
Defines functions ProcessIPAOutput RDPGetOptionAnalytics RDPsearch RDPget_search_metadata GetSearchView Process_RDP_output RDPShowAvailableSearchViews

Documented in ProcessIPAOutput Process_RDP_output RDPGetOptionAnalytics RDPget_search_metadata RDPsearch RDPShowAvailableSearchViews

#' Show Available Search Views for seachview parameter in RDPget_search_metadata
#' @param Platform character vector either RD, RDP or JSON, defaults to JSON
#' @return vector with searchviews that can be used.
#' @export
#' @seealso RDPget_search_metadata
#' @examples
#' RDPShowAvailableSearchViews(Platform = "JSON")
#' RDPShowAvailableSearchViews(Platform = "RD")
RDPShowAvailableSearchViews <- function(Platform = "JSON"){

if(!(Platform %in% c("RD", "RDP", "JSON"))){
  stop(paste("Parameter Platform can only be 'RD', 'RDP' or 'JSON' but not:"
            , Platform))

if(Platform == "RD"){
  # RD

} else if(Platform %in% c("JSON", "RDP")){
  #RDP and JSON
  SearchViews <-c("BondFutOptQuotes", "CdsInstruments", "CdsQuotes", "CmoInstruments",
                  "CmoQuotes", "CommodityQuotes", "DealsMergersAndAcquisitions",
                  "DerivativeInstruments", "DerivativeQuotes", "EquityDerivativeInstruments",
                  "EquityDerivativeQuotes", "EquityInstruments", "EquityQuotes",
                  "FixedIncomeInstruments", "FixedIncomeQuotes", "FundQuotes",
                  "GovCorpInstruments", "GovCorpQuotes", "IRDQuotes", "IndexInstruments",
                  "IndexQuotes", "IndicatorQuotes", "Instruments", "LoanInstruments",
                  "LoanQuotes", "MoneyQuotes", "MortQuotes", "MortgageInstruments",
                  "MunicipalInstruments", "MunicipalQuotes", "Organisations", "People",
                  "PhysicalAssets", "Quotes", "QuotesAndSTIRs", "STIRs", "SearchAll",
                  "VesselPhysicalAssets", "YieldCurveContQuotes")

#' Output processor for python function RDP$get_search_metadata
#' @param python_json python json string
#' @param RemoveNA boolean remove NA value's defaults to FALSE
#' @return r data.frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom data.table `.SD`
#' @seealso [get_search_metadata()]
#' @seealso [rd_GetHistory()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' "internal function don't use directly"
#' path = paste0("C:\\Users\\XXXX\\Documents\\GitHub",
#' "\\RefinitivR\\tests\\testthat\\PY_get_search_metadata_input.py")
#' PY_get_search_metadata_input <- reticulate::r_to_py(
#'  reticulate::py_load_object(file = path))
#'  r_df <- Process_RDP_output(PY_get_search_metadata_input)
#' }
Process_RDP_output <- function(python_json, RemoveNA = FALSE, SpaceConvertor = NULL){

    stop(paste("Parameter RemoveNA in function Process_RDP_output should be boolean but is", RemoveNA))

  r_json_dirty <- python_json |> reticulate::py_to_r() |> jsonlite::fromJSON()
  r_json_clean <- lapply(X =  r_json_dirty
                        , FUN =  function(x){replaceInList(x, function(y)if(is.null(y) || identical(y,"")) NA else y)})

  r_list <- lapply( X =  r_json_clean
                  , FUN =  function(x){data.table::as.data.table(data.table::transpose(x))})

  r_named_list <-lapply( X = 1:length(r_list)
                  , FUN = function(x, r_list, namevec)(
                     if(ncol(r_list[[x]]) < 2){
                       data.table::setnames(r_list[[x]], new = namevec[x])
                     } else {
                       data.table::setnames(r_list[[x]], new = paste0(namevec[x], 1:ncol(r_list[[x]])))
                  , r_list = r_list
                  , namevec = names(r_list)

  r_dt <- data.table::setDT( unlist(r_named_list, recursive = FALSE)
                           , check.names = FALSE)

