
Defines functions map_generator_lnc

Documented in map_generator_lnc

#' @title Infer orthologous lncRNAs between multiple species
#' @description Inference of orthologous lncRNAs between multiple species is performed via pairwise BLAST (reciprocal) best hit comparisons.
#'  The corresponding orthologous tables are then stored in an output folder.
#' @param query_file a character string specifying the path to the lncRNAs file of the query organism in \code{fasta} format.
#' @param subjects_folder a character string specifying the path to the folder where lncRNAs files in \code{fasta} format of the subject organisms are stored.
#' @param output_folder a character string specifying the path to the folder where output orthologous tables should be stored.
#' @param task nucleotide search task option. Options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{task = "blastn"} : Standard nucleotide-nucleotide comparisons (default) - Traditional BLASTN requiring an exact match of 11.
#' \item \code{task = "blastn-short"} : Optimized nucleotide-nucleotide comparisons for query sequences shorter than 50 nucleotides.
#' \item \code{task = "dc-megablast"} : Discontiguous megablast used to find somewhat distant sequences.
#' \item \code{task = "megablast"} : Traditional megablast used to find very similar (e.g., intraspecies or closely related species) sequences.
#' \item \code{task = "rmblastn"}
#' }
#' @param eval a character string specifying the e-value for BLAST based orthology inference. Please use the scientific notation.
#' @param ortho_detection a character string specifying the Orthology Inference method that shall be used to perform
#' dNdS computations. Possible options are: 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{ortho_detection = "BH"}: BLAST best unidirectional hit
#'  \item \code{ortho_detection = "RBH"}: BLAST best reciprocal hit
#' }
#' @param max.target.seqs a numeric value specifying the number of aligned sequences to keep.
#' Please be aware that \code{max.target.seqs} selects best hits based on the database entry and not by the best e-value. See details here: https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty833/5106166 .
#' @param min_qry_coverage_hsp minimum \code{qcovhsp} (= query coverage of the HSP) of an orthologous hit (a value between 1 and 100).
#' @param min_qry_perc_identity minimum \code{perc_identity} (= percent sequence identity between query and selected HSP) of an orthologous hit (a value between 1 and 100).
#' @param min_alig_length minimum \code{alig_length} (alignment length) to an orthologous hit (number of aligned nucleotides or amino acids depending on the input data) 
#' @param logical_connective character representing logical connective (either "AND" or "OR") if \code{min_alig_length} is not \code{NULL} filtering is done on \code{min_alig_length} and/or \code{min_qry_perc_identity}
#' @param comp_cores number of computing cores that shall be used to perform parallelized computations. 
#' @param progress_bar should a progress bar be shown. Default is \code{progress_bar = TRUE}.
#' @param sep a file separator that is used to store maps as csv file.
#' @param path a character string specifying the path to the corresponding orthology inference tool.
#' For "BH" and "RBH": path to BLAST, "PO": path to ProteinOrtho 5.07, "OrthoMCL": path to OrthoMCL.
#' @param ... additional parameters that shall be passed to  \code{\link{dNdS}}.
#' @note According to Sarropoulos, I., et al. (2019) orthology detection of lncRNAs was performed by reciprocal BLAST searches. Significant hits with an e-value <= 10-3 were selected having an alignment identity >= 10\% OR a minimum alignment length >= 50 nucleotides. 
#' @details
#' Given a query organism and a set of subject organsisms that are stored in the same folder,
#' this function crawls through all subject organsism and infers the lncRNA homologs in
#' pairwise species comparisons.
#' @references{
#' \insertRef{Sarropoulos2019}{orthologr}
#' }
#' @author Hajk-Georg Drost
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # example using classic blastn searches
#' map_generator_lnc(
#'    query_file      = system.file('seqs/ortho_thal_cds.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
#'    subjects_folder = system.file('seqs/map_gen_example', package = 'orthologr'),
#'    output_folder   = "orthologs_lncrna",
#'    comp_cores      = 1
#' )
#' # example using  discontiguous megablast used to find somewhat distant sequences
#' map_generator_lnc(
#'    query_file      = system.file('seqs/ortho_thal_cds.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
#'    subjects_folder = system.file('seqs/map_gen_example', package = 'orthologr'),
#'    output_folder   = "orthologs_lncrna",
#'    task            = "dc-megablast",
#'    comp_cores      = 1
#' )
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # parameter settings based on Sarropoulos, I., et al. (2019)
#' map_generator_lnc(
#'    query_file,,
#'    subjects_folder,
#'    eval                  = 1E-3,
#'    ortho_detection       = "RBH",
#'    output_folder,
#'    min_qry_coverage_hsp  = 0,
#'    min_qry_perc_identity = 10,
#'    logical_connective    = "OR",
#'    min_alig_length       = 50)
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @export
map_generator_lnc <- function(query_file, 
                          task             = "blastn",
                          eval             = "1E-5",
                          ortho_detection  = "RBH",
                          max.target.seqs = 10000,
                          min_qry_coverage_hsp = 30,
                          min_qry_perc_identity = 30,
                          logical_connective = "AND",
                          min_alig_length = NULL,
                          comp_cores       = 1,
                          progress_bar     = TRUE,
                          sep              = ";",
                          path             = NULL,
                          ... ){
        if (!fs::file_exists(query_file))
                stop("Please provide a valid path to the 'query_file'.", call. = FALSE)
        if(!is.element(logical_connective, c("AND", "OR"))){
                stop("Variable 'logical_connective' has to be an element of the vector (\"AND\", \"OR\").") 
