

#' Creates the plots from the CnvGSAOutput data.
#' @param cnvGSA.in A CnvGSAInput S4 object.
#' @param cnvGSA.out A CnvGSAOutput S4 object.
#' @return Creates the plots to better understand the output.
#' @examples
#' ## See vignette for full details and worked example

# f.makeViz(cnvGSA.in,cnvGSA.out)

f.makeViz <- function(cnvGSA.in,cnvGSA.out)
    t <- Sys.time()
    timestamp <- strftime(t,"%Y%m%d%Hh%Mm%S")
    vizData <- list(cnvGSA.in@gsData.ls$gs_all.ls,cnvGSA.out@res.ls,cnvGSA.in@cnvData.ls$cnv.df,cnvGSA.in@phData.ls$ph_TYPE.df)
    names(vizData) <- list("gs_all.ls","res.ls","cnv.df","ph_TYPE.df")
    setwd (cnvGSA.in@config.ls$outputPath)
    config.df <- cnvGSA.in@config.ls$config.df
    Kl            <- config.df[config.df$param == "Kl","value"]
    gsList        <- config.df[config.df$param == "gsList","value"]
    cnvType       <- config.df[config.df$param == "cnvType","value"]
    outputPathViz <- config.df[config.df$param == "outputPathViz","value"]
    labelSize     <- as.numeric(config.df[config.df$param == "labelSize","value"])
    plotHeight    <- as.numeric(config.df[config.df$param == "plotHeight","value"])
    FDRThreshold  <- as.numeric(config.df[config.df$param == "FDRThreshold","value"])
    correctionViz <- gsub(" ","",unlist(strsplit(config.df[config.df$param == "correctionViz","value"],",")),fixed=TRUE)
    if (Kl == "")            {Kl <- "ALL"}
    if (is.na(FDRThreshold)) {FDRThreshold <- 0.1}
    if (is.na(plotHeight))   {plotHeight <- 13}
    if (is.na(labelSize))    {labelSize <- 0.7}
    if(length(correctionViz) == 0) {correctionViz <- gsub(" ","",unlist(strsplit(config.df[config.df$param == "corrections","value"],",")),fixed=TRUE)} # just assign value from general parameters GP20171012
    res.ls    <- vizData$res.ls
    if ( Kl == "YES") { gsID.chv  <- get(paste("covAll_chipAll_",cnvType,"_KLy.df",sep=""),res.ls)$GsID }
    if ( Kl == "NO")  { gsID.chv  <- get(paste("covAll_chipAll_",cnvType,"_KLn.df",sep=""),res.ls)$GsID }
    if ( Kl == "ALL") { gsID.chv  <- get(paste("covAll_chipAll_",cnvType,"_KLy.df",sep=""),res.ls)$GsID }
    if (gsList != ""){
        gsList <- gsub(" ","",unlist(strsplit(readLines(gsList),",")),fixed=TRUE)
        gsList <- gsList[gsList %in% gsID.chv]
        cat("Only using gene-sets that are in the $res.ls data frames.")
        stop("No genes to plot. Check the gene-set list you are using.")
    if (length(gsList) == 0){
        stop("No valid genes to plot. Please check that gene-sets are in the $res.ls data frames.")
    gs_all.ls <- vizData$gs_all.ls
    cnv.df    <- vizData$cnv.df
    if (length(gsList) == 0){
        stop("No gene-sets in gsList.")
    gs_len.nv <- sapply (gs_all.ls, length)
    setwd (outputPathViz)
    cat(paste("Changing directory to ",outputPathViz,sep=""))
