
Defines functions lookup_IGerM_category na_vars_switch apply_attr_types lookup_attr_types lookup_attrs string_to_as apply_var_types lookup_var_types lookup_var_complete_names lookup_vars lookup_everything

Documented in apply_attr_types apply_var_types lookup_attrs lookup_attr_types lookup_everything lookup_IGerM_category lookup_var_complete_names lookup_vars lookup_var_types

#' @name sdsdecoding
#' @title sdsanalysis decoding functions
#' @description 
#' SDS traditionally provides a set of predefined values for each variable. 
#' That's not just convenience: It theoretically also allows for a high degree of 
#' comparability between different datasets. This predefined values/categories are 
#' encoded with a simple and minimalistic alphanumerical scheme. That's a 
#' technological rudiment both from the time when the systems that served SDS as 
#' an inspiration were created and when most stone tool analysis was made without 
#' a computer in reach.
#' The encoding has the big disadvantage that it's not immediately human readable.
#' If you try to understand a SDS dataset you're forced to constantly look up new 
#' variables in the 
#' \href{https://github.com/Johanna-Mestorf-Academy/sdsbrowser#references}{SDS publications}. 
#' That makes it very difficult to get a fast overview.
#' sdsanalysis offers functions to quickly decode the cryptic codes in the SDS 
#' tables and replace them with human readable descriptions. This is implemented 
#' with hash tables to enable high-speed transformation even for datasets with 
#' thousands of artefacts. The hash tables are compiled from two reference tables for 
#' \href{https://github.com/Johanna-Mestorf-Academy/sdsanalysis/blob/master/data-raw/variable_list.csv}{variables}
#' and 
#' \href{https://github.com/Johanna-Mestorf-Academy/sdsanalysis/blob/master/data-raw/variable_values_list.csv}{variable values}. 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{\link{lookup_everything}}: Wizard function. Enter a 
#'   \href{https://github.com/Johanna-Mestorf-Academy/sdsbrowser#a-new-dataset}{SDS data.frame}
#'   and receive a decoded version. This function employs the ones below and some more
#'   helpers to make the decoding process as simple as possible}
#'   \item{\code{\link{lookup_vars}}: 
#'     \strong{In:} character vector with variable IDs (e.g. \emph{FB1_23, FB2_56})
#'     \strong{Out:} character vector with short variable names (\emph{menge_rinde, dorsal_praep})
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{\link{lookup_var_complete_names}}: 
#'     \strong{In:} character vector with short variable names (\emph{menge_rinde, dorsal_praep})
#'     \strong{Out:} character vector with long variable names  
#'     (e.g. \emph{Art der Dorsalflaechenpraeparation, Menge der Rinde und natuerlichen Sprungflaeche}) 
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{\link{lookup_var_types}}: 
#'     \strong{In:} character vector with short variable names (\emph{menge_rinde, dorsal_praep})
#'     \strong{Out:} character vector with variable data types (e.g. \emph{character, numeric})
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{\link{apply_var_types}}: 
#'     \strong{In:} encoded variable vector (SDS data.frame column) + respective variable short name
#'     \strong{Out:} encoded variable vector with corrected data type
#'   } 
#'   \emph{apply} instead of \emph{lookup}, because in this case the result of an other lookup is 
#'   used to manipulate the input vector.
#'   \item{\code{\link{lookup_attrs}}: 
#'     \strong{In:} encoded variable vector (SDS data.frame column) + respective variable short name
#'     \strong{Out:} decoded variable vector
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{\link{lookup_attr_types}}: 
#'     \strong{In:} encoded variable vector (SDS data.frame column) + respective variable short name
#'     \strong{Out:} character vector with semantic type (e.g. \emph{normal, unknown})
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{\link{apply_attr_types}}: 
#'     \strong{In:} encoded variable vector (SDS data.frame column) + respective variable short name
#'     \strong{Out:} encoded variable vector with the correct values set to NA based on the semantic 
#'     type
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{\link{lookup_IGerM_category}}: 
#'     \strong{In:} decoded IGerM vector
#'     \strong{Out:} IGerM category or subcategory vector 
#'   }
#' }
#' @rdname sdsdecoding
#' @param sds_df Dataframe. Data.frame in SDS standard format.
#' @param var_ids Character Vector. Variable IDs.
#' @param var_short_names Character Vector. Variable short names.
#' @param var_short_name Character. Variable short name.
#' @param var_data Vector. Variable data. 
#' @param igerm_data Character vector. IGerM character codes in data.
#' @param subcategory Boolean. Should the function return IGerM subcategories 
#' instead of categories?

