Title: "Filtering_precipitation_readings.R"


The script Filtering_precipitation_readings.R in folder inst classify every precipitation measurement of tipping rain gauge in different class using additional parameters measured on the station. The script would like improve precipitation data quality based on paper ESOLIP, Mair et al.[1].

Description of script



  1. git_folder: source of package SnowSeasonAnalysis
  2. path: path of Input data (don't edit this path)
  3. file: name of .csv file to process available in folder /data/Input data
  4. elevation: elevation of station
  5. climareport: path of Climareport file (don't edit this path)
  6. precipitation: the column name of file corresponding with precipitation parameter. Default (LTER stations) is "Precip_T_Int15"
  7. air_temperature: the column name of file corresponding with air_temperature parameter. Default (LTER stations) is "T_Air"
  8. relative_humidity: the column name of file corresponding with relative_humidity parameter. Default (LTER stations) is "RH"
  9. radiation: the column name of file corresponding with radiation parameter. Default (LTER stations) is "SR_Sw"


The files in folder /data/Input_data/ should be hourly aggregatedor hourly sampled and have:


Note: in the output names above the algorithm substitute automatically "file" with the name of station, setting in file <- "..." (INPUT 3)

Description of Precip_T_Int15_Metadata:

This new column is the result of ESOLIP_QC function. It could contain 7 value :

How to use

Open script Filtering_precipitation_readings.R and:

  1. Set git folder, the path where the package is download or used.
  2. Run Section 1 to explore data available in folder data/Input data
  3. Select file, the station you want process.
  4. Select elevation, the elevation of the station
  5. Select climareport, the path and the file of Climareport (Suggest: update existing Climareport.csv in folder data/Climareport)
  6. Run Section 2 to produce output
  7. Run Section 3 to save output (Decide which type of output you want)


[1] Mair, E., Bertoldi, G., Leitinger, G., Della Chiesa, S., Niedrist, G., and Tappeiner, U.: ESOLIP - estimate of solid and liquid precipitation at sub-daily time resolution by combining snow height and rain gauge measurements, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 10, 8683-8714, doi:10.5194/hessd-10-8683-2013, 2013.

EURAC-Ecohydro/SnowSeasonAnalysis documentation built on Dec. 6, 2020, 2:05 a.m.