
options(tinytex.verbose = TRUE)

General setup, installation, and R recap

Install a sufficiently recent rSOILWAT2 package version:

  v <- try(utils::packageVersion("rSOILWAT2"), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(v, "try-error") || v < "4.0.3") {
      "There is no or an outdated rSOILWAT2 version present. ",
      "Please update to a more recent version and build vignettes: see",

How to find help and documentation

  # Package documentation
  help(package = "rSOILWAT2")

  # Documentation of a specific function, e.g.,

  # View code of a specific function, e.g.,

Quick R re-cap: how to subset data.frames, matrices, and lists


  #--- Subset a list
  x <- list(ID = 1, Lyr_1 = 1:10, Lyr_2 = 11:30)

  x[[1]] # extract element by position
  x[["Lyr_1"]] # extract element by name

  x[1:2] # subset by position

  #--- Subset a data.frame
  x <- as.data.frame(x)

  # extract column by column number
  x[, 1]

  # subset by column numbers
  x[, 1:2]

  # extract column by column name
  x[, "Lyr_1"]

  #--- Subset a matrix
  x <- as.matrix(x)

  x[, 1] # extract element by position
  x[, "Lyr_1"] # extract element by name

  x[, 1:2] # subset by position

Example rSOILWAT2 simulation

  # Load data for an example site: see ?sw_exampleData
  sw_in0 <- rSOILWAT2::sw_exampleData

  # Run SOILWAT2 for the example site
  sw_out0 <- rSOILWAT2::sw_exec(inputData = sw_in0)

Calculate climate conditions from daily weather

  clim0 <- rSOILWAT2::calc_SiteClimate(
    weatherList = rSOILWAT2::get_WeatherHistory(sw_in0),
    do_C4vars = TRUE

Task: Create daily/monthly/yearly plots

  x <- slot(slot(sw_out0, "VWCBULK"), "Day")

  ids <- grep("Lyr", colnames(x), fixed = TRUE)
  vwc <- x[, ids]
    ylim = c(0, max(vwc)),
    xlab = "Time",
    ylab = "Volumetric water content (bulk; m3 / m3)",
    type = "l"
    ncol = 4,
    legend = colnames(vwc),
    lty = 1,
    col = seq_along(ids)

  x <- slot(slot(sw_out0, "TRANSP"), "Month")
  ids <- grep("transp_total", colnames(x), fixed = TRUE)
    x[1:24, ids],
    type = "l",
    xlab = "Time (Months)",
    ylab = "Transpiration (cm)"

  x <- slot(slot(sw_out0, "EVAPSOIL"), "Year")
  ids <- grep("Lyr", colnames(x), fixed = TRUE)
  es <- rowSums(x[, ids])
    x = x[, "Year"], y = es,
    ylim = c(0, max(es)),
    xlab = "Time",
    ylab = "Bare-soil evaporation (cm)",
    type = "l"

Read inputs from local files on disk (including daily weather forcing)

  path_demo <- system.file("extdata", "example1", package = "rSOILWAT2")
  # Task: Use function `sw_inputDataFromFiles` to read inputs from location
  # `path_demo` (e.g., this could be inputs for your site)

  # Read data from input files
  sw_in1 <- rSOILWAT2::sw_inputDataFromFiles(dir = path_demo)

  # Then run simulation
  sw_out1 <- rSOILWAT2::sw_exec(inputData = sw_in1)

Create rSOILWAT2 simulation run for a specific site

Create base rSOILWAT2 input object

  ## Quick option
  # Note: This approach is discouraged because it is very easy to miss to
  # set all relevant parameters and variables to site-specific values
  sw_in__bad <- rSOILWAT2::sw_exampleData ## Don't do this!

