Test environments

R CMD check results

here were no ERRORs and no WARNINGs

There was one NOTE on the local OS X and windows check: * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE Maintainer: ‘Ella Kaye

There was one NOTE on the linux check (on Travis-CI): * checking installed package size ... NOTE installed size is 5.7Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: libs 5.4Mb

This NOTE does not appear on the OS X or windows check. Moreover, this NOTE also did not appear when checking on a local linux environment (using platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit))

My understanding is that this inflation of the libs subdirectory is due to the use of Rcpp. Indeed, some functions of the BradleyTerryScalable package have been written in C++ using Rcpp. They are needed to fit the Bradley-Terry model to large datasets. Without the speed up gained from those C++ functions, this package would not be fit for purpose.

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EllaKaye/SBT documentation built on May 31, 2022, 8:28 p.m.