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rSFSW2: A R package to create soil water balance simulation experiment

Please cite the package if you publish results based on simulations carried out with our package, see citation("rSFSW2"), and we would like to hear about your publication.

Some other references

Obtain the source package

There are several options:


'rSFSW2' will compile some c code via 'Rcpp'. Your computer must be set up adequately. - If you use a Windows OS, then you need the Rtools installed that match your R version; please find further information for instance here. - If you use a macOS, then you need Xcode and its command-line tools installed; please find further information for instance here.

After you downloaded the source package, run


Or do all at once from within R:

system2(command = "git", args = "clone -b master --single-branch rSFSW2")
tools::Rcmd(args = paste("INSTALL rSFSW2"))

Binary package version

If you want a binary version of the 'rSFSW2' package (e.g., to distribute to someone without development tools) for a platform to which you do not have access, then you may consider using one of the cloud services (no endorsements): - r-hub offers different Linux, Windows, and mac OS flavors as targets - win-builder offers Windows OS as target

Alternatively, you may access the previous binary package version for Windows OS from our CI appveyor service if the build was successful and an artifact was generated for the binary package (this would be named '' with version number X.Y.Z) from here. If the latest build should have failed, then you may want to check out the 'History' tab for binaries of older versions.

Use rSFSW2 for your simulation project

Familiarize yourself with the demos and information at package?rSFSW2 as well as FAQs with vignette("rSFSW2_FAQs", package = "rSFSW2").

Setup a new simulation project: 1) Install and attach 'rSFSW2' if not already done so (Note: required version of rSOILWAT2 must already be present) 2) Create a skeleton project `setup_rSFSW2_project_infrastructure(dir_prj = "path/to/project_folder") - This function will copy a default version of '1_Input' and the three demo R files to your directory 3) Work your way through 'SFSW2_project_code.R', i.e., define paths and actions, and provide simulation project description in 'SFSW2_project_descriptions.R' and run settings in 'SFSW2_project_settings.R'

How to contribute

You can contribute to this project in different ways:

  1. Reporting issues
  2. Contributing code following our protocols/guidelines and sending a pull request

Code development: Tests, documentation, and code form a trinity

Code of conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Work on this package has been supported by various funds managed by Dr. Bill Lauenroth (Yale University), Dr. John Bradford (USGS), and Dr. Daniel Schlaepfer.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


Organization renamed from Burke-Lauenroth-Lab to DrylandEcology on Dec 22, 2017

All existing information should automatically be redirected to the new name. Contributors are encouraged, however, to update local clones to point to the new URL, i.e.,

git remote set-url origin

Repository renamed from SoilWat_R_Wrapper to rSFSW2 on Feb 23, 2017 All existing information should automatically be redirected to the new name. Contributors are encouraged, however, to update local clones to point to the new URL, i.e.,

git remote set-url origin

Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/SoilWat_R_Wrapper documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 5:17 p.m.