  ## Preferred option
  # All relevant site-specific parameters and variables are set to NA
  sw_in <- rSOILWAT2::swInputData()

Simulation time and location

  # Set simulation period, e.g., to 1980-2019
  rSOILWAT2::swYears_StartYear(sw_in) <- 0
  rSOILWAT2::swYears_EndYear(sw_in) <- 2019
  rSOILWAT2::swYears_StartYear(sw_in) <- 1980

  # Specify geographic location of site
  rSOILWAT2::swSite_IntrinsicSiteParams(sw_in) <- c(
    Longitude = -105.58,
    Latitude = 39.59,
    Altitude = 1000,
    Slope = 0,
    Aspect = NA

Daily meteorological data (forcing the simulation)

You may organize weather data in a variety of ways: - rSOILWAT2 weather database (see vignette rSOILWAT2_WeatherDatabase) - text files as for SOILWAT2 - directly access external online data sets

Read weather data from text files

  wdata <- rSOILWAT2::getWeatherData_folders(
    LookupWeatherFolder = file.path(path_demo, "Input"),
    weatherDirName = "data_weather"

Access external data sets: for example, DayMet

  has_daymet <- FALSE

  if (
    requireNamespace("daymetr") &&
    requireNamespace("curl") &&
  ) {

    mm_dm <- try(
        x = c(longitude = -105.6833, latitude = 41.3167), # Laramie WY
        start_year = rSOILWAT2::swYears_StartYear(sw_in),
        end_year = rSOILWAT2::swYears_EndYear(sw_in)

    if (!inherits(mm_dm, "try-error")) {
      # Impute values for added leap days
      # Use weather generator for available variables, otherwise interpolate
      wdata <- rSOILWAT2::dbW_imputeWeather(
        weatherData = mm_dm[["weatherDF"]],
        use_wg = TRUE,
        method_after_wg = "interp",
        seed = 123L

      # Check that weather data is well-formed

      # Set use flags
      sw_in@weather@desc_rsds <- mm_dm[["desc_rsds"]]
      sw_in@weather@use_cloudCoverMonthly <- mm_dm[["use_cloudCoverMonthly"]]
      sw_in@weather@use_windSpeedMonthly <- mm_dm[["use_windSpeedMonthly"]]
      sw_in@weather@use_humidityMonthly <- mm_dm[["use_humidityMonthly"]]
      sw_in@weather@dailyInputFlags <- mm_dm[["dailyInputFlags"]]

      has_daymet <- TRUE

  if (!has_daymet) {
    # We don't have live internet and
    # were not able to obtain weather data for requested years
    # --> instead, use data we have locally and adjust years
    years <- sapply(wdata, slot, name = "year")
    rSOILWAT2::swYears_StartYear(sw_in) <- 0
    rSOILWAT2::swYears_EndYear(sw_in) <- max(years)
    rSOILWAT2::swYears_StartYear(sw_in) <- min(years)

    # Set use flags
    sw_in@weather@desc_rsds <- 0L
    sw_in@weather@use_cloudCoverMonthly <- TRUE
    sw_in@weather@use_windSpeedMonthly <- TRUE
    sw_in@weather@use_humidityMonthly <- TRUE
    sw_in@weather@dailyInputFlags <- c(rep(TRUE, 3L), rep(FALSE, 11L))

Adjust requested simulation period to available inputs

This may not be the case if there was no internet connection to download data from DayMet

  yrs <- rSOILWAT2::get_years_from_weatherData(wdata)

  if (rSOILWAT2::swYears_EndYear(sw_in) > max(yrs)) {
      "Insufficient weather data to end simulations in year ",
      ":\nAdjust end of simulation period to year ",
    rSOILWAT2::swYears_EndYear(sw_in) <- max(yrs)

  if (rSOILWAT2::swYears_StartYear(sw_in) < min(yrs)) {
      "Insufficient weather data to start simulations in year ",
      ":\nadjust start of simulation period to year ",
    rSOILWAT2::swYears_StartYear(sw_in) <- min(yrs)

Calculate site climate from daily values

  clim <- rSOILWAT2::calc_SiteClimate(weatherList = wdata, do_C4vars = TRUE)