    # 1.
    z_set.gsid   <- gsList
    z_olp.n      <- length (z_set.gsid)
    z_olp.mx     <- matrix (data = NA, ncol = z_olp.n, nrow = z_olp.n, dimnames = list (z_set.gsid, z_set.gsid))
    # finding how many common gsList there are between the gene sets
    for (i in 1: z_olp.n)
        for (j in 1: z_olp.n)
            zi.gid <- gs_all.ls[[z_set.gsid[i]]]; zj.gid <- gs_all.ls[[z_set.gsid[j]]]
            z_olp.mx[i, j] <- length (intersect (zi.gid, zj.gid)) / length (zi.gid) * 100
    rm (i, j)
    z_olp.df <- as.data.frame(z_olp.mx)
    z_olp.df <- cbind(GeneSets = row.names(z_olp.df),z_olp.df)
    row.names(z_olp.df) <- NULL
    write.table (z_olp.df, col.names = T, row.names = F, sep = "\t", quote = F, file = paste("GsOverlap_",timestamp,".txt",sep=""))
    z_set.gsid   <- gsList
    z_set.labels <- paste (z_set.gsid, gs_len.nv[z_set.gsid], sep = ": ")
    if (Kl == "ALL"){
        z_set1.col      <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2.col      <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_U.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_U.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_TL.col   <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_TL.col   <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_CNML.col <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_CNML.col <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        resObjectKly 	<- get(paste("covAll_chipAll_",cnvType,"_KLy.df",sep=""),res.ls)
        resObjectKln 	<- get(paste("covAll_chipAll_",cnvType,"_KLn.df",sep=""),res.ls)
        z_set1.df    	<- resObjectKly[match (z_set.gsid, resObjectKly$GsID), ]
        z_set2.df    	<- resObjectKln[match (z_set.gsid, resObjectKln$GsID), ]
        height_U.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Pvalue_U_dev_s, z_set2.df$Pvalue_U_dev_s), nrow = 2, byrow = T)
        height_c.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Coeff, z_set2.df$Coeff), nrow = 2, byrow = T)
        height_Uc.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Coeff_U, z_set2.df$Coeff_U), nrow = 2, byrow = T)
        height_TLc.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Coeff_TL, z_set2.df$Coeff_TL), nrow = 2, byrow = T)
        height_CNMLc.mx <- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Coeff_CNML, z_set2.df$Coeff_CNML), nrow = 2, byrow = T)
        z_set1.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH			 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        z_set2.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH 			 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown" 
        z_set1_U.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_U 		 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        z_set2_U.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_U 		 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown" 
        z_set1_TL.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_TL 	 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        z_set2_TL.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_TL 	 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown" 
        z_set1_CNML.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_CNML <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        z_set2_CNML.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_CNML <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown" 
        border.vc 	    <- c (z_set1.col, z_set2.col)
        border_U.vc 	<- c (z_set1_U.col, z_set2_U.col)
        border_TL.vc 	<- c (z_set1_TL.col, z_set2_TL.col)
        border_CNML.vc 	<- c (z_set1_CNML.col, z_set2_CNML.col)
        nc.vc 		    <- z_set1.col
        nc_U.vc 		<- z_set1_U.col
        nc_TL.vc 		<- z_set1_TL.col
        nc_CNML.vc 		<- z_set1_CNML.col
    } else if (Kl == "YES"){
        z_set1.col      <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_U.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_TL.col   <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_CNML.col <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        resObjectKly 	<- get(paste("covAll_chipAll_",cnvType,"_KLy.df",sep=""),res.ls)
        z_set1.df    	<- resObjectKly[match (z_set.gsid, resObjectKly$GsID), ]
        height_U.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Pvalue_U_dev_s), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_c.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Coeff), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_Uc.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Coeff_U), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_TLc.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Coeff_TL), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_CNMLc.mx <- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Coeff_CNML), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        z_set1.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH			 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border.vc 	    <- c (z_set1.col)
        z_set1_U.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_U 		 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_U.vc		<- c (z_set1_U.col)
        z_set1_TL.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_TL	 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_TL.vc 	<- c (z_set1_TL.col)
