
#' Panel of Two Phylogenetic Trees
#' This script produces the Loiseau, Mouquet et al.'s 2020 paper Figure 3, i.e.
#' a panel of two phylogenetic trees (mammals on the left and birds on the right)
#' representing phylogenetic spaces.
#' @author Nicolas Casajus, \email{},
#'         Nicolas Loiseau, \email{},
#'         Nicolas Mouquet, \email{}
#' @date 2020/06/11

## Parameters ----

n        <-  1                         # ID of first plot
n_lines  <- 10                         # Number of orders per column (in legend)
plots    <- list()                     # Subplots storage

for (taxa in taxas) {

  species_d <- estimated_d[estimated_d$"class" == taxa, ]

#' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ImportData

  species_phylo <- ape::read.tree(here::here("data", paste0(taxa, "_phylo.tre")))

#' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @SelectSpecies

  species_set  <- ape::drop.tip(species_phylo, species_phylo$tip.label[
    !is.element(species_phylo$"tip.label", gsub("\\s", "_", datas$"scientific_name"))])

  species_info <- datas
  species_info$"grep_name" <- gsub("\\s", "_", species_info$"scientific_name")

  species_info <- species_info[species_info$"grep_name" %in% species_set$"tip.label", ]

#' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @SortSpeciesByOrder

  group_info <- tapply(species_info$"grep_name", species_info$"order", function(x) x)

  ordre <- sapply(species_set$"tip.label", function(x, y) which(y == x), 
                  y = species_info$"grep_name")

  ordres <- unique(species_info[ordre, "order"])

  group_info <- lapply(group_info[ordres], function(x) x)

  new_phylo <- tidytree::groupOTU(species_set, group_info)

#' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @AddData2PhyloObj

  dat <- species_info[ , c("grep_name", "din", "dr_class")]

  dat <- dat[match(names(ordre), dat[ , "grep_name"]), ]
  dat$node <- 1:nrow(dat)

  dat["D25R25"] <- ifelse(dat[ , "dr_class"] == "D25R25", 1, NA)
  dat["D75R75"] <- ifelse(dat[ , "dr_class"] == "D75R75", 1, NA)
  dat["AVG"]    <- ifelse(dat[ , "dr_class"] == "AVG", 1, NA)

  dat <- tidytree::as_tibble(dat)

  new_phylo <- tidytree::as_tibble(new_phylo)
  new_phylo <- treeio::full_join(new_phylo, dat, by = "node")
  new_phylo <- tidytree::as.treedata(new_phylo)

  ## Add Phylogenetic Tree ----

  tree_plot <- ggtree::ggtree(new_phylo, aes(color = din), layout = "circular",
                              ladderize = FALSE, right = TRUE, size = 0.1) +

  theme(plot.margin = unit(rep(ifelse(taxa == "birds", -3.2, -3.9), 4), "cm")) +

  scale_colour_gradientn(colours = color_distinctiveness)

  # Compute Taxa Segments Coordinates ----

  tree_dt <-$data)
  tree_dt <- tree_dt[tree_dt$"isTip" == TRUE, ]
  tree_dt <- tree_dt[order(tree_dt$"y"), ]

  groups <- unique(as.character(tree_dt$"group"))
  n_groups <- length(groups)

  coord_groups <- data.frame()

  if (taxa == "birds") {

    space <- c(20, 15, 10)

  } else {

    space <- c(42, 32, 22)

  space <- rep(space, round(n_groups / length(space)))

  for (i in 1:n_groups) {

    dat <- = 1, ncol = 10))
    colnames(dat) <- c("group", "id_gr", "y1", "y2", "angle", "angle_adj", "n",
                       "y_mid", "h_just", "x")

    tmp <- tree_dt[tree_dt$"group" == groups[i], ]

    dat["group"] <- groups[i]
    dat["id_gr"] <- i
    dat["y1"]    <- min(tmp$"y")
    dat["y2"]    <- max(tmp$"y")
    dat["angle"] <- mean(tmp$"angle")
    dat["n"]     <- nrow(tmp)
    dat["y_mid"] <- mean(c(max(tmp$"y"), min(tmp$"y")))

    if (dat["n"] == 1) {

      dat["y1"] <- dat["y1"] - 0.1
      dat["y2"] <- dat["y2"] + 0.1

    dat["angle_adj"] <- dat["angle"]

    if (dat["angle"] >= 90 && dat["angle"] <= 180) {

      dat["angle_adj"] <- dat["angle"] + 180

    } else {

      if (dat["angle"] > 180 && dat["angle"] <= 270) {

        dat["angle_adj"] <- dat["angle"] - 180

    dat["h_just"] <- ifelse(dat["angle"] >= 90 && dat["angle"] <= 270, 1L, 0L)

    dat["x"] <- max(tree_dt["x"]) + space[i]

    coord_groups <- rbind(coord_groups, dat)