Atmospheric CO2 concentration

  # Name of the CO2 concentration scenario
  co2_nametag <- "RCP85"

  # Obtain yearly values from look-up table
  co2_data <- rSOILWAT2::lookup_annual_CO2a(
    start = rSOILWAT2::swYears_StartYear(sw_in),
    end = rSOILWAT2::swYears_EndYear(sw_in),
    name_co2 = co2_nametag

  # Assign CO2 values to rSOILWAT2 input object
  rSOILWAT2::swCarbon_Scenario(sw_in) <- co2_nametag
  rSOILWAT2::swCarbon_CO2ppm(sw_in) <- co2_data

Climate inputs for Penman's potential evapotranspiration

  # Extract from external data set, or
  # Use fixed values describing an experiment treatment (as here)
  rH <- rep(50, 12) # relative humidity [%]
  ws <- rep(2, 12) # wind speed [m/s]
  sc <- rep(30, 12) # sky cover [%]

  # Assign monthly climate normals to rSOILWAT2 input object
  rSOILWAT2::swCloud_Humidity(sw_in) <- rH
  rSOILWAT2::swCloud_WindSpeed(sw_in) <- ws
  rSOILWAT2::swCloud_SkyCover(sw_in) <- sc

Soil inputs

Soils data from experimental treatment: fixed soil texture

  soils_fixed <- data.frame(
    depth = c(5, 10, 20, 50),
    bulkd = 1.3,
    gravel = 0.1,
    evco = NA,
    trco_grass = NA,
    trco_shrub = NA,
    trco_tree = NA,
    trco_forb = NA,
    sand = 0.65,
    clay = 0.05,
    impermeability = NA,
    soil_temp = NA

  soil_new <- data.frame(rSOILWAT2::swSoils_Layers(sw_in)[0, ])
  soil_new[seq_len(nrow(soils_fixed)), ] <- soils_fixed

Soils data from external datasets: e.g., NRCS SSURGO/STATSGO via SDA

  if (
    requireNamespace("rSW2exter") &&
    requireNamespace("soilDB") &&
    requireNamespace("curl") &&
  ) {
    tmp <- rSOILWAT2::swSite_IntrinsicSiteParams(sw_in)

    soils_sda <- try(rSW2exter::extract_soils_NRCS_SDA(
      x = matrix(tmp[c("Longitude", "Latitude")], nrow = 1),
      method = "SSURGO_then_STATSGO",
      remove_organic_horizons = "at_surface",
      replace_missing_fragvol_with_zero = "at_surface",
      estimate_missing_bulkdensity = TRUE,
      restrict_by_ec_or_ph = FALSE,
      impute = TRUE,
      progress_bar = FALSE,
      verbose = FALSE

    if (inherits(soils_sda, "try-error")) {
      warning("Vignette was not able to extract soils from NRCS SDA!")

    } else {
      # Add homogenized soil layers
      tmp <- grep(
        fixed = TRUE
      soils_sda2 <- rSW2data::update_soil_profile(
        soil_layers = soils_sda[["table_depths"]][1, tmp, drop = FALSE],
        requested_soil_layers = c(
          seq(10, 100, by = 10),
          seq(120, 200, by = 20)
        soil_data = soils_sda[["table_texture"]],
        variables = c("dbovendry_L", "sandtotal_L", "claytotal_L", "fragvol_L"),
        vars_exhaust = NULL,
        keep_prev_soildepth = TRUE,
        keep_prev_soillayers = FALSE

      # Copy wide-data to rSOILWAT2-style soil data table
      soil_new <- data.frame(rSOILWAT2::swSoils_Layers(sw_in)[0, ])
      ids <- seq_len(ncol(soils_sda2[["soil_layers"]]))

      # Soil layer depths
      tmp <- grep(
        fixed = TRUE
      soil_new[ids, "depth_cm"] <- soils_sda2[["soil_layers"]][1, tmp]

