#' Convert word to tex
#' @param path Path containing the \code{.docx} file.
#' @param overwrite (logical, default: \code{TRUE}) Overwrite existing tex files.
#' @export word2tex
word2tex <- function(path = ".", overwrite = TRUE) {
if (!nzchar(Sys.which("pandoc"))) {
stop("pandoc not found on the system path.")
current_wd <- getwd()
file.docx <- dir(path = ".",
pattern = "\\.docx$",
full.names = TRUE)
if (length(file.docx) != 1L) {
if (length(file.docx) == 0L) {
stop("No .docx files found in `path`.")
} else {
if (any(startsWith(basename(file.docx), "~$"))) {
warning(".docx file found starting with '~$'. ",
"Likely reason: file is open in Word. ",
"Close the file and try again.")
stop("Multiple .docx files found in `path`.")
out.tex <- sprintf("%s.tex", tools::file_path_sans_ext(file.docx))
if (!overwrite && file.exists(out.tex)) {
stop("`overwrite = FALSE` but `", out.tex, "` is present in `path`.")
if (tolower(.Platform$OS.type) == "windows") {
shell(sprintf("pandoc --wrap=none --top-level=chapter -s %s -o %s", file.docx, out.tex))
} else {
system(sprintf("pandoc --wrap=none --top-level=chapter -s %s -o %s", file.docx, out.tex))
out_tex_lines <- read_lines(out.tex)
preamble <- !cummax(grepl("\\begin{document}", out_tex_lines, fixed = TRUE))
preamble_lines <- out_tex_lines[preamble]
title <- extract_LaTeX_argument(preamble_lines, "title")
out_tex_lines[preamble] <- c("\\documentclass{grattan}",
rep_len("", sum(preamble) - 4L))
out_tex_lines <- gsub("\\\\texorpdfstring\\{.*?\\}", "", out_tex_lines, perl = TRUE)
out_tex_lines <- gsub("\\\\section\\{\\s*[0-9]\\.[0-9](.*?)\\}", "\\\\section{\\1}", out_tex_lines)
out_tex_lines <- gsub("\\\\subsection\\{\\s*[0-9]\\.[0-9](.*?)\\}", "\\\\subsection{\\1}", out_tex_lines)
out_tex_lines <- gsub("(\\\\includegraphics[^\\{]*\\{.*?\\})(.*)$", "%% \\1\n\\2", out_tex_lines)
write_lines(out_tex_lines, out.tex)
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