
Defines functions cast_vect.sfc cast_vect.character

Documented in cast_vect.character cast_vect.sfc

#' @title cast a vector object to a different `R` spatial class or to a shapefile
#' @description function to automatically re-cast a "vector" object to a given "class" specified by
#'   the `to` argument.
#' @param object either an `R` object of class `sf`, `sfc` or `Spatial`, or a character string
#'   corresponding to a filename (with full path)
#' @param to `character` indicating to which type of object the input should be re-casted. It can
#'   be "sfobject" (re-cast to `sf`), "spobject" (recast to `Spatial`) or "vectfile" (re-cast to
#'   a shapefile)
#' @return returns the same object, casted to the "class" specified by `to` (or the exact same
#'   object in case `object` is already of "class" `to`)
#' @details If `object` is a valid `R` spatial object, it is automatically converted to an object of
#'   a different class if needed (e.g., from `sf` to `Spatial` and viceversa, or from `sf` to a
#'   vector file through `sprawl::write_shape`). If it is a character string, the function checks if
#'   it corresponds to a valid vector file and reads it to a `sf` or `Spatial` object through
#'   `sprawl::read_vect`
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  }
#' @rdname cast_vect
#' @export
#' @author Lorenzo Busetto, phD (2017) <lbusett@gmail.com>

cast_vect <- function (object, to){

#   ____________________________________________________________________________
#   Fallback method: class of object is none of the specified ones: issue   ####
#   an error

#'@method cast_vect default
#'@rdname cast_vect

cast_vect.default <- function (object, to) {
  call <- as.list(match.call())
  stop("cast_vect --> ", call[[1]], " is not a valid vector object or file. Aborting !")

#   ____________________________________________________________________________
#   Method for sf                                                           ####

#'@method cast_vect sf
#'@rdname cast_vect

cast_vect.sf <- function (object, to) {
  call <- as.list(match.call())
  if (to == "sfobject") return(object)
  if (to == "spobject") return(as(object, "Spatial"))
  if (to == "vectfile") {
    temp_shape <- tempfile(fileext = ".shp")
    write_shape(object, temp_shape)
  stop("cast_vect --> `", as.character(call[[3]]), "` is invalid for `to`. It should be `sfobject`,
       `spobject` or `vectfile`")

#   ____________________________________________________________________________
#   Method for sfc                                                           ####

#'@method cast_vect sfc
#'@rdname cast_vect

cast_vect.sfc <- function(object, to) {
  call <- as.list(match.call())
  if (to == "sfobject") return(object)
  if (to == "spobject") return(as(object, "Spatial"))
  if (to == "vectfile") {
    temp_shape <- tempfile(fileext = ".shp")
    write_shape(object, temp_shape)
  stop("cast_vect --> `", as.character(call[[3]]), "` is invalid for `to`. It should be `sfobject`,
       `spobject` or `vectfile`")

#   ____________________________________________________________________________
#   Method for Spatial                                                      ####

#'@method cast_vect Spatial
#'@rdname cast_vect

cast_vect.Spatial <- function (object, to) {
  call <- as.list(match.call())
  if (to == "spobject") return(object)
  if (to == "sfobject") return(sf::st_as_sf(object))
  if (to == "vectfile") {
    temp_shape <- tempfile(fileext = ".shp")
    write_shape(object, temp_shape)
  stop("cast_vect --> `", as.character(call[[3]]), "` is invalid for `to`. It should be `sfobject`,
       `spobject` or `vectfile`")

#   ____________________________________________________________________________
#   Method for character                                                           ####

#'@method cast_vect character
#'@rdname cast_vect

cast_vect.character <- function(object, to) {
  call <- as.list(match.call())
  check_vec <- get_spatype(object, abort = FALSE)
  if (check_vec == "vectfile") {
    if (to == "vectfile") return (object)
    if (to == "sfobject") return (read_vect(object))
    if (to == "spobject") return (as(read_vect(object), "Spatial"))
    stop("cast_vect --> `", as.character(call[[3]]), "` is invalid for `to`. It should be `sfobject`,
       `spobject` or `vectfile`")
  } else {
    stop("cast_vect --> ",  as.character(call[[2]]), " is not a valid vector filename. Aborting !")
IREA-CNR-MI/sprawl documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:12 p.m.