        # retrieve all subject files within a given folder
        subj.files <- list.files(subjects_folder)
        if (length(subj.files) == 0)
                stop("Your subject.folder ", subjects_folder, " seems to be empty...", call. = FALSE)
        message("Starting pairwise orthology inference of lncRNAs using task = ", task, " between query species: ", basename(query_file), " and subject species: ", paste0(subj.files, collapse = ", "))
        # initialize progress bar
        if (progress_bar & (length(subj.files) > 1))
                pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(1, length(subj.files), style = 3)
        if (!file.exists(output_folder))
        qcovhsp <- perc_identity <- NULL
        for (i in seq_len(length(subj.files))) {
                message("LncRNA orthology inference between ", basename(query_file), " and ", subj.files[i], " (",i ,"/", length(subj.files),")")
                # perform pairwise lncRNA orthology inference
                OrgQuery_vs_OrgSubj <- orthologs_lnc(
                        query_file      = query_file,
                        subject_file    = file.path(subjects_folder, subj.files[i]),
                        task            = task,
                        eval            = eval,
                        ortho_detection = ortho_detection,
                        comp_cores      = comp_cores,
                        max.target.seqs = max.target.seqs,
                        path            = path,
                species_name_i <- as.character(unlist(stringr::str_split(subj.files[i], "[.]"))[1])
                        alig_length <- NULL
                        if(logical_connective == "AND"){
                                message("Filtering for BLAST hits with min_qry_coverage_hsp >= ", min_qry_coverage_hsp, " and min_qry_perc_identity >= ", min_qry_perc_identity, " and alig_length >= ", min_alig_length, " ...")
                                OrgQuery_vs_OrgSubj <- dplyr::filter(OrgQuery_vs_OrgSubj, qcovhsp >= min_qry_coverage_hsp, perc_identity >= min_qry_perc_identity, alig_length >= min_alig_length)
                         }else if(logical_connective == "OR"){
                                 message("Filtering for BLAST hits with min_qry_coverage_hsp >= ", min_qry_coverage_hsp, " and (min_qry_perc_identity >= ", min_qry_perc_identity, " or alig_length >= ", min_alig_length, ") ...")
                                 OrgQuery_vs_OrgSubj <- dplyr::filter(OrgQuery_vs_OrgSubj, qcovhsp >= min_qry_coverage_hsp & (perc_identity >= min_qry_perc_identity | alig_length >= min_alig_length))
                         if(logical_connective == "AND"){
                                 message("Filtering for BLAST hits with min_qry_coverage_hsp >= ", min_qry_coverage_hsp, " and min_qry_perc_identity >= ", min_qry_perc_identity, " ...")
                                 OrgQuery_vs_OrgSubj <- dplyr::filter(OrgQuery_vs_OrgSubj, qcovhsp >= min_qry_coverage_hsp, perc_identity >= min_qry_perc_identity)
                         }else if(logical_connective == "OR"){
                                 OrgQuery_vs_OrgSubj <- dplyr::filter(OrgQuery_vs_OrgSubj, qcovhsp >= min_qry_coverage_hsp | perc_identity >= min_qry_perc_identity)
                                 message("Filtering for BLAST hits with min_qry_coverage_hsp >= ", min_qry_coverage_hsp, " or min_qry_perc_identity >= ", min_qry_perc_identity, " ...")
                species_tibble <- tibble::tibble(species = unlist(rep(species_name_i, nrow(OrgQuery_vs_OrgSubj))))
                        dplyr::bind_cols(species_tibble, OrgQuery_vs_OrgSubj),
                        sep       = sep,
                        col.names = TRUE,
                        row.names = FALSE,
                        quote     = FALSE
                if (progress_bar)
                        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
        message("All maps are stored in ", output_folder, ".")
        message("Orthology inference finished successfully!")
        message("Importing the following pairwise tables and generate one overview table: ", paste0(list.files(output_folder), collapse = ", "))
        lnc_map_list <- lapply(list.files(output_folder), function(map) {
                        file.path(output_folder, map),
                        col_names = TRUE,
                        delim = sep))
        # test that only unique query IDs are present in the output datasets
        test_df_query <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(lnc_map_list, function(x) tibble::tibble(unique = length(unique(x$query_id)), non_unique = length(x$query_id))))
        test_df_sbj <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(lnc_map_list, function(x) tibble::tibble(unique = length(unique(x$subject_id)), non_unique = length(x$subject_id))))
        if (!all(test_df_query$unique == test_df_query$non_unique))
                stop("It seems like your output table includes non-unique query_ids -> thus not in call cases the best hit was found. Please check what might have gone wrong...", call. = FALSE)
        if (!all(test_df_sbj$unique == test_df_sbj$non_unique))
                stop("It seems like your output table includes non-unique subject_ids -> thus not in call cases the best hit was found. Please check what might have gone wrong...", call. = FALSE)
        res <- dplyr::bind_rows(lnc_map_list)
        message("Finished import!")
HajkD/orthologr documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 12:11 a.m.