
#' @title track_twitter_hashtag
#' @description Provide a scatterplot displaying hashtag counts overtime
#' based on data obtained from Twitter.
#' @param keyword A character \code{vector} of maximum length 4
#' (keywords requested)
#' @param type A character \code{vector} of length 1 (type of keyword, can
#' be either a city/place/monument name in English, to be referred to as
#' "place", or if another type of keyword, please specify by "other").
#' \cr
#' Note: all keywords should be of the same types (e.g. all places' names).
#' @param number A positive \code{integer} number (timeframe parameter)
#' @param sincetype A character \code{vector} of length 1 (timeframe parameter),
#' which can be (uniquely) on of the following:
#' either "days", "weeks", "months" or "years"
#' @param provideN A positive \code{integer} number
#' (Number ot tweets to fetch for each keyword)
#' @return A timeseries scatterplot with the hashtag count on the y axis,
#' and on the x axis the timeframe.
#' @return A dataframe containing all the results fetched from Twitter
#' (e.g. tweets) based on package \code{\link{twitteR}}
#' @author Ayrton Rua: \email{ayrton.gomesmartinsrua@unil.ch}
#' @author Maurizio Griffo: \email{maurizio.griffo@unil.ch}
#' @author Ali Karray: \email{mohamedali.karray@unil.ch}
#' @author Mohit Mehrotra: \email{mohit.mehrotra@unil.ch}
#' @author Youness Zarhloul: \email{youness.zarhloul@unil.ch}
#' @references Orso, S., Molinari, R., Lee,
#' J., Guerrier, S., & Beckman, M. (2018).
#' An Introduction to Statistical Programming Methods with R.
#' Retrieved from \url{https://smac-group.github.io/ds/}
#' @seealso \code{\link{touristR}} & \code{\link{run_shiny}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' track_keyword(
#'  keyword = c("eiffel tower", "san francisco", "london"),
#'  type="place",
#'  number = 2,
#'  sincetype = "weeks",
#'  provideN = 100
#' )
#' }
#' @details The function automatically obtains the latitude and longitude of
#' each requested place, then queries the Twitter API to obtain the number of
#' tweets with the requested # keywords for the desired timeframe, and returns
#' at the end a scatterplot based on the
#' aesthetics of \code{\link{ggplot2}},
#' allowing thus to analyze which places are the most popular
#' over a given time period. \cr
#' It should be noted in that sense that if the time frame selected by the user
#' is less than or equal to 2 weeks, the plot returned groups data by hour,
#' whereas if the user requests longer timeframes the result will be grouped by
#' days for better representation of the changes over time
#' (short/long term). \cr \cr
#' Lastly, we advise the user to keep the parameter \code{provideN} low
#' to avoid long delay responses from Twitter API (e.g. setting provideN=100
#' would be preferable than 1000).
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
track_twitter_hashtag <-
  function(keyword, type, number,  sincetype, provideN) {
    #making sure all inputs are correct
      is.vector(keyword, mode = "character")
      length(keyword) <= 4
      is.vector(type, mode = "character")
      length(type) == 1
      number > 0
      length(sincetype) == 1
      sincetype == "days"  |
        sincetype == "weeks" |  sincetype == "months" |
        sincetype == "years"
      provideN > 0


    #accessing Twitter via API
    consumer_key <- 'ugjqg8RGNvuTAL1fEiNtw'
    consumer_secret <- '4WjuEbP6QLUN2DwDzyTwmdMES6fgnOsS65fWxpT8I'
    access_token <-
    access_secret <-

    #obtain the latitude and longitude of the keyword (city) input
    #and save the result as a dataframe

    #obtaining latitude and longitude for each place
    df <- data.frame(city = NA,
                     long = NA,
                     lat = NA)

    if (type == "place") {
      for (i in 1:length(keyword)) {
        df[i, 1] <-  keyword[i]

        #obtain latitude and longitude
        df[i, 2:3] <- ggmap::geocode(location =
                                       keyword[i] ,
                                     source = "dsk",
                                     messaging = FALSE)

    } else  if (type == "other") {
      for (i in 1:length(keyword)) {
        df[i, 1] <-  keyword[i]

    #vector to save the result (since when date)
    sinceInput <- vector(mode = "character", length = 1L)

