
Add check for valid Socrata resource URL. Add check for supported download file format. Add support for Socrata short dates.


Use comma-separated file format for Socrata downloads.



Add json file format for Socrata downloads. Switch to RJSONIO from rjson.

1.5 Several changes:


Deprecated httr::guess_media() and implemented mime::guess_type()

1.6.0 Several changes:

1.6.1 Bug fixes:

1.7.0 Several changes

New features: Users can upload data with write.socrata() to upload data to Socrata data portals (using "upsert" and "replace" methods). Download private datasets by using Socrata credentials with email and password fields in read.socrata().

Bug fixes: Updated unit testing on ls.socrata() to check for @type field is available. Converts a Socrata money field into a proper numeric field, instead of a factor. * Updated build method for Travis to test using the current CRAN packages, not beta packages from GitHub.

1.7.1 Bug fixes:

1.7.2 Several changes:

Performance improvements:

Bug fixes:


RSocrata's core development team has stated a formal policy to only support the most recent release of R. Until now, RSocrata was tested against the penultimate release of R; however, testing will be limited to the current version of R and the current development release. The project's contributing guidelines have been updated to reflect that accepted changes to RSocrata must pass tests on the current and penulimate versions of R.

While RSocrata is only tested on the current and penultimate version, the core development team expects it will work on older versions most of the time. See #132 for more information.


CRAN bug fixes

The updates from 1.7.8 to 1.7.9 are all realated to minor bug fixes to pass CRAN tests, which were caused by changes by the data portal vendor.

Chicago/RSocrata documentation built on Sept. 4, 2023, 7:17 a.m.