Seoul National University - Climate Change Impact Assessment for Hydrology Library (SNU-CAHL) is a collection of tools for climate change impact assessment in hydrology. The tool has three main goals:

This tool was made by the Research Group for Climate Change Adaptation in Water Resources at Seoul National University.


snucahl package requires the hydromad package, which is a required dependency but is not available on CRAN. Install hydromad with the following commands:

install.packages(c("zoo", "latticeExtra", "polynom", "car", "Hmisc","reshape"))
install.packages("hydromad", repos = "")

snucahl can be installed and loaded using the following commands:



SNU-CAHL package can be used in two different manner. One is the library portion, which contains the functions within R specific to SNU-CAHL. The other is the script/ folder which contains useful scripts used when running the full SNU-CAHL stack.

Data Sources

The test data supplied here are observed gauge datasets obtained from for the Yongdam Catchment in South Korea within the Geum River Basin (4001). The forecasted projections are from the Korea Meteorological Administration GCMs which were downscaled within CCAWR.

CCAWR/SNU-CAHL documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:30 p.m.