    #adapting the parametersinceInput based on the requested timeframe
    if (sincetype == "days") {
      sinceInput[1] <-
        (lubridate::today(tzone = Sys.timezone()) -
           lubridate::days(number)) %>%
        lubridate::ymd() %>% as.character()

    } else if (sincetype == "weeks") {
      sinceInput[1] <-
        (lubridate::today(tzone = Sys.timezone()) -
           lubridate::weeks(number)) %>% lubridate::ymd() %>% as.character()

    } else if (sincetype == "months") {
      #time difference in months (respecting e.g. months with 30 and 31 days)
      sinceInput[1] <-
        (lubridate::today(tzone = Sys.timezone())   -
           lubridate::period(1, units = "month")) %>%
        lubridate::ymd() %>% as.character()

    } else if (sincetype == "years") {
      sinceInput[1] <-
        (lubridate::today(tzone = Sys.timezone())  -
           lubridate::years(number)) %>%
        lubridate::ymd() %>% as.character()


    #saving results of for loop bellow
    keyword_input <-
      vector(mode = "character", length = length(keyword))
    input <-
      vector(mode = "character", length = length(keyword))

    results_twitter = list()  # saving result in a list

    #querying Twitter including the geocode
    #in order to make sure that the tweets are
    #indeed related to the requested place
    if (type == "place") {
      for (i in 1:length(keyword)) {
        #run query for that keyword (format is #keyword without space)
        #first we remove any white space to obtain a one word input
        keyword_input[i] <-
          gsub(keyword[i], pattern = " ", replacement = "")
        #then we obtain the #oneword format to be used as input for
        #the Twitter query
        input[i] <- paste("#", keyword_input[i], sep = "")
        #query Twitter using the keyword input
        results_twitter[[i]] <-   twitteR::searchTwitter(
          input[i] ,
          n = provideN,
          resultType = "mixed",
          since =   sinceInput[1]  ,
          until = lubridate::today(tzone = Sys.timezone()) %>%
            lubridate::ymd() %>% as.character()  ,

          #specifying the geocode to be sure we only obtain e.g. indeed
          #the results published from Paris for search query Paris (e.g.
          #tweet should be made within a radius of 80 miles from Paris maximum)

          geocode = paste(df[i, ]$lat, df[i, ]$long, "80mi", sep = ",")

      }           #querying twitter without geocode for type =="other"
    } else  if (type == "other") {
      #query Twitter API
      for (i in 1:length(keyword)) {
        #run query for that keyword (format is #... without space)
        #first we remove any white space to obtain a one word input
        keyword_input[i] <-
          gsub(keyword[i], pattern = " ", replacement = "")
        #then we obtain the #oneword format to be used as input for
        #the Twitter query
        input[i] <- paste("#", keyword_input[i], sep = "")
        #querying Twitter using the keyword input
        results_twitter[[i]] <-   twitteR::searchTwitter(
          input[i] ,
          n = provideN,
          resultType = "mixed",
          since =   sinceInput[1]  ,
          until = lubridate::today(tzone = Sys.timezone()) %>%
            lubridate::ymd() %>% as.character()



    #obtaining the dataframe with the results fetched from Twitter
    #obtaining the results based on the number of keywords requested
    #between 1 and 4

    if (length(keyword) == 4) {
      results_twitter1 <-
        results_twitter[[1]] %>% unlist()  %>% twitteR::twListToDF() %>%
        tibble::as.tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(city = keyword[1])

      results_twitter2 <-
        results_twitter[[2]] %>% unlist()  %>% twitteR::twListToDF() %>%
        tibble::as.tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(city = keyword[2])

      results_twitter3 <-
        results_twitter[[3]] %>% unlist()  %>% twitteR::twListToDF() %>%
        tibble::as.tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(city = keyword[3])

      results_twitter4 <-
        results_twitter[[4]] %>% unlist()  %>% twitteR::twListToDF() %>%
        tibble::as.tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(city = keyword[4])

      finaldata <-

    } else if (length(keyword) == 3) {
      results_twitter1 <-
        results_twitter[[1]] %>% unlist()  %>% twitteR::twListToDF() %>%
        tibble::as.tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(city = keyword[1])

      results_twitter2 <-
        results_twitter[[2]] %>% unlist()  %>% twitteR::twListToDF() %>%
        tibble::as.tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(city = keyword[2])

      results_twitter3 <-
        results_twitter[[3]] %>% unlist()  %>% twitteR::twListToDF() %>%
        tibble::as.tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(city = keyword[3])

      finaldata <-
        rbind(results_twitter1, results_twitter2, results_twitter3)

