
#' @import ggtern svDialogs
#' @rdname AQSysTern
#' @title This functions plot a ternary plot based in the chosen model and its parameters.
#' @description The function returns a ternary plot after using the parameters and model given by the user.
#' @details The function have predefined set of equations that can be seen below and must be used, with adequated parameters,
#' to return a plot which represent the chosen model.
#' @export AQSysTern
#' @param XYdt Binodal Experimental data that will be used in the nonlinear fit. [type::data.frame]
#' @param color Set data point's color. All color's names R knows about can be found in \code{\link[grDevices]{colors}}. [type:string]
#' @param shape Set of aesthetic mappings created by \code{\link[ggplot2]{aes}} or \code{\link[ggplot2]{aes_}}.
#' @param title Plot's Title. Default is NULL, for no title. [type:string]
#' @param style Plot's Style.
#' @param showArrows Show variable's arrow along the axes [type:boolean]
#' @param xlbl Plot's Bottom-enriched Component axis label. [type:string]
#' @param ylbl Plot's Upper-enriched Component axis label. [type:string]
#' @param zlbl Plot's Water Fraction axis label. [type:string]
#' @param x_arrow_lbl Plot's Bottom-enriched Component arrow label. [type:string]
#' @param y_arrow_lbl Plot's Upper-enriched Component arrow label. [type:string]
#' @param z_arrow_lbl Plot's Water Fraction arrow label. [type:string]
#' @param HR Magnify Plot's text to be compatible with High Resolution size [type:Boulean]
#' @param silent Perform functions taks without returning variables or requesting Input. If TRUE, wdir and filename are mandatory. [type:Boulean]
#' @param save Magnify Plot's text to be compatible with High Resolution size [type:Boulean]
#' @param single TRUE if a single series will be plot and FALSE if otherwise. If FALSE, series variable must be provided. [type:Boolean]
#' @param wdir Set working directory in which plot's file will be saved. Set as "" to save in the current working directory. [type:string]
#' @param filename Set a name for the plot's file. [type:string]
#' @param series A data.frame containin series names in the first columns and its respective colors in the second column. [type:data.frame]
#' @param ltitle plot's legend title. [type:string]
#' @param wlabel Label on ternary arrows. [type:string]
#' @param tcolor T axis color. [type:string]
#' @param lcolor L axis color. [type:string]
#' @param rcolor R axis color. [type:string]
#' @return A ternary plot using the input model within the chosen interval and the curve's raw XY data.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' AQSysTern(peg4kslt[1:2])
#' }
AQSysTern <-
  function  (XYdt,
             color = "black",
             shape = 8,
             title = NULL,
             style = "bw",
             wlabel = "(%, m/m)",
             xlbl = names(XYdt)[1],
             ylbl = "Water",
             zlbl = names(XYdt)[2],
             tcolor = "red2",
             lcolor = "darkgoldenrod2",
             rcolor = "blue4",
             showArrows = TRUE,
             x_arrow_lbl = xlbl,
             y_arrow_lbl = ylbl,
             z_arrow_lbl = zlbl,
             HR = FALSE,
             silent = FALSE,
             save = FALSE,
             single = TRUE,
             wdir = NULL,
             filename = NULL,
             series = NULL,
             ltitle = NULL)
    # Solution for "no visible binding for global variable VAR" and "no visible global function definition for"
    x <- y <- z <- serie <- NULL
    labs <- NULL
    geom_point <- NULL
    element_line <- NULL
    element_line <- NULL
    scale_shape_manual <- NULL
    scale_colour_manual <- NULL
    element_text <- NULL
    if ((ncol(XYdt) != 2) && (single  == TRUE)) {
      stop("Dataset parameter must be a data.frame, or list, with exactly two columns.")
    } else if ((save == TRUE) && (silent == TRUE) &&
               (is.null(wdir) || is.null(filename))) {
      stop("Input parameters filename and wdir must be set if silent == TRUE.")
