Title: "Snow_detection_TS_PAR.R"


The script Snow_detection_TS_PAR.R in folder inst analyzes Soil Temperature (TS) and Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) to extract snow presence near the station. The algoritm improve results obtained only with one of these elements. The algorithm check if soil temperature (@ 0 cm) has high or low value and how it is the daily amplitude. At the same time it check the daily ratio between PAR @ 2 m and @ 0 cm (soil level) and the daily maximum at soil level. Combining these infomarmations we can determinate the presence/absence of snow without ultrasonic snow sensor.

Description of script



  1. git_folder: source of package SnowSeasonAnalysis
  2. file: name of .csv file to process available in folder /data/Input data
  3. soil_temperature: Required. The column name of file corresponding with soil temperature. In the Example: "ST_CS_00"
  4. phar_up: Required. The column name of file corresponding with phar up. In the Example: "PAR_Up"
  5. phar_down: Required. The column name of file corresponding with phar down. In the Example: "PAR_Soil_LS"
  6. snow_height: Optional. The column name of file corresponding with snow height. In the Example: "Snow_Height"
  7. daily_mean_soil_tempeature_threshold: Default is 3.5 deg C. Threshold of daily mean of soil temperature that suggest snow presence.
  8. daily_amplitude_soil_tempeature_threshold: Default 3 deg C. Threshold of daily amplitude of soil temperature that suggest snow presence
  9. daily_max_ratio_parup_pardown: Default 0.1 (10%). Threshold of ratio between daily maximum of PAR at soil level and at 2 meters that suggest snow presence.
  10. daily_max_pardown: Default 75 W/m2). Threshold of daily maximum PAR at soil level that suggest snow presence.
  11. SUMMER_MONTHS: Vector of summer months used to exclude snow in modes TS. Example "05": May, "06":June etc...


  1. Snow_presence_file.RData: in folder data/Output/Snow_Detection_RData/ an .RData file which contains three zoo time series of:

    • Snow presence PAR + Soil Temp: Hourly snow presence time series, detect with model TS+PAR. Value: 0 means NO SNOW, 1 means SNOW
    • Snow presence PAR: Hourly snow presence time series, detect with model PAR. Value: 0 means NO SNOW, 1 means SNOW
    • Snow presence Soil Temp: Hourly snow presence time series, detect with model TS. Value: 0 means NO SNOW, 1 means SNOW
  2. Snow_presence_file.csv: in folder data/Output/Snow_Detection/ a.csv file file which contains three zoo time series of:

    • TIMESTAMP: date and time of data
    • Snow presence PAR + Soil Temp: Hourly snow presence time series, detect with model TS+PAR. Value: 0 means NO SNOW, 1 means SNOW
    • Snow presence PAR: Hourly snow presence time series, detect with model PAR. Value: 0 means NO SNOW, 1 means SNOW
    • Snow presence Soil Temp: Hourly snow presence time series, detect with model TS. Value: 0 means NO SNOW, 1 means SNOW

How to use

Open script Snow_detection_TS_PAR.R and:

  1. Set git folder, the path where the package is download or used.
  2. Run Section 1 to explore data available in folder data/Input data
  3. Select file, the station you want process (Section 1.i)
  4. Run Section 2 row by row to explore and select the best variables for TS and PAR
  5. Run Section 3 to produce output. This section combine results of different models used
  6. Run Section 4 to save outputs:
    • .RData contains a list of models zoo series used by Visualize_Snow_detection_TS_PAR.R (a tool for a graphical analysis of snow detection)
    • .csv is a dataframe built using different models time series


Teubner, I.E., L. Haimberger, and M. Hantel, 2015: Estimating Snow Cover Duration from Ground Temperature. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 54, 959-965, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-15-0006.1

EURAC-Ecohydro/SnowSeasonAnalysis documentation built on Dec. 6, 2020, 2:05 a.m.