
# scree test and parallel analysis in one command
PCA <- function(data, N = NULL, assignments, around = 5, rep = 1000, quantile = .95, rotate = "oblimin", stoppingrule = c("easystop", "parallel", "optimal"))
  module <- list()
  if("easystop" %in% stoppingrule)
    pca <- principal(data, nfactors = N, rotate = rotate)  
    load <- pca$loadings
    # assign each node to the module according to its highest loading
    mod <- (abs(load) == apply(abs(load), 1, max))
    # solve (the rare possibility of) ties
    ties <- apply(mod, 1, sum)
    if (any(ties > 1))
      select <- sapply(ties[ties > 1], function(x) sample(1:x, 1))
      for(i in 1:sum(ties > 1))
        mod[ties > 1, ][i,][mod[ties > 1, ][i,] == TRUE][-select[i]] <- FALSE
    module[[length(module) + 1]] <- matrix(1:nrow(t(mod)), ncol = ncol(t(mod)), nrow = nrow(t(mod)), byrow = FALSE)[t(mod)]
    ev <- eigen(cor(data, use="pairwise.complete.obs")) # get eigenvalues
    pa <- nFactors::parallel(subject=nrow(data),var=ncol(data), rep=rep, quantile=quantile, model="components")
    nS <- nScree(x=ev$values, aparallel=pa$eigen$qevpea)
    pca<-principal(data, nfactors = nfac, rotate=rotate)  
    mod<-(abs(load)==apply(abs(load), 1, max))
    # solve (the rare possibility of) ties
    ties <- apply(mod, 1, sum)
    if (any(ties > 1))
      select <- sapply(ties[ties > 1], function(x) sample(1:x, 1))
      for(i in 1:sum(ties > 1))
        mod[ties > 1, ][i,][mod[ties > 1, ][i,] == TRUE][-select[i]] <- FALSE
    module[[length(module)+1]]<-matrix(1:nrow(t(mod)), ncol=ncol(t(mod)), nrow=nrow(t(mod)), byrow=F)[t(mod)]
  if("optimal" %in% stoppingrule)
    optimod <- NA
    # first check whether a perfect partition has already been recovered
    if("easystop" %in% stoppingrule | "parallel" %in% stoppingrule)
      for(i in 1:length(module))
        if(adjustedRandIndex(assignments, module[[i]]) == 1)
          optimod <- module[[i]]
      optimod <- list()
      # nf is a vector of the numbers of factors considered
      nf <- (N-around):(N+around)
      nf <- nf[nf > 1 & nf < ncol(data)]
      if("easystop" %in% stoppingrule) nf <- nf[nf != N]

      for(i in nf)
        pca <- principal(data, nfactors = i, rotate = rotate)  
        load <- pca$loadings
        # assign each node to the module according to its highest loading
        mod <- (abs(load) == apply(abs(load), 1, max))
        # solve (the rare possibility of) ties
        ties <- apply(mod, 1, sum)
        if (any(ties > 1))
          select <- sapply(ties[ties > 1], function(x) sample(1:x, 1))
          for(i in 1:sum(ties > 1))
            optimod[[i]][ties > 1, ][i,][optimod[[i]][ties > 1, ][i,] == TRUE][-select[i]] <- FALSE
        optimod[[length(optimod) + 1]] <- matrix(1:nrow(t(mod)), ncol = ncol(t(mod)), nrow = nrow(t(mod)), byrow = FALSE)[t(mod)]
        names(optimod)[length(optimod)] <- paste0("PCA_optimod_", i)
      # pick the best module assignment (the first best module, in case of ties)
      adjrand <- lapply(optimod, adjustedRandIndex, assignments)
      optimod <- optimod[[match(max(unlist(adjrand)), unlist(adjrand))]]
    module[[length(module) + 1]] <- optimod
  modulematrix<-data.frame(matrix(ncol=length(module), nrow=ncol(data)))
  for(i in 1:length(module)) modulematrix[,i]<-module[[i]]
GiulioCostantini/TOMproject documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:29 p.m.