knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

H4K5ac CSAW Results Plots

This is an R Markdown document to plot signal heatmaps for H4K5ac CSAW analysis results



odir = "paper_figures.04272022"
res_file = function(f){
  file.path(odir, f)
wd = "/slipstream/home/conggao/ChIP_seq/MCF10_H4Kac"  ## working directory

Prepare CSAW results

csaw_rds = dir(wd, pattern = "peaksat_CSAW.+Rds$", full.names = TRUE)
names(csaw_rds) = sub(".Rds", "", sub("peaksat_CSAW_", "", basename(csaw_rds)))
csaw_rmd = dir(wd, pattern = "CSAW.+Rmd$", full.names = TRUE)

csaw_res = lapply(csaw_rds, readRDS)
csaw_res = lapply(csaw_res, subset, FDR < .05)

#### Filter CSAW 
csaw_res = lapply(csaw_res, function(x){
  x[x$FDR < .05 & width(x) > 50]
lapply(csaw_res, width)

#### CSAW UpSet 
p_up = ssvFeatureUpset(csaw_res)

Prepare to obtain GRange object

#### Make query_gr from CSAW 
olap_gr = ssvOverlapIntervalSets(csaw_res)
view_size = 3e3
query_gr = resize(olap_gr, view_size, fix = "center")
query_gr = prepare_fetch_GRanges_names(query_gr)

#### Configure bam files 
qc_bams = dir("/slipstream/home/conggao/ChIP_seq/MCF10_H4Kac/", pattern = "rep.+bam$", full.names = TRUE)
query_dt = data.table(file = qc_bams)
query_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(basename(file), "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)]
query_dt$cell = factor(query_dt$cell, c("MCF10A", "MCF10AT1", "MCF10DCIS", "MCF10CA1a"))
query_dt$mark = factor(query_dt$mark, c("H4K5ac", "H4K8ac", "input"))
query_dt = query_dt[order(rep)][order(cell)][order(mark)]
query_dt[, name := paste(cell, mark, rep)]
query_dt[, name_split := paste(cell, mark, rep, sep = "\n")]
query_dt$name = factor(query_dt$name, levels = unique(query_dt$name))
query_dt$name_split = factor(query_dt$name_split, levels = unique(query_dt$name_split))
query_dt[, mapped_reads := get_mapped_reads(file)] ## not useful for bw files

Initial Fetch

#### Fetch 1 
options(mc.cores = 28)
prof_dt.r1 = ssvFetchBam(query_dt, query_gr, fragLens = 180, return_data.table = TRUE, n_region_splits = 20)
if(is.null(prof_dt.r1$y_raw)) prof_dt.r1[, y_raw := y]
prof_dt.r1[, y := y_raw / mapped_reads * 1e6]

#### Cluster 1 
prof_dt.r1.clust = ssvSignalClustering(prof_dt.r1, max_rows = Inf, nclust = 10)
prof_dt.r1.assign = unique(prof_dt.r1.clust[, .(id, cluster_id)])

ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(prof_dt.r1.clust, fill_limits = c(0, 2), facet_ = "name_split")
prof_dt.r1.clust.agg = prof_dt.r1.clust[, .(y = mean(y)), .(x, cell, mark, rep, name, name_split, cluster_id)]
ggplot(prof_dt.r1.clust.agg, aes(x = x, y = y)) + 
  geom_path() +

#### Find Bad Regions 
max_per_mark = prof_dt.r1[abs(x)<150, .(y = max(y)), .(mark, id)]
max_per_mark = dcast(max_per_mark, id~mark, value.var = "y")
max_mat = as.matrix(max_per_mark[,-1])
rownames(max_mat) = max_per_mark[[1]]
max_mat.ratio = apply(max_mat[, colnames(max_mat) != "input"], 1, max) /  max_mat[, "input"]

hist(max_mat.ratio[max_mat.ratio < 10], breaks = 60)
bad_ids = names(max_mat.ratio)[max_mat.ratio < 1.3]

ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(prof_dt.r1.clust[id %in% bad_ids], fill_limits = c(0, 2), facet_ = "name_split")

#### Center Profiles
query_gr.c = centerGRangesAtMax(prof_dt.r1[mark != "input"], query_gr, width = view_size)

#### Remove Bad Regions 
query_gr.c = query_gr.c[prof_dt.r1.assign[!id %in% bad_ids]$id]

Modified Fetch 2

#### Cleanup Fetch 1 

#### Fetch 2 
prof_dt = ssvFetchBam(query_dt, query_gr.c, fragLens = 180, return_data.table = TRUE, n_region_splits = 20)
if(is.null(prof_dt$y_raw)) prof_dt[, y_raw := y]
prof_dt[, y := y_raw / mapped_reads * 1e6]

prof_dt.clust = ssvSignalClustering(prof_dt, max_rows = Inf, nclust = 5)
prof_dt.assign = unique(prof_dt.clust[, .(id, cluster_id)])

ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(prof_dt.clust[mark != "input"], fill_limits = c(0, 2), facet_ = "name_split")

prof_dt.clust.agg = prof_dt.clust[, .(y = mean(y)), .(x, cell, mark, rep, name, name_split, cluster_id)]

#### Plot Reps 
ggplot(prof_dt.clust.agg[mark != "input"], aes(x = x, y = y, color = rep)) + 
  geom_path() +
  facet_grid(cluster_id~cell+mark, scales = "free_y")

prof_dt.clust.pooled = prof_dt.clust[, .(y = mean(y)), .(x, cell, mark, id, cluster_id)]
prof_dt.clust.pooled[, name := paste(cell, mark)]
prof_dt.clust.pooled[, name_split := paste(cell, mark, sep = "\n")]

### Manual clustering modification 
prof_dt.clust.pooled = prof_dt.clust.pooled[cluster_id != 1]
prof_dt.clust.pooled$cluster_id = droplevels(prof_dt.clust.pooled$cluster_id)
levels(prof_dt.clust.pooled$cluster_id) = 1:4

prof_dt.clust.pooled = reorder_clusters_manual(prof_dt.clust.pooled, manual_order = c(2, 1, 4, 3))
prof_dt.clust.pooled[cluster_id %in% c(2, 3, 4), cluster_id := 2]
prof_dt.clust.pooled$cluster_id = droplevels(prof_dt.clust.pooled$cluster_id)

p_heat = ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(
  prof_dt.clust.pooled[mark != "input"], fill_limits = c(0, 2), facet_ = "name_split", 
  FUN_format_heatmap = function(p){
    p + labs(x = "bp", fill = 'RPM', title = "Combined csaw results for H4K5ac and H4K8ac") + scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(-1000, 0, 1000))
ggsave(plot = p_heat, res_file("csaw_combined_heatmap.pdf"), width = 8.2, height = 4.6)
ggsave(plot = p_heat, res_file("csaw_combined_heatmap.png"), width = 8.2, height = 4.6)

prof_dt.assign =  unique(prof_dt.clust.pooled[, .(id, cluster_id)])[order(id)]
which(prof_dt.assign$id == 6668)
ggplot(prof_dt[id == "6668"], aes(x = x, y = y)) + 
  geom_path() +

scc_dt = ssvFetchBam(query_dt, query_gr.c["6668"], win_size = 1, target_strand = "both", return_data.table = TRUE, fragLens = NA) 
ggplot(scc_dt, aes(x = x, y = y, color = strand)) +
  geom_path() +

fwrite(prof_dt.assign, res_file("csaw_combined_heatmap.assignment.csv"))
query_gr.c$id = names(query_gr.c)
dt_query_gr.c =
dt_query_gr.c = merge(dt_query_gr.c, prof_dt.assign, by = "id")
fwrite(dt_query_gr.c[order(id)], res_file("csaw_combined_heatmap.regions.txt"), sep = "\t")

ssvFeatureVenn(list(as.character(prof_dt.assign$id), names(query_gr.c)))

#### Plot Marks 
prof_dt.clust.agg.pooled = prof_dt.clust.pooled[, .(y = mean(y)), .(x, cell, mark, cluster_id)]
p_line = ggplot(prof_dt.clust.agg.pooled[mark != "input"], aes(x = x, y = y, color = mark)) + 
  geom_path(size = 1.3) +
  facet_grid(cluster_id~cell, scales = "free_y") +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
  labs(x = "bp", y = "mean RPM", title = "Combined csaw results for H4K5ac and H4K8ac", subtitle = "mean RPM per cluster") +
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(), panel.grid = element_blank())
ggsave(plot = p_line, res_file("csaw_combined_heatmap.lines.pdf"), width = 8.2, height = 4.6)
ggsave(plot = p_line, res_file("csaw_combined_heatmap.lines.png"), width = 8.2, height = 4.6)

ggplot(prof_dt.clust.agg.pooled[mark != "input"], aes(x = x, y = y, color = cell)) + 
  geom_path() +
  facet_grid(cluster_id~mark, scales = "free_y") +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2")