        z_set1_CNML.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_CNML <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_CNML.vc 	<- c (z_set1_CNML.col)
        nc.vc 		    <- z_set1.col
        nc_U.vc 		<- z_set1_U.col
        nc_TL.vc 		<- z_set1_TL.col
        nc_CNML.vc 		<- z_set1_CNML.col
    } else if (Kl == "NO"){
        z_set2.col      <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_U.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_TL.col   <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_CNML.col <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        resObjectKln 	<- get(paste("covAll_chipAll_",cnvType,"_KLn.df",sep=""),res.ls)
        z_set2.df    	<- resObjectKln[match (z_set.gsid, resObjectKln$GsID), ]
        height_U.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set2.df$Pvalue_U_dev_s), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_c.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set2.df$Coeff), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_Uc.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set2.df$Coeff_U), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_TLc.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set2.df$Coeff_TL), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_CNMLc.mx <- matrix (data = c (z_set2.df$Coeff_CNML), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        z_set2.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH			 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border.vc 	    <- c (z_set2.col)
        z_set2_U.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_U		 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_U.vc 	<- c (z_set2_U.col)
        z_set2_TL.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_TL 	 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_TL.vc 	<- c (z_set2_TL.col)
        z_set2_CNML.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_CNML <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_CNML.vc 	<- c (z_set2_CNML.col)
        nc.vc 		    <- z_set2.col
        nc_U.vc 		<- z_set2_U.col
        nc_TL.vc 		<- z_set2_TL.col
        nc_CNML.vc 		<- z_set2_CNML.col
    # if ("no_corr" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz || length(correctionViz) == 0){#GP20171012
    if ("no_corr" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz){
        rangeVals <- range(height_c.mx, na.rm=TRUE,finite=TRUE)
        rangeVals[1] <- min(0,rangeVals[1])
        rangeVals[2] <- ceiling(rangeVals[2])
        par (mar = c (plotHeight, 4, 4, 2), mgp=c(3,1,0), lwd = 2)
        barplot (
            main = paste(cnvType,": Effect Size",sep=""),
            height = height_c.mx,
            names.arg = z_set.labels, ylim = rangeVals, cex.names = labelSize,
            beside = T, las = 2, col = rep (c ("gray60", "gray90"), times = length (z_set.labels)), 
            border = as.character (matrix (data = border.vc, ncol = length (nc.vc), byrow = T)),
            ylab = "Coeff")
    # if ("uni_gc" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz || length(correctionViz) == 0){#GP20171012
    if ("uni_gc" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz){
        rangeVals_U <- range(height_Uc.mx, na.rm=TRUE,finite=TRUE)
        rangeVals_U[1] <- min(0,rangeVals_U[1])
        rangeVals_U[2] <- ceiling(rangeVals_U[2])
        par (mar = c (plotHeight, 4, 4, 2), mgp=c(3,1,0), lwd = 2)
        barplot (
            main = paste(cnvType,": Effect Size: U",sep=""),
            height = height_Uc.mx,
            names.arg = z_set.labels, ylim = rangeVals_U, cex.names = labelSize,
            beside = T, las = 2, col = rep (c ("gray60", "gray90"), times = length (z_set.labels)), 
            border = as.character (matrix (data = border_U.vc, ncol = length (nc_U.vc), byrow = T)),
            ylab = "Coeff_U")
    # if ("tot_l" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz || length(correctionViz) == 0){#GP20171012
    if ("tot_l" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz) {
        rangeVals_TL <- range(height_TLc.mx, na.rm=TRUE,finite=TRUE)
        rangeVals_TL[1] <- min(0,rangeVals_TL[1])
        rangeVals_TL[2] <- ceiling(rangeVals_TL[2])
        par (mar = c (plotHeight, 4, 4, 2), mgp=c(3,1,0), lwd = 2)
        barplot (
            main = paste(cnvType,": Effect Size: TL",sep=""),
            height = height_TLc.mx,
            names.arg = z_set.labels, ylim = rangeVals_TL, cex.names = labelSize,
            beside = T, las = 2, col = rep (c ("gray60", "gray90"), times = length (z_set.labels)), 
            border = as.character (matrix (data = border_TL.vc, ncol = length (nc_TL.vc), byrow = T)),
            ylab = "Coeff_TL")
    # if ("cnvn_ml" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz || length(correctionViz) == 0){#GP20171012
    if ("cnvn_ml" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz){
        rangeVals_CNML <- range(height_CNMLc.mx, na.rm=TRUE,finite=TRUE)
        rangeVals_CNML[1] <- min(0,rangeVals_CNML[1])
        rangeVals_CNML[2] <- ceiling(rangeVals_CNML[2])
        par (mar = c (plotHeight, 4, 4, 2), mgp=c(3,1,0), lwd = 2)
        barplot (
            main = paste(cnvType,": Effect Size: CNML",sep=""),
            height = height_CNMLc.mx,
