This package is desinged to do data analysis from MOVES2014a/b output. Currently, there are 5 funcitons available in this package.

1. move_data_summary

This function will read your design sheet, access all the database related to emissions in this design sheet, extract the data, and combine in one table. It will also do this "SELECT countyID, yearID, pollutantID, sourcetypeID, sum(emissionQuant) FROM movesoutput group by countyID, sourceTypeID, pollutantID" for each scenario (county, year), and save the county table as csv file.

2. move_VI_summary

This function will read your design sheet, access all the database related to vehicle information in this design sheet, extract the data, and combine in one table. It will also do this "SELECT countyID, yearID, activityTypeID, sourcetypeID, sum(activity) FROM movesactivityoutput group by countyID, sourceTypeID, activityTypeID" for each scenario (county, year), and save the county table as csv file.

3. county_level_map

This funciton will read the move output data or vehilce information data and make a map


4. county_level_stackbar

This funciton will read the move output data or vehilce information data and make a stacked bar plot for each county by source type

2025_nox_emission 2025_nox_percent

5. pieplot

This funciton will read the move output data or vehilce information data and make piechart as county composition


JiaoyanHuang/MOVESdata documentation built on May 14, 2019, 4:07 a.m.