  Date <- value <- NULL
  if("Date" %in% names(r_dt)){
    #r_dt[, Date := lubridate::ymd_hms(Date)]
    r_dt[, Date := Date/1000
       ][, Date := as.Date(as.POSIXct(Date, origin="1970-01-01", tz = "UTC"))]

  #Check if there are other fields that should be dates
  OtherDateColumns <- grep(pattern = ".date", x = tolower(names(r_dt)))
  if(!identical(OtherDateColumns, integer(0) )){
    r_dt[, (OtherDateColumns) := lapply(.SD, function(x){as.Date(as.POSIXct(x/1000, origin="1970-01-01", tz = "UTC"))}), .SDcols = OtherDateColumns]

    if("value" %in% names(r_dt)){
      r_dt <- r_dt[ !is.na(value),]

  if(all(c("Date", "Instrument", "variable", "value") %in% names(r_dt))){
    data.table::setcolorder( r_dt
                           , neworder = c("Date", "Instrument", "variable", "value")

  if(all(c("Date", "Instrument") %in% names(r_dt))){
    data.table::setorderv(r_dt, c("Date", "Instrument"))
  } else if("Date" %in% names(r_dt)){
    data.table::setorderv(r_dt, c("Date"))

    data.table::setnames(x = r_dt, new = EikonNameCleaner(names(r_dt), SpaceConvertor = SpaceConvertor ))

  # Remove rows where all columns are NA
  r_dt <- r_dt[!rowSums(is.na(r_dt)) == ncol(r_dt)]


#' GetSearchView Object for RDP search for RD and RDP python library
#' GetSearchView will also correct if the wrong format is given like RD instead of Json and vise versa.
#' @param ConnectionObject RDConnect() or RefinitivJsonConnect()
#' @param ConnectionMetaData defaults to PropertiesActiveRefinitivObject don't change
#' @param SearchView searcView Parameter
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @return python searchView object
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' RDConnect()
#' GetSearchView(ConnectionObject = RDConnect(), SearchView = "SEARCH_ALL")
#' }
GetSearchView <- function(ConnectionObject = RDConnect()
                         , ConnectionMetaData = PropertiesActiveRefinitivObject(verbose = FALSE)
                        , SearchView = NULL){

    stop("parameter SearchView can not be null in GetSearchView")

  if(identical(ConnectionMetaData$name, "refinitiv.data")){

    if(SearchView %in% RDPShowAvailableSearchViews(Platform = "RD")){
    } else {
      SearchViewsLookup <- Refinitiv::SearchViewsLookup
      if(SearchView %in% SearchViewsLookup$SearchViews_JSON_RDP){
        SearchViews_JSON_RDP <- NULL
        return(SearchViewsLookup[SearchViews_JSON_RDP == SearchView]$SearchViews_JSON_RDP)
      } else {
        stop(paste("SearchView:", SearchView, "not available for RD"))

  } else if(ConnectionMetaData$name %in% c("JSON", "testing object")){

    if(SearchView %in% RDPShowAvailableSearchViews(Platform = "JSON")){
    } else {
      SearchViewsLookup <- Refinitiv::SearchViewsLookup
      if(SearchView %in% SearchViewsLookup$SearchViews_RD ){
        SearchViews_RD <- NULL
        return(SearchViewsLookup[SearchViews_RD == SearchView]$SearchViews_JSON_RDP)
      } else {
        stop(paste("SearchView:", SearchView, "not available for JSON"))

  } else {
    stop(paste("GetSearchView only available for RD or JSON but not for:", ConnectionMetaData$name))


#' Get search metadata from RDP
#' @param RDP Refinitiv DataPlatform Connection object
#' @param searchView character choose from @seealso RDPShowAvailableSearchViews
#' @return data.table with metadata search results
#' @export
#' @seealso RDPShowAvailableSearchViews
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' test_json <- RDPget_search_metadata(RDP =  RefinitivJsonConnect()
#'                               , searchView = "EquityQuotes")
#' test_rd <- RDPget_search_metadata(RDP = RDConnect()
#'                               , searchView = "EQUITY_QUOTES")
#' }
RDPget_search_metadata <- function(RDP = RDConnect(), searchView = NULL){

