
Defines functions taxid

Documented in taxid

#' @title Retrieve taxonomy categories from NCBI Taxonomy
#' @description This function retrieves category information 
#' from NCBI Taxonomy and is able to filter kingdom specific taxids.
#' @param db.path path to download and store the NCBI Taxonomy \code{categories.dmp} file. Default is the \code{tempdir()}
#' directory.
#' @param download a logical value specifying whether or not the \code{categories.dmp} shall be downloaded (\code{download = TRUE})
#' or whether a local version already exists on the users machine (\code{download = TRUE} - in this case please specify the \code{db.path} argument to target the local \code{categories.dmp} file).
#' @param update should the local file be updated? Please specify the \code{db.path} argument to target the local \code{categories.dmp} file.
#' @param filter a character string specifying the kingdom of life for which taxids shall be returned. Options are
#' \code{"Archea"}, \code{"Bacteria"}, \code{"Eukaryota"}, \code{"Viruses"}, \code{"Unclassified"}.
#' @author Hajk-Georg Drost
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # download categories.dmp file to current working directory 
#' # and filter for 'Archea' taxids
#' Archea.taxids <- taxid(db.path = getwd(), filter = "Archea", download = TRUE)
#' # Once the NCBI Taxonomy 'categories.dmp' file is downloaded to your machine ('download = TRUE')
#' # the 'taxid()' function can be proceed on the local 'categories.dmp' file
#' # e.g. filter for Virus taxids
#' Virus.taxids <- taxid(db.path = getwd(), filter = "Viruses")
#' }
#' @export

taxid <- function(db.path, download = FALSE, update = FALSE, filter = NULL){
        if (download || update){
        top_level_category <- NULL
        ncbi.taxcat <- readr::read_tsv("categories.dmp", col_names = TRUE)
        colnames(ncbi.taxcat) <- c("top_level_category","species_level_taxid","tax_id")

        if (is.null(filter))
                return (ncbi.taxcat)
        if (!is.null(filter)){
                if (!is.element(filter, c("Archea","Bacteria","Eukaryota","Viruses","Unclassified")))
                        stop ("Please choose from the following filters: Archea, Bacteria , Eukaryota , Viruses , Unclassified")
                if (is.element(filter, c("Archea","Bacteria","Eukaryota","Viruses","Unclassified"))){
                     filtered.taxids <-  switch(filter, 
                                                Archea       = dplyr::filter(dplyr::tbl_df(ncbi.taxcat),top_level_category == "A"),
                                                Bacteria     = dplyr::filter(dplyr::tbl_df(ncbi.taxcat),top_level_category == "B"),
                                                Eukaryota    = dplyr::filter(dplyr::tbl_df(ncbi.taxcat),top_level_category == "E"),
                                                Viruses      = dplyr::filter(dplyr::tbl_df(ncbi.taxcat),top_level_category == "V"),
                                                Unclassified = dplyr::filter(dplyr::tbl_df(ncbi.taxcat),top_level_category == "U")
HajkD/myTAI documentation built on April 6, 2024, 7:47 p.m.