            names.arg = z_set.labels, ylim = rangeVals_CNML, cex.names = labelSize,
            beside = T, las = 2, col = rep (c ("gray60", "gray90"), times = length (z_set.labels)), 
            border = as.character (matrix (data = border_CNML.vc, ncol = length (nc_CNML.vc), byrow = T)),
            ylab = "Coeff_CNML")
    z_set.gsid   <- gsList
    z_set.labels <- paste (z_set.gsid, gs_len.nv[z_set.gsid], sep = ": ")
    z_col.names  <- c ("CASE_g1n", "CTRL_g1n", "CASE_g2n", "CTRL_g2n", "CASE_g3n", "CTRL_g3n")
    par (mar = c (plotHeight, 4, 4, 2), mgp=c(3,1,0), lwd = 1)
    if (Kl == "ALL"){
        height_s.mx <- rbind (t (z_set1.df[, z_col.names]), t (z_set2.df[, z_col.names]))
    } else if (Kl == "YES"){
        height_s.mx <- t (z_set1.df[, z_col.names])
    } else if (Kl == "NO"){
        height_s.mx <- t (z_set2.df[, z_col.names])
    rangeVals_s <- range(height_s.mx, na.rm=TRUE,finite=TRUE)
    rangeVals_s[1] <- min(0,rangeVals_s[1])
    rangeVals_s[2] <- ceiling(rangeVals_s[2])
    barplot (
        main = paste(cnvType,": Support",sep=""),
        height = height_s.mx,
        names.arg = z_set.labels, ylim = rangeVals_s, cex.names = labelSize, 
        beside = T, las = 2, col = rep (c ("salmon", "skyblue"), times = length (z_set.labels)), 
        border = "gray30",
        ylab = "CASE and CTRL subject %")
    z_set.gsid     <- gsList
    z_set.labels   <- paste (z_set.gsid, gs_len.nv[z_set.gsid], sep = ": ")
    if (Kl == "ALL"){
        z_set1.col      <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2.col      <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_U.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_U.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_TL.col   <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_TL.col   <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_CNML.col <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_CNML.col <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        height.mx 		<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Pvalue_dev_s, z_set2.df$Pvalue_dev_s), nrow = 2, byrow = T)
        height_U.mx    	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Pvalue_U_dev_s, z_set2.df$Pvalue_U_dev_s), nrow = 2, byrow = T)
        height_TL.mx   	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Pvalue_TL_dev_s, z_set2.df$Pvalue_TL_dev_s), nrow = 2, byrow = T)
        height_CNML.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Pvalue_CNML_dev_s, z_set2.df$Pvalue_CNML_dev_s), nrow = 2, byrow = T)
        z_set1.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH			 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        z_set2.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH 			 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown" 
        z_set1_U.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_U		 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        z_set2_U.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_U		 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown" 
        z_set1_TL.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_TL	 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        z_set2_TL.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_TL 	 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown" 
        z_set1_CNML.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_CNML <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        z_set2_CNML.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_CNML <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown" 
        border.vc 	    <- c (z_set1.col, z_set2.col)
        border_U.vc 	<- c (z_set1_U.col, z_set2_U.col)
        border_TL.vc 	<- c (z_set1_TL.col, z_set2_TL.col)
        border_CNML.vc 	<- c (z_set1_CNML.col, z_set2_CNML.col)
        nc.vc 		    <- z_set1.col
        nc_U.vc 		<- z_set1_U.col
        nc_TL.vc 		<- z_set1_TL.col
        nc_CNML.vc 		<- z_set1_CNML.col
    } else if (Kl == "YES"){
        z_set1.col      <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_U.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_TL.col   <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set1_CNML.col <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        height.mx 		<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Pvalue_dev_s), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_U.mx    	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Pvalue_U_dev_s), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_TL.mx   	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Pvalue_TL_dev_s), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_CNML.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set1.df$Pvalue_CNML_dev_s), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        z_set1.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH			 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border.vc 	    <- c (z_set1.col)
        z_set1_U.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_U		 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_U.vc 	<- c (z_set1_U.col)
        z_set1_TL.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_TL	 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_TL.vc 	<- c (z_set1_TL.col)
