
Defines functions file_status show_worksheet show_record show_concepts load_record_metadata fetch_record_metadata print.safe_record_set validate_record_ids

Documented in fetch_record_metadata file_status load_record_metadata print.safe_record_set show_concepts show_record show_worksheet validate_record_ids

validate_record_ids <- function(record_set) {
    #' Validates dataset record ids from user input
    #' This takes a vector of user supplied record identifiers and validates
    #' them against the index. Typically the identifiers are provided as
    #' integers, but the function will also handle Zenodo URLs and DOIs.
    #' The function returns a data frame with class \code{safe_record_set},
    #' containing the columns \code{concept}, \code{record}, \code{available}
    #' and, finally, \code{mra} containing the most recent available record
    #' (if any). The function can be run on an existing \code{safe_record_set}
    #' to update this information.
    #' Note that \code{record} will be NA when a value represents a concept id.
    #' Inputs that do not match a record or concept ids are returned in the
    #' attribute \code{mismatches} of the record set.
    #' This function is largely used internally to validate user inputs and
    #' to provide a common output for the search functions but is exported
    #' to allow users to check record ids and display summary information
    #' using the print method.
    #' @param record_set A vector of values containing Zenodo concept or
    #'    record ids.
    #' @param x,y Objects of class \code{safe_record_set}
    #' @param ... Further arguments to print methods, unused.
    #' @return An object of class \code{safe_record_set} (see Details)
    #' @examples
    #'    set_example_safedata_dir()
    #'    validate_record_ids(c(3247631, 3266827, 3266821, -1000))
    #'    validate_record_ids(c("https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3247631",
    #'                          "10.5281/zenodo.3266827",
    #'                          "https://zenodo.org/record/3266821",
    #'                          "not_this_one/3266821"))
    #'    set_example_safedata_dir(on=FALSE)
    #' @aliases safe_record_set
    #' @export

    index <- get_index()

    # Only run validation if the input is not already a record set
    if (!inherits(record_set, "safe_record_set")) {
        # Otherwise validate
        if (
                is.vector(record_set) &&
                    mode(record_set) %in% c("character", "numeric")
        ) {
            stop("record_set must be a character or numeric vector")

        # store original versions
        names(record_set) <- record_set
        mismatches <- NULL

        if (mode(record_set) == "numeric") {
            # If numbers, look for positive integers
            not_int <- record_set %% 1 != 0
            not_pos <- record_set <= 0
            valid <- (!not_int) & (!not_pos)

            if (any(!valid)) {
                mismatches <- record_set[!valid]
                record_set <- record_set[valid]
                    "Invalid numeric record ids: ",
                    paste0(mismatches, collapse = ",")
        } else if (mode(record_set) == "character") {
            # If string look for one of the possible string representations
            # of the record: a straight string of the integer or
            # could be a DOI (possibly with URL) or a Zenodo URL:
            # a) https://www.zenodo.org/record/3247631#.XRreJ9NKgWo
            # b) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3247631
            # c) 10.5281/zenodo.3247631
            zen_regex <- "^[0-9]+$|(?<=record/)[0-9]+|(?<=zenodo.)[0-9]+"
            match <- regexpr(zen_regex, record_set, perl = TRUE)
            valid <- match != -1

            if (any(!valid)) {
                mismatches <- record_set[!valid]
                record_set <- record_set[valid]
                    "Invalid character record ids: ",
                    paste0(mismatches, collapse = ",")
                # Remove mismatches from the regexpr hits
                attr_match <- attributes(match)
                attr_match$match.length <- attr_match$match.length[valid]
                match <- match[valid]
                attributes(match) <- attr_match

            # convert matching patterns to numeric
            record_set <- structure(as.numeric(regmatches(record_set, match)),
                names = record_set

        # Look for duplicates
        dupes <- duplicated(record_set)
        if (any(dupes)) {
            duplicated_values <- record_set[dupes]
            record_set <- record_set[!dupes]
                "Duplicated record ids in record_set: ",
                paste0(duplicated_values, collapse = ",")

        # Do they appear in the index as concept ids or record ids
        known <- record_set %in% c(

        if (!all(known)) {
            unknown <- record_set[!known]
            record_set <- record_set[known]
                "Unknown record ids in record_set: ",
                paste0(unknown, collapse = ",")

        # split concepts and records
        concept <- ifelse(record_set %in% index$zenodo_concept_id,
            record_set, NA
        record <- ifelse(record_set %in% index$zenodo_record_id,
            record_set, NA
        record_set <- data.frame(concept = concept, record = record)

