##  Load any R packages and functions required to render or 'knit' report.

    ##  Set Table, Figure and Equation Counters.  Control naming and numbering conventions.
    setCounters(tbl.counter=0, fig.counter=0, eqn.counter=0)

    options(fig_caption_no_sprintf = "**Figure %s:**   %s")

    options(xtable.comment = FALSE)
    options(xtable.booktabs = TRUE)
    options(xtable.caption.placement = "top")
    options(xtable.include.rownames = FALSE)

    ##  Identify whether there are EOCT courses in the data
    eoct.tf <- any(grepl("EOCT", sgp_object@Data[YEAR==sgp_year]$GRADE))
    if (eoct.tf) {
        GL_subjects <- unique(sgp_object@Data[YEAR==sgp_year & GRADE != "EOCT", CONTENT_AREA])
        EOCT_subjects <- unique(sgp_object@Data[YEAR==sgp_year & GRADE == "EOCT", CONTENT_AREA])
    } else {
        GL_subjects <- unique(sgp_object@Data[YEAR==sgp_year, CONTENT_AREA])
        data.table::set(sgp_object@Data, j="GRADE", value=as.numeric(sgp_object@Data$GRADE))

CenterForAssessment/Literasee documentation built on July 2, 2023, 6:21 p.m.