
# Wrong Variable Value Email Notification
# This function sends a notification email via SendGrid v3 web API.
# You can learn more about package authoring with RStudio at:
#   http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/
# Some useful keyboard shortcuts for package authoring:
#   Build and Reload Package:  'Cmd + Shift + B'
#   Check Package:             'Cmd + Shift + E'
#   Test Package:              'Cmd + Shift + T'

notify <- function(patient, variable, value, email, comments) {

    email_template = paste("<dl><dt>ID pacient</dt><dd>", patient, "</dd><dt>Variable</dt><dd>", variable, "</dd><dt>Valor</dt><dd>", value, '</dd></dl><p>', comments, "</p>")

    sendgrid_key <- Sys.getenv("SENDGRID_KEY")
    if (identical(sendgrid_key, "")) {
        stop("No s'ha trobat la variable d'entorn SENDGRID_KEY. Afegeix-la a l'arxiu .Renviron al directori home del teu usuari.",
             call. = FALSE)

    sendgrid_template <- Sys.getenv("SENDGRID_TEMPLATE")
    if (identical(sendgrid_template, "")) {
        stop("No s'ha trobat la variable d'entorn SENDGRID_TEMPLATE Afegeix-la a l'arxiu .Renviron al directori home del teu usuari.",
             call. = FALSE)

    data = paste("{
        \"personalizations\": [
                \"to\": [
                        \"email\": \"", email, "\"
                \"subject\": \"[UBiostat] - Avís de valor de variable incorrecte\",
                \"substitutions\": {}
        \"from\": {
            \"email\": \"no-reply@irblleida.cat\"
        \"template_id\": \"", sendgrid_template, "\",
        \"content\": [
                \"type\": \"text/html\",
                \"value\": \"", email_template , "\"
    }", sep = "")
    data <- stri_encode(data, "", "UTF-8")

    res <- POST(
            "Authorization" = paste("Bearer", sendgrid_key),
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"),
        body = data)

    return(status_code(res) == 202)
IRBLleida/wvven documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:54 a.m.