        # fill in concepts for records
        record_concept <- match(record_set$record, index$zenodo_record_id)
        record_concept <- index$zenodo_concept_id[record_concept]
        record_set$concept <- ifelse(is.na(record_set$concept),

        class(record_set) <- c("safe_record_set", "data.frame")

    # Now add information on whether individual records are available and then,
    # for the concept, the most recent record (which might not be available)
    # and the most recent available if there is one
    available <- match(record_set$record, index$zenodo_record_id)
    record_set$available <- index$available[available]

    most_recent <- subset(index, most_recent,
        select = c(zenodo_concept_id, zenodo_record_id)
    which_mr <- match(record_set$concept, most_recent$zenodo_concept_id)
    record_set$most_recent <- most_recent$zenodo_record_id[which_mr]

    mra <- subset(index, most_recent_available,
        select = c(zenodo_concept_id, zenodo_record_id)
    which_mra <- match(record_set$concept, mra$zenodo_concept_id)
    record_set$mra <- mra$zenodo_record_id[which_mra]

    # Sort by concept id (increasing from earliest) and then by record id
    # (decreasing from most recent) and keep NAs at the top, so concept ids
    # come first.
    record_set <- record_set[order(
        record_set$concept, record_set$record,
        decreasing = c(FALSE, TRUE),
        method = "radix", na.last = FALSE
    ), ]

    rownames(record_set) <- seq_along(record_set$record)

print.safe_record_set <- function(x, ...) {
    #' @describeIn validate_record_ids Print a brief summary of
    #'    "safe_record_set" objects.
    #' @export

    msg <- paste0(
        "Set includes %i concept ids and %i record ids: \n",
        " - %i open and most recent (*)\n",
        " - %i open and outdated (o)\n",
        " - %i under embargo or restricted (x)\n\n"

    # record availability flags and counts
    x$available <- with(x, ifelse(is.na(record), "",
        ifelse(!available, "x",
            ifelse(record == mra, "*", "o")
    n_status <- c("*" = 0, "x" = 0, "o" = 0)
    counts <- table(x$available)
    n_status[names(counts)] <- counts
    n_records <- sum(!is.na(x$record))

        msg, length(unique(x$concept)), n_records,
        n_status["*"], n_status["o"], n_status["x"]

    # This relies on the sort order set in validate_record_ids
    x$concept <- ifelse(duplicated(x$concept), "-------", x$concept)
    x$record <- ifelse(is.na(x$record), "-------", x$record)

    class(x) <- "data.frame"
    print(subset(x, select = c(concept, record, available)))


"&.safe_record_set" <- function(x, y) {
    #' @describeIn validate_record_ids Combine two record sets, retaining only
    #'    records that are present in both.
    #' @export

    in_both <- intersect(x$record, y$record)
    in_both <- subset(x, x$record %in% in_both)

    if (nrow(in_both)) {
        rownames(in_both) <- seq_len(nrow(in_both))


"|.safe_record_set" <- function(x, y) {
    #' @describeIn validate_record_ids Combine two record sets, including the
    #'    records that are present in either.
    #' @export

    only_in_y <- setdiff(y$record, x$record)
    only_in_y <- subset(y, y$record %in% only_in_y)
    all <- rbind(x, only_in_y)
    rownames(all) <- seq_len(nrow(all))

fetch_record_metadata <- function(record_set) {
    #' Get and load SAFE dataset metadata
    #' Internal handlers to i) ensure there are local copies of record metadata,
    #' fetching it from the SAFE project website if needed and ii) load that
    #' data from file.
    #' This is the same metadata used to populate the Zenodo description but is
    #' downloaded as JSON format and stored within the record directory in the
    #' SAFE data directory for reuse.
    #' @param record_set An object of class \code{\link{safe_record_set}}.
    #' @return The \code{fetch_record_metadata} function invisibly returns a
    #'    logical value indicating if all records were fetched successfully and
    #'    \code{load_record_metadata} returns a list object containing record
    #'    metadata
    #' @describeIn fetch_record_metadata Download and store JSON metadata for
    #'    a record
    #' @examples
    #'    \donttest{
    #'      \dontshow{
    #'        set_example_safedata_dir()
    #'      }
    #'      rec <- validate_record_ids(1400562)
    #'      safedata:::fetch_record_metadata(rec)
    #'      metadata <- safedata:::load_record_metadata(rec)
    #'      \dontshow{
    #'        set_example_safedata_dir(on=FALSE)
    #'      }
    #'    }
    #' @keywords internal

    # Check the input class
    if (!inherits(record_set, "safe_record_set")) {
        stop("Expects a safe_record_set object.")