      # Soil density, texture, and gravel
      cns_sd <- colnames(soils_sda2[["soil_data"]])

      tmp <- grep("dbovendry_L", cns_sd, fixed = TRUE)
      soil_new[ids, "bulkDensity_g.cm.3"] <- soils_sda2[["soil_data"]][1, tmp]

      tmp <- grep("sandtotal_L", cns_sd, fixed = TRUE)
      soil_new[ids, "sand_frac"] <- soils_sda2[["soil_data"]][1, tmp]
      tmp <- grep("claytotal_L", cns_sd, fixed = TRUE)
      soil_new[ids, "clay_frac"] <- soils_sda2[["soil_data"]][1, tmp]

      tmp <- grep("fragvol_L", cns_sd, fixed = TRUE)
      soil_new[ids, "gravel_content"] <- soils_sda2[["soil_data"]][1, tmp]

Soil impermeability

  # Set impermeability to zero
  soil_new[, "impermeability_frac"] <- 0

Potential bare-soil evaporation rates

  if (requireNamespace("rSW2data")) {
    soil_new[, "EvapBareSoil_frac"] <- rSW2data::calc_BareSoilEvapCoefs(
      layers_depth = soil_new[, "depth_cm"],
      sand = soil_new[, "sand_frac"],
      clay = soil_new[, "clay_frac"]
    )[1, ]

Soil temperature parameters and initial profile values

  soil_new[, "soilTemp_c"] <- rSW2data::init_soiltemperature(
    layers_depth = soil_new[, "depth_cm"],
    # Estimated soil surface temperature on Jan 1
    # (potentially underneath snow pack)
    Tsoil_upper = max(-1, mean(clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]][c(1, 12)])),
    # Constant soil temperature (Celsius) at the lower boundary (max depth)
    # approximated by mean annual air temperature
    Tsoil_const = mean(clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]]),
    depth_Tsoil_const = 990

Assign new soil data to rSOILWAT2 input object

  # NRCS SSURGO `dbovendry` represents the soil density of the matric component
  rSOILWAT2::swSite_SoilDensityInputType(sw_in) <- 0L

  # This fails because rooting profile values are still missing
  try(rSOILWAT2::swSoils_Layers(sw_in) <- soil_new)

Vegetation inputs

Fractional land cover (vegetation composition)

  # Note: `estimate_PotNatVeg_composition()` does not estimate fractional cover
  # of trees, bare-ground, etc. and sets those to zero or any other user
  # defined value
  veg_cover <- rSOILWAT2::estimate_PotNatVeg_composition(
    MAP_mm = 10 * clim[["MAP_cm"]],
    MAT_C = clim[["MAT_C"]],
    mean_monthly_ppt_mm = 10 * clim[["meanMonthlyPPTcm"]],
    mean_monthly_Temp_C = clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]],
    dailyC4vars = clim[["dailyC4vars"]]

  ids <- sapply(
    X = names(rSOILWAT2::swProd_Composition(sw_in)),
    FUN = function(x) {
        pattern = substr(x, 1, 4),
        x = names(veg_cover[["Rel_Abundance_L1"]]),
        ignore.case = TRUE

  # Assign fractional cover values to rSOILWAT2 input object
  rSOILWAT2::swProd_Composition(sw_in) <- veg_cover[["Rel_Abundance_L1"]][ids]

Biomass amount and phenology (for shrubs and grasses)

  # Reference biomass values from Bradford et al. 2014 are used
  # Mean monthly reference temperature corresponding to default phenology values
  # for the median across 898 big sagebrush sites are used
  veg_biom <- rSOILWAT2::estimate_PotNatVeg_biomass(
    target_temp = clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]],
    target_MAP_mm = 10 * clim[["MAP_cm"]],
    do_adjust_phenology = TRUE,
    do_adjust_biomass = TRUE,
    fgrass_c3c4ann = veg_cover[["Grasses"]]