  # Add Taxa Segments ----

  tree_plot <- tree_plot +

    geom_segment(aes(x = x, y = y1, xend = x, yend = y2), coord_groups,
                 color = light_grey, lineend = "butt", size = 0.5)

  ## Add Segments Labels ----

  tree_plot <- tree_plot +

    geom_text(aes(x = x, y = y_mid, hjust = h_just, label = id_gr), coord_groups,
              vjust = 0.45, size = 5.0, nudge_x = 1.35, color = dark_grey)

  ## Add D75R75 Points ----

  cols <- ifelse($"D75R75"), NA, paste0(color_rare, alpha))

  tree_dt$"x" <- max(tree_dt$"x") + ifelse(taxa == "birds", 1.5, 2.5)

  tree_plot <- tree_plot +

    geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y, color = D75R75), tree_dt, fill = cols, 
               color = "transparent", shape = 21, size = 3)

  ## Add AVG Points ----
  cols <- ifelse($"AVG"), NA, paste0(color_avg, alpha))
  tree_dt$"x" <- max(tree_dt$"x") + ifelse(taxa == "birds", 2.5, 4.0)
  tree_plot <- tree_plot +
    geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y, color = AVG), tree_dt, fill = cols, 
               color = "transparent", shape = 21, size = 3)

  ## Add D25R25 Points ----
  cols <- ifelse($"D25R25"), NA, paste0(color_common, alpha))
  tree_dt$"x" <- max(tree_dt$"x") + ifelse(taxa == "birds", 2.5, 4.0)
  tree_plot <- tree_plot +
    geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y, color = D25R25), tree_dt, fill = cols, 
               color = "transparent", shape = 21, size = 3)

  ## Add Silhouette ----

  tree_plot <- cowplot::ggdraw(tree_plot) +

      image  = icons[[taxa]],
      x      = -0.38,
      y      =  0.42,
      scale  = ifelse(taxa == "mammals",  0.15,  0.12)

  ## Add Central Histogram ----

  hist_plot <- ggplot(species_d, aes(x = estimated_d, color = dr_class, 
                                     fill = dr_class)) +

    geom_density(adjust = 1.5) +

    scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 1)) +

    scale_color_manual(values = c(color_avg, color_common, color_rare)) +

    scale_fill_manual(values = paste0(c(color_avg, color_common, color_rare), 
                                      alpha)) +

   theme_light() +

      axis.title       = element_blank(),
      axis.text        = element_text(size = 12, colour = dark_grey),
      legend.position  = "None"
    ) +

      geom    = "text",
      x       = 0.30,
      y       = 47.5,
      label   = "bold(\"Index D\")",
      color   = dark_grey,
      size    = 6,
      family  = "serif",
      parse = TRUE

  hist_plot <- ggplotGrob(hist_plot)

  tree_plot <- tree_plot +

    grob = hist_plot,
    xmin = 0.365,
    xmax = 0.565,
    ymin = 0.40,
    ymax = 0.60

  ## Add Sub-Plot Label ----
  label <- ifelse(taxa == "mammals", "a", "b")
  coords <- data.frame(x = -.35, y = 0, text = label)
  tree_label <- ggplot() +
    theme_bw() +
      panel.border      = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.major  = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor  = element_blank(),
      line              = element_blank(),
      text              = element_blank(),
      title             = element_blank(),
      rect              = element_blank()
    ) +
      data     = coords,
      mapping  = aes(
        x      = x,
        y      = y,
        label  = text
      size     = 12.0,
      fontface = 2, 
      color    = dark_grey,
      family   = "serif"
  tree_label <- ggplotGrob(tree_label)
  tree_plot <- tree_plot +
      grob = tree_label,
      xmin = 0.0,
      xmax = 0.1,
      ymin = 0.0,
      ymax = 0.1

  plots[[n]] <- tree_plot

  n <- n + 1

  ## Change Theme ----

  tree_legend <- ggplot() +

    theme_bw() +
      panel.border      = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.major  = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor  = element_blank(),
      line              = element_blank(),
      text              = element_blank(),
      title             = element_blank()