#' @rdname sdsdecoding
#' @export
lookup_everything <- function(sds_df) {
  res <- sds_df
  # decode variable names
  names(res) <- sdsanalysis::lookup_vars(names(res))
  # replace NA attributes based on attribute type
  res <- purrr::map2_df(
    .f = sdsanalysis::apply_attr_types
  # decode attributes
  res <- purrr::map2_df(
    .f = sdsanalysis::lookup_attrs
  # fix variable types
  res <- purrr::map2_df(
    .f = sdsanalysis::apply_var_types

#' @rdname sdsdecoding
#' @export
lookup_vars <- function(var_ids) {

  res <- var_ids 
  # check which variables can be looked up
  vars_in_hash <- var_ids %in% hash::keys(var_hash)
  # if none can be looked up than the input is returned
  if (!any(vars_in_hash)) {
  # lookup for variables in hash
  res[vars_in_hash] <- hash::values(var_hash, var_ids[vars_in_hash])

#' @rdname sdsdecoding
#' @export
lookup_var_complete_names <- function(var_short_names) {

  var_complete_name <- var_short_names
  # check which variables can be looked up
  var_in_hash <- var_short_names %in% hash::keys(var_hash_complete_name)
  # lookup complete name for variable in hash
  var_complete_name[var_in_hash] <- hash::values(var_hash_complete_name, var_short_names[var_in_hash])

#' @rdname sdsdecoding
#' @export
lookup_var_types <- function(var_short_names) {
  var_type <- rep(NA, length(var_short_names))
  # check which variables can be looked up
  var_in_hash <- var_short_names %in% hash::keys(var_hash_type)
  # lookup type for variable in hash
  var_type[var_in_hash] <- hash::values(var_hash_type, var_short_names[var_in_hash])

#' @rdname sdsdecoding
#' @export
apply_var_types <- function(var_data, var_short_name) {
  res <- var_data
  # lookup type for variable in hash
  var_type <- lookup_var_types(var_short_name)
  # get trans function
  var_trans_function <- string_to_as(var_type)
  # transform variable, if trans function is available
  if (!is.null(var_trans_function)) {
    res <- var_trans_function(res)

# map type string to as.x function
string_to_as <- function(x) {
    "integer" = as.numeric,
    "double" = as.numeric,
    "factor" = as.factor,
    "character" = as.character,

#' @rdname sdsdecoding
#' @export
lookup_attrs <- function(var_data, var_short_name) {
  res <- var_data 
  # check if there is a hash for this variable
  if (!(var_short_name %in% hash::keys(attr_hash))) {
  # get relevant hash for var_short_name
  var_hash <- hash::values(attr_hash, var_short_name)[[1]]
  # check which variables can be looked up
  attr_in_hash <- var_data %in% hash::keys(var_hash)
  # if none can be looked up than the input is returned
  if (!any(attr_in_hash)) {
  # lookup for variables in hash
  res[attr_in_hash] <- hash::values(var_hash, var_data[attr_in_hash])

#' @rdname sdsdecoding
#' @export
lookup_attr_types <- function(var_data, var_short_name) {
  res <- var_data 
  # check if there is a hash for this variable
  if (!(var_short_name %in% hash::keys(attr_hash_type))) {
  # get relevant hash for var_short_name
  var_hash <- hash::values(attr_hash_type, var_short_name)[[1]]
  # check which variables can be looked up
  attr_in_hash <- var_data %in% hash::keys(var_hash)
  # if none can be looked up than the input is returned
  if (!any(attr_in_hash)) {
  # lookup for variables in hash
  res[attr_in_hash] <- hash::values(var_hash, var_data[attr_in_hash])

#' @rdname sdsdecoding
#' @export
apply_attr_types <- function(var_data, var_short_name) {
  res <- var_data
  # lookup type for variable in hash
  attr_types <- lookup_attr_types(var_data, var_short_name)
  # get replacement vector
  replacement_vector <- unlist(purrr::map2(attr_types, var_data, na_vars_switch))
  # transform variable
  res <- replacement_vector

# map attr type string to as.x function
na_vars_switch <- function(attr_type, value) {
    "normal" = value,
    "unknown" = NA,
    "absent" = NA,
    "cat_in_num" = NA,

#' @rdname sdsdecoding
#' @export
lookup_IGerM_category <- function(igerm_data, subcategory = FALSE) {
  cat_hash <- IGerM_category_hash
  if (subcategory) {
    cat_hash <- IGerM_subcategory_hash
  res <- igerm_data
  # check which variables can be looked up
  attr_in_hash <- res %in% hash::keys(cat_hash)
  # if none can be looked up than the input is returned
  if (!any(attr_in_hash)) {
  # lookup for variables in hash
  res[attr_in_hash] <- hash::values(cat_hash, res[attr_in_hash])
Johanna-Mestorf-Academy/sdsanalysis documentation built on March 19, 2024, 1:32 p.m.