  # Assign monthly biomass values to rSOILWAT2 input object
  # Note: monthly biomass values of forbs, trees, etc. need to be estimated
  v1 <- c("Litter", "Biomass", "Perc.Live")
  v2 <- c("Litter", "Biomass", "Live_pct")
  rSOILWAT2::swProd_MonProd_grass(sw_in)[, v2] <- veg_biom[["grass"]][, v1]
  rSOILWAT2::swProd_MonProd_shrub(sw_in)[, v2] <- veg_biom[["shrub"]][, v1]

Rooting profiles of vegetation types

  # Select rooting profile types
  # Set those to "FILL" where cover == 0 (because of transpiration regions)
  trco_type_by_veg <- list(
    grass_C3 = if (veg_cover[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][["Grasses_C3"]] > 0) {
    } else {
    grass_C4 = if (veg_cover[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][["Grasses_C4"]] > 0) {
    } else {
    grass_annuals = if (
      veg_cover[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][["Grasses_Annuals"]] > 0
    ) {
    } else {
    shrub = if (veg_cover[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][["Shrubs"]] > 0) {
    } else {
    forb = if (veg_cover[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][["Forbs"]] > 0) {
    } else {
    tree = if (veg_cover[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][["Trees"]] > 0) {
    } else {

  veg_roots <- rSOILWAT2::estimate_PotNatVeg_roots(
    layers_depth = soil_new[, "depth_cm"],
    trco_type_by_veg = trco_type_by_veg,
    fgrass_c3c4ann = veg_cover[["Grasses"]]

  # Add rooting profile to soil
  v1 <- c("Grass", "Shrub", "Tree", "Forb")
  v2 <- paste0("transp", v1, "_frac")
  soil_new[, v2] <- veg_roots[, v1]

Assign new soil data to rSOILWAT2 input object

  rSOILWAT2::swSoils_Layers(sw_in) <- soil_new

Estimate parameters of Soil Water Retention Curve before simulation

Note: This step is usually not necessarily; instead, the default setup is that parameters are estimated automatically by SOILWAT2 with the selected pedotransfer function.

  tmp <- rSOILWAT2::swSite_SWRCflags(sw_in)
  swrcp <- rSOILWAT2::ptf_estimate(
    sand = soil_new[, "sand_frac"],
    clay = soil_new[, "clay_frac"],
    fcoarse = soil_new[, "gravel_content"],
    bdensity = soil_new[, "bulkDensity_g.cm.3"],
    swrc_name = tmp["swrc_name"],
    ptf_name = tmp["ptf_name"]

  # Set estimated `SWRC` parameter values
  rSOILWAT2::swSoils_SWRCp(sw_in) <- swrcp

  # Declare that parameter values are already estimated
  rSOILWAT2::swSite_hasSWRCp(sw_in) <- TRUE

  # Alternatively (and equivalently),
  # set soil properties and SWRC parameters with one assignment
  rSOILWAT2::set_swSoils(sw_in) <- list(Layers = soil_new, SWRCp = swrcp)

Transpiration regions

  # Prepare transpiration regions based on soil layers
  # Adjust to your specific soil depths,
  # e.g., if extracted from NRCS SDA without updating soil layers
  tr_example <- c(1, 1, 2, 3, 3)

  # Values corresponding to `CONUSSOIL_BSE_EVERY10cm` of "rSFSW2":
  tr_lyrs_10cm <- c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)

  tr <- rSOILWAT2::prepare_TranspirationRegions(tr_lyrs = tr_lyrs_10cm)
  rSOILWAT2::swSite_TranspirationRegions(sw_in) <- tr