  # Prepare python request ----

  #force RDP to be active

  ConnectionMetaData <- PropertiesActiveRefinitivObject(verbose = FALSE)

  if(identical(ConnectionMetaData$name, "refinitiv.data")){

      searchView <- "SEARCH_ALL"

    if(!(searchView %in% RDPShowAvailableSearchViews(Platform = "RD"))){
      stop(paste("SearchView", searchView, "not available for RD connection object"))

    Definition <- RDP$content$search$metadata$Definition(view = GetSearchView( ConnectionObject = RDP
                                                                             , SearchView = searchView
    metadata_python_df <- Definition$get_data()$data$raw

    metadata_r <- reticulate::py_to_r(metadata_python_df)$Properties

    r_DT <- lapply( X = 1:length(names(metadata_r))
                  , function(x, metadata_r){cbind( data.table::data.table(Refinitiv_index = names(metadata_r[x]))
                                                 , data.table::rbindlist(metadata_r[x])
                  , metadata_r = metadata_r) |>
            data.table::rbindlist(use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)

    Properties <- NULL
    r_df <- r_DT[, Properties := NULL] |> data.table::setDF()
  } else {
      searchView <- "SearchAll"

    r_df <- RDP$get_search_metadata(searchView = searchView)



#' RDP search function is a wrapper for the pyton rdp.search function
#' @param RDP Refinitiv DataPlatform Connection object
#' @param query optional character
#' @param view optional character see also RDPShowAvailableSearchViews for available searchviews
#' @param select optional character string of length 1 e.g/ "ContractType,RIC"
#' @param top optional numeric search result cut off
#' @param filter optional character filter e.g. "startswith(LastName,'H')"
#' @param boost optional meaning not clear from refinitiv documentation
#' @param order_by optional character string e.g. 'DocumentTitle asc'
#' @param group_by optional character string e.g. 'FirstName'
#' @param group_count optional numeric number of items displayed per group
#' @param navigators optional character string e.g.
#' @param features optional character, meaning not clear from refinitiv documentation
#' @param SpaceConvertor optional character, invokes name cleaning so that parameters can be easier used in r, defaults to "."
#' @param Arglist optional named list pass the above parameters as a named list withouding needing to use to do.call.
#' @seealso RDPShowAvailableSearchViews()
#' @return data.frame with search results
#' @export
#' @details For additional examples see  \url{https://github.com/Refinitiv-API-Samples/Article.RDPLibrary.Python.Search}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' RDConnect('your api key')
#` test <- RDPsearch(query =  "AAPL.O")
#' test <- RDPsearch(query =  "AAPL.O", select = "ContractType,RIC")
#' Presidents <- RDPsearch( view = "People", query = 'president'
#'                        , filter = "startswith(LastName,'H')"
#'                        , select = 'DocumentTitle'
#'                        , boost = ''
#'                        , order_by = 'DocumentTitle asc'
#'                        , group_by = 'FirstName'
#'                        , group_count = 2
#'                        , top = 20
#'                        , navigators = 'HullType'
#'                        , features = 'spell' )
#' reporates <- RDPsearch( view = "IndicatorQuotes"
#'                       , query = "repo rate", group_by = "CentralBankName"
#'                       , group_count = 3
#'                       , select = paste0("CentralBankName,DocumentTitle,"
#'                                        ,"RIC,ObservationValue")
#'                       , top = 1000)
#' EquitiesSearch <-  RDPsearch( view = "EquityQuotes"
#'                             , filter = paste0("Eps gt 6.0 and "
#'                                       , "RCSTRBC2012Name eq 'Personal & "
#'                                       , "Household Products & Services' "
#'                                       , "and MktCapTotalUsd gt 100000000 "
#'                                       , "and IsPrimaryRIC eq true")
#'                             , top =  10000
#'                             , select = paste0("DocumentTitle , RIC, Eps,"
#'                                              ," MktCapTotalUsd"))
#' Vessels <- RDPsearch( view = "VesselPhysicalAssets"
#'                     , filter = paste0( "RCSAssetTypeLeaf eq 'tanker'"
#'                                , " and RCSRegionLeaf eq 'Gulf of Mexico'")
#'                     , top =  10000
#'                     , navigators = "OriginPort"
#'                     , select = paste0( "DocumentTitle,RIC,OriginPort"
#'                                      , " ,DestinationPort,RCSFlagLeaf"
#'                                      , ",AssetName,AISStatus,"
#'                                      , "VesselCurrentPortRIC,IMO")
#'                     )
#' ListedSearch <- RDPsearch(Arglist = list(query = "president", view = "People"))
#' SearchQuery = "aapl.o"
#' ListedSearch <- RDPsearch(query = SearchQuery)
#' \dontrun{
#'   SearchQuery = "aapl.o"
#'   ListedSearch <- RDPsearch(RDP = RefinitivJsonConnect(), query = SearchQuery)
#' }
RDPsearch <- function(RDP = RDConnect() #RefinitivJsonConnect() #
                     , query =  NULL, view = NULL
                     , select = NULL, top = NULL, filter = NULL
                     , boost= NULL, order_by = NULL, group_by = NULL
                     ,  group_count = NULL, navigators = NULL, features = NULL,  SpaceConvertor = "."
                     , Arglist = list()){

