SpaceX - An R API wrapper for the SpaceX project

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable
state and is being actively


Until now the package is not on CRAN but you can download it via GitHub with the following command:

if (!require("devtools"))


The R-package SpaceX is an API wrapper for data collected by (version v3). You can request available data with different functions:

| Function name | Description | Example | |---------------------------|----------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------| | get_SpaceX_capsules() | request information on capsules | get_SpaceX_capsules(“upcoming”) | | get_SpaceX_cores() | request information on cores | get_SpaceX_cores(core_serial = “B1037”) | | get_SpaceX_dragons() | request information on dragon capsules | get_SpaceX_dragons(“dragon1”) | | get_SpaceX_history() | request information on SpaceX history | get_SpaceX_history() | | get_SpaceX_info() | request common information on SpaceX | get_SpaceX_info() | | get_SpaceX_landpads() | request information on landpads | get_SpaceX_landpads(id = “LZ-4”) | | get_SpaceX_launches() | request information on launches | get_SpaceX_launches(launch_year = 2020) | | get_SpaceX_launchpads() | request information on launchpads | get_SpaceX_launchpads(site_id = “ksc_lc_39a”) | | get_SpaceX_missions() | request information on missions | get_SpaceX_missions() | | get_SpaceX_payloads() | request information on payloads | get_SpaceX_payloads() | | get_SpaceX_rockets() | request information on rockets | get_SpaceX_rockets(“falcon1”) | | get_SpaceX_ships() | request information on ships | get_SpaceX_ships() | | get_SpaceX_roadster() | request information on SpaceX roadster | get_SpaceX_roadster() |

Request basic information from SpaceX API

First we load some needed packages. The function get_SpaceX_info() will deliver some information about the company.


info <- get_SpaceX_info()
name founder founded employees vehicles launch\_sites test\_sites SpaceX Elon Musk 2002 7000 3 3 1

Request upcoming starts

upcoming <- get_SpaceX_launches("upcoming")
flight\_number mission\_name mission\_id launch\_year launch\_date\_unix launch\_date\_utc launch\_date\_local is\_tentative tentative\_max\_precision 1 110 CRS-21 EE86F74 2020 1607271420 2020-12-06T16:17:00.000Z 2020-12-06T11:17:00-05:00 FALSE hour 2 110 SXM-7 2020 1607880600 2020-12-13T17:30:00.000Z 2020-12-13T12:30:00-05:00 FALSE hour NA NA NA NULL NA NA NA NA NA NA

Play around with data

get_SpaceX_launches() %>% 
ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(aes(launch_year, fill = launch_site$site_name)) +
  facet_grid(rocket$rocket_name~launch_success, scales = "free_x") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") + 
  scale_fill_discrete(name = "Launch Site") +
  labs(x = "Year", y = "Counts") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom",
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

Now we request some data about the used rockets. This can be done with the function get_SpaceX_rockets().

rockets <- get_SpaceX_rockets()
id active stages boosters cost\_per\_launch success\_rate\_pct first\_flight country company 1 FALSE 2 0 6.7e+06 40 2006-03-24 Republic of the Marshall Islands SpaceX 2 TRUE 2 0 5.0e+07 97 2010-06-04 United States SpaceX 3 TRUE 2 2 9.0e+07 100 2018-02-06 United States SpaceX 4 FALSE 2 0 7.0e+06 0 2021-12-01 United States SpaceX

Stats 2020

stats_2020 <- get_SpaceX_launches(launch_year = 2020)
launchpads <- get_SpaceX_launchpads()


leaflet(launchpads) %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap) %>% 
  addTiles() %>%  
  addMarkers(~location$long, ~location$lat, popup = ~htmltools::htmlEscape(location$name))


missions <- get_SpaceX_missions()
mission\_name mission\_id manufacturers Thaicom 9D1B7E0 Orbital ATK Telstar F4F83DE SSL Iridium NEXT F3364BF Orbital ATK Commercial Resupply Services EE86F74 SpaceX SES 6C42550 Orbital ATK , Boeing , Airbus Defence and Space JCSAT FE3533D SSL AsiaSat 593B499 SSL Orbcomm OG2 CE91D46 Sierra Nevada Corporation ABS 2CF444A Boeing Eutelsat F7709F2 Boeing

SpaceX support ships

ship <- get_SpaceX_ships(active = "true")
ship\_id ship\_name ship\_model ship\_type roles active imo GOMSCHIEF GO Ms Chief NA High Speed Craft Fairing Recovery TRUE 9744453 GOMSTREE GO Ms Tree NA High Speed Craft Fairing Recovery TRUE 9744465 GONAVIGATOR GO Navigator NA Cargo Support Ship , Fairing Recovery TRUE 9566887 GOQUEST GO Quest NA Cargo Support Ship TRUE 1155515

Related projects

JohannesFriedrich/SpaceX documentation built on Jan. 5, 2021, 1:57 a.m.