    } else if (single == FALSE) {
      if (ncol(XYdt) <= 2) {
        stop("At leas two (x,y) pairs are necessary to plot multiple curves (single == FALSE).")
      n_sys_pairs <- ncol(XYdt[3:length(XYdt)]) / 2
      if ((n_sys_pairs * 2) %% 2 != 0) {
          "Number of data columns must be a multiple of two. A (x,y) pair is necessary for each curve to be plotted."
      } else {
        data.temp <- NULL
        data.melted <-
            x = double(),
            y = double(),
            z = double(),
            serie = character()
        if (is.null(series)) {
          srn <- NULL
          crn <- NULL
          shn <- NULL
          for (i in 1:(n_sys_pairs + 1)) {
            # Serie Name
            srn <- c(srn, paste("Serie", i))
            # Colour Number
            crn <- c(crn, i)
            # Shape Number
            shn <- c(shn, i * 3)
          series <- data.frame(srn, crn, shn)
        for (i in seq(1, length(XYdt), 2)) {
          data.temp <-
            data.frame(XYdt[i:(i + 1)], 1 - rowSums(XYdt[i:(i + 1)]), series[((i + 1) / 2), 1])
          names(data.temp) <- c("x", "y", "z", "serie")
          data.melted <- rbind(data.melted, data.temp)
        tern_data <- data.melted
        series_colors <- t(series[2])
        names(series_colors) <- t(series[1])
        series_shapes <- t(series[3])
        names(series_shapes) <- names(series_colors)
    } else if (single == TRUE) {
      tern_data <- data.frame(XYdt[1:2], 1 - rowSums(XYdt[1:2]))
      names(tern_data) <- c("x", "y", "z")
    if (save == TRUE) {
      if (HR == TRUE) {
        image_format <- ".svg"
      } else{
        image_format <- ".png"
      if (is.null(filename)) {
        # Get user choice for a filename to save the plot
        filename <-
          dlgInput(message = "Enter the figure filename:")$res
      # complete filename with the appropriated extension
      filename <- paste(filename, image_format, sep = "")
      # Check if filename is invalid and quite if so
      if (filename == image_format) {
        stop("Filename is NULL or INVALID.", call. = TRUE)
      if (is.null(wdir)) {
        # Get user choice for a directory to save the plot
        wdir <- dlgDir()$res
      # Check if path is invalid and quite if so
      if ((wdir == "") && (silent == FALSE)) {
        stop("Path is NULL or INVALID.", call. = TRUE)
      } else if ((wdir == "") && (silent == TRUE)) {
        wdir <- getwd()
        wdir <- paste(wdir, filename, sep = .Platform$file.sep)
      } else{
        wdir <- paste(wdir, filename, sep = .Platform$file.sep)
    CoefSET <- summary(merchuk(tern_data[1:2]))$coefficients[, 1]
    Fn <- AQSys.mathDesc("merchuk")
    xr <- tern_data[1]
    yr <- Fn(CoefSET, tern_data[1])
    zr <- (1 - (xr + yr))
    fitted_data <- data.frame(xr, yr, zr)
    names(fitted_data) <- c("x", "y", "z")
    axis_limit <- round(max(tern_data[2]) / 0.8, 1)
    tern_image <-
      ggtern(tern_data, aes(z, x, y, color = Series)) +
      #ggtern(tern_data, aes(z, x, y, color=Series))
      theme_light() +
      tern_limits(T = axis_limit, L = 1, R = axis_limit) +
      Tlab(xlbl) +
      Llab(ylbl) +
      Rlab(zlbl) +
      Tarrowlab(x_arrow_lbl) +
      Larrowlab(y_arrow_lbl) +
      Rarrowlab(z_arrow_lbl) +
      labs(title = title) +
      theme(legend.position = "bottom")
    if (showArrows == TRUE) {
      tern_image <- tern_image + theme_showarrows() + Wlab(wlabel)
    if (single == FALSE) {
      tern_image <-
        tern_image + geom_point(size = 2, aes(shape = serie, colour = serie)) +
        # scale_shape_discrete(name=ltitle) +
        # scale_colour_discrete(name=ltitle) +
        scale_colour_manual(name = ltitle, values = series_colors) +
        scale_shape_manual(name = ltitle, values = series_shapes)
      # scale_colour_manual(values = series_colors) +
      #theme(legend.title = element_blank())
    } else {
      tern_image <- tern_image +
        geom_point(data = tern_data,
                   aes(z, x, y),
                   shape = shape,
                   size = 2,
                   colour = color) +
          data = fitted_data,
