
North Coast Chum Case Study Documentation

Data available (data/northCoastDat)

Unless otherwise noted all North Coast chum data provided by Shaun Davies and Katie Beach (DFO)


  1. Worksheet 1: Otolith results
    • Provides marked vs. unmarked catch breakdown 2011-2016
    • Data:
      • Year, gear, area, week, estimates of catch (unsure what this value represents precisely), proportion of readable and marked otoliths,
      • Depending on year ~69-91% of catch
  2. Worksheet 2: weekly var
    • Week to week variability in proportion of catch allocated to hatcheries
    • Typically stable for 3-4 weeks before declining
  3. Worksheet 6: Hatchery ppn (3)
    • Age specific catches from 2011-2016
    • Almost all age 4 except for 2016 when catches were dominated by age-5 (totals were low but not abnormally so)
  4. Other worksheets have additional data that is likely not relevant – e.g. hatchery-specific estimates, data on individual fish
    • What is AlexData worksheet?









Estimating stock-recruit parameters

First pass on fitting SR models - Feb. 13

Validate age structure (RESOLVED) - Mar. 8

Adjustments to stock recruit models - Mar. 16

Discrepancies with PSF estimates - Apr. 30 (RESOLVED MAY 31)

Issues w/ data limited productivity - June 1

Concerns around forward simulated variability - June 5

Catch comparison and outcome uncertainty - June 7

Update stock recruitment models - July 23 - Given evidence of autocorrelation in residuals, decided to re-estimate SR parameters using an AR Ricker model (MultiStockHierAR.txt) - Prior for rho ~ dnorm(0, 1) - Resulted in realistic estimates for all parameters - Increasing sd in prior to 10 resulted AR effects completely disappearing - Limited examples to compare to, but generally analysts seem to use uninformative prior w/ broad uniform distribution - At same time changed prior on hyperdistribution for alpha to be set on TauA_global ~ dgamma(1, 1) - I.e. sigA_global no longer defined - Data limited CU's parameters estimated by drawing 1000 samples from dataset that contains the other 5; beta based on 1/median observed escapement

CamFreshwater/samSim documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 10:22 a.m.