Man pages for BreizhZut/NOAAsignifEarthQuakes
Explore the NOAA Significant Earthquake Database

eq_build_dateBuilding dates form NOAA raw data
eq_build_locationClean Location Names in NOAA data
eq_clean_dataPerform the cleaning of the NOAA data
eq_create_labelCreate html labels for Earthquke data
eq_legend_timelineTransform NOAA feature into human readable character
eq_mapInteractive map vizualization of earthquakes
geom_timelineDisplays a timeline of Earthquakes
load_NOAA_dbRead the NOAA significant Earth quake data file...
timeline_dataFilter NOAA processed data by date and countries
BreizhZut/NOAAsignifEarthQuakes documentation built on Nov. 10, 2019, 3:45 p.m.