
connectR has a built in translator that will translate R code into SQL so a database can understand R_Code.

First lets connect to the database and check connectR's translator.

library(tidyverse, warn.conflicts = FALSE)


Lets check the default translator dplyr provides, and compared it to connectR's translator

# Default translator

# connectR's translator

As we can see connectR has a large tanslator that tries to cover as much as possible.

Scalar functions

Basic Operators

R_code | SQL Code --------|---------- !| NOT
!=| <>
%in%| IN
&, &&| AND
|, ||| OR
==| =

Casting functions

R_code | SQL Code | Description --------|----------|------------------------------------------------ as.bigint | BIGINT| as.bigint(x): x is variable to be cast as.character | CHAR | as.character(x,y): x is variable to be cast, y length of character. Returns ... x CHAR(y) as.Date | DATE | as.Date(x): x is variable to be cast as.decimal | DECIMAL | as.decimal(x,pre,sca): x is variable to be cast, pre and sca are parameters to define Decimal dimensions. Returns ... x DECIMAL (pre,sca) as.double | NUMERIC | as.double(x): x is variable to be cast
as.float | FLOAT | as.float(x): x is variable to be cast | INT | x is variable to be cast
as.integer | INT | as.integer(x): x is variable to be cast
as.logical | BOOLEAN | as.logical(x): x is variable to be cast
as.numeric | NUMERIC | as.numeric(x): x is variable to be cast
as.smallint | SMALLINT | as.smallint(x): x is variable to be cast
as.timestamp | TIMESTAMP | as.timestamp(x): x is variable to be cast as.tinyint | TINYINT | as.tinyint(x): x is variable to be cast as.varchar | VARCHAR | as.varchar(x,y): x is variable to be cast, y length of varchar. Returns ... x VARCHAR(y)

Functions (that differ)

R_code | SQL Code | Description --------|----------|------------------------------------------------ paste | CONCAT | paste(x1,x2,...): Returns CONCAT(x1,x2,...) paste0 | || | paste0(x1,x2,...): Concatenates variables, strings, numbers, etc... together by using piping. Returns x1||x2||... (Preferred method due to issue in Teradata.) grepl | LIKE | grepl(x,y): x pattern, y variable. Returns ... y LIKE x trimws | TRIM | trimws(x): x variable to be trimmed. ifelse | CASE WHEN | ifelse(x,...,...): Returns a case statement CASE WHEN x ... ELSE ... END if_else | CASE WHEN | ifelse(x,...,...): Returns a case statement CASE WHEN x ... ELSE ... END if(){}else{} | CASE WHEN | if(x){...}else{...}: Returns a case statement with an else CASE WHEN x ... ELSE ... END tolower | LOWER | tolower(x): Returns LOWER(x) toupper | UPPER | toupper(x): Returns UPPER(x) scan | STRTOK | scan(x,"-",1): Aligns to SAS scan function, returns STRTOK(x,1,"-")

Lubridate style functions

R_code | SQL Code | Description --------|----------|------------------------------------------------ yeardiff | | yeardiff(x,y=NULL): Calculates the year difference between to date/timestamp fields. x initial date/timestamp, y latest date/timestamp (if y is null then y = DATE) monthdiff | | monthdiff(x,y=NULL): Calculates the month difference between to date/timestamp fields. x initial date/timestamp, y latest date/timestamp (if y is null then y = DATE) datediff | | datediff(x,y=NULL): Calculates the date difference between to date/timestamp fields. x initial date/timestamp, y latest date/timestamp (if y is null then y = DATE) d_wk | TD_DAY_OF_WEEK | d_wk(x): Returns day of the week as a numeric
d_mth | TD_DAY_OF_MONTH | d_mth(x): Returns day of the month as a numeric wd_mth | TD_WEEKDAY_OF_MONTH | wd_mth(x): Returns weekday of the year as numeric
w_mth | TD_WEEK_OF_MONTH | w_mth(x): Returns week of the month as numeric d_yr | TD_DAY_OF_YEAR | d_yr(x): Returns day of the year as a numeric w_yr | TD_WEEK_OF_YEAR | w_yr(x): Returns week of the year as a numeric m_yr | TD_MONTH_OF_YEAR | m_yr(x): Returns month of the year as a numeric year | TD_YEAR_OF_CALENDAR | year(x): Returns year as numeric

NOTE: To check all functions that can be translated please check sql_translate_env(zeus$con)

DyfanJones/connectR documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:32 p.m.