Boxdrawing in R

Implementing the Boxdrawing algorithms as a R package for my Master's Thesis.

This package contains the two box drawing algorithms for classification (Exactbox and Fastbox) and several helping functions. Credit to the original matlab code goes to Cynthia Rudin and Siong Thye Goh for their Paper from 2014.

The use of Exactbox requires gurobi and its R-API


Install the newest version right from GitHub.




The Exactbox-algorithm creates a Mixed integer programming model and tries to find a solution.


The Fastbox-algorithm uses a heuristic approach, characterizing and then discriminating elements for its boxes.

Both algorithms return a list of 13 different elements: execTime - Execution time of the function in seconds. colNum - Number of Features in the data set. trainingTP - Number of True Positive classifications in the training data for every tradeoff-parameter. trainingFP - Number of False Positive classifications in the training data for every tradeoff-parameter. trainingTN - Number of True Negative classifications in the training data for every tradeoff-parameter. trainingFN - Number of False Negative classifications in the training data for every tradeoff-parameter. testingTP - Number of True Positive classifications in the testing data for every tradeoff-parameter. testingFP - Number of False Positive classifications in the testing data for every tradeoff-parameter. testingTN - Number of True Negative classifications in the testing data for every tradeoff-parameter. testingFN - Number of False Negative classifications in the testing data for every tradeoff-parameter. tradeoff - All used tradeoff-parameters. lowerIdeal - The lower boundary of every dimension per box. * upperIdeal - The upper boundary of every dimension per box.



# Execute classifiers.
ebox <- exactboxes(positivetraining, negativetraining, positivetesting, negativetesting, 1, 1, 0.01, varType='C')
fbox <- fastboxes(positivetraining, negativetraining, positivetesting, negativetesting, 1,1, 1)

# Compare found box boundaries.

# Apply the boundaries on the data.
applyExact <- applyBoundaries(ebox, data)
applyFast <- applyBoundaries(fbox, data)

HendrikPfaff/Boxdrawing documentation built on May 3, 2019, 3:38 p.m.