    # Look for zenodo_record_id files only
    record_set <- unique(subset(record_set, !is.na(record)))

    if (nrow(record_set)) {
        safedir <- get_data_dir()

        # Find missing JSON files
        local_path <- file.path(
            sprintf("%i.json", record_set$record)
        record_set$local_path <- local_path
        record_set$to_download <- !file.exists(record_set$local_path)

        record_set <- subset(record_set, to_download)

        if (nrow(record_set)) {
                "Downloading ", nrow(record_set),
                " record metadata files\n"
        fetch_successful <- TRUE

        for (idx in seq_along(record_set$record)) {
            to_get <- record_set[idx, ]

            # TODO - pop this out into a function with a logical return
            # to facilitate testing of failure modes. Use expect_message
            #  to test fetch_record_metadata - maybe block specific IDs?

            url <- getOption("safedata.url")
            api <- sprintf("%s/api/record/%i", url, to_get$record)
            response <- try_to_download(api)

            if (isFALSE(response)) {
                    "Failed to download metadata: %i",
                message(attr(response, "fail_msg"))
                fetch_successful <- FALSE
            } else {
                    "Downloaded metadata: %i",
                if (!dir.exists(dirname(to_get$local_path))) {
                    dir.create(dirname(to_get$local_path), recursive = TRUE)
                # Write the binary content to avoid issues with conversion
                # of the JSON payload to and from R objects.
                    httr::content(response, as = "raw"),
                    con = to_get$local_path


load_record_metadata <- function(record_set) {
    #' @describeIn fetch_record_metadata Load JSON metadata for a record
    #' @keywords internal

    if (
        !inherits(record_set, "safe_record_set") ||
            nrow(record_set) > 1 ||
    ) {
            "Expects a single row safe_record_set object ",
            "with complete concept and record id."

    # Ensure it is locally available

    # load it and return it
    safedir <- get_data_dir()
    metadata_file <- with(record_set, file.path(
        safedir, concept, record,
        sprintf("%i.json", record)

show_concepts <- function(obj) {
    #' Show SAFE dataset metadata
    #' These functions provide access to the metadata associated with SAFE
    #' datasets. The functions provide three levels of information:
    #' \describe{
    #'      \item{\code{show_concepts}}{displays the record versions grouped
    #'            under dataset concepts,}
    #'      \item{\code{show_record}}{displays summary information about a
    #'            specific record, and }
    #'      \item{\code{show_worksheet}}{displays metadata about data worksheet
    #'            fields within a record.}
    #' }
    #' All three functions accept a first argument \code{obj}, which can be one
    #' of three things:
    #' \enumerate{
    #'    \item A character or numeric vector of SAFE dataset records or
    #'          concepts, which will be validated using
    #'          \code{\link{validate_record_ids}}, or
    #'    \item An already validated \code{\link{safe_record_set}} object, or
    #'    \item A \code{safedata} data frame loaded using
    #'          \code{\link{load_safe_data}}.
    #' }
    #' If \code{show_concepts} is passed a record id, then the function looks
    #' up the relevant concept. The version table indicates which versions
    #' are available ("*" for the most recent available version and "o"
    #' for older available versions), and which are unavailable due to
    #' embargo or retriction ("x"). A "!" is used to show that a private
    #' local copy of an embargoed or restricted dataset has been inserted
    #' using \code{\link{insert_dataset}}.
    #' @param obj A reference to SAFE records or a loaded worksheet (see above)
    #' @param worksheet The name of a worksheet to show. Obviously, if
    #'     \code{obj} is a loaded worksheet, that will be the worksheet
    #'     described and this can be left as NULL.
    #' @param extended_fields Logical - show a compact description of worksheet
    #'    fields or a longer output including full metadata descriptors.
    #' @return Invisibly, a SAFE metadata object or a list of such objects.
    #'     These are not really intended for end user consumption.
    #' @describeIn show_concepts Show the records associated with a
    #'     dataset concept.
    #' @examples
    #'    set_example_safedata_dir()
    #'    recs <- validate_record_ids(c(1400562, 3266827, 3266821))
    #'    show_concepts(recs)
    #'    show_record(recs[1,])
    #'    # Show worksheet metadata from a record or from a loaded worksheet
    #'    show_worksheet(1400562, "EnvironVariables")
    #'    beetle_abund <- load_safe_data(1400562, "Ant-Psel")
    #'    show_worksheet(beetle_abund, extended_fields = TRUE)
    #'    set_example_safedata_dir(on=FALSE)
    #' @export

    if (inherits(obj, "safedata")) {
        record_set <- attr(obj, "metadata")$safe_record_set
    } else {
        record_set <- validate_record_ids(obj)