    } else if (length(keyword) == 2) {
      results_twitter1 <-
        results_twitter[[1]] %>% unlist()  %>%
        twitteR::twListToDF() %>% tibble::as.tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(city = keyword[1])

      results_twitter2 <-
        results_twitter[[2]] %>% unlist()  %>%
        twitteR::twListToDF() %>% tibble::as.tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(city = keyword[2])

      finaldata <- rbind(results_twitter1, results_twitter2)

    } else if (length(keyword) == 1) {
      results_twitter1 <-
        results_twitter[[1]] %>% unlist()  %>%
        twitteR::twListToDF() %>% tibble::as.tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(city = keyword[1])

      finaldata <- results_twitter1


    #creating the plot of keyword count per day over time
    #(measure of popularity)

    if (sincetype == "days" &&  number <= 14) {
      #correct date format and aggregate the results by hour which
      #can be useful e.g. for marketing campaigns to study engagement
      #levels for a certain keyword (e.g. a brand name) thus identifying
      #the best time slots to advertise (i.e. when users are interacting
      #the most with the brand).

      finaldata$created <-
                           tz = Sys.timezone(),
                           quiet = TRUE) %>%
        lubridate::round_date(unit =  "hour")

      finaldata$created_correct <-
        as.POSIXct(format(finaldata$created, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                   format = "%Y-%m-%d %H")

      #generating the plot
        finaldata %>%

          dplyr::group_by(city, created_correct) %>% dplyr::count() %>%
          dplyr::arrange() %>%
          dplyr::rename(count = n) %>%

          ggplot2::ggplot() +

            mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = created_correct, count , color = city),
            size = 3,
            alpha = 0.8
          ) +

            x = created_correct, count , color = city
          size = 0.5)   +

            breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(8),
            labels = scales::number_format(accuracy = 1)
          ) +

            title = "Twitter keyword popularity tracking",

            caption = paste(
              "Note: Hourly data (UTC time) fetched from",

              format(as.Date(sinceInput[1]), "%A, %d-%b. %Y")  ,

              format(as.Date(Sys.Date()), "%A, %d-%b. %Y"),
              sep = " "
            x = "Days",
            y = "Number of tweets posted"
          ) +
          ggplot2::theme_minimal() +

            axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
            plot.caption = ggplot2::element_text(
              size = 10,
              face = "italic",
              hjust = 0

            plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
            axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
              size = 8,
              angle = 25,
              vjust = 1.0,
              hjust = 1.0
            axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 8)

          ) +
          ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(2, 10, 2, 2), "mm")) +
            discrete = TRUE ,
            direction =  -1,
            alpha = 0.6
          ) +
            labels = scales::date_format("%b %d - %H:%M"),
            breaks = scales::date_breaks("5 hour")
          ) +

            data = finaldata %>%

              dplyr::group_by(city, created_correct) %>%
              dplyr::count() %>% dplyr::arrange(desc(n)) %>%
              dplyr::filter(created_correct == lubridate::today()) %>%
              dplyr::rename(count = n) %>%
              dplyr::top_n(length(keyword))   ,

            ggplot2::aes(x = created_correct,

                         count , label = factor(city))
            fontface = 'bold',
            color = 'black',
            box.padding = 1,
            point.padding = 1,
            segment.color = 'black' ,
            size = 4
          ) + ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Place"))


