
Defines functions DiffuseRecord

Documented in DiffuseRecord

##' Diffuse a record.
##' This function diffuses a time series or record with a given depth-dependent
##' diffusion length by convolution with a Gaussian kernel.
##' This function expects a numeric vector with the depth-dependent diffusion
##' lengths of the same length as \code{rec}. To calculate the simple case of a
##' constant diffusion length \code{sigma.const}, provide
##' \code{sigma = rep(sigma.const, length(rec))} as input.
##' The input diffusion length is internally scaled according to the resolution
##' of the record given by \code{res}. The convolution integral is then
##' solved by a simple summation over the kernel width set to ~ 10 times the
##' current diffusion length.
##' For \code{debug = FALSE}: To avoid \code{NAs} at both ends of the diffused
##' version of \code{rec} resulting from the kernel extending beyond the record
##' ends, the kernel is clipped at the upper end to the range below the
##' surface. At the lower end, the record is extended by ~ 10 times the maximum
##' of \code{sigma} and filled with the mean average value of \code{rec}.
##' @param rec Numeric vector containing the record that is to be diffused.
##' @param sigma Numeric vector of the diffusion lengths corresponding to the
##' depths at which \code{rec} is tabulated. In units of the resolution of
##' \code{rec} (typically [cm]).
##' @param res Resolution of \code{rec} in the same units as \code{sigma}.
##' @param debug if \code{TRUE} the values at top and bottom of the diffused
##' record which are potentially affected by the finite record length are set to
##' \code{NA}. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. See also Details.
##' @return Numeric vector containing the diffused version of \code{rec}.
##' @author Thomas Münch, modified by Thomas Laepple
##' @examples
##' ## Diffuse white noise with a linearly increasing diffusion length
##' rec <- rnorm(n = 1000)
##' var.sigma <- seq(1, 8, length.out = 1000)
##' diffused <- proxysnr:::DiffuseRecord(rec = rec, sigma = var.sigma)
##' plot(rec, type = 'l', las = 1, xlab = "depth in cm", ylab = "data", main = 
##'      "white noise diffusion with linearly increasing diffusion length")
##' lines(diffused, col = "red")
##' legend('topleft', c("original record", "diffused record"),
##'        lty = 1, col = 1 : 2, bty = "n")
DiffuseRecord <- function(rec, sigma, res = 1, debug = FALSE){
    n <- length(rec)

    # record and sigma must have same length
    if (n != length(sigma))
        stop("Conflicting INPUT: rec and sigma must have same length.")

    # scale diffusion length according to resolution of record
    sigma <- sigma / res

    # pad end of record with mean of record to avoid NA's
    # at the end of diffused record
    if (!debug) rec <- c(rec, rep(mean(rec, na.rm = TRUE), 10 * max(sigma)))

    # vector to store diffused data
    rec.diffused <- rep(NA, n)

    # loop over record
    for (i in 1 : n) {

        # diffusion length for current depth
        sig <- sigma[i]
        # set range of convolution integral (= 2*imax + 1) to ~ 10*sig
        imax <- ceiling(5 * sig)
        ran <- (i - imax) : (i + imax)

        # if part of range extends above surface, set diffused value to 'NA' for
        # 'debug = TRUE', else skip that part of range in the convolution
        # integral
        if (!all(ran > 0) & debug) {
            diff.value <- NA
        } else {
            ran <- ran[ran > 0]
            # relative range for convolution kernel
            rel.ran <- i - ran
            # convolution kernel
            kernel <- exp(-(rel.ran)^2 / (2 * sig^2))
            kernel <- kernel / sum(kernel)

            # diffuse data at current depth bin
            diff.value <- sum(rec[ran] * kernel)

        rec.diffused[i] <- diff.value


EarthSystemDiagnostics/proxysnr documentation built on Oct. 2, 2021, 3:03 p.m.