    # get the rows for the XLSX file to report, sort by publication date
    # and cut into record chunks
    index <- get_index()

    rows <- subset(index,
        zenodo_concept_id %in% record_set$concept &
            grepl(".xlsx$", filename),
        select = c(
            zenodo_concept_id, zenodo_record_id,
            dataset_title, publication_date, available,
            most_recent_available, dataset_embargo,

    rows <- unique(rows)

    concepts <- split(rows, f = rows$zenodo_concept_id)

    print_fun <- function(concept) {
        concept <- concept[order(concept$publication_date, decreasing = TRUE), ]

        # compile a list of lines
        text <- sprintf("\nConcept ID: %i", concept$zenodo_concept_id[1])
        text <- c(text, sprintf("Title: %s", concept$dataset_title[1]))

        # Version availability
        n_avail <- sum(concept$available)
        n_unavail <- nrow(concept) - n_avail
        nvers <- sprintf(
            "Versions: %i available, %i embargoed or restricted\n",
            n_avail, n_unavail
        text <- c(text, nvers)

        # Version summary
        version_available <- ifelse(concept$available, "o",
            ifelse(concept$local_copy, "!", "x")
        version_available[which(concept$most_recent_available)[1]] <- "*"
        publ_date <- format(concept$publication_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
        emb_date <- ifelse(
            is.na(concept$dataset_embargo) |
                concept$dataset_embargo < Sys.time(),
            "--", format(concept$dataset_embargo, "%Y-%m-%d")
        version_table <- data.frame(
            record_id = concept$zenodo_record_id,
            published = publ_date,
            embargo = emb_date,
            available = version_available

        text <- c(
            utils::capture.output(print(version_table, row.names = FALSE)),

    text <- lapply(concepts, print_fun)
    text <- sapply(text, paste0, collapse = "\n")

    cat(paste0(text, collapse = "-------------\n"))


show_record <- function(obj) {
    #' @describeIn show_concepts Show details of a specific dataset
    #' @export

    if (inherits(obj, "safe_record_set")) {
        record_set <- obj
    } else if (inherits(obj, "safedata")) {
        record_set <- attr(obj, "metadata")$safe_record_set
    } else {
        record_set <- validate_record_ids(obj)

    if (nrow(record_set) != 1) {
        stop("show_record requires a single record id")

    if (is.na(record_set$record)) {
        warning("Concept ID provided: showing available versions")

    # Get the record metadata and a single row for the record
    metadata <- load_record_metadata(record_set)

    # Print out a summary
    cat("\nRecord summary\n")
    cat(sprintf("Title: %s\n", metadata$title))

    surnames <- sapply(strsplit(metadata$authors$name, ","), "[", 1)
            "Authors: %s\nPublication date: %s\n",
            "Record ID: %i\nConcept ID: %i\n"
        paste(surnames, collapse = ", "),
        format(as.POSIXct(metadata$publication_date), "%Y-%m-%d"),

    status <- file_status(metadata)
    cat(sprintf("Status: %s\n", status))

    ext_files <- metadata$external_files
    if (!is.null(ext_files)) {
                "External files: %s\n",
                paste(ext_files$file, collapse = " ,")

    # Taxa reporting - gbif_taxa and ncbi_taxa are both lists in the metadata,
    # but the JSON parsing converts non-empty metadata into data frames
    gbif_taxa <- metadata$gbif_taxa
    ncbi_taxa <- metadata$ncbi_taxa
    gbif_present <- inherits(gbif_taxa, "data.frame")
    ncbi_present <- inherits(ncbi_taxa, "data.frame")
    if (gbif_present || ncbi_present) {
        cat("Taxa: \n")
    if (gbif_present) {
        cat(sprintf(" - %i GBIF taxa reported\n", nrow(gbif_taxa)))
    if (ncbi_present > 0) {
        cat(sprintf(" - %i NCBI taxa reported\n", nrow(ncbi_taxa)))

    # Locations reporting
    locs <- metadata$locations
    if (length(locs) > 0) {
        cat(sprintf("Locations: %i locations reported\n", nrow(locs)))

