \code{kilocycles} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{kilocycles} (failure/right-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q., Escobar, L. A., and Lu, C. J. (1998), 
#'         Accelerated degradation tests: modeling and analysis,  
#'         Technometrics, \bold{40}.
#' @description ####

#' Titanium Alloy Fatigue Crack Growth
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name titanium2
#' @format  A \code{data.frame} with 10 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab kilocycles \tab Accumulated cycles at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event      \tab Event observed at \code{cycles} (failure/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr 
#'   [, 3] \tab count      \tab Number of events observed at \code{cycles} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'   }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998),
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @source Hudak, S.J., Saxena, A., Bucci, R. J., and Malcom, R .C. (1978), 
#'         Development of standard methods of testing and analyzing fatigure crack growth rate data, 
#'         Technical Report AFML-TR-78-40, Westinghouse R & D Center, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA.
#' @description A sample of 100 specimens of a titanium alloy were subjected to a fatigue test to determine time 
#'              to crack initiation. The test was run up to a limit of 100,000 cycles.  The observed number of cycles to crack 
#'              initiation (in units of 1,000 of cycles) were: 18, 32, 39, 53, 59, 68, 77, 78, 93. No crack had initiated in 
#'              any of the other 91 other specimens prior to reaching 100,000 cycles.

#' ##### 
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name tractorbreaks    
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 107 rows and 1 variable:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at failure \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-almost
#' @name tree25years
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 29 rows and 1 variable:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 4] \tab meters \tab Annual growth in tree height \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998), 
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' Turbine Wheel Crack Initiations
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name turbine
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 21 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated hours (in hundreds) at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (right-censored/left-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{hours} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Nelson, W.	(1982),
#'         Applied Life Data Analysis, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description Nelson describes a study to estimate the 
#'              distribution of time to crack initiation for turbine 
#'              wheels.  Each of 432 wheels were inspected once to 
#'              determine if it had started to crack or not.  At the 
#'              time of the inspections, the wheels had different 
#'              amounts of service time (age). A unit found to be 
#'              cracked at its inspection was labelled as left-censored 
#'              at its age (because the crack had initiated at some 
#'              unknown point before its inspection age).  A unit found 
#'              to be uncracked at its inspection was labelled as 
#'              right-censored at its age (because a crack would be 
#'              initiated at some unknown point after that age). 
#'              The data show the number of cracked and uncracked 
#'              wheels in different age categories, showing the midpoint
#'              of the time interval given by Nelson.  The data were 
#'              put into intervals to facilitate simpler analyses.

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name turbinedevice
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 50 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab cycles \tab Accumulated cycles (in millions) at failure \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab mode \tab Failure mode observed at \code{mcycles} (Crack/Fixture) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Unpublished Meeker (1999)
#' @description ####

#' Transmitter Vacuum-Tube Life Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name v7tube
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 5 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower \tab Start of an inspection interval (in days) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper \tab End of an inspection interval (in days) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Davis, D. J. (1952),
#'         An analysis of some failure data, 
#'         Journal of the American Statistical Association, \bold{47}, 113-150.
#' @description Although solid-state electronics has made vacuum tubes obsolete for most applications, such tubes are still 
#'              widely used in the output stage of high-power transmitters. Davis presents life data (1952) for a certain kind 
#'              of transmitter vacuum tube (designated as "V7" within a particular transmitter design).  For this dataset, and in 
#'              many practical situations, the exact failure times were not reported. Instead the data only contain the number of 
#'              failures observed within each inspection interval.

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-almost
#' @name v805tube
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 18 rows and 4 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab lower \tab Start of an inspection interval (in days) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab upper \tab End of an inspection interval (in days) \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed in the interval (right-censored/left-censored/interval-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed in the interval \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source Davis, D. J. (1952),
#'         An analysis of some failure data, 
#'         Journal of the American Statistical Association, \bold{47}, 113-150.
#' @description ####

#' Diesel Engine Valve Seat Replacements
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name valveseat
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 89 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab engine \tab Designator code specifying each engine under test \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab days   \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event  \tab Event observed at \code{days} (replacement/end) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   }
#' @source Nelson, W. and Doganaksoy, N. (1989),  
#'         A computer program for an estimate and confidence limits for the mean cumulative function for cost or number of repairs of
#'         repairable products, 
#'         TIS report 89CRD239, General Electric Company Research and Development, Schenectady, NY.
#' @source Nelson, W. (1995), 
#'         Confidence limits for recurrence data - applied to cost or number of product repairs, 
#'         Technometrics, \bold{37}, 147-157.
#' @description Nelson and Doganaksoy report the age when a valve seat replacement occurred across a fleet of 41 diesel 
#'              engines. For each engine, the number of days when a replacement event occured were recorded along with the number of 
#'              days when the observational period ended. The data were recorded to answer the following questions: 
#'              \itemize{
#'                \item Does the replacement rate increased with age?
#'                \item How many replacement valves will be needed in some future period of time?
#'                \item Can valve life in these systems be modeled as a superimposed renewal process?
#'                }

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name vehiclemotor
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 43 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (failure/right-censored)  \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{hours} \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'    }
#' @source ####
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name voltageendurance
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 58 rows and 2 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (ProcessDefect/Degradation/Right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998),
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' #####
#' @docType data
#' @family data-notdone
#' @name workstation
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 12 rows and 3 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab station \tab Station where \code{event} was observed \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab days \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{days} (report/end) \tab \bold{Categoric}
#'    }
#' @source Meeker, W. Q. and Escobar, L. A. (1998),
#'         Statistical Methods for Reliability Data, New York, NY; John Wiley & Sons.
#' @description ####

#' Glass Capacitor Accelerated Life Test
#' @docType data
#' @family data-done
#' @name zelencap
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 40 rows and 5 variables:
#' \tabular{rlll}{
#'   [, 1] \tab hours \tab Accumulated time at \code{event} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 2] \tab event \tab Event observed at \code{hours} (failure/right-censored) \tab \bold{Categoric}\cr
#'   [, 3] \tab count \tab Number of events observed at \code{hours} \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 4] \tab celsius \tab Temperature applied  \tab \bold{Numeric}\cr
#'   [, 5] \tab volts \tab Electrical power applied \tab \bold{Numeric}
#'   }
#' @source Zelen, M. (1959), 
#'         Factorial experiments in life testing, 
#'         Technometrics, \bold{13}, 269-288.
#' @description Zelen describes an accelerated life test performed on glass capacitors at higher than usual levels of 
#'              temperature and voltage. The data were obtained from a factorial experiment in which eight capacitors were tested 
#'              at each combination of temperature and voltage. For each combination, the test was terminated after the fourth failure
#'              was observed, yielding failure (Type II) censored data.
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