More Modifications including signal Normalization

#### Normalize Signal 
qc_np = "peaksat_outputs/peak_saturation_10A_H4ac_seq1_2_and_3.matched_inputs/results_qValue_010/" %>%
  dir(pattern = "rep", full.names = TRUE) %>%
  dir(pattern = "100.+narrowPeak$", full.names = TRUE)
np_dt = data.table(peak_file = qc_np)
np_dt[, c("cell", "mark", "rep") := tstrsplit(basename(dirname(peak_file)), "[_\\.]", keep = 3:5)]

frac_skip = .05
n_top = 1e3
norm_dt = merge(query_dt, np_dt, by = c("cell", "mark", "rep"))
i = 1
cap_dt = rbindlist(
  lapply(seq_len(nrow(norm_dt)), function(i){
    np_gr = easyLoad_narrowPeak(norm_dt$peak_file[i])[[1]]
    np_gr = np_gr[order(np_gr$signalValue, decreasing = TRUE)]
    #remove top 5%
    np_gr = np_gr[seq(length(np_gr)*.05, length(np_gr))]
    np_gr = np_gr[seq(min(n_top, length(np_gr)))]
    max_dt = ssvFetchBam(norm_dt[i, .(file, name)], np_gr, win_method = "summary", summary_FUN = max, fragLens = 180, return_data.table = TRUE, n_region_splits = 100)
    calc_norm_factors(max_dt, by2 = "name")

#### Look at All Peaks 
np_grs = easyLoad_narrowPeak(qc_np)
olap_gr = ssvConsensusIntervalSets(np_grs, min_fraction = 0, min_number = 2)
query_gr.all_peaks = resize(sample(olap_gr, 5e2), width = 3e3, fix = "center")
prof_dt.all = ssvFetchBam(query_dt, query_gr.all_peaks, fragLens = 180, return_data.table = TRUE, n_region_splits = 20)
if(is.null(prof_dt.all$y_raw)) prof_dt.all[, y_raw := y]
prof_dt.all[, y := y_raw / mapped_reads * 1e6]

prof_dt.all.norm = append_ynorm(prof_dt.all[mark != "input"], by2 = "name", value_ = "y_raw")
prof_dt.all.norm.clust = ssvSignalClustering(prof_dt.all.norm, fill_ = "y_norm", max_rows = Inf, nclust = 3)
ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(prof_dt.all.norm, fill_ = "y_norm", fill_limits = c(0, 1), facet_ = "name_split")

xy = merge(
  unique(prof_dt.all.norm.clust[, .(y_cap_value, name)])[order(name)],
  cap_dt[order(name)], by = "name")

plot(xy$y_cap_value.x, xy$y_cap_value.y)

prof_dt.all.norm.clust.agg = prof_dt.all.norm.clust[, .(y = mean(y), y_norm = mean(y_norm)), .(x, cell, mark, rep, name, name_split, cluster_id)]

ggplot(prof_dt.all.norm.clust.agg[mark != "input"], aes(x = x, y = y_norm, color = mark, gorup = name)) + 
  geom_path() +
  facet_grid(cluster_id~cell+mark, scales = "free_y") +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")

#### Apply Normalization 
prof_dt.norm = append_ynorm(prof_dt, by2 = "name", value_ = "y_raw")
prof_dt.norm[, y_relative := y_norm / max(y_norm), .(id)]
prof_dt.norm.clust = ssvSignalClustering(prof_dt.norm, fill_ = "y_relative", max_rows = Inf, nclust = 3)
prof_dt.norm.assign = unique(prof_dt.norm.clust[, .(id, cluster_id)])
prof_dt.norm.clust = within_clust_sort(prof_dt.norm.clust, fill_ = "y_norm")

ssvSignalHeatmap.ClusterBars(prof_dt.norm.clust, fill_ = "y_norm", fill_limits = c(0, 1), facet_ = "name_split")

prof_dt.norm.clust.agg = prof_dt.norm.clust[, .(y = mean(y), y_norm = mean(y_norm)), .(x, cell, mark, rep, name, name_split, cluster_id)]

#### Plot Reps 
ggplot(prof_dt.norm.clust.agg[mark != "input"], aes(x = x, y = y_norm, color = rep)) + 
  geom_path() +
  facet_grid(cluster_id~cell+mark, scales = "free_y")

#### Plot Marks 
prof_dt.norm.clust.pooled = prof_dt.norm.clust[, .(y = mean(y), y_norm = mean(y_norm)), .(x, cell, mark, cluster_id)]
ggplot(prof_dt.norm.clust.pooled[mark != "input"], aes(x = x, y = y_norm, color = mark)) + 
  geom_path() +
  facet_grid(cluster_id~cell, scales = "free_y") +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")

ggplot(prof_dt.norm.clust.pooled[mark != "input"], aes(x = x, y = y_norm, color = cell)) + 
  geom_path() +
  facet_grid(cluster_id~mark, scales = "free_y") +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2")

FrietzeLabUVM/peaksat documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 11:13 a.m.