  # Make necessary adjustments based on soil depth and rooting profiles
  rSOILWAT2::swSite_TranspirationRegions(sw_in) <-

  # Check that all is fine

Modifying climate conditions

  sw_in2 <- sw_in

  # Example: 50% reduction in June-Aug precipitation
  rSOILWAT2::swWeather_MonScalingParams(sw_in2)[6:8, "PPT"] <- 0.5

  # Example: 2 C warming
  rSOILWAT2::swWeather_MonScalingParams(sw_in2)[, c("MaxT", "MinT")] <- 2

Run SOILWAT2 for prepared site

Note: Knitting vignette crashes with C-level messages -> run quietly

  sw_out <- rSOILWAT2::sw_exec(
    inputData = sw_in,
    weatherList = wdata,
    quiet = TRUE
  sw_out2 <- rSOILWAT2::sw_exec(
    inputData = sw_in2,
    weatherList = wdata,
    quiet = TRUE

Sneak-peak at output

  res_transp <- rSOILWAT2::get_transpiration(sw_out, "Year")
  res_transp2 <- rSOILWAT2::get_transpiration(sw_out2, "Year")

    res_transp, res_transp2,
    xlab = "Annual transpiration [mm]",
    ylab = "Warm & summer-dry: annual transpiration [mm]",
    xlim = c(0, 200),
    ylim = c(0, 200)
  abline(0, 1, col = "red")

Weather generator

Read weather data with missing values

  # Task: use function `getWeatherData_folders` to read weather data with
  # missing values from folder `data_weather_missing`
  wdata_gaps <- rSOILWAT2::getWeatherData_folders(
    LookupWeatherFolder = file.path(path_demo, "Input"),
    weatherDirName = "data_weather_missing"

  # This will fail: missing data
  sw_out <- try(rSOILWAT2::sw_exec(
    inputData = sw_in0,
    weatherList = wdata_gaps

Option 1

(i) Estimate weather generator coefficients with function dbW_estimate_WGen_coefs(), (ii) generate weather with function dbW_generateWeather(), and (iii) run SOILWAT2 with filled-in data

  wgen_coeffs <- rSOILWAT2::dbW_estimate_WGen_coefs(
    weatherData = wdata,
    imputation_type = "locf"

  wdata_filled <- rSOILWAT2::dbW_generateWeather(
    weatherData = wdata_gaps,
    years = seq(
      from = rSOILWAT2::swYears_StartYear(sw_in0),
      to = rSOILWAT2::swYears_EndYear(sw_in0)
    wgen_coeffs = wgen_coeffs,
    seed = 123

  sw_out <- rSOILWAT2::sw_exec(
    inputData = sw_in0,
    weatherList = wdata_filled

Option 2

(i) estimate weather generator coefficients and (ii) run SOILWAT2 with activated weather generator

  rSOILWAT2::swWeather_UseMarkov(sw_in0) <- TRUE
  rSOILWAT2::swMarkov_Prob(sw_in0) <- wgen_coeffs[["mkv_doy"]]
  rSOILWAT2::swMarkov_Conv(sw_in0) <- wgen_coeffs[["mkv_woy"]]

  sw_out <- rSOILWAT2::sw_exec(
    inputData = sw_in0,
    weatherList = wdata_gaps

Compare weather and climate based on weather inputs

  # Task: plot a comparison between `wdata` and `wdata_filled` for
  # mean monthly precipitation and mean monthly temperature using the output
  # of function `calc_SiteClimate`
  clim1 <- rSOILWAT2::calc_SiteClimate(wdata)
  clim2 <- rSOILWAT2::calc_SiteClimate(wdata_filled)

  plot(clim1[["meanMonthlyPPTcm"]], clim2[["meanMonthlyPPTcm"]])
  abline(0, 1, col = "red")

  plot(clim1[["meanMonthlyTempC"]], clim2[["meanMonthlyTempC"]])
  abline(0, 1, col = "red")
  # Task: compare weather data `wdata` with `wdata_filled` using function
  # `compare_weather`
    ref_weather = rSOILWAT2::dbW_weatherData_to_dataframe(wdata),
    weather = rSOILWAT2::dbW_weatherData_to_dataframe(wdata_filled),
    N = 1,
    path = tempdir(),
    tag = "test"

Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/rSOILWAT2 documentation built on Dec. 9, 2023, 1:46 a.m.