    # Data worksheets
    dwksh <- metadata$dataworksheets
    if (length(dwksh) == 0) {
        cat("\nData in external files only\n")
    } else {
        nm_nch <- max(nchar(dwksh$name))
        cl_nch <- max(ceiling(log10(dwksh$max_col)), 4)
        rw_nch <- max(ceiling(log10(dwksh$n_data_row)), 4)
        cat("\nData worksheets:\n")
            "%*s %*s %*s %s", nm_nch, "name", cl_nch, "ncol",
            rw_nch, "nrow", "description"
        ), sep = "\n")
        cat(with(dwksh, sprintf(
            "%*s %*i %*i %s", nm_nch, name, cl_nch, max_col,
            rw_nch, n_data_row, description
        )), sep = "\n")


show_worksheet <- function(obj, worksheet = NULL, extended_fields = FALSE) {
    #' @describeIn show_concepts Show details of a data worksheet
    #' @export

    if (inherits(obj, "safedata")) {
        record_set <- attr(obj, "metadata")$safe_record_set
        worksheet <- attr(obj, "metadata")$name
    } else {
        record_set <- validate_record_ids(obj)

        if (nrow(record_set) != 1) {
            stop("show_worksheet requires a single record id")

        if (all(is.na(record_set))) {
            stop("Unknown record id")
        } else if (is.na(record_set$record)) {
            stop("show_worksheet requires record id not a concept id")

        if (is.null(worksheet)) {
            stop("No worksheet name supplied.")

    # Get the record metadata
    metadata <- load_record_metadata(record_set)

    # Find the worksheet
    dwksh <- metadata$dataworksheets
    idx <- which(dwksh$name == worksheet)
    if (!length(idx)) {
            "Data worksheet not found. Worksheets available are: ",
            paste(dwksh$name, collapse = ",")

    dwksh <- dwksh[idx, ]

    # Print out a summary
    cat(sprintf("Record ID: %i\n", metadata$zenodo_record_id))
    cat(sprintf("Worksheet name: %s\n", dwksh$name))
    cat(sprintf("Number of data rows: %s\n", dwksh$n_data_row))
    cat(sprintf("Number of data fields: %s\n", dwksh$max_col - 1))
    cat(sprintf("Description:\n%s\n", dwksh$description))

    status <- file_status(metadata)
    cat(sprintf("Status: %s\n", status))

    fields <- dwksh["fields"][[1]][[1]]

    if (extended_fields) {
        # print a long list of fields and non NA descriptor metadata
        for (field_idx in seq_along(fields$field_name)) {
            fld <- fields[field_idx, ]
            cat(fld$field_name, ":\n")
            other_descriptors <- subset(fld,
                select = -c(field_name, col_idx, range)
            descriptor_string <- paste0(
                " - ", names(other_descriptors),
                ": ", other_descriptors
            cat(descriptor_string[!is.na(other_descriptors)], sep = "\n")
    } else {
        # print a table of name, type and description (truncated to width)
        descriptors <- subset(fields,
            select = c(field_name, field_type, description)

        nc <- apply(descriptors, 2, nchar)
        max_desc <- options("width")$width - (max(rowSums(nc[, 1:2])) + 8)
        trim_desc <- paste0(
            substr(descriptors$description, 0, max_desc - 3),
        descriptors$description <- ifelse(nc[, 3] < max_desc,
            descriptors$description, trim_desc

        print(descriptors, right = FALSE)

file_status <- function(metadata) {
    #' Get file status for a dataset
    #' This returns a formatted status string for \code{\link{show_record}} and
    #' \code{\link{show_worksheet}} showing if a dataset is available globally
    #' or locally as a private copy.
    #' @param A loaded metadata dictionary for a record
    #' @keywords internal

    # Data access status - check for local private copy
    index <- get_index()
    file_row <- subset(
        grepl(".xlsx$", filename) &
            zenodo_record_id == metadata$zenodo_record_id

    status <- "open"
    if (metadata$access == "embargo") {
        embargo_date <- as.POSIXct(metadata$embargo_date)
        if (embargo_date >= Sys.time()) {
            status <- sprintf(
                "embargoed until %s",
                format(embargo_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
    } else if (metadata$access == "restricted") {
        status <- ("restricted")

    if (status != "open") {
        if (file_row$local_copy) {
            status <- paste0(
                "Local private copy available\n",
                "        ** Dataset ", status, " ** "
        } else {
            status <- paste0("Dataset ", status, ", only metadata available")

ImperialCollegeLondon/safe_data documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 9:51 a.m.