
Defines functions PlotTF muench_laepple_fig05 PlotStackCorrelation PlotSNR muench_laepple_fig02 PlotArraySpectra LLines LPlot Polyplot SetPlotPar

Documented in LLines LPlot muench_laepple_fig02 muench_laepple_fig05 PlotArraySpectra PlotSNR PlotStackCorrelation PlotTF Polyplot SetPlotPar

## Collection of plotting functions for the results in Münch and Laepple (2018)

##' Default plotting parameters
##' This function returns a list of default plotting parameters specified as its
##' function arguments, which can then be set via a call to
##' \code{par}. Additional parameters can be specified via \code{...}. This
##' wrapper function provides a convenient way to set new graphics parameters
##' and save their old values for later restoring at the same time; see the
##' example.
##' @param mar a numerical vector of the form ‘c(bottom, left, top, right)’ which
##'   gives the number of lines of margin to be specified on the four sides of
##'   the plot. The default is \code{c(5, 5, 0.5, 0.5)}.
##' @param las the style of axis labels; default is to always use horizontal axis
##'   labels (note that you then need to manually set \code{las = 0} for the y
##'   axis titles when using \code{mtext}).
##' @param cex.main the magnification to be used for main titles relative to the
##'   current setting of \code{cex}; defaults to \code{1.5}.
##' @param cex.lab the magnification to be used for x and y labels relative to the
##'   current setting of \code{cex}; defaults to \code{1.5}.
##' @param cex.axis the magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to
##'   the current setting of \code{cex}; defaults to \code{1.25}.
##' @param ... further graphical parameter settings passed on to
##'   \code{\link[graphics]{par}}.
##' @return A list of plotting parameters to be used with \code{par()}.
##' \itemize{
##'   \item mar = c(5, 5, 0.5, 0.5)
##'   \item las = 1
##'   \item cex.main = 1.5
##'   \item cex.lab = 1.5
##'   \item cex.axis = 1.25
##'   \item ...
##' }
##' @author Thomas Münch
##' @seealso \code{\link{par}}
##' @examples
##' # Default settings
##' op <- par(proxysnr:::SetPlotPar())
##' plot(1 : 10, xlab = "X title", ylab = "Y title", type = "l")
##' par(op)
##' # Change default line width and increase outer margin
##' op <- par(proxysnr:::SetPlotPar(lwd = 2, oma = c(2, 2, 2, 2)))
##' plot(1 : 10, xlab = "X title", ylab = "Y title", type = "l")
##' par(op)
SetPlotPar <- function(mar = c(5, 5, 0.5, 0.5),
                       las = 1,
                       cex.main = 1.5,
                       cex.lab = 1.5,
                       cex.axis = 1.25, ...) {

    par <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))


##' Draw error shading
##' A wrapper function for the \code{polygon} function to draw error shadings
##' (or confidence intervals) on a line plot.
##' @param x numeric vector of x values of the error band.
##' @param y1 numeric vector for the upper bound of the error band; must be of
##' the same length as \code{x}.
##' @param y2 numeric vector for the lower bound of the error band; must be of
##' the same length as \code{x}.
##' @param col colour of the error band.
##' @param alpha opacity factor for \code{col} within [0,1].
##' @param ... additional parameters which are passed to \code{polygon}.
##' @seealso \code{\link{polygon}}
##' @author Thomas Münch
Polyplot <- function(x, y1, y2, col = "black", alpha = 0.2, ...) {

    inp <- list(x, y1, y2)
    if (stats::var(sapply(inp, length)) != 0)
        stop("All input vectors must be of the same length.")
    if (any(sapply(inp, function(x){any(is.na(x))})))
        warning("Polyplot: Missing values as input.", call. = FALSE)

    col <- grDevices::adjustcolor(col = col, alpha = alpha)

    graphics::polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(y1, rev(y2)),
                      col = col, border = NA, ...)

##' Log-log spectral plot
##' This function plots a spectrum on a double-logarithmic scale and optionally
##' adds a transparent confidence interval.
##' @param x an object of class \code{"spec"}.
##' @param conf if \code{TRUE} (the default) add a transparent confidence
##' interval (suppressed if \code{x} contains no error limits).
##' @param bPeriod if \code{TRUE} the x-axis is displayed in units of period
##'     (inverse frequency), increasing to the left. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
##' @param bNoPlot if \code{TRUE} only produce the plot frame (\code{type = "n"}
##' behaviour of function \code{\link{plot}}). Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
##' @param axes if \code{FALSE} the plotting of the x and y axes is
##' suppressed. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
##' @param col color for the line plot and the confidence interval.
##' @param alpha transparency level (between 0 and 1) for the confidence
##' interval. Defaults to \code{0.2}.
##' @param removeFirst omit \code{removeFirst} values on the low frequency side.
##' @param removeLast omit \code{removeLast} values on the high frequency side.
##' @param xlab character string for labelling the x-axis.
##' @param ylab character string for labelling the y-axis.
##' @param xlim range of x-axis values; if \code{NULL} (the default) it is
##' calculated internally and automatically reversed for \code{bPeriod = TRUE}.
##' @param ylim range of y-axis values; if \code{NULL} (the default) it is
##' calculated internally.
##' @param ... further graphical parameters passed to \code{plot}.
##' @author Thomas Laepple
LPlot <- function(x, conf = TRUE, bPeriod = FALSE, bNoPlot = FALSE, axes = TRUE,
                  col = "black", alpha = 0.2, removeFirst = 0, removeLast = 0,
                  xlab = "f", ylab = "PSD", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ...) {

    if (bPeriod) {
        x$freq <- 1 / x$freq
        if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- rev(range(x$freq))
        if (xlab == "f") xlab <- "period"

    index <- (removeFirst + 1) : (length(x$freq) - removeLast)
    x$freq  <- x$freq[index]
    x$spec  <- x$spec[index]
    x$lim.1 <- x$lim.1[index]
    x$lim.2 <- x$lim.2[index]

    graphics::plot(x$freq, x$spec, type = "n", log = "xy",
                   xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                   axes = axes, ...)

