
# FUNCTION 3. To calculate effect of the wind on flight speed of the bird. Alternative 1 (user inputs x,y,z components of wind speed and the function, TAS, calculates true airspeed)

#' True airspeed (alternative 1)
#' This function is the first function for evaluating the effect of wind on flight speed.
#' It calculates true airspeed from user-defined x,y,z- windspeed components.

#' @param FlightSpeedComponents Components of speed of flight
#' @param WindSpeed.x x-compenent of speed of wind
#' @param WindSpeed.y y-compenent of speed of wind
#' @param WindSpeed.z z-compenent of speed of wind
#' @details If x,y,z-components of wind speed are not given, flight speed obtained from \code{FlightSpeedComponents}
#' is assumed as true airspeed.

#' @return True airspeed
#' @examples
#' x <- c(1:5)
#' y <- c(1:5)
#' z <- c(1:5)
#' t <- c(1:5)
#' wx <- seq(0.05,1,length.out=5)
#' wy <- seq(0.06,1.2,length.out=5)
#' wz <- seq(0.07,1.5,length.out=5)
#' FS.Components <- FlightSpeedComponents(t,x,y,z)
#' # When wind speed components are not given
#' T.airspeed <- TrueAirSpeed1(FS.Components)
#'# When wind speed components are given
#' T.airspeed <- TrueAirSpeed1(FS.Components, wx, wy, wz)
#' @export

TrueAirSpeed1 = function(FlightSpeedComponents, WindSpeed.x, WindSpeed.y, WindSpeed.z){
  FlightSpeed.x = FlightSpeedComponents$FlightSpeed.x
  FlightSpeed.y = FlightSpeedComponents$FlightSpeed.y
  FlightSpeed.z = FlightSpeedComponents$FlightSpeed.z
  if(missing(WindSpeed.x))   WindSpeed.x = 0;
  if(missing(WindSpeed.y))   WindSpeed.y = 0;
  if(missing(WindSpeed.z))   WindSpeed.z = 0;
  WindSpeed.total = sqrt((WindSpeed.x^2 + WindSpeed.y^2 + WindSpeed.z^2))
  TAS = sqrt((FlightSpeed.x + WindSpeed.x)^2 + (FlightSpeed.y + WindSpeed.y)^2 + (FlightSpeed.z + WindSpeed.z)^2)
  vuframe = data.frame(TAS)
Josephine-Tetteh/FlightSim-updates documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:26 a.m.