    } else if (sincetype == "weeks" && number < 3) {
      #correct date format and aggregate by hour

      finaldata$created <-
                           tz = Sys.timezone(),
                           quiet = TRUE) %>%
        lubridate::round_date(unit =  "hour")

      finaldata$created_correct <-
        as.POSIXct(format(finaldata$created, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                   format = "%Y-%m-%d %H")


        finaldata %>%

          dplyr::group_by(city, created_correct) %>%
          dplyr::count() %>% dplyr::arrange() %>%
          dplyr::rename(count = n) %>%

          ggplot2::ggplot() +

            mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = created_correct, count , color = city),
            size = 3,
            alpha = 0.8
          ) +

            x = created_correct, count , color = city
          size = 0.5)   +

            breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(8),
            labels = scales::number_format(accuracy = 1)
          ) +

            title = "Twitter keyword popularity tracking",

            caption = paste(
              "Note: Hourly data (UTC time) fetched from",

              format(as.Date(sinceInput[1]), "%A, %d-%b. %Y")  ,

              format(as.Date(Sys.Date()), "%A, %d-%b. %Y"),
              sep = " "
            x = "Days",
            y = "Number of tweets posted"
          ) +
          ggplot2::theme_minimal() +

            axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
            plot.caption = ggplot2::element_text(
              size = 10,
              face = "italic",
              hjust = 0

            plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
            axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
              size = 8,
              angle = 25,
              vjust = 1.0,
              hjust = 1.0
            axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 8)

          ) +
          ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(2, 10, 2, 2), "mm")) +
            discrete = TRUE ,
            direction =  -1,
            alpha = 0.6
          ) +
            labels = scales::date_format("%b %d - %H:%M"),
            breaks = scales::date_breaks("5 hour")
          ) +

            data = finaldata %>%

              dplyr::group_by(city, created_correct) %>%
              dplyr::count() %>%
              dplyr::arrange(desc(n)) %>%
              dplyr::filter(created_correct == lubridate::today()) %>%
              dplyr::rename(count = n) %>%
              dplyr::top_n(length(keyword))   ,

            ggplot2::aes(x = created_correct,

                         count , label = factor(city))
            fontface = 'bold',
            color = 'black',
            box.padding = 1,
            point.padding = 1,
            segment.color = 'black' ,
            size = 4
          ) + ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Place"))


    } else  {
      finaldata$created <-
                           tz = Sys.timezone(),
                           quiet = TRUE) %>% lubridate::as_date()

      finaldata$created_correct <-
        as.POSIXct(format(finaldata$created, "%Y-%m-%d"), format =

        finaldata %>%

          dplyr::group_by(city, created_correct) %>% dplyr::count() %>%
          dplyr::arrange() %>%
          dplyr::rename(count = n) %>%

          ggplot2::ggplot() +

            mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = created_correct, count , color = city),
            size = 3,
            alpha = 0.8
          ) +

            x = created_correct, count , color = city
          size = 0.5)   +

            breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(8),
            labels = scales::number_format(accuracy = 1)
          ) +

            title = "Twitter keyword popularity tracking",

            caption = paste(
              "Note: Daily data (UTC time) fetched from",

              format(as.Date(sinceInput[1]), "%A, %d-%b. %Y")  ,

              format(as.Date(Sys.Date()), "%A, %d-%b. %Y"),
              sep = " "
            x = "Days",
            y = "Number of tweets posted"
          ) +
          ggplot2::theme_minimal() +

            axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
            plot.caption = ggplot2::element_text(
              size = 10,
              face = "italic",
              hjust = 0

            plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
            axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
              size = 8,
              angle = 25,
              vjust = 1.0,
              hjust = 1.0
            axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 8)

          ) +
          ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(2, 10, 2, 2), "mm")) +
            discrete = TRUE ,
            direction =  -1,
            alpha = 0.6
          ) +
            labels = scales::date_format("%b %d"),
            breaks = scales::date_breaks("5 hour")
          ) +

            data = finaldata %>%

              dplyr::group_by(city, created_correct) %>%
              dplyr::count() %>%
              dplyr::arrange(desc(n)) %>%
              dplyr::filter(created_correct == lubridate::today()) %>%
              dplyr::rename(count =     n) %>%
              dplyr::top_n(length(keyword))   ,

            ggplot2::aes(x = created_correct,

                         count , label = factor(city))
            fontface = 'bold',
            color = 'black',
            box.padding = 1,
            point.padding = 1,
            segment.color = 'black' ,
            size = 4
          ) + ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Place"))


      #for longer timeframes we aggregate data daily to smooth the
      #variations of the dataset


    #returning the dataframe of the results as well (obtained from Twitter)

AyrtonRua/group1_project documentation built on May 14, 2019, 5:14 a.m.