    lim <- !is.null(x$lim.1) & !is.null(x$lim.2)
    if (conf & lim & !bNoPlot) {
        Polyplot(x = x$freq, y1 = x$lim.1, y2 = x$lim.2,
                 col = col, alpha = alpha)

    if (!bNoPlot) graphics::lines(x$freq, x$spec, col = col, ...)

##' Add spectrum to existing log-log spectral plot
##' This function adds a spectrum to an existing double-logarithmic plot and
##' optionally adds a transparent confidence interval.
##' @param x an object of class \code{"spec"}.
##' @param conf if \code{TRUE} (the default) add a transparent confidence
##' interval (suppressed if \code{x} contains no error limits).
##' @param bPeriod if \code{TRUE} treat the x-axis values in units of period
##'     (inverse frequency). Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
##' @param col color for the line plot and the confidence interval.
##' @param alpha transparency level (between 0 and 1) for the confidence
##' interval. Defaults to \code{0.2}.
##' @param removeFirst omit \code{removeFirst} values on the low frequency side. 
##' @param removeLast omit \code{removeLast} values on the high frequency side.
##' @param ... further graphical parameters passed to \code{lines}.
##' @author Thomas Laepple
LLines<-function(x, conf = TRUE, bPeriod = FALSE, col = "black", alpha = 0.2,
                 removeFirst = 0, removeLast = 0, ...) {

    if (bPeriod) x$freq <- 1 / x$freq
    index <- (removeFirst + 1) : (length(x$freq) - removeLast)

    x$freq  <- x$freq[index]
    x$spec  <- x$spec[index]
    x$lim.1 <- x$lim.1[index]
    x$lim.2 <- x$lim.2[index]

    lim <- !is.null(x$lim.1) & !is.null(x$lim.2)
    if (conf & lim) {
        Polyplot(x = x$freq, y1 = x$lim.1, y2 = x$lim.2,
                 col = col, alpha = alpha)
    graphics::lines(x$freq, x$spec, col = col, ...)

##' Plot proxy array spectra (Figure 1 in Münch and Laepple, 2018)
##' Plot the spectral estimates from a spatial proxy core array.
##' @param spec output from \code{\link{ArraySpectra}}.
##' @param f.cutoff optional frequency value to draw a vertical line symbolising
##' a cutoff frequency.
##' @param xlim the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot.
##' @param ylim the y limits (y1, y2) of the plot.
##' @param col a three-element vector with the colours for the individual
##' spectra (\code{col[1]}), the mean (\code{col[2]}) and the stack spectrum
##' (\code{col[3]}).
##' @param col.sn a two-element vector with the colours for the approximate
##' signal (\code{col[1]}) and noise shading (\code{col[2]}).
##' @param alpha.sn opacity factor for the colours in \code{col.sn} within
##' [0,1].
##' @param plt.ann if \code{"default"} use axis annotation as in Fig. 1 of Münch
##' and Laepple (2018). Since no other fixed annotation scheme is implemented,
##' setting \code{plt.ann} to a different value will result in an error.
##' @param xlab if not \code{NULL} use this specific x axis label to override
##' the default setting.
##' @param ylab if not \code{NULL} use this specific y axis label to override
##' the default setting.
##' @param xtm if not \code{NULL} use this vector of specific x axis tick mark
##' positions to override the default setting.
##' @param ytm if not \code{NULL} use this vector of specific y axis tick mark
##' positions to override the default setting.
##' @param xtl x axis tick mark labels. If \code{xtm} is not \code{NULL},
##' \code{xtl} is used for the \code{labels} parameter of the \code{\link{axis}}
##' function: if \code{xtl} is set to \code{NULL}, the labels are determined
##' automatically, else set it explicitly by specifying a vector of labels of
##' the same length as \code{xtm}; see also \code{?axis}.
##' @param ytl equivalent to \code{xtl} for the y axis tick mark labels.
##' @author Thomas Münch
##' @seealso \code{\link{ArraySpectra}}
##' @examples
##' # Plot Figure 1 in Münch and Laepple (2018) (DML1 oxygen isotope data set):
##' PlotArraySpectra(ArraySpectra(dml$dml1, df.log = 0.12))
##' @export
##' @references Münch, T. and Laepple, T.: What climate signal is contained in
##' decadal- to centennial-scale isotope variations from Antarctic ice cores?
##' Clim. Past, 14, 2053–2070, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-14-2053-2018, 2018.
PlotArraySpectra <- function(spec, f.cutoff = NA,
                             xlim = c(100, 2), ylim = c(0.005, 50),
                             col = c("darkgrey", "black", "burlywood4"),
                             col.sn = c("dodgerblue4", "firebrick4"),
                             alpha.sn = 0.2,
                             plt.ann = "default",
                             xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                             xtm = NULL, ytm = NULL,
                             xtl = NULL, ytl = NULL) {