        z_set1_CNML.col[which (z_set1.df$FDR_BH_CNML <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_CNML.vc 	<- c (z_set1_CNML.col)
        nc.vc 		    <- z_set1.col
        nc_U.vc 		<- z_set1_U.col
        nc_TL.vc 		<- z_set1_TL.col
        nc_CNML.vc 		<- z_set1_CNML.col
    } else if (Kl == "NO"){
        z_set2.col      <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_U.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_TL.col   <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2_CNML.col <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        height.mx 		<- matrix (data = c (z_set2.df$Pvalue_dev_s), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_U.mx    	<- matrix (data = c (z_set2.df$Pvalue_U_dev_s), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_TL.mx   	<- matrix (data = c (z_set2.df$Pvalue_TL_dev_s), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        height_CNML.mx 	<- matrix (data = c (z_set2.df$Pvalue_CNML_dev_s), nrow = 1, byrow = T)
        z_set2.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH			 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border.vc 	    <- c (z_set2.col)
        z_set2_U.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_U		 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_U.vc 	<- c (z_set2_U.col)
        z_set2_TL.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_TL	 <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_TL.vc 	<- c (z_set2_TL.col)
        z_set2_CNML.col[which (z_set2.df$FDR_BH_CNML <= FDRThreshold)] <- "brown"
        border_CNML.vc 	<- c (z_set2_CNML.col)
        nc.vc 		    <- z_set2.col
        nc_U.vc 		<- z_set2_U.col
        nc_TL.vc 		<- z_set2_TL.col
        nc_CNML.vc 		<- z_set2_CNML.col
    min.n <- min (c (min (height_U.mx), min (height_TL.mx), min (height_CNML.mx)))
    max.n <- max (c (max (height_U.mx), max (height_TL.mx), max (height_CNML.mx)))
    if ("no_corr" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz || length(correctionViz) == 0){
        rangeVals <- range(height.mx, na.rm=TRUE,finite=TRUE)
        rangeVals[1] <- min(0,rangeVals[1])
        rangeVals[2] <- ceiling(rangeVals[2])
        z_set1.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        par (mar = c (plotHeight, 4, 4, 2), mgp=c(3,1,0), lwd = 2)
        barplot (
            main = paste(cnvType,": Compare Significance:",sep=""),
            height = height.mx,
            names.arg = z_set.labels, ylim = rangeVals, cex.names = labelSize,
            beside = T, las = 2, col = rep (c ("gray60", "gray90"), times = length (z_set.labels)), 
            border = as.character (matrix (data = border.vc, ncol = length (nc.vc), byrow = T)),
            ylab = "-Log (Dev P-value) * sign (Coeff)")
    if ("uni_gc" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz || length(correctionViz) == 0){
        rangeVals_U <- range(height_U.mx, na.rm=TRUE,finite=TRUE)
        rangeVals_U[1] <- min(0,rangeVals_U[1])
        rangeVals_U[2] <- ceiling(rangeVals_U[2])
        z_set1.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        z_set2.col    <- rep ("gray30", length (z_set.gsid))
        par (mar = c (plotHeight, 4, 4, 2), mgp=c(3,1,0), lwd = 2)
        barplot (
            main = paste(cnvType,": Compare Significance: U",sep=""),
            height = height_U.mx,
            names.arg = z_set.labels, ylim = rangeVals_U, cex.names = labelSize,
            beside = T, las = 2, col = rep (c ("gray60", "gray90"), times = length (z_set.labels)), 
            border = as.character (matrix (data = border_U.vc, ncol = length (nc_U.vc), byrow = T)),
            ylab = "-Log (Dev P-value) * sign (Coeff)")
    if ("tot_l" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz || length(correctionViz) == 0){
        rangeVals_TL <- range(height_TL.mx, na.rm=TRUE,finite=TRUE)
        rangeVals_TL[1] <- min(0,rangeVals_TL[1])
        rangeVals_TL[2] <- ceiling(rangeVals_TL[2])
        par (mar = c (plotHeight, 4, 4, 2), mgp=c(3,1,0), lwd = 2)
        barplot (
            main = paste(cnvType,": Compare Significance: TL",sep=""),
            height = height_TL.mx,
            names.arg = z_set.labels, ylim = rangeVals_TL, cex.names = labelSize,
            beside = T, las = 2, col = rep (c ("gray60", "gray90"), times = length (z_set.labels)), 
            border = as.character (matrix (data = border_TL.vc, ncol = length (nc_TL.vc), byrow = T)),
            ylab = "-Log (Dev P-value) * sign (Coeff)")
    if ("cnvn_ml" %in% correctionViz || "ALL" %in% correctionViz || length(correctionViz) == 0){
        rangeVals_CNML <- range(height_CNML.mx, na.rm=TRUE,finite=TRUE)
        rangeVals_CNML[1] <- min(0,rangeVals_CNML[1])
        rangeVals_CNML[2] <- ceiling(rangeVals_CNML[2])
        par (mar = c (plotHeight, 4, 4, 2), mgp=c(3,1,0), lwd = 2)
        barplot (
            main = paste(cnvType,": Compare Significance: CNML",sep=""),
            height = height_CNML.mx,
            names.arg = z_set.labels, ylim = rangeVals_CNML, cex.names = labelSize,
            beside = T, las = 2, col = rep (c ("gray60", "gray90"), times = length (z_set.labels)), 
            border = as.character (matrix (data = border_CNML.vc, ncol = length (nc_CNML.vc), byrow = T)),
            ylab = "-Log (Dev P-value) * sign (Coeff)")
JoeLugo/cnvGSA documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:55 p.m.