
#' @param data A data frame, the data to be modeled.
#' @param options (optional) A list, list entries change the modeling procedure. For example, `list(lb = c(k=0))` changes the lower bound of parameter _k_ to 0, or `list(fit_measure = "mse")` changes the goodness of fit measure in parameter estimation to mean-squared error,  for all options, see [cm_options].
#' @param discount A number, how many initial trials to not use during parameter fitting.
#' @param ... other arguments, ignored.
#' @return
#' Returns a cognitive model object, which is an object of class [cm](Cm). A model, that has been assigned to `m`, can be summarized with `summary(m)` or `anova(m)`. The parameter space can be viewed using `pa. rspace(m)`, constraints can be viewed using `constraints(m)`.
#' @family cognitive models
#' @author Jana B. Jarecki, \email{}

# ' @details
# ' ## Options
# ' \verb{   } (Optional) Set `options` to fine-tune the parameter estimation
# '   process. The values listed below must be supplied in list. For example
# '  `options = list(lb = c(k = -10))` changes a lower parameter bound.
# ' 
# ' \describe{
# '  \item{\verb{   }`lb`}{Named numeric vector, changes lower parameter bounds;
# '        `lb = c(k = -10)` lets parameter _k_ start at -10.}
# '  \item{\verb{   }`ub`}{Named numeric vector, changes upper parameter bounds:
# '         `ub = c(k = 10)` lets parameter _k_ go until 10.}
# '  \item{\verb{   }`start`}{Named numeric vector, changes parameter start 
# '        values: `start = c(k = 5)` lets parameter _k_ start at 5.}
# '  \item{\verb{   }`fit`}{Logical (default `TRUE`), `fit = FALSE` disables
# '    parameter estimation. Useful for testing models.}
# '  \item{\verb{   }`fit_measure`}{A string (default `"loglikelihood"`), the
# '        [goodness of fit](
# '        measure to be optimized during parameter estimation.
# '        Can be any value of `type` in [cognitiveutils::gof()]. 
# '        Loglikelihood uses a binomial PDF in models with discrete 
# '        data and a normal PDF for continuous data, \eqn{N(\mu, \sigma)} 
# '        with  \eqn{\mu}=predictions, \eqn{\sigma}=constant,
# '        estimated as additional free paramter. Change the PDF using
# '       `fit_args = list(pdf = "...")`}
# '   \item{\verb{   }`fit_args`}{Named list, options for parameter estimation.
# '          Can be any
# '          argument to [cognitiveutils::gof()]. For example,
# '         `list(pdf = "truncnorm", a = 0, b = 1)` changes the PDF
# '          in the log likelihood to a truncated normal between 0 and 1,
# '         `list(pdf = "multinom")` changes it to a multinomial PDF.
# '         `list(grid_offset = .01)` offsets the parameter in a grid search
# '         by 0.01 from the parameter boundaries, `list(nsteps = 10)` defines
# '         10 steps for each parameter in the regular grid in the grid search.}
# '   \item{\verb{   }`fit_data`}{A data frame, the data to estimate the model parameters
# '         from. Needed if the data for the parameter estimation differs from
# '         the data in the main `data` argument in a model.}
# '   \item{\verb{   }`solver`}{A string, the optimizer for the parameter estimation. Run
# '        `cm_solvers()` to list all solvers. Can be `"grid"`, `"solnp"` 
# '        `"optimx"`, `"nloptr"`, `"nlminb"` and others from [ROI]. Can be
# '       `c("grid", "xxx")`: a grid-plus-optimization: A grid search, followed
# '       by an optimization with xxx using the _n_
# '       best solutions as start values in the optimization; the overal best 
# '      parameter set wins; and _n_ can be set in `solver_args$nbest`
# '       Changing the solver may cause warnings and ignored parameter bounds.}
# '   \item{\verb{   }`solver_args`}{A named list, additional arguments passed directly
# '         to the solver function, see the pages of the solver to see which
# '         arguments the solver function has. For example:
# '        `list(offset = 0.01)` offset the parameters from their boundaries
# '         when `solver = "grid"`.
# '        `list(nsteps = 10)` uses 10 steps for each parameter in the regular
# '         grid, for `solver = "grid"`), `list(nbest = 3)` uses the 3 best
# '         parameter sets from the grid search as starting values in a
# '         grid-plus-optimization solver, for `solver = c("grid", "xxx")`.
# '         `list(control = )` control arguments in the solver
# '          [solnp](Rsolnp::solnp()) and the
# '          [ROI solvers](}
# ' }
JanaJarecki/cogscimodels documentation built on Nov. 4, 2022, 5:33 p.m.