  #Build Argument list
  if(!exists("Arglist") || identical(list(),Arglist)){
    Arglist <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots=FALSE))
    Arglist[[1]] <- NULL
    Arglist <- lapply(Arglist, eval, envir = parent.frame(1))

  if("view" %in% names(Arglist) && !is.null(Arglist$view) ){
    Arglist$view <- eval(Arglist$view, envir=sys.frame(-1))
    Arglist$view <- GetSearchView( ConnectionObject = RDP
                                 , SearchView = Arglist$view)


 #RD -->  RDP$content$search$Views[[searchView]])
 #RDP --> RDP$SearchViews[[searchView]]
 ConnectionMetaData <- PropertiesActiveRefinitivObject(verbose = FALSE)

 if(identical(ConnectionMetaData$name, "refinitiv.data")){
   RDP <- RDP$discovery

  # remove RDP from arglist if this is in it.
  if("RDP" %in% names(Arglist)){
     Arglist$RDP <- NULL

   if("top" %in% names(Arglist) && !is.null(Arglist$top)){
    Arglist$top <- as.integer(Arglist$top)

  if("group_count" %in% names(Arglist) && !is.null(Arglist$group_count) ){
    Arglist$group_count <- as.integer(Arglist$group_count)

  if("SpaceConvertor" %in% names(Arglist)){
    Arglist$SpaceConvertor <- NULL

  ConnectionMetaData <- PropertiesActiveRefinitivObject(verbose = FALSE)

  # Execute search ----

  SearchResult <- do.call(what = RDP[["search"]], args = Arglist)

    data.table::setnames( SearchResult
                          , new = EikonNameCleaner( names = names(SearchResult)
                                                    , SpaceConvertor = SpaceConvertor))}
  } else {
    python_SearchResult <- SearchResult

  # check search outcome
  if(identical(class(python_SearchResult),c("python.builtin.NoneType", "python.builtin.object")) || identical(python_SearchResult,list())){
    warning("RDPsearch did not provide any result, check query")

  python_json <- python_SearchResult$to_json(date_format = "ms")

  # Process Output ----
  r_df <- Process_RDP_output(python_json = python_json, SpaceConvertor = SpaceConvertor)


#' Get RDP option analytics
#' @param OptionRics character vector with option rics
#' @param raw return raw data from RDP call
#' @param RDP Refinitiv DataPlatform Connection object, defaults to  RDConnect()
#' @param verbose boolean, print download progress or not
#' @return data.frame with option data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' OPtionInstruments <- Refinitiv::RDPsearch(query = "aapl.o", view = "RelatedOption")
#' OPtionInstruments <- OPtionInstruments[grep(pattern = "*.U"
#' , x = OPtionInstruments$RIC),]$RIC
#' Analytics <- RDPGetOptionAnalytics(OptionRics = OPtionInstruments)
#' }
RDPGetOptionAnalytics <- function(RDP = RDConnect(), OptionRics = NULL, raw = FALSE, verbose = TRUE){

  if(is.null(OptionRics) || !is.character(OptionRics)){
    stop("OptionRics should be supplied currently is not supplied or is in the wrong format")

