
Defines functions vector.averaging circular.averaging

Documented in circular.averaging vector.averaging

#' Circular Averaging based on Vector Averaging
#' \code{circular.averaging} calculates the average direction (0 - 360) given a
#' vector of directions.\cr\cr \code{vector.averaging} calculates the average
#' distance and direction given a vector of directions and a vector of
#' distances.
#' functions return `NA` if the average distance or direction is not valid...
#' \emph{e.g.}, when averaging directions of 0 & 180 degrees, the result could
#' theoretically be 90 or 270 but is practically neither.
#' @note 
#' This function was taken from the now archived, as of 08/03/2020,
#'  \pkg{SDMtools}.
#' @param direction a vector of directions given in degrees (0 - 360) if
#' `deg == TRUE` or in radians if `deg == FALSE`
#' @param distance a vector of distances associated with each direction
#' @param deg a boolean object defining if `direction` is in degrees
#' (`TRUE`) or radians (`FALSE`)
#' @return \code{circular.averaging} returns the average direction while
#' \code{vector.averaging} returns a list with 2 elements distance & direction
#' @author Jeremy VanDerWal \email{jjvanderwal@@gmail.com} & Lorena Falconi
#' \email{lorefalconi@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' #EXAMPLE circular.averaging
#' circular.averaging(c(0,90,180,270)) #result is NA
#' circular.averaging(c(70,82,96,110,119,259))
#' #EXAMPLE vector.averaging
#' vector.averaging(c(10,20,70,78,108), distance=10)
#' vector.averaging(c(159,220,258,273,310),distance=runif(5))
#' @export 
circular.averaging <- function(direction, deg = TRUE) {
   n = length(direction) #get the length of direction vector
   out = vector.averaging(direction = direction,
                          distance = rep(1, n),
                          deg = deg)

#' @rdname circular.averaging
#' @export
vector.averaging = function(direction, distance, deg = TRUE) {
   if (deg)
      direction = direction * pi / 180 #convert to radians
   n = length(direction) #get the length of direction vector
   if (any(is.na(direction))) {
      #ensure no NA data
      warning('NAs in data')
      pos = which(is.na(direction))
      direction = direction[-pos]
      distance = distance[-pos]
   } else {
      sinr <- sum(sin(direction))
      cosr <- sum(cos(direction))
      if (sqrt((sinr ^ 2 + cosr ^ 2)) / n > .Machine$double.eps) {
         Ve = sum(distance * sin(direction)) / n
         Vn = sum(distance * cos(direction)) / n
         UV = sqrt(Ve ^ 2 + Vn ^ 2)
         AV1 = atan(Ve / Vn)
         AV2 = atan2(sinr, cosr)
         #perform some checks and correct when output in wrong quadrant
         AV = NULL
         if (abs(AV1 - AV2) <= .Machine$double.eps) {
            #if both methods of determining directions are reporting the same values
            if (AV1 > 0)
               AV = AV1
            if (AV1 < 0)
               AV = 2 * pi + AV1
         } else {
            #case when they are different values... add necessary values of pi
            if (AV1 > 0)
               AV = AV1 + pi
            if (AV1 < 0)
               AV = AV2
         if (is.null(AV)) {
            return(list(distance = NA, direction = NA))
         } else {
            if (deg)
               AV = AV * 180 / pi #convert back to degrees
            return(list(distance = UV, direction = AV))
      } else {
         return(list(distance = NA, direction = NA))
IhsanKhaliq/spatiotemporaldynamics documentation built on July 21, 2021, 3:13 a.m.