  ## Add Order Legend ----
  n_columns <- ceiling(nrow(coord_groups) / n_lines)

  xx    <- ifelse(taxa == "mammals", 8, 1)
  pos   <- 0

  for (j in 1:n_columns) {

    for (yy in n_lines:1) {

      pos <- pos + 1

      if (pos <= nrow(coord_groups)) {

        texte <- coord_groups[pos, "group"]
        substr(texte, 1, 1)            <- toupper(substr(texte, 1, 1))
        substr(texte, 2, nchar(texte)) <- tolower(substr(texte, 2, nchar(texte)))
        id <- coord_groups[pos, "id_gr"]
        if (nchar(id) == 1) id <- paste0("  ", coord_groups[pos, "id_gr"])
        texte <- paste0(id, "  ", texte)

        tree_legend <- tree_legend +

            geom    = "text",
            x       = xx,
            y       = yy - 0.35,
            size    = 6.5,
            label   = texte,
            hjust   = "left",
            color   = dark_grey,
            family  = "serif"

    xx <- xx + ifelse(taxa == "mammals", 7.00, 7.00)

  tree_legend <- tree_legend +

    scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 30)) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(1 - 0.35, n_lines - 0.35))

  ## Add Colors Legend ----

  if (taxa == "mammals") {

    coords <- data.frame(
      x       = rep(1.0, 3),
      x_text  = rep(1.5, 3),
      y       = seq(n_lines - 1, n_lines - 3.4, by = -1.2),
      text    = c("Rare species", "Average", "Common species")

    yctr <- 2.85
    xs <- seq(0.9, 6.1, length.out = length(color_distinctiveness) + 1)
    gradient <- data.frame(
      x1 = xs[-length(xs)],
      x2 = xs[-1],
      y1 = rep(yctr - .5, length(xs) - 1),
      y2 = rep(yctr + .5, length(xs) - 1)

    tree_legend <- tree_legend +

        data     = coords,
        mapping  = aes(
          x      = x,
          y      = y
        fill     = c(color_rare, color_avg, color_common),
        color    = "transparent",
        shape    = 21,
        size     = 4
      ) +
        data     = coords,
        mapping  = aes(
          x      = x_text,
          y      = y,
          hjust  = -2,
          label  = text
        hjust    = "left",
        size     = 6.5,
        color    = dark_grey,
        family   = "serif"
      ) +
        data     = gradient,
        mapping  = aes(
          xmin = x1,
          xmax = x2,
          ymin = y1,
          ymax = y2
        fill   = color_distinctiveness
      ) +
        mapping  = aes(
          xmin = min(xs), xmax = max(xs), ymin = yctr - .5, ymax = yctr + .5
        fill     = "transparent",
        color    = dark_grey,
        size     = 0.25
      ) +
        geom    = "text",
        x       = xs[1],
        y       = yctr - 1,
        label   = "0",
        color   = dark_grey,
        size    = 6,
        family  = "serif"
      ) +
        geom    = "text",
        x       = xs[length(xs)],
        y       = yctr - 1,
        label   = "1",
        color   = dark_grey,
        size    = 6,
        family  = "serif"
      ) +
        geom    = "text",
        x       = 3.5,
        y       = yctr + 1.15,
        label   = "bold(Distinctiveness)",
        color   = dark_grey,
        size    = 6.5,
        family  = "serif",
        parse = TRUE

  plots[[n]] <- tree_legend

  n <- n + 1

## Arrange Sub-plots ----

mat <- matrix(
  data   = c(rep(c(rep(1, 4), rep(3, 4)), 4), rep(2, 4), rep(4, 4)),
  ncol   = 8,
  nrow   = 5,
  byrow  = TRUE

grobs <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(
  plots[[1]], plots[[2]], plots[[3]], plots[[4]],
  layout_matrix = mat

## Export Figure ----

  filename  = here::here("figures", paste0(figname, ".png")),
  plot      = grobs,
  width     = 24,
  height    = 13,
  units     = "in",
  dpi       = 600

## Message ----

    "successfully exported in figures/"
FRBCesab/ecorar documentation built on June 2, 2021, 8:18 p.m.