
#' lb_writeenvits
#' @description Function to save an "R" multitemporal raster object (e.g., rasterStack) to an ENVI multiband file (BSQ)
#' Bandnames and wavelengths of the output ENVI file are set on the basis of the acquisition dates .
#' In paricular, wl takes the value of the acquisition doy, computed starting from 1st of January of the
#' minimum year in the time serties
#' @param in_raster Input "R" raster object
#' @param in_dates Dates corresponding to the different dates of acquisition (as "Dates" array or numeric array of doys)
#' @param out_file Output file name
#' @param dtype string data type of output (e.g., 'INT2s','FLT4S', ecc - see help of "writeRaster for a list). Defaults to floating
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @import raster tools
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  # Create a raster stack from a list of single date raster
#'  in_files = file_path_sans_ext(list.files(in_folder, pattern = '*.tif$', full.names = T))   #List of files
#'  in_dates = as.Date(c('2000-01-01','2000-01-31',..... ))    # List of acquisition dates - MUST be same order as files
#'  out_raster = 'd:/temp/out_multitemp'
#'  # Create the ENVI raster file
#'  lb_writeenvits (in_raster = raster_in, in_dates = acq_dates, out_file = out_raster)

lb_writeenvits = function(in_raster = in_raster, in_dates = in_dates, out_file = out_file, dtype = 'FLT4S') {

  out_raster = writeRaster(in_raster, filename = out_file,overwrite = T, format = 'ENVI',datatype = dtype)
  bandnames = paste(basename(file_path_sans_ext(out_file)),in_dates, sep = '_')
  wl = as.numeric(lb_datetodoy(in_dates)+365*(year(in_dates)-min(year(in_dates))))
  hdrfile = paste0(file_path_sans_ext(out_file),'.hdr')
  write(paste("Band Names = {", paste (bandnames, collapse = ', '), "}", sep=""),file=hdrfile,append=TRUE)
  write(paste("wavelength = {", paste (wl, collapse = ', '), "}", sep=""),file=hdrfile,append=TRUE)

# lb_writeenvits = function(in_raster = in_raster, in_dates = in_dates, out_file = out_file, dtype = 'FLT4S') {
#   print('writing')
#   b <- brick(in_raster, values=FALSE)
#   b <- writeStart(b, filename=out_file, format="ENVI",overwrite=TRUE, dtype = dtype)
#   tr <- blockSize(b)
#   for (i in 1:tr$n) {
#     v <- getValuesBlock(out_raster, row=tr$row[i], nrows=tr$nrows[i])
#     b <- writeValues(b, v, tr$row[i])
#   }
#   b <- writeStop(b)
#   bandnames = paste(basename(file_path_sans_ext(out_file)),in_dates, sep = '_')
#   wl = as.numeric(lb_datetodoy(in_dates)+365*(year(in_dates)-min(year(in_dates))))
#   hdrfile = paste0(file_path_sans_ext(out_file),'.hdr')
#   write(paste("Band Names = {", paste (bandnames, collapse = ', '), "}", sep=""),file=hdrfile,append=TRUE)
#   write(paste("wavelength = {", paste (wl, collapse = ', '), "}", sep=""),file=hdrfile,append=TRUE)
#   gc()
# }
IREA-CNR-MI/sprawl documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:12 p.m.