    # Gather input
    N <- length(spec$single)    
    psd1 <- spec$mean
    psd2 <- spec$stack
    psd3 <- psd1
    psd3$spec <- psd3$spec / N

    # Axis settings

    if (plt.ann == "default") {
        set.xlab <- "Time period (yr)"
        set.ylab <- expression("Power spectral density " * "(\u2030"^{2}%.%"yr)")
        set.xtm <- NULL
        set.xtl <- NULL
        set.ytm <- 10^(seq(log10(ylim[1]), log10(ylim[2]), by = 1))
        set.ytl <- format(set.ytm,
                          scientific = FALSE, trim = TRUE, drop0trailing = TRUE)
    } else {
        stop("Invalid axis annotation setting.")
    if (!is.null(xlab)) set.xlab = xlab
    if (!is.null(ylab)) set.ylab = ylab
    if (!is.null(xtm)) {set.xtm = xtm; set.xtl = xtl}
    if (!is.null(ytm)) {set.ytm = ytm; set.ytl = ytl}
    # Plot parameters

    op <- graphics::par(SetPlotPar(mar = c(5, 6.5, 0.5, 0.5)))

    # Plot frame
    LPlot(psd1, bPeriod = TRUE, bNoPlot = TRUE, axes = FALSE,
          xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = "")

    # Shadings
    i.remove <- c(1, length(psd1$freq))

    Polyplot(1 / psd1$freq[-i.remove],
             psd1$spec[-i.remove], psd2$spec[-i.remove],
             col = col.sn[2], alpha = alpha.sn)
    Polyplot(1 / psd1$freq[-i.remove],
             psd2$spec[-i.remove], psd3$spec[-i.remove],
             col = col.sn[1], alpha = alpha.sn)

    # Frequency cutoff line

    graphics::lines(x = rep(1 / f.cutoff, 2), y = c(ylim[1]/10, ylim[2]),
                    lty = 2, col = "darkgrey")

    # Individual spectra

    for (i in 1 : N) {
        LLines(spec$single[[i]], conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
               removeFirst = 1, removeLast = 1,
               col = col[1])

    # Main spectra

    LLines(psd1, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = 1,
           col = col[2], lwd = 3)
    LLines(psd2, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = 1,
           col = col[3], lwd = 3)
    LLines(psd3, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = 1,
           col = col[2], lwd = 1.5, lty = 5)

    # Axis and legend settings

    graphics::axis(1, at = set.xtm, labels = set.xtl)
    graphics::axis(2, at = set.ytm, labels = set.ytl)

    graphics::mtext(set.xlab, side = 1, line = 3.5,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext(set.ylab, side = 2, line = 4.5,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab, las = 0)

                     c("Individual spectra", "Mean spectrum",
                       "Spectrum of stacked record", "Mean spectrum scaled by 1/n"),
                     col = c(col[1 : 3], col[2]),
                     lty = c(1, 1, 1, 5),
                     lwd = c(1, 2, 2, 1), seg.len = 2.5, bty = "n")


##' Figure 2 in Münch and Laepple (2018)
##' Plot the signal and noise spectra from the DML and WAIS oxygen isotope data
##' sets (Figure 2 in Münch and Laepple, 2018).
##' @param spec output from \code{\link{WrapSpectralResults}}.
##' @param f.cut Shall the spectra be cut at the cutoff frequency constrained
##' by the diffusion correction strength? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
##' @author Thomas Münch
##' @seealso \code{\link{WrapSpectralResults}}
##' @references Münch, T. and Laepple, T.: What climate signal is contained in
##' decadal- to centennial-scale isotope variations from Antarctic ice cores?
##' Clim. Past, 14, 2053–2070, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-14-2053-2018, 2018.
muench_laepple_fig02 <- function(spec, f.cut = FALSE) {

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Graphics settings
    ylabel <- expression("Power spectral density " * "(\u2030"^{2}%.%"yr)")
    ylim <- c(5e-2, 1e1)
    y.at <- c(0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5)
    removeLast <- 1

    op <- graphics::par(SetPlotPar(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
                                   oma = c(5, 10, 2, 0.5),
                                   mfcol = c(2, 2),
                                   cex.axis = 1.5))

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Plot DML signal spectra

    LPlot(spec$dml1$raw$signal, bPeriod = TRUE, bNoPlot = TRUE, axes = FALSE,
          xlim = c(500, 2), ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = "")
    graphics::axis(2, at = y.at, labels = y.at)

    graphics::mtext(ylabel, side = 2, line = 4.5, las = 0,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext("DML", side = 2, line = 8, las = 0,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext("Signal", side = 3, line = 0.5, las = 0, adj = 0.99,
                    padj = 0.3, col = "dodgerblue4",
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext("a", side = 3, adj = 0.01, padj = 0.5,
                    line = -1, font = 2, cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)

    if (f.cut)
        removeLast <-
            length(spec$dml1$f.cutoff[1] : length(spec$dml1$raw$signal$freq))
    LLines(spec$dml1$raw$signal, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "dodgerblue4", lwd = 1.5, lty = 3)
    LLines(spec$dml1$corr.t$signal, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "dodgerblue4", lwd = 1.5, lty = 5)
    LLines(spec$dml1$corr.full$signal, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "dodgerblue4", lwd = 3, lty = 1)

