
Defines functions MeanSpectrum SpecMTM LogSmooth

Documented in LogSmooth MeanSpectrum SpecMTM

## Collection of spectral estimation functions; based on R PaleoSpec package

##' Spectral smoothing
##' Smooth spectrum using Gaussian kernel with constant width in logarithmic
##' frequency space.
##' @param x the spectrum as an object of class \code{"spec"} with the degrees
##' of freedom of the spectrum as an additional list element \code{dof}; or
##' simply a list with elements \code{spec}, \code{freq} and \code{dof}.
##' @param df.log smoothing width in logarithmic frequency units.
##' @return an object of class \code{"spec"} with the smoothed spectrum
##' including the average degrees of freedom.
##' @author Thomas Laepple
LogSmooth <- function(x, df.log=0.05) {

    # Gaussian kernel
    weights <- function(x, sigma) {
        1 / sqrt(2 * pi * sigma^2) * exp(-x^2 / (2 * sigma^2))

    # frequency dependent smoothing weights in log space
    fweights <- function(ftarget, f, df.log) {
        sigma   <- ftarget * (exp(df.log) - exp(-df.log))
        weights <- weights(f - ftarget, sigma)

    # logarithmic smoothing with cut weights, if necessary
    smoothlog.cutEnd <- function(x, f, df.log, dof = 1) {

        x.smooth <- vector()
        dof.smooth <- vector()
        for (i in 1 : length(f)) {

            # get averaging weights
            w <- fweights(f[i], f, df.log)
            # cut the weights down
            DistanceSlowEnd <- i - 1
            DistanceFastEnd <- length(f) - i

            if ((i + DistanceSlowEnd + 1) <= length(f))
                w[(i + DistanceSlowEnd + 1) : length(f)] <- 0
            if ((i - DistanceFastEnd - 1) >= 1)
                w[1 : (i - DistanceFastEnd - 1)] <- 0

            # normalize to 1
            w <- w / f
            w <- w / sum(w)

            # apply the smoothing
            x.smooth[i]   <- sum(w * x)
            dof.smooth[i] <- sum(w * dof) / sum(w^2)
        return(list(spec = x.smooth, dof = dof.smooth))

    temp <- smoothlog.cutEnd(x$spec, x$freq, df.log, dof = x$dof)

    result <- list()
    result$freq <- x$freq
    result$spec <- temp$spec
    result$dof <- temp$dof

    class(result) <- "spec"


##' Multitaper spectral estimate
##' This is a wrapper for the \code{\link[multitaper]{spec.mtm}} function from
##' package multitaper, which sets convenient defaults for the spectral estimate
##' and makes the degrees of freedom accessible as a direct list element of the
##' output.
##' @inheritParams multitaper::spec.mtm
##' @param detrend Shall the time series data be linearly detrended before
##' computing the spectrum? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
##' @param bPad Shall the time series data be padded before computing the
##' spectrum? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
##' @param ... further parameters passed to \code{\link[multitaper]{spec.mtm}}.
##' @return an object of class \code{"spec"}, with the additional list component
##' \code{dof}: a numeric vector of the same length as the spectrum with
##' the degrees of freedom of the spectral estimate (copied from the
##' \code{spec.mtm} default output).
##' @examples
##' x <- ts(arima.sim(list(ar = 0.9), 1000))
##' spec <- proxysnr:::SpecMTM(x)
##' proxysnr:::LPlot(spec, col = 'grey', ylim = c(0.01, 100))
##' proxysnr:::LLines(proxysnr:::LogSmooth(spec), lwd = 2)
##' @author Thomas Laepple
##' @seealso \code{\link[multitaper]{spec.mtm}}
##' @references
##' Thomson, D.J (1982) Spectrum estimation and harmonic analysis. _Proceedings
##' of the IEEE_ Volume *70*, Number 9, pp. 1055-1096.
##' Percival, D.B. and Walden, A.T. (1993) _Spectral analysis for physical
##' applications_ Cambridge University Press.
SpecMTM <- function(timeSeries, k = 3, nw = 2, nFFT = "default",
                    centre = c("Slepian"), dpssIN = NULL,
                    returnZeroFreq = FALSE, Ftest = FALSE, jackknife = FALSE,
                    jkCIProb = 0.95, maxAdaptiveIterations = 100,
                    plot = FALSE, na.action = stats::na.fail,
                    returnInternals = FALSE, detrend = TRUE,
                    bPad = FALSE, ...) {

    if (sum(is.na(timeSeries)) > 0)
        stop("missing data")
    if (!bPad)
        nFFT = length(timeSeries)
    if (detrend)
        timeSeries[] <- stats::lm(timeSeries ~ seq(timeSeries))$residuals

    result <- multitaper::spec.mtm(timeSeries = timeSeries,
                                   k = k, nw = nw, nFFT = nFFT,
                                   centre = centre,
                                   dpssIN = dpssIN,
                                   returnZeroFreq = returnZeroFreq,
                                   Ftest = Ftest,
                                   jackknife = jackknife,
                                   jkCIProb = jkCIProb,
                                   maxAdaptiveIterations = maxAdaptiveIterations,
                                   plot = plot,
                                   na.action = na.action,
                                   returnInternals = returnInternals,
    result$dof <- result$mtm$dofs
##' Mean spectrum
##' Calculate the mean spectrum of all supplied individual spectra.
##' The mean spectrum is calculated as a simple average across all power
##' spectral densities from the individual spectra. Degrees of freedom
##' (\code{dof}) of the mean spectrum are obtained from the sum of the
##' individual dof's at each frequency.
##' @param speclist a list of objects of class \code{"spec"}, or lists with
##' minimum components \code{freq}, \code{spec} and \code{dof}, that supply the
##' spectra which are to be averaged.
##' @return an object of class \code{"spec"} with components \code{freq},
##' \code{spec} and \code{dof}.
##' @author Thomas Laepple, Thomas Münch
MeanSpectrum <- function(speclist) {

    # check for equal lengths of supplied spectra
    if (stats::var(sapply(speclist, function(x) {length(x$freq)})) > 0)
        stop("MeanSpectrum: Spectra are of different lengths.", call. = FALSE)
    mean <- list()
    mean$freq <- speclist[[1]]$freq
    mean$spec <- rowMeans(sapply(speclist, function(x) {x$spec}))
    mean$dof  <- rowSums(sapply(speclist, function(x) {x$dof}))

    class(mean) <- "spec"


EarthSystemDiagnostics/proxysnr documentation built on Oct. 2, 2021, 3:03 p.m.