          aes(z, x, y),
          colour = 'red',
          linetype = 2,
          size = 1.1
    if (style == "bw") {
      tern_image <- tern_image +
          text = element_text(size = 18),
          tern.axis.line.R = element_line(
            size = 2,
            linetype = 1,
            color = "black"
          tern.axis.line.L = element_line(
            size = 2,
            linetype = 1,
            color = "black"
          tern.axis.line.T = element_line(
            size = 2,
            linetype = 1,
            color = "black"
          tern.axis.arrow = element_line(color = "black"),
          tern.axis.ticks = element_line(color = "black"),
          tern.axis.title = element_text(color = "black"),
          tern.axis.arrow.text = element_text(color = "black"),
          tern.axis.text = element_text(color = "black"),
          #tern.panel.grid = element_line(
          #  size = 1,
          #  linetype = 2,
          #  colour = "black"
          tern.panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "black"),
          tern.panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = "black")
    } else if (style == "custom") {
      tern_image <- tern_image +
          #tern.axis.line = element_line(size = 2, linetype = 1),
          tern.axis.line.T = element_line(color = tcolor,size = 2, linetype = 1),
          tern.axis.line.L = element_line(color = lcolor,size = 2, linetype = 1),
          tern.axis.line.R = element_line(color = rcolor,size = 2, linetype = 1),
          tern.axis.title.T = element_text(color = tcolor),
          tern.axis.title.L = element_text(color = lcolor),
          tern.axis.title.R = element_text(color = rcolor),
          tern.axis.arrow.T = element_line(color = tcolor),
          tern.axis.arrow.L = element_line(color = lcolor),
          tern.axis.arrow.R = element_line(color = rcolor),
          tern.axis.arrow.text.T = element_text(color = tcolor),
          tern.axis.arrow.text.L = element_text(color = lcolor),
          tern.axis.arrow.text.R = element_text(color = rcolor),
          tern.axis.text.T = element_text(color = tcolor),
          tern.axis.text.L = element_text(color = lcolor),
          tern.axis.text.R = element_text(color = rcolor),
          tern.panel.grid.minor.T = element_line(
            color = tcolor,
            size = .1,
            linetype = 2
          tern.panel.grid.minor.L = element_line(
            color = lcolor,
            size = .1,
            linetype = 2
          tern.panel.grid.minor.R = element_line(
            color = rcolor,
            size = .1,
            linetype = 2
          tern.panel.grid.major.T = element_line(
            color = tcolor,
            size = .1,
            linetype = 2
          tern.panel.grid.major.L = element_line(
            color = lcolor,
            size = .1,
            linetype = 2
          tern.panel.grid.major.R = element_line(
            color = rcolor,
            size = .1,
            linetype = 2
    } else if (style == "rgbw") {
      tern_image <- tern_image + theme_rgbw() +
          tern.axis.line.T = element_line(size = 2, linetype = 1),
          tern.axis.line.L = element_line(size = 2, linetype = 1),
          tern.axis.line.R = element_line(size = 2, linetype = 1),
          tern.panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 1, linetype = 2),
          tern.panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 1, linetype = 2)
    } else{
      tern_image <- tern_image + theme_bw() +
          tern.axis.line.T = element_line(size = 2, linetype = 1),
          tern.axis.line.L = element_line(size = 2, linetype = 1),
          tern.axis.line.R = element_line(size = 2, linetype = 1),
          tern.panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 1, linetype = 2),
          tern.panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 1, linetype = 2)
    if (save == TRUE) {
        filename = wdir,
        plot = tern_image,
        width = 21.14 / 2,
        height = 14.39 / 2
    if (silent == FALSE) {
    } else {
Hutchr/LLSR documentation built on May 31, 2022, 11:56 p.m.