    if (f.cut)
        removeLast <-
            length(spec$dml2$f.cutoff[1] : length(spec$dml2$raw$signal$freq))
    LLines(spec$dml2$raw$signal, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "black", lwd = 1.5, lty = 3)
    LLines(spec$dml2$corr.t$signal, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "black", lwd = 1.5, lty = 5)
    LLines(spec$dml2$corr.full$signal, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "black", lwd = 3, lty = 1)

    graphics::legend("bottomleft", c("DML1", "DML2"), lty = 1, lwd = 2,
                     col = c("dodgerblue4", "black"),  seg.len = 3,
                     bty = "n", cex = 1.25)
                     c("Uncorrected signal", "Corrected for time uncertainty",
                       "Corrected for time uncertainty + diffusion"),
                     lwd = c(1.5, 1.5, 2), lty = c(3, 5, 1), col = "darkgrey",
                     inset = c(0.225, 0), seg.len = 3, bty = "n", cex = 1.25)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Plot WAIS signal spectra
    LPlot(spec$wais$raw$signal, bPeriod = TRUE, bNoPlot = TRUE, axes = FALSE,
          xlim = c(500, 2), ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = "")
    graphics::axis(2, at = y.at, labels = y.at)

    graphics::mtext("Time period (yr)", side = 1, line = 3.5,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext(ylabel, side = 2, line = 4.5, las = 0,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext("WAIS", side = 2, line = 8, las = 0,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext("c", side = 3, adj = 0.01, padj = 0.5,
                    line = -1, font = 2, cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    if (f.cut)
        removeLast <-
            length(spec$wais$f.cutoff[1] : length(spec$wais$raw$signal$freq))

    LLines(spec$wais$raw$signal, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "dodgerblue4", lwd = 1.5, lty = 3)
    LLines(spec$wais$corr.t$signal, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "dodgerblue4", lwd = 1.5, lty = 5)
    LLines(spec$wais$corr.full$signal, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "dodgerblue4", lwd = 3, lty = 1)

    # Plot DML noise spectra
    LPlot(spec$dml1$raw$noise, bPeriod = TRUE, bNoPlot = TRUE, axes = FALSE,
          xlim = c(500, 2), ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = "")

    graphics::mtext("Noise", side = 3, line = 0.5, las = 0, adj = 0.015,
                    padj = 0.3, col = "firebrick4",
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext("b", side = 3, adj = 0.01, padj = 0.5,
                    line = -1, font = 2, cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)

    if (f.cut)
        removeLast <-
            length(spec$dml1$f.cutoff[1] : length(spec$dml1$raw$signal$freq))
    LLines(spec$dml1$raw$noise, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "firebrick4", lwd = 1.5, lty = 3)
    LLines(spec$dml1$corr.t$noise, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "firebrick4", lwd = 1.5, lty = 5)
    LLines(spec$dml1$corr.full$noise, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "firebrick4", lwd = 3, lty = 1)

    if (f.cut)
        removeLast <-
            length(spec$dml2$f.cutoff[1] : length(spec$dml2$raw$signal$freq))
    LLines(spec$dml2$raw$noise, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "black", lwd = 1.5, lty = 3)
    LLines(spec$dml2$corr.t$noise, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "black", lwd = 1.5, lty = 5)
    LLines(spec$dml2$corr.full$noise, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "black", lwd = 3, lty = 1)

    graphics::legend("bottomleft", c("DML1", "DML2"), lty = 1, lwd = 2,
                     col = c("firebrick4", "black"),  seg.len = 3,
                     bty = "n", cex = 1.25)
                     c("Uncorrected noise", "Corrected for time uncertainty",
                       "Corrected for time uncertainty + diffusion"),
                     lwd = c(1.5, 1.5, 2), lty = c(3, 5, 1), col = "darkgrey",
                     inset = c(0.225, 0), seg.len = 3, bty = "n", cex = 1.25)

    # Plot WAIS noise spectra
    LPlot(spec$wais$raw$noise, bPeriod = TRUE, bNoPlot = TRUE, axes = FALSE,
          xlim = c(500, 2), ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = "")

    graphics::mtext("Time period (yr)", side = 1, line = 3.5,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext("d", side = 3, adj = 0.01, padj = 0.5,
                    line = -1, font = 2, cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)

    if (f.cut)
        removeLast <-
            length(spec$wais$f.cutoff[1] : length(spec$wais$raw$signal$freq))

    LLines(spec$wais$raw$noise, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "firebrick4", lwd = 1.5, lty = 3)
    LLines(spec$wais$corr.t$noise, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "firebrick4", lwd = 1.5, lty = 5)
    LLines(spec$wais$corr.full$noise, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "firebrick4", lwd = 3, lty = 1)


