
#' Outputs the contribution of each lm independent variable
#' Takes a lm and applies coefficients to show how each independent variable contributes to the dependent variable. IMPORTANT: lm(data = ?) has to be a data.table.
#' @param lm.object lm object. A lm saved to a variable.
#' @param date.index Character. The date index of the lm(data = ?) variable.
#' @keywords lm contribution
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/lm.contribution.R

lm.contribution <- function(lm.object, date.index = "Week") {
  data.source <- as.character(lm.object$call[3]) # data source of the regression
  out.cols <- c(date.index, names(lm.object$model)) # cols the the output should have (index, dependent and all independents)
  dependent.var <- out.cols[2] # dependent var
  out <- get(data.source)[, out.cols, with = FALSE] # cut data source to appropriate cols for output
  out <- out[complete.cases(out),] # only complete cases
  coeffs <- data.table::data.table(var = names(lm.object$coefficients), coeff = lm.object$coefficients) # table of coefficients from regression
  if(coeffs$var[1] == "(Intercept)") { # if the regression has an intercept then create a placeholder
    out[, "(Intercept)" := 1]
  for (i in 1:nrow(coeffs)) { # loop over coeffs table and times the independents by coefficients
    out[, coeffs$var[i] := get(coeffs$var[i]) * coeffs$coeff[i]]
  # reorder columns so the intercept is plotted first as a straight line
  if("(Intercept)" %in% names(out)) {
    ncol.lm.object <- ncol(out)
    ncol.intercept <- which(names(out) == "(Intercept)")
                            c(names(out)[1:2], names(out)[ncol.intercept], names(out)[3:(ncol.lm.object-1)])
  if("(Intercept)" %in% names(out)) {
    setnames(out, "(Intercept)", "Intercept")
Braja93/braja documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:07 a.m.