  ConnectionMetaData <- PropertiesActiveRefinitivObject(verbose = FALSE)
  if(identical(ConnectionMetaData$name, "refinitiv.data")){
    RDP <- RDP$content

  ChunckedRics <- EikonChunker(OptionRics, MaxCallsPerChunk = 500, Eikonfields = c("OptionRics")) #Refinitiv:::
  OptionAnalytics <- as.list(rep(NA, times = length(ChunckedRics)))
  DownloadCoordinator <- data.frame( index = 1:length(ChunckedRics)
                                     , succes =  rep(FALSE, length(ChunckedRics))
                                     , retries = rep(0L, length(ChunckedRics), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  while (!all(DownloadCoordinator$succes) & !any(DownloadCoordinator$retries > 4L)  ) {

    ChunckedRicsTryList <- DownloadCoordinator$index[which(!DownloadCoordinator$succes)]

    for (j in ChunckedRicsTryList) {
      OptionAnalytics[[j]] <- tryCatch({RDP$ipa$FinancialContracts$get_option_analytics(universe = ChunckedRics[[j]])}
                                       , error = function(cond){return(NA)}
      Sys.sleep(time = 0.00001)

      if (!identical(OptionAnalytics[[j]], NA)){DownloadCoordinator$succes[j] <- TRUE
      } else { if(verbose){message("Python call failed, but managing")}
        message(paste0("Download Status:\n", paste0(capture.output(DownloadCoordinator), collapse = "\n"), collapse = "\n") )
      if(!identical(names(OptionAnalytics[[j]]$error_message), character(0))){
        warning(try(paste(OptionAnalytics[[j]]$error_code, OptionAnalytics[[j]]$error_message)))

    DownloadCoordinator$retries[which(!DownloadCoordinator$succes)] <- DownloadCoordinator$retries[which(!DownloadCoordinator$succes)] + 1
  if(any(DownloadCoordinator$retries > 4L)){
    warning("RDPGetOptionAnalytics downloading data failed for one or more Rics")

  r_IPA_output <- lapply(OptionAnalytics, function(x){reticulate::py_to_r(x$data$raw)})

  } else {
    Output_DT <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(r_IPA_output, FUN = "ProcessIPAOutput"))

#' Process output of RDP IPA calls
#' @param IPAoutput output to a python call RDP$ipa$FinancialContracts
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ipa_output <- RDPGetOptionAnalytics(
#'  OptionRics = c("AAPLL032112500.U", "AAPLL032113700.U")
#' , raw = TRUE)
#' ProcessIPAOutput(ipa_output)
#' }
ProcessIPAOutput <- function(IPAoutput){

  #0. Internal functions ----
  getheaders <- function(data){

    #replace null headers with NA headers
    data[["headers"]] <- replaceInList(data[["headers"]], function(x)if(is.null(x) || identical(x,"") )NA else x)  #Refinitiv:::

    unlist(lapply( X = 1:length(data[["headers"]])
                   , FUN = function(x,data){data[["headers"]][[x]][["name"]] }
                   , data = data


  getData <- function(data, SpaceConvertor) {

    #1. Remove NULL values and replace with NA in nested list

    data[["data"]] <- replaceInList(data[["data"]], function(x)if(is.null(x) || identical(x,""))NA else x)

    #2. put list format in uniform way (don't mix up lists and vectors in one nested list)

    data[["data"]] <- flattenNestedlist(data[["data"]])

    if (length(data[["data"]]) > 1 ) {
      RequestData <- data.table::rbindlist(data[["data"]])
    } else {
      RequestData <- data[["data"]][[1]]

    Requestheaders <- EikonNameCleaner(getheaders(data), SpaceConvertor = SpaceConvertor)
    RequestData <- data.table::setDF(data.table::setnames(RequestData, Requestheaders))


  #1. Main Programme ----
  Data <- getData(IPAoutput, SpaceConvertor = ".")
GreenGrassBlueOcean/RefinitivR documentation built on Sept. 22, 2024, 10:19 p.m.