##' Plot proxy SNR (Figure 3 in Münch and Laepple, 2018)
##' Plot the timescale dependence of proxy signal-to-noise ratios.
##' @param spec a (named) list of signal-to-noise ratio data sets: each data set
##' itself should be list containing at least a named element \code{snr} which
##' is an object of class \code{"spec"} providing signal-to-noise ratios as a
##' function of frequency. For Figure 3 in Münch and Laepple (2018) set
##' \code{spec} to the output from \code{\link{PublicationSNR}}.
##' @param names an optional character vector of names of the proxy data
##' sets. If \code{NULL}, the names of \code{spec} are used or, if not present,
##' default names.
##' @param f.cut Shall the spectra be cut at the cutoff frequency constrained
##' by the diffusion correction strength? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
##' @param col a numeric or character vector of colors to use for the plotting
##' with length recycled to match \code{length(spec)}.
##' @param plt.ann if \code{"default"} use axis annotation as in Fig. 3 of Münch
##' and Laepple (2018). Since no other fixed annotation scheme is implemented,
##' setting \code{plt.ann} to a different value will result in an error.
##' @inheritParams PlotArraySpectra
##' @author Thomas Münch
##' @seealso \code{\link{PublicationSNR}}
##' @examples
##' # Plot Figure 3 in Münch and Laepple (2018)
##' # (DML and WAIS oxygen isotope data sets):
##' # Load main spectral results
##' DWS <- WrapSpectralResults(
##'        dml1 = dml$dml1, dml2 = dml$dml2, wais = wais,
##'        diffusion = diffusion.tf,
##'        time.uncertainty = time.uncertainty.tf,
##'        df.log = c(0.15, 0.15, 0.1))
##' # Calculate the final signal-to-noise ratio spectra
##' SNR <- proxysnr:::PublicationSNR(DWS)
##' # Plot it
##' PlotSNR(SNR, f.cut = TRUE,
##'         names = c("DML", "WAIS"),
##'         col = c("black", "dodgerblue4"))
##' @export
##' @references Münch, T. and Laepple, T.: What climate signal is contained in
##' decadal- to centennial-scale isotope variations from Antarctic ice cores?
##' Clim. Past, 14, 2053–2070, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-14-2053-2018, 2018.
PlotSNR <- function(spec, f.cut = FALSE,
                    names = NULL, col = 1 : length(spec),
                    xlim = c(500, 2), ylim = c(0.05, 5),
                    plt.ann = "default",
                    xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                    xtm = NULL, ytm = NULL,
                    xtl = NULL, ytl = NULL) {

    if (length(col) != length(spec)) col <- rep(col, length.out = length(spec))

    # Axis settings
    if (plt.ann == "default") {
        set.xlab <- "Time period (yr)"
        set.ylab <- "Signal-to-Noise Ratio"
        set.xtm <- NULL
        set.xtl <- NULL
        set.ytm <- c(0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5)
        set.ytl <- set.ytm
    } else {
        stop("Invalid axis annotation setting.")
    if (!is.null(xlab)) set.xlab = xlab
    if (!is.null(ylab)) set.ylab = ylab
    if (!is.null(xtm)) {set.xtm = xtm; set.xtl = xtl}
    if (!is.null(ytm)) {set.ytm = ytm; set.ytl = ytl}

    op <- graphics::par(SetPlotPar(mar = c(5, 6, 0.5, 0.5)))

    # Plot SNR

    plot.snr <- function(snr, xlim, ylim, lwd, col,
                         conf, removeF, removeL, add = FALSE) {

        if (!add) {
            LPlot(snr, bPeriod = TRUE, bNoPlot = TRUE, axes = FALSE,
                  xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = "")

    LLines(snr, conf = conf, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = removeF, removeLast = removeL,
           col = col, lwd = lwd)


    for (i in 1 : length(spec)) {

        add <- ifelse(i == 1, FALSE, TRUE)

        removeL <- 0
        if (f.cut) {
            idx <- spec[[i]]$f.cutoff[1]
            if (is.null(idx)) {
                    "f.cut = TRUE but no cutoff frequency specified in input.")
            } else {
                removeLast <-
                    length(idx : length(spec[[i]]$snr$freq))
        plot.snr(spec[[i]]$snr, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, lwd = 2, col = col[i],
                 conf = FALSE, removeF = 1, removeL = removeLast, add = add)


    # Axis and legends settings
    graphics::axis(1, at = set.xtm, labels = set.xtl)
    graphics::axis(2, at = set.ytm, labels = set.ytl)
    graphics::mtext(set.xlab, side = 1, line = 3.5,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext(set.ylab, side = 2, line = 4.25,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab, las = 0)

    if (is.null(names)) {
        names <- names(spec)
        if (is.null(names))
            names <- paste("data", 1 : length(spec), sep = "")
    if (length(names) != length(spec))
        warning("Number of data sets does not match given nuber of names.",
                call. = FALSE)
    graphics::legend("topleft", legend = names, col = col,
                     seg.len = 3, lty = 1, lwd = 2, bty = "n")
##' Plot proxy stack correlation (Figure 4 in Münch and Laepple, 2018)
##' Plot the correlation of the spatial average of a certain number of proxy
##' records with the underlying common signal depending on the number of records
##' averaged and their temporal resolution.
##' @param freq frequency axis of the underlying proxy data set to obtain an
##' axis for the temporal averaging period; its length must match
##' \code{ncol(correlation)}.
##' @param correlation a \code{n * m} matrix of correlation values where the
##' number of columns, \code{m}, corresponds to the number of frequency values
##' at which the correlation has been evaluated, i.e. \code{length(freq)}, and
##' the number of rows, \code{n}, to the total number of records averaged.
##' @param col.pal  a color palette function to be used to assign colors in the
##' plot.
##' @param n the total number of records averaged; thus, the correlation map is
##' shown for records averaged from 1 to \code{n}. Per default set to the number
##' of rows in \code{correlation}.
##' @param label an optional label of the data set to be displayed at the top
##' of the plot.
##' @param plt.ann if \code{"default"} use axis annotation as in Fig. 4 of Münch
##' and Laepple (2018). Since no other fixed annotation scheme is implemented,
##' setting \code{plt.ann} to a different value will result in an error.
##' @inheritParams PlotArraySpectra
##' @param xtm.min if not \code{NULL} use these specific x axis minor tick marks
##' to override the default setting. Set to \code{NA} to omit minor ticks at
##' all.
##' @param ytm.min as \code{xtm.min} for minor y axis tick marks.
##' @param xlim the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot. Set to \code{NA} to use
##' default limits, or supply a numeric vector of length 2 with custom
##' limits in log units. In the latter case, setting either of the elements to
##' \code{NA} results in using the default limit for this element only.
##' @param ylim as \code{xlim} for the y limits of the plot.
##' @author Thomas Münch
##' @seealso \code{\link{StackCorrelation}}
##' @export
##' @examples
##' # Plot Figure 5 in Münch and Laepple (2018)
##' # (DML and WAIS oxygen isotope data sets):
##' # Load main spectral results
##' DWS <- WrapSpectralResults(
##'        dml1 = dml$dml1, dml2 = dml$dml2, wais = wais,
##'        diffusion = diffusion.tf,
##'        time.uncertainty = time.uncertainty.tf,
##'        df.log = c(0.15, 0.15, 0.1))
##' # Calculate the final signal-to-noise ratio spectra
##' SNR <- proxysnr:::PublicationSNR(DWS)
##' # Calculate the correlations
##' crl <- StackCorrelation(SNR$dml, N = 1 : 20,
##'        freq.cut.lower = 1 / 100,
##'        freq.cut.upper = SNR$dml$f.cutoff[2])
##' # Plot it
##' library(RColorBrewer)
##' palette <- colorRampPalette(rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "RdYlBu")))
##' PlotStackCorrelation(freq = crl$freq, correlation = crl$correlation,
##'           col.pal = palette, label = "DML", ylim = c(NA, log(50)))
##' @references Münch, T. and Laepple, T.: What climate signal is contained in
##' decadal- to centennial-scale isotope variations from Antarctic ice cores?
##' Clim. Past, 14, 2053–2070, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-14-2053-2018, 2018.
PlotStackCorrelation <- function(freq, correlation, col.pal,
                                 n = nrow(correlation),
                                 label = "",
                                 plt.ann = "default",
                                 xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                                 xtm = NULL, ytm = NULL,
                                 xtl = NULL, ytl = NULL,
                                 xtm.min = NULL, ytm.min = NULL,
                                 xlim = NA, ylim = NA) {

    # Error checking
    if (length(freq) != ncol(correlation)) {
        stop("'freq' vs. 'corr.': Dimensions of input data do not match.")
    if (n != nrow(correlation)) {
        stop("'n' vs. 'corr.': Dimensions of input data do not match.")

    if (plt.ann == "default") {
        set.xlab <- "Number of cores"
        set.ylab <- "Averaging period (yr)"
        set.xtm <- c(1, 2, 5, 10, 20)
        set.xtl <- set.xtm
        set.ytm <- c(2, 5, 10, 20, 50)
        set.ytl <- set.ytm
        set.xtm.min <- c(3, 4, 6 : 9, 11 : 19)
        set.ytm.min <- c(3, 4, 6 : 9, 30, 40)
    } else {
        stop("Invalid axis annotation setting.")
    if (!is.null(xlab)) set.xlab = xlab
    if (!is.null(ylab)) set.ylab = ylab
    if (!is.null(xtm)) {set.xtm = xtm; set.xtl = xtl}
    if (!is.null(ytm)) {set.ytm = ytm; set.ytl = ytl}
    if (!is.null(xtm.min)) set.xtm.min <- xtm.min
    if (!is.null(ytm.min)) set.ytm.min <- ytm.min

    # Gather input data and transform to log scale
    x <- 1 : n
    x <- log(x)
    y <- 2 * freq
    y <- rev(1 / y)
    y <- log(y)

    # Graphics settings
    op <- graphics::par(SetPlotPar(mar = c(5, 5, 2, 0.5)))

    if (length(xlim) == 1) {
        if (is.na(xlim)) {
            xlim <- range(x, finite = TRUE)
        } else {
            stop("Invalid x limit setting.")
    } else {
        idx <- which(is.na(xlim))
        xlim[idx] <- range(x, finite = TRUE)[idx]
    if (length(ylim) == 1) {
        if (is.na(ylim)) {
            ylim <- range(y, finite = TRUE)
        } else {
            stop("Invalid y limit setting.")
    } else {
        idx <- which(is.na(ylim))
        ylim[idx] <- range(y, finite = TRUE)[idx]
    # Plot filled contour map
    graphics::filled.contour(x, y, correlation,
      color.palette = col.pal,
      xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
      zlim = c(0, 1),
      plot.title = graphics::title(xlab = set.xlab, ylab = set.ylab),
      plot.axes =
          graphics::contour(x, y, correlation,
                            add = TRUE, labcex = 1, lwd = 1);
          graphics::axis(1, at = log(set.xtm), label = set.xtl);
          graphics::axis(1, at = log(set.xtm.min), label = FALSE,
                         tcl = 0.5 * graphics::par("tcl"));
          graphics::axis(2, at = log(set.ytm), label = set.ytl);
          graphics::axis(2, at = log(set.ytm.min), label = FALSE,
                         tcl = 0.5 * graphics::par("tcl"));

    # Plot labels
    op.usr <- graphics::par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1), xlog = FALSE, ylog = FALSE)
    graphics::text(0.98, 0.5, labels = "Correlation",
                   srt = -90, xpd = NA, cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::text(0.01, 1.04, adj = c(0, 0.5), labels = label,
                   xpd = NA, cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)

##' Figure 5 in Münch and Laepple (2018)
##' Plot comparison of the DML and trench noise spectra (Figure 5 in Münch and
##' Laepple, 2018).
##' @param SNR output from \code{\link{PublicationSNR}}.
##' @param TNS output from \code{\link{TrenchNoise}}.
##' @param f.cut Shall the spectra be cut at the cutoff frequency constrained
##' by the diffusion correction strength? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
##' @author Thomas Münch
##' @seealso \code{\link{PublicationSNR}}, \code{\link{TrenchNoise}}
##' @references Münch, T. and Laepple, T.: What climate signal is contained in
##' decadal- to centennial-scale isotope variations from Antarctic ice cores?
##' Clim. Past, 14, 2053–2070, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-14-2053-2018, 2018.
muench_laepple_fig05 <- function(SNR, TNS, f.cut = FALSE) {

    # Graphics settings

    xlab = "Time period (yr)"
    xlim = c(50, 0.5)
    xtm <- c(50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5)
    ylab <- expression("Noise PSD " * "(\u2030"^{2}%.%"yr)")
    ylim <- c(5e-2, 1e1)
    ytm <- c(0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10)

    removeLast <- 0
    if (f.cut)
        removeLast <-
            length(SNR$dml$f.cutoff[1] : length(SNR$dml$noise$freq))

    op <- graphics::par(SetPlotPar(mar = c(5, 6.5, 0.5, 0.5)))

    # Plot final DML noise spectrum

    LPlot(SNR$dml$noise, bPeriod = TRUE, bNoPlot = TRUE, axes = FALSE,
          xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = "")

    LLines(SNR$dml$noise, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 1, removeLast = removeLast,
           col = "firebrick4", lwd = 3, lty = 1)

    # Plot trench noise spectrum
    i.remove <- c(1, 2, length(TNS$lower$freq))

    # shaded spectral range according to upper/lower accumulation rate
            1 / TNS$lower$freq[-i.remove],
            rev(1 / TNS$upper$freq[-i.remove])),
        col = grDevices::adjustcolor("dodgerblue4", 0.2), border = NA)

    # trench noise spectrum for mean accumulation rate
    LLines(TNS$mean, conf = FALSE, bPeriod = TRUE,
           removeFirst = 2, removeLast = 0,
           col = "dodgerblue4", lwd = 3, lty = 1)

    # Axis and legends settings

    graphics::axis(1, at = xtm, labels = xtm)
    graphics::axis(2, at = ytm, labels = ytm)

    graphics::mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = 3.5,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext(ylab, side = 2, line = 4.5, las = 0,
                    cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)

    graphics::legend("bottomleft", c("Array scale (DML data set)",
                                     "Local scale (trench data set)"),
                     col = c("firebrick4", "dodgerblue4"),
                     seg.len = 3, lty = 1, lwd = 2, bty = "n")



##' Plot transfer functions (Figure B1 in Münch and Laepple, 2018)
##' Plot the spectral transfer functions of the effects of diffusion and time
##' uncertainty.
##' @param dtf A list of transfer function data sets: each data set is an object
##' of class \code{"spec"} (see \code{?spectrum}) with minimum components
##' \code{freq} and \code{spec}, or simply a named list with these two, where
##' component \code{freq} is a numeric vector providing a frequency axis and
##' component \code{spec} a numeric vector with the corresponding diffusion
##' transfer function values. If \code{NULL} (the default), the diffusion
##' transfer function provided with the package is plotted, which corresponds to
##' Figure B1 in Münch and Laepple (2018).
##' @param ttf As \code{dtf} but providing time uncertainty transfer
##' functions. If \code{NULL} (the default), the time uncertainty transfer
##' function provided with the package is plotted, which corresponds to Figure
##' B1 in Münch and Laepple (2018).
##' @param names an optional character vector of names for the transfer function
##' data sets. If \code{NULL}, the names of \code{dtf} and \code{ttf} are used
##' or, if not present, default names. If the diffusion and time uncertainty
##' data sets differ in number, you can provide a list of two vectors of names.
##' @param col a numeric or character vector of colors to use for the plotting;
##' if \code{NULL} default colors are used.
##' @param dtf.threshold optional critical diffusion transfer function
##' value to plot a corresponding horizontal line and vertical lines of
##' corresponding frequency cutoff values (omitted for \code{NULL}).
##' @param xlim the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot.
##' @param ylim1 the y limits (y1, y2) of the diffusion transfer function plot.
##' @param ylim2 the y limits (y1, y2) of the time uncertainty transfer function
##' plot.
##' @param plt.ann if \code{"default"} use axis annotation as in Fig. B1 of
##' Münch and Laepple (2018). Since no other fixed annotation scheme is
##' implemented, setting \code{plt.ann} to a different value will result in an
##' error.
##' @inheritParams PlotArraySpectra
##' @param ylab1 if not ‘NULL’ use this specific y axis label for the first plot
##' to override the default setting.
##' @param ylab2 if not ‘NULL’ use this specific y axis label for the second
##' plot to override the default setting.
##' @param ytm1 as \code{xtm} for the first y axis.
##' @param ytm2 as \code{xtm} for the second y axis.
##' @param ytl1 as \code{xtl} for the first y axis.
##' @param ytl2 as \code{xtl} for the second y axis.
##' @author Thomas Münch
##' @export
##' @examples
##' # Plot Figure B1 in Münch and Laepple (2018), i.e. the used transfer
##' # functions to correct the DML and WAIS isotope spectra:
##' PlotTF(names = c("DML1", "DML2", "WAIS"), dtf.threshold = 0.5,
##'        col = c("black", "firebrick", "dodgerblue"))
##' @references Münch, T. and Laepple, T.: What climate signal is contained in
##' decadal- to centennial-scale isotope variations from Antarctic ice cores?
##' Clim. Past, 14, 2053–2070, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-14-2053-2018, 2018.
PlotTF <- function(dtf = NULL, ttf = NULL,
                   names = NULL, col = NULL,
                   dtf.threshold = NULL,
                   xlim = c(500, 2),
                   ylim1 = c(0.005, 5), ylim2 = c(0.2, 1.5),
                   plt.ann = "default",
                   xlab = NULL, ylab1 = NULL, ylab2 = NULL,
                   xtm = NULL, ytm1 = NULL, ytm2 = NULL,
                   xtl = NULL, ytl1 = NULL, ytl2 = NULL) {

    # Gather or load transfer functions
    if (is.null(dtf)) dtf <- proxysnr::diffusion.tf
    if (is.null(ttf)) ttf <- proxysnr::time.uncertainty.tf

    # Axis settings

    if (plt.ann == "default") {
        set.xlab <- "Time period (yr)"
        set.ylab1 <- expression(bar(G))
        set.ylab2 <- expression(Phi)
        set.xtm <- NULL
        set.xtl <- NULL
        set.ytm1 <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5)
        set.ytl1 <- set.ytm1
        set.ytm2 <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2)
        set.ytl2 <- NULL
    } else {
        stop("Invalid axis annotation setting.")
    if (!is.null(xlab)) set.xlab <- xlab
    if (!is.null(ylab1)) set.ylab1 <- ylab1
    if (!is.null(ylab2)) set.ylab2 <- ylab2
    if (!is.null(xtm)) {set.xtm = xtm; set.xtl = xtl}
    if (!is.null(ytm1)) {set.ytm1 = ytm1; set.ytl1 = ytl1}
    if (!is.null(ytm2)) {set.ytm2 = ytm2; set.ytl2 = ytl2}

    # Plot parameters

    op <- graphics::par(SetPlotPar(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
                                   oma = c(5, 5, 0.5, 0.5),
                                   mfrow = c(2,1)))

    if (is.null(col)) col <- 1 : max(length(dtf), length(ttf))

    if (is.null(names)) {
        nam1 <- names(dtf)
        nam2 <- names(ttf)
        if (is.null(nam1))
            nam1 <- paste("data", 1 : length(dtf), sep = "")
        if (is.null(nam2))
            nam2 <- paste("data", 1 : length(dtf), sep = "")
    } else if (is.list(names)) {
        nam1 <- names[[1]]
        nam2 <- names[[2]]
    } else {
        nam1 <- nam2 <- names

    if (length(nam1) != length(dtf))
        warning("dtf: Number of data sets does not match number of names.",
                call. = FALSE)
    if (length(nam2) != length(ttf))
        warning("ttf: Number of data sets does not match number of names.",
                call. = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(dtf.threshold)) {
        f.cutoff <- sapply(dtf, function(x) {
            x$freq[which(x$spec <= dtf.threshold)[1]]}
    # Wrapper function for the legend
    leg <- function(names, col) {
        graphics::legend("bottomleft", legend = names,
                         lwd = 2, lty = 1, col = col, bty = "n")

    # Plot diffusion transfer functions

    ii <- length(dtf)
    jj <- length(ttf)
    LPlot(dtf[[1]], bNoPlot = TRUE, bPeriod = TRUE, axes = FALSE,
          xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim1)

    for (i in 1 : ii) {
        LLines(dtf[[i]], bPeriod = TRUE, lwd = 2, col = col[i])

        if (!is.null(dtf.threshold)) {
            graphics::lines(x = rep(1 / f.cutoff[i], 2),
                            y = c(ylim1[1] / 10, dtf.threshold),
                            lwd = 1, lty = 2, col = col[i])

    if (!is.null(dtf.threshold)) {
        graphics::lines(x = c(2 * xlim[1], min(1 / f.cutoff[!is.na(f.cutoff)])),
                        y = rep(dtf.threshold, 2),
                        lwd = 1, lty = 2, col = "darkgrey")

    graphics::mtext("a", side = 3, adj = 0.01, padj = 0.5,
                    line = -1, font = 2, cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext(set.ylab1, side = 2, line = 3.5,
                    las = 0, cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)

    graphics::axis(2, at = set.ytm1, labels = set.ytl1)

    # Place an extra legend if different number of data sets are used
    if (ii != jj) leg(nam1, col)

    # Plot time uncertainty transfer functions

    LPlot(ttf$dml1, bNoPlot = TRUE, bPeriod = TRUE, axes = FALSE,
          xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim2)

    for (i in 1 : jj) {
        LLines(ttf[[i]], bPeriod = TRUE, lwd = 2, col = col[i])

    graphics::mtext("b", side = 3, adj = 0.01, padj = 0.5,
                    line = -1, font = 2, cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext(set.ylab2, side = 2, line = 3.5,
                    las = 0, cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)
    graphics::mtext(set.xlab, side = 1, line = 3.5,
                    las = 0, cex = graphics::par()$cex.lab)

    graphics::axis(1, at = set.xtm, labels = set.xtl)
    graphics::axis(2, at = set.ytm2, labels = set.ytl2)

    leg(nam2, col)

EarthSystemDiagnostics/proxysnr documentation